Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 5 The First Puzzle

At this time, the entire underground palace was extremely dark. Looking upward, the flashlight spot illuminated all eyes were filled with looking down Arhats, hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at Chen Pi Asi. Due to the change in light, Arhat's pupils showed a ferocious expression for an instant, and the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

Chen Pi Asi cursed the bald donkey a few more times in his mind, thinking that these monks must have done it on purpose. At this time, he didn't care so much anymore. He searched a few times, but still couldn't find a missing statue.

An idea flashed in his mind, and he slowly understood the problem. He moved his flashlight to the spot where the white-faced Arhat looking into the sky had cracked his eyes.

Only this Arhat statue is obviously different from the others, and this is where the problem should lie.

It's possible that someone pushed down a certain Arhat above, and then put the white-faced Arhat looking up to the sky, which is why that Arhat is so different from the others.

***Who is so bored as to do this? And being able to accurately know where he came down and align the head of the statue with the place where he came down is impossible even for an expert, right?

Could it be that he is entering the palace for the second time this time? Someone has already been here, and they still put something like this down to tease me?

Chen Pi Asi's flashlight shone on the fat, white-faced Arhat looking into the sky, and he weighed the eight-fold treasure letter in his hand. If he was entering the palace for the second time, why not take this thing with him. Impossible. If people go without leaving space, they must have thought too much. This is a trap set by those bald donkeys to make people like them think astray.

Chen Pi'asi calmed down, he was already very old and had reached his limit after going through so many hardships. He coughed a few times and wanted to move his flashlight away from the Arhat and look around to see how to get back with the least effort.

At this time, a terrifying scene happened.

The moment the flashlight light moved away from Luo Han, Chen Pi Asi suddenly saw that the pale face suddenly turned around.

The flashlight moved too fast, and the scene disappeared in an instant, but Chen Pi Ah Si could see it clearly. He was not the kind of person who would suspect that he was wrong. At that moment, he felt like his brain was exploding and he almost fell to the ground. In a flash of lightning, he roared to embolden himself, and at the same time flipped his hand and threw the iron bullets out like a machine gun.

Based on his memory, he connected more than a dozen pills. More than a dozen iron bullets were bouncing around above his head. He thought it was the monster-like white-faced arhat jumping down. In a panic, he scrambled and took out a handful of bastard boxes that he had hidden earlier.

He was really scared. He had never used this gun in the years since liberation, and he didn't dare to take it out easily. Now he took it out and used it to strengthen his courage even though he knew it was useless.

I was really panicked and couldn't find the north.

You said that after digging out sand for decades, the chances of encountering various rice dumplings are very few. Even my grandfather would be unable to cope with such a scene. Although Chen Pi Asi is a veteran, his main experience lies in dealing with people's life and death situations. He still panics when encountering something unfathomable.

In a panic, he saw the inconspicuous short stone door on the other side. It was impossible to climb up and go back from the robbery hole. He had better find a way to run!

He ducked into the low door, and inside was a stone room. The mountain-like ground yellow peak nest grew from the wall. It was really quite large. It was unknown what was originally placed in the stone room. After running for a few steps, his foot got stuck in the bee bag, and he suddenly fell to pieces. The flashlight flew far away, and he didn't care to pick it up. He picked up the box and rushed forward.

After passing the stone chamber, there was a long passage, which was the formal entrance and exit of the underground palace. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen. He gritted his teeth and stepped on something, and finally the terrain began to rise. He ran a dozen more steps, and bumped into something in the darkness. He heard a crashing sound, and he rushed out and rolled to the ground.

There was a blazing fire outside. He stood up and looked around. He was knocked out of a broken wall. It seemed that the entrance to the hidden pagoda underground palace was actually inside a wall. While he was surprised, several Miao knives were clamped around his neck, and at the same time, the things in his hands were also taken over.

Chen Pi Ah Si's physical strength reached the limit and he could not resist. He was kicked in the back of his knees and fell to his knees. When he looked up, the young Miao men he had deceived were surrounding him with torches, and they looked at him a little angrily. It seemed that they had searched around and found nothing, and they had already realized that they had been deceived.

Chen Pi Asi was breathing heavily. He was not pretending, but in order to numb others, he aggravated his performance and kept coughing. When the Miao people asked him questions, he kept waving his hands, pretending that he was out of breath. look.

Seeing how tired he was, the Miao people looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Several other Miao people were curious about where he came out, so they lit a fire and poked their heads in to take a look.

Chen Pi'asi waited for a few minutes, but when he saw the monster-like white-faced arhat chasing him out, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. At this time, his physical strength had recovered to a certain extent, and before he knew it, he suddenly pulled out a handful of iron bullets, jumped up and knocked all the torches to the ground in an instant.

The Miao people were panicked all of a sudden. Chen Pi Asi sneered, his murderous intention aroused, he turned out the tortoise box with his other hand and wanted to kill someone. At this moment, I heard the sound of cold wind nearby, and my hand felt cold. When I touched it, I found that the finger that pulled the trigger was gone.

