Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 218 News Report

"Isn't this the giant who was still in Indiana on the news yesterday? Why did he suddenly appear in Manhattan?"

Looking at the familiar figure who had been on the news before, Ben's father couldn't help but speak.

After all, it was just yesterday that Mei told him about this matter, otherwise, he would probably still keep the bracelet on his wrist in the safe.

"My God, Skye, what did you guys go through last night?"

After seeing two consecutive giants appearing on the same screen, Mama Mei covered her head with her hands and said with her eyes widened in disbelief.

Although Allen has guaranteed the safety of the suit, as long as it is not forced, I believe no one is willing to use their lives to fight for tomorrow.

"Don't worry, Mama Mei, this giant is from our side. Didn't you see that he was already fighting that monster?" After hearing Mama Mei's words, Skye couldn't help explaining.

Although she was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Hulk when she was on the scene, but fortunately, the other party seemed to be able to recognize who was the teammate, and they always went to places where there were few people when fighting. Pulling, that's why Skye can say that the other party is his teammate.

And the most important thing is that compared to hating that appalling look, the Hulk is obviously much more pleasing to the eye. When substituting the thinking that beauty is justice, the two will be judged at once.

"This is too cool, is this the world of superheroes?"

Seeing that compared to Captain America's display of fighting skills, the easy-to-do battle is really similar to the Hulk. Fighting with one punch and one punch is more attractive.

"Ahem, you're overthinking, Peter, these are just a few incidents. The world of superheroes is not as mysterious as you think. I'm the same as you. I've only seen this kind of incident once."

Looking at Peter who was obviously thinking too much, Skye couldn't help but strike.

If this little kid really thinks that the world of superheroes is colorful, she is really afraid that the other party will be the same as she was when she was young. When she was young and frivolous, she would drop out of school and go around fighting crimes and assisting superheroes. .

Although she has indeed got her wish now, she doesn't think that her younger brother has the same chance and alien blood as her. After all, she has a mysterious background, although Skye is no longer struggling to find her biological parents. up,

But isn't that how it's written in the manga?

Because of the mysterious background and noble blood, the protagonist of the comics awakens a certain ability, and then kills all directions. In this comparison, Skye feels, yes, it is us.

"Tch, long hair but short knowledge, old lady, you have been a superhero for less than a year, I believe that there are more superheroes in this world that we don't know to protect our world And struggle."

Seeing that his elder sister was actually trying to attack his cognition, Peter couldn't help making a disdainful voice, and then said.

Originally, when Skye voted to move before this, Peter was very upset with his fake sister, but now he is trying to beat himself and change his mind, which makes Peter even more unbearable, so he doesn't have much to say about Skye. Good temper.

"Hmph! Even if I only become a superhero for one day, I will still be a superhero, and I will know more than you!"

Originally, it was enough for a younger brother to hate himself, but now the elder brother has also rebelled, Skye couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, you are all grown up, why are you still so ignorant, can you learn from your brother, look at your frizzy appearance, be quiet and watch the news. "

Seeing the two siblings who were about to quarrel again, my father couldn't help but speak, and he didn't praise Alan next to him when he said it.

After all, in this period of time, my precious son is the most satisfying to me. He never relies on his superpowers to go out to do evil, bully the weak, but stick to himself, hoe the strong and help the weak, and fight crime. He is simply his perfect good son. , such a child, which parent does not love it.

"Hee hee!" Sure enough, I was the biggest winner, but the quarrel between you was raging, and I was dazed and cute, and Allen couldn't help laughing and showing two cute little canine teeth.

"Speaking of which, the big guy also failed." After seeing even the Hulk who was aggressive as soon as he appeared on the stage, and looked like "I am the final boss", he was also photographed by the abomination in the house in less than two rounds. , Mommy Mei couldn't help but said dejectedly.

Life was already hard enough, but these people insisted on making so many perverted monsters, and it’s okay to make them out. The key is that you can’t control others, and you can’t even shut them down, so let others After escaping, Mei couldn't help but wonder if the heads of these people were all made of tofu.

"Someone should come to solve it, otherwise, the news today is that Manhattan Island is silent."

After hearing Mei's words, my father couldn't help but subconsciously said, after all, judging from the destructive power of that big man on TV, if he really left him alone for one night, the military or the president would probably have sent troops Surrounding it, if the situation is a little worse, maybe a nuclear bomb is not out of the question.

After all, Ben has been in the army for several years, and he is very familiar with the iron-blooded work style of the army. Even if some high-level relatives in the army are in Manhattan, they are only a minority. Even Manhattan was buried with him.

"By the way, Alan, to be honest, did you go last night?"

After thinking for a while, my father seemed to remember something again, turned his head and said to his precious son, after all, according to Allen's character, if this scene did not go last night, then there would be a ghost, and right now So far, besides his own son who has the ability to solve this incident, Ben really can't think of anyone else who is capable of solving it.

"..." Hearing my dad's question, I couldn't help but hang up on the spot. Dad, I'm your own son. The host just finished talking about my debut. Are you going to remember other people's names for all your feelings?

At this moment, Allen suddenly felt that his young heart had been hurt a ton, the effect was comparable to watching his sister being bitten by a dog last night, it was too miserable.

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