Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 184 Superman is online!

???? "Really?" Listening to Allen's words one after another, Skye couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Allen suspiciously.

???? "Of course, well, sister, we have arrived." Looking at the two big guys fighting in front of him, Allen and Skye landed on a nearby rooftop where the two were fighting.

???? "Hiss... these monsters are really cruel, Alan, are you sure you are okay?" Although he knew how difficult these giants were when he was fighting before, when Skye looked at it from the perspective of a bystander After seeing all this, I couldn't help but feel a little scared, and then said to Allen with doubts.

???? After all, the two giants below are fighting, but it is much more appropriate to describe them directly as the demolition brigade. Wherever the two monsters hit, the house will fall from there. The reputation of Jia Demolition Brigade probably belongs to these two guys.

???? "Sister, even if you don't believe in yourself, you still have to have at least some confidence in your brother. Next, let me find you back."

???? When Alan saw the Hulk being beaten into the building by the abomination, he spoke to Skye, and then disappeared in front of Skye with the sound of breaking through the air, not far away The abomination that was jumping in the air and jumping towards the wall was directly sent flying to the road, and then drew a huge ditch on the road.

???? "Look, the Lord has finally come!" As the resistance on the ground grew stronger, the hatred slowly stopped, and then he stood up and looked at the figure of the instigator flying in the sky. Wiping the corner of his bloody mouth, he grinned grimly and said.

???? "Can I ask you a question? How did you have the courage to come out and wander around when you are so ugly? Who gave it to you? Is your confidence