Daomu Biji

Snake Marsh Ghost Town (Part 2) Chapter 12 Wen Jin’s Notes (Part 1)

When I saw this line of text, I took a deep breath, and the horror in my heart was simply indescribable.

The content of this paragraph of text is not what surprised me the most. To be honest, the moment I saw the notebook, I also thought that I might see such content. What took my breath away for a moment was that signature.

"Chen Wenjin!"

God, I really didn’t expect that this thing would be left by her. So, she was the one who sent me the video tape and led me here?

This is really a twist and turn, and it makes people confused. Although the third uncle didn't say anything about her, in my mind, she must have died somewhere. How could she suddenly appear at such a time, and lead me here?

And this short paragraph contains too much information. What three people? Which three are they? What is it? Who are we referring to? Is it the group of people from Xisha? What research? What secret?

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind, but I didn't have time to think about any of them. I calmed down and immediately opened the notes and read back.

This is a very thick notebook, with twenty-six or seven pages filled with words. It is full of dense words, extremely neatly written, and there are many pictures. It seems to be a work notebook.

I put the lighter on the edge of the pulled-out drawer, then sat on the ground and immediately started to read attentively.

As soon as I opened the first page, the page after the title page, I was immediately shocked. I saw a strange picture on it, which was very detailed.

This painting only consists of seven lines, six curved lines and an irregular circle. I just recalled it for a moment and immediately discovered that this was the figure that my third uncle described to me and translated from the Warring States silk books.

I was surprised. It seems that Wen Jin and the others are quite powerful. It is very difficult to obtain this figure, so to speak. She was also interested in this figure.

However, it is different from the sketch that my third uncle drew for me. This time there was annotation on the painting, and I broke out in a cold sweat when I saw it. I saw a black dot on each of these six curves. It seemed to be the six stars selected by the astrolabe and the straight line as my uncle told me. However, on four of the black dots, I saw Here comes a few small words.

From top to bottom, it’s:

Changbai Mountain—Yunding Tiangong

Guazi Temple - Qixing Lu Palace

Wofo Ridge - Tianguan Temple Pagoda

Shatou Reef - Undersea Shipwreck Tomb

I sucked in the cold air just looking at it.

After being confused for a few seconds, it was like an enlightenment, and I immediately understood what I saw.

Dizzy, so dizzy. Could it be that the curve of this figure is actually the trend diagram of each mountain range in the great dragon vein determined by Wang Zanghai?

If you look closely at the curve, you will find that this is indeed the case. Because I am not looking at it on a map, these six lines cannot remind me of this at all. They only feel like the meridians of leaves or the distribution map of rivers. However, when I looked at it now, I immediately saw that this was actually a "dragon". The six lines are the dragon's head, dragon's tail, and dragon's limbs! Each line is a mountain range. The points on the lines are the precious eyes on the mountains.

Then this is not the star map Jude Kao was talking about at all!

Suddenly I felt cold all over and realized what was going on. Damn it, either Judekao misled people, or this old goblin deceived the third uncle!

Look at the two unwritten lines again. I immediately discovered that there were black spots on it, but the words on the sides were question marks. Obviously, these should also be the dragon veins of great Feng Shui, but the situation of the longan on it was different. Not sure.

This sudden impact made me almost a little overwhelmed. I really didn't expect it. You'll be struck by this disruption as soon as you open the notebook. I immediately closed the note and took a deep breath, but my hands were still shaking. Thinking of the sentence on the title page: The content inside involves some huge secrets. My heart says you don’t have to irritate me so much on the first page!

However, this shock was quickly replaced by ecstasy. I gritted my teeth and patted my chest to get rid of the suffocating feeling, and then opened the notes again.

Looking at the graphic carefully, this time, I saw a more critical point.

I saw that outside the six lines, in the blank space surrounded by six curved lines, there was also a black spot on the inside of the circle. This black spot is not on any line, but is independent and lonely in the approximate center of the entire figure.

And beside this black dot, there is also a line of small characters: Qaidam - Tamutuo.

I can't understand this, but under this line of small words, there are several deep lines drawn, and there are two or three question marks. Obviously, this point is the most important in this picture. Moreover, when drawing the picture, Wen Jin had some questions, so he drew these question marks while thinking about it.

According to my experience, this should also represent a place, Qaidam? Tamuta? Is it also an ancient tomb? I thought to myself, why is this point outside the line?

All of a sudden, I suddenly realized that Wen Jin knew much more than we did. It seems that this notebook can let me know quite a lot of questions. Thinking about it, I immediately turned over the notebook and started reading the content at the back.

The following content is a mixture of text and pictures. The handwriting on it is very neat and organized. However, the font is very small, and it looks very difficult under the dim light of the lighter.

I calmed down, gathered my energy, and read attentively. As I read, I felt more and more confused and disappointed at the same time. After reading it, my confusion and disappointment reached its peak. I stayed there, and the feeling in my heart was indescribable.

The contents of the entire notebook can be roughly divided into three parts, more than 100,000 words, which are work records similar to diaries. The recorded content is very cumbersome, but according to the content recorded in it, it can be divided into three parts. part.

The first part was recorded from April 2, 1990 to March 6, 1991. It is impossible to copy the entire notebook here. I can only abbreviate it and select the most critical chapters in order to understand it clearly. The content of the first part is as follows:

April 2, 1990

We numbered and sorted out most of the porcelain in the undersea tombs, copied almost all of them, and compared them with the murals, hoping to find out Wang Zanghai's life trajectory. Through such comparisons, we have indeed discovered some patterns. What is recorded in the murals is his life experience, while the content in the porcelain paintings is the process of his construction projects. This can be proved from several series we have sorted out, such as entering the Eastern Xia Kingdom - building the Yunding Tiangong, and receiving the award from Zhu Yuanzhang - designing the Ming Palace, all of which have been reflected, and according to the order of the tomb chambers, it can be easily It is easy to distinguish the sequence of these times and correspond one to one.

According to this method, it can be inferred that these murals record the achievements of Wang Zanghai's prominent Feng Shui masters. The recorded contents are all related to his works. Those that are more important to other people, such as weddings and hunting, There are no records. I call this "Wang's Theory of Relativity".

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