Daomu Biji

Snake Swamp Ghost City (Part 2) Chapter 21 Ghost City

An Ning is very strange. Asked: "Why?"

Tashi said to us: "My grandma said that this ghost city in front of you is not a tourist attraction. This Yadan area is about 87 square kilometers. It is very vast. It is still in its most primitive state. There are no Road signs. March inside at night. If you are not familiar with the environment, it is very easy to get lost. And it is said that there are many quicksand wells here. In 1997, a team of quality inspection team members disappeared inside. At that time, many people were dispatched to look for them. It was not found. Then there was a strong wind in 1999. Several photographers found two mummies in a sand pit while taking photos here. The others have not been found yet."

Aning shook his head after hearing this. Said: "You don't have to worry about this. We have a GPS. If it's as you said, the shape inside is so complicated, we have to go in. If we wait until dawn to look for them, something might have happened to them."

Saying that, he did not listen to Tashi's advice. Greet a few people. Turned on the flashlight. Plan to continue in depth.

I think what she said makes sense. Tashi has always played an alarmist role. Naturally, Aning wouldn't believe everything he said now. Moreover, foreigners’ approach is people-oriented. Leave those three people alone. In their minds, it was equivalent to killing them with their own hands. These people are in no position to make this decision.

Of course I have to go along. Because those three people disappeared while they were with me. more or less. I will also try my best. Otherwise, if there is an accident. I won't have peace of mind either. And it's completely impossible to fall asleep sitting here.

Tashi still wants to talk. At this time, Dolma, the leader on one side, spoke. She shook her head. Tell Tashi to stop talking. Then he quickly said something to Tashi in Tibetan.

Tashi immediately showed a very confused expression. However, Dolma's expression was very determined. Tashi still wants to protest. Dingzhu Zhuoma scolded him. Tashi did not dare to continue talking. He nodded to Dolma. Back. He said to us with a depressed look on his face: "You are lucky. My grandma asked me to take you in." He turned on the flashlight and walked to his luggage. Start cleaning your gear.

I don't understand Tibetan. Ask Aning what the old woman said. Aning also shook his head. It's too soft to hear. It's probably about collecting people's money and helping people eliminate disasters.

It made me laugh. He glanced at Dolma. The old woman had gone back to her tent. It seems that he is not worried about these things at all.

Tashi cleaned up his equipment. Let's get rid of the unnecessary stuff. Bring enough water and dry food. And a flare gun. Then a driver was woken up. Tell him our plans. Leave him outside. Be prepared to respond. If you see us firing a flare inside. Don't come in. Just put up a signal flare outside to point us in the direction. If it doesn't come out yet. Let the others come in and find us after daylight. He will leave marks along the way.

The driver agreed vaguely.

The four of us straightened up. Zashila took the lead with a long face. We set off towards the entrance of the Devil City behind us.

Our shelter from the wind is on the edge of Devil City. After the tall rocky mountain where we camped, there was a steep slope. Extend all the way down. At the end is the castle-like rock mountain that I saw during the sandstorm. This should be a relatively high rock mountain in Devil City.

Tashi built an Arab stone pile with gravel on the steep slope. Mark the direction for those who come after. He said. Whenever there is a turn along the way, he will pile one up. And once you see the pile of rocks you piled up while moving forward. We can't go any further. If you go any further, you'll start to circle. This is his bottom line.

We feel justified. Just say no problem.

Soon we entered the city entrance. We entered the Devil's City. The scene around him started to look strange. Lift up your eyes and look. Under the moonlight, there are all black rock mountains protruding from the Gobi sand. It's not clear because of the light. When you shine a flashlight on it, you can see that the weathered ravines cut by the wind on the rocky mountain are very obvious. In this black. The few areas that could be illuminated by the moonlight looked extremely pale. This feeling. Kind of like walking on the surface of the moon.

I watched all the way. Imagine the content of mass mechanics back then. Already completely forgotten about it. I only know that the Yadan wind-eroded rock group here is not yet mature. Probably the potential is relatively low. Rock hills and mounds are exposed for a short period of time. It was not very weathered. Therefore, most of the rock hills and mounds are still very tall.

In this situation. We could only move between rocky mounds. You can't climb up the mound at will like other devil cities. but. The valley under this appearance is not flat. The tall square protrudes above the gravel. The lower side is covered by Gobi desert. In the qualitative science. This kind of rock mountain is actually considered to be the top of the lower mountain range. Don't look at it, it's only a dozen meters high. But there is a huge rock base a few kilometers deep below us. These mountains hidden under the gravel are all branches of the Kunlun Mountains. Theoretically speaking. We are also walking on the Kunlun Mountains now.

