Daomu Biji

Genting Heavenly Palace Chapter 26 Corpse Pavilion

The whole charnel house was pitch black. The light spots of several flashlights were intertwined and the light was messy. The corner where the fat man was was far away from the rest of us. When the flashlight shined there, the surrounding corpses blocked it, and the shadows were layered one on top of another. Even if the light is clear, we can't see clearly.

It's just that the purple color on the fat man's face is unmistakable. The weird, dull and sinister expression is so similar to the corpse next to him that it makes people sweat.

Pan Zi originally thought that the fat man was fooling around again, so he screamed again, but the fat man still had no reaction, motionless like a sculpture. Pan Zi also saw something was wrong and said to us: "It seems like something happened?" "

I frowned, not knowing what to say. The fat man's expression and movements were so similar to the corpse here. If he wasn't playing tricks on us, something wrong must have happened. But everyone else was fine, so it was him again. Looking at his character, could it be that he is possessed by the ghost here? Or was he cursed by a shaman?

We gradually slid down the steep slope and approached the place where the fat man was squatting. We didn't see anything around him that was different from other places. They were all corpses with blue and purple fangs. When we were about four or five meters away from him, Pan Zi waved his hand, telling us not to move, and signaled to Monk Hua.

In Chen Pi's team, Lang Feng is a pioneer type like Fatty, Hua Monk is the master, and Ye Cheng is similar to a handyman. Several people still have their own special abilities. Now that Lang Feng is dead, Monk Hua's abilities are not weak, so Pan Zi will give him signs.

I felt the gap. If it were our team, there would be a lot of vanguards, but I would be too weak to be a master. Think about it, without Menyou Ping, if the opponent doesn’t have Monk Hua, then if something happens, If I were to get involved, there would be a huge gap between my abilities and those of Monk Hua.

Monk Hua saw Pan Zi's gesture and nodded. The two of them each took out their hunting knives, held them in their backhands, and touched them towards the fat man.

The two people quickly reached the fat man, but the fat man did not turn around to look at them. He was as motionless as the statues pretended to be by street performers engaged in performance art.

My palms were all sweaty, and I didn’t know why but something felt wrong. At this time, the two people in front stopped. Among them, Pan Zi was very close to the fat man, and he could almost touch him by raising his hand. But these two people suddenly waved their hands behind us to tell us not to get closer, and they began to retreat themselves.

My heart began to beat wildly, and I didn’t know what they saw. Pan Zi retreated to my side, turned to us and said, "Trouble, there is something wrong with the body behind him."

"What's the trouble?" I asked, "Are you in Dazongzi?"

Pan Zi told us not to ask, and made a gesture for us to follow him.

We followed him through several corpses, down several terraces, and came to the side of the fat man. He pointed, and I looked in his direction, and saw several blue-black corpses sitting cross-legged behind the fat man, but one of them was different from the others!

I saw that the head of this corpse was huge, almost three times the size of an ordinary person, and the facial features could not be clearly seen. It looked like a big-headed, immature baby. A strange tongue protruded from the corpse's mouth and coiled around the fat man's neck.

My scalp suddenly exploded, my heart was beating wildly, and my neck was almost stiff. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming, and whispered: "What was that?"

"This may be a corpse fetus, and the location of the corpse must be the corpse cave of the entire spiritual palace.

This corpse happened to be at this point. Over time, it changed and became like this. In a few hundred years, it will probably become a spirit. "Chen Pi Ah Si said softly on the other side. After he finished speaking, his expression suddenly became very strange, as if he had thought of something, and he said again: "No! But isn’t this dragon vein fake? How come there is a corpse cave?"

When Monk Hua saw the strange expression on Chen Pi's Si's face, he seemed to suddenly understand and his expression changed (I feel that Monk Hua had actually thought of it a long time ago, but in order to take care of Chen Pi's face, he often waited until Chen Pi's thought of it before doing anything reaction). Asked Chen Pi Asi: "Old man, is this a 'serial button'?"

"Serial buckle" is a kind of deception, a trick played by a trickster with a "que" character. It's about making something real into a fake, then making it real, and then leaving some flaws. When others look at it, they will see the flaws and see through the outermost 'real' veil, thinking that the thing is fake. In fact, this thing is indeed real, it is a kind of empty city strategy.

Chen Pi Asi sneered: "Yes, it's fake. How can there be a corpse cave on the fake dragon vein? Wang Zanghai, this old guy, is very good at 'serial buckle'. It's a pity that you tried so hard, but finally came out." There is a flaw.”

I still didn’t understand, so I asked Monk Hua what was going on.