Chen Pi Ah Si had never suffered such a loss before. He was horrified, but before he could react, there was another cold wind. The last thing he saw was the Miao leader's calm eyes and the dancing unicorn tattoo on his body. This was the last scene he saw, because in the next second his eyes were blinded by a knife. The Miao knife went in from the middle of the left eye, cut off the bridge of the nose, and exited through the right eye. , both eyes were instantly scrapped.

It's over, I met an expert. Chen Pi Ah Si sighed in his heart, fell to the ground, and passed out from the pain.

Lao Hai said: "Those Miao people handed over Chen Pi'asi to the local joint defense team. One of his rebellious comrades happened to be responsible for the joint defense there in those years, and they saved him, so he was not shot. Later, Na Bao The letter was sent to the museum. When people there heard about it, they sent someone to see it. I don’t know if there was any result. But when I opened the treasure letter and took a look, I found that the last layer was not a relic, but this copper fish. He knocked on the newspaper and said, "No wonder, this was a shocking thing at the time. When Mr. Chen knew about it, he cursed loudly, saying that he had been tricked by others. This treasure letter might have been given to others several generations ago." It was opened and the contents inside were dropped."

At this time, I was listening to Lao Hai telling a story, and I drank a glass of wine without realizing it. I felt a little dizzy and asked, "What basis does he have?"

Lao Hai said while sucking the snails: "I don't know. Chen Pi Ah Si later became a monk and placed orders in Guangxi. I only found out about these things through my old connections, little brother. This information is not cheap. Don’t try to take advantage of me if you have any advantage.”

I cursed secretly and asked him what was going on at the auction in Hangzhou this time.

Lao Hai solved the last snail, smashed it in the mouth, and said: "It was a mess back then, and I don't know where this fish ended up. No, someone actually put it up for auction today. I'm participating in the auction. It's a common thing. I'm a bit famous in the industry, so they gave me a manual and an invitation. You see, this fish is on the list of auction items. I saw that you are also quite interested in this fish, so I got it for you by the way. An invitation. Regardless of whether it’s useful or not, it’s a good thing to go and see who wants to buy this fish.”

When I saw the auction price, I gave it a shot, haha. Only a lunatic would buy it for 1,000,000 yuan. I still have two on hand. If someone buys them, I won’t have 20 million. Today's auction houses are so hyped up that they have to be believed by others.

Although the news about Lao Hai was good, it was not what I wanted to know, so I was speechless for a while. We each lit a cigarette and thought about our own things. The waiter saw that we were lingering and came to collect our plates. I had no choice but to ask him how his business was going in a pleasant way. Lao Hai mentioned that he wanted to see me for a while, but I couldn't tell whether he was sincere or not. I said it’s better to skip it. I don’t even plan to go to the ground anymore, so don’t get involved with me if you are an old man, so as not to drag yourself down and drag me down.

I was almost done drinking, so I asked him to get the invitation and asked him to rest first. In the evening, Qin Haiting clamored to go out to play. I was a landlord and couldn't refuse, so I drove them around and ate some snacks. But the weather was too cold, so they went back to bed early.

I drove to my house but didn't go upstairs. Suddenly I felt that the house was bare and desolate. I have never felt this way before, and I find it very strange. Could it be that these few experiences have made me miserable? I thought it was funny too, so I drove straight to the teahouse owned by my second uncle and went to have evening tea.

While drinking in the teahouse, I was reading Grandpa's notes and thinking about what happened, but I felt that I was still confused. The main problem is that these three fish are not in the same dynasty, and their geographical locations are so far apart. Regardless of the purpose of these three fishes, there is no clue at all about where they dig.

The ancients must have a purpose in doing this, otherwise this battle would be too big and not something ordinary people can afford. I thought about it and felt that the key was still not knowing what his purpose was. As long as I knew the purpose, the investigation would be more directional.

It would be great if my grandfather was still alive, I sighed, or if my third uncle was here, at least there would be someone to discuss it with. Now that I am alone, I am really getting tired of thinking about these issues.

Suddenly I smelled a burnt smell. I lowered my head and saw that there was a tourist map of China in the magazine I borrowed. I was thinking about it while drawing on it with a cigarette. I subconsciously burned holes in the three places and waited for my reaction. It's too late to come over. I quickly put out the cigarette butt and looked around. The waiter didn't notice my sabotage, so I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although my second uncle is a relative of mine, he is very eccentric. If his things are broken, he will become angry, especially the magazines here. Each one is very precious and is his collection. If he breaks his things, he will be angry. Tell him it won't last for several years.

I pretended that nothing happened and returned the magazine. As soon as I put it down, an old man took it over and stood there turning it over. I was worried that he would find out that I was causing damage, so I didn't dare to go far. I fell on the sand on the side and saw that the old man turned to the page that I had burned. When I saw it, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

As soon as I heard that it was terrible, he found out, and I was about to run away when I heard him chuckle and say: "Who created a Feng Shui tactic here, it's so wicked."

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