But I don’t have time to think too much about these academic issues. Once you reach a distance of two or three kilometers. Aning started calling on the walkie-talkie. We shouted loudly. Hopefully those three people can hear us. Give us a response.

In the silent devil city. Our voices bounced into countless echoes at once. overlap together. Can spread far. It sounds very weird from a distance. It seemed like a ghostly sound coming from the underworld.

Just shouting and walking. It took two or three hours to search. Deep into the depths of the Devil City. The flashlight scanned the surrounding rocks. My eyes are also dazzled. My mouth was numb. But there was no trace of the Caucasians at all. There was no response to our shouts. We were answered only by our own echoes and the slight whine of the wind.

We stopped to rest. Aning asked Tashi. According to his experience. What's the best way to find it?

Tashi shook his head: "You are the only one who can do this. We have walked about seven kilometers now. According to the straight-line distance, we have walked a long way. But in fact, we have already turned around unknowingly. Looking at the compass, we are now Almost walking back. People here are like ants. They will take an S-shaped route unknowingly. So I can only promise to take you out now. I can't provide advice if you find someone... It's okay if they don't move. If they We are also looking for a way out. Then what is the probability that two groups of people will meet in a maze of eighty square kilometers? "

Aning was not satisfied with this answer. Frowning, he said, "Have you ever had anyone get lost before?"

Tashi piled stones. He shook his head without raising his head: "We never come in at night like this."

After saying that, he sighed. I do not know what that means.

Aning looked at our expressions. A few words of encouragement for us. Let us not lose heart. But it obviously doesn't have much effect. We smoked several cigarettes. Refreshed a bit. Just keep going.

But. Things still haven't developed as we expected. He shouted and walked away again. I don’t know how long I walked. There were four breaks during this period. Tashi piled no less than thirty stone piles. But still not even a single figure was seen. There was no response. The silent devil city seemed to swallow up any sound given to us.

And what really makes me feel terrible is. We didn't see any of Tashi's cairns appear. It shows that we are still moving forward. This devil city really seems unfathomable. I don’t know how much distance there is.

Keep going. We entered a canyon made of rocks. Under a big rock. I really can't walk anymore. Only the sixth time to stop and rest.

By this time our voices were hoarse. I can't shout anymore. We drank big gulps of water. Everyone entered a state of aphasia. My mind is a little blank.

There was silence for a while. The team doctor suddenly said: "Is there really a devil in this devil city? Are they taken away by the devil?"

This was said very abruptly. We were all stunned for a moment. Tashi glared at him. Tell him to stop talking nonsense. Tibetans are more traditional. This kind of words sounds uncomfortable.

"There are definitely no devils. People are definitely here." After a long while. Tashi took a mouthful of water. He said slowly while moistening his throat. "I just don't know what the situation is now."

Several people fell silent again. Each pondered his own thoughts. In fact, I know that the hope in the hearts of several of us is very small now. Just started coming in. I also think the odds of finding them are pretty good. At least some traces can be found. Now. Then I completely ran out of ideas.

Rested for some time. Aning looked at his watch and stood up. Greet us and prepare to continue our journey. We all stood up reflexively. Take a deep breath. Get ready to get pumped up. Keep shouting.

Just at this time. Several of us heard a loud voice suddenly coming from Aning's walkie-talkie. The static is loud. Very harsh. I couldn’t make out what the words were.

It was terribly quiet all around. The sudden sound scared us half to death. Immediately looked at Aning's walkie-talkie.

Aning was also stunned. It took a few seconds to react. I picked up the walkie-talkie and listened carefully.

The voice sounded again. The static is extremely harsh. But it was obvious that a person was calling.

"They're near!" we exclaimed. Aning almost jumped.

The shape of Devil City. The intercom is of little use. Only over very short distances. to receive the signal. Aning debugged all the way just to receive such a signal. However, there was no result. Now the signal suddenly rang out. Obviously the other party's walkie-talkie is very close.

We breathed a sigh of relief. Aning immediately started adjusting the frequency. The sound became clear. But still couldn't make out what he was saying. Then she shouted into the intercom: "I am the team leader. We are searching for you. Where are you?"

The answer was a series of indescribable sounds. The interference is severe. But the tone changed. Apparently the other party can hear us.

The frustration just now was gone. The team doctor yelled "YES". I also took out my walkie-talkie. Patted. Adjusted it. See if it's a problem with the machine. Soon I also tuned out the sound. Also noisy.

Aning called again. This time the sound was slightly clearer again. A few of us tried hard to listen. Hope you can hear clearly what the other person is saying.

Listen, listen. I just found something wrong. The person on the other end of the intercom didn't seem to be talking. That tone of voice. Very weird. It's hard to describe. Listen carefully. It actually seemed like a person was sneering viciously.

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