Monk Hua explained, "It's really suspenseful. We were almost deceived, but luckily we fell here. Do you remember that after we just found out that the direction was faked, we always thought that this dragon vein was fake, but here There is a corpse fetus. There is no treasure cave on the fake dragon vein, so it is impossible for a corpse fetus to appear. This is a flaw. It seems that the magnetic turtle is also part of Wang Zanghai's trap. He wants us to mistakenly think that we have been fooled and mistakenly think that the whole trap is fake. The dragon veins are all fake. In fact, the dragon veins are real, but the pattern is not a three-headed dragon. The magnetic turtle just modified an ordinary dragon vein pattern into the best overall pattern of the dragon constellation. This is actually very easy. "

I said oh, and suddenly I had some clues. The Feng Shui direction is actually very critical in determining the quality of a dragon's veins. For example, if there is a one-eyed dragon moving from west to east, it is a Tenglong, and if it automatically moves to the west, it is a Fulong. If you bury a magnetic turtle and change the local Feng Shui direction, then Fulong can disguise himself as Tenglong.

(Later, I checked the Dragon Constellation. It turns out that the three dragon heads all face east, so it can be called the Dragon Constellation. And the three sacred mountains in Changbai Mountain all face north, so only the Three Holy Mountains in the middle are the dragon heads, and the other sides The two are called double snakes coiled around the cave, which is also a good Feng Shui cave. However, it is not suitable for burying people, but is suitable for building temples. As soon as the magnetic turtle is placed there, north becomes east. Chen Pi Asi made the wrong judgment. .)

I couldn't help but sigh, such a complicated setup and this level of wits are simply unbelievable. Thinking about it, we were completely deceived just now. If we hadn't discovered the corpse here, we would have gone back in despair.

There is a thousand years between us and Wang Zanghai. But I suddenly felt that his thoughts were flowing almost in front of me. The strategy he set up a thousand years ago was still able to mess us around. Where did this person come from?

Pan Zi said softly on the side: "You actually still have the heart to say this, what should I do now, Fatty? Will the black donkey's hooves be effective in dealing with this thing?"

Chen Pi Asi shook his head and said he didn't know. Monk Hua also frowned, obviously not knowing how to deal with it.

This time is the most annoying time. We don’t know if there will be any danger if the fat man has his tongue wrapped around him like this, but we are afraid of worsening the situation if we rush to save him. There is nothing we can do on both sides. Pan Zi and I are sweating anxiously. , and I don’t know what to do.

Unexpectedly, we did not move, but the fat man reacted first, and saw the fat man suddenly fall to the ground, and then he was dragged to move. The big-headed corpse curled up and crawled. It pulled the fat man with its tongue and began to pull it rapidly down the steep slope. The fat man was as stiff as a stone and showed no resistance at all.

If it pulled him down, the fat man would be dead. The situation escalated immediately. Pan Zi called for chase, and we immediately rushed down.

When the big-headed corpse saw us rushing down, he immediately accelerated his speed. Suddenly the fat man rolled up on the slope, knocking the corpses into pieces along the way. We couldn't run on the slope at all. It was like riding on a slide. It just slid down.

Soon he chased down for more than ten meters. Suddenly we saw the fat man disappearing on the slope. He disappeared in an instant. We were shocked and rushed over there. We immediately saw that there was a hole on the slope. The fat man had been dragged into the hole, leaving only Two or one foot outside.

Pan Zi jumped up and pounced on the fat man like a tiger pouncing on food. He grabbed the fat man's feet and pulled hard. I slid over with a splash, kicked my feet back and climbed back to help. Then Ye Cheng, Shunzi and Monk Hua also rushed down. Monk Hua pulled off a climbing rope and tied it to the fat man's leg. In this way, unless the fat man was broken, the corpse would not be able to defeat us.

There were so many of us, and soon the fat man was pulled up by force. The tongue was tightly stuck in the fat man's throat, almost digging into the flesh. The fat man's veins burst out, his eyes turned white, and he was almost dead. Pan Zi pulled out his saber and slashed at him. Suddenly a woman's scream came from the cave, and her tongue broke. The fat man let go and we pulled him out.

We quickly tore off the severed tongue, threw it into the hole, and pressed the fat man's chest. The fat man's body immediately started to move, and he began to gasp and cough while touching his neck. Pan Zi was afraid that the thing would come out again, so he pulled out the engineering shovel and went to the entrance of the hole. He shined a flashlight into the hole, but after shining for a while, he put down the weapon. It seemed that the corpse had already drilled down.

We all breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly gave the fat man a pat on the back. After beating him for a long time, he recovered. He looked at the hole with lingering fear and said: "Thank you, thank you all good guys." I asked the fat man what was going on and why he was so motionless like Maitreya Buddha.

The fat man didn't know it himself. He said he felt a cold sensation on his neck and couldn't move. He could watch or listen, but his body couldn't move. It was as if he was frozen in the ice. He was exerting force there. He tried his best, but couldn't even turn his eyes, which made him anxious.

Pan Zi laughed: "Listen to the scream just now, this is a female corpse fetus. It is probably too lonely here. Seeing that you and her are similar in size, I want to drag you down to accompany her. This is called a chat from hell."

The fat man smiled bitterly and pushed him, "You fucking look like her."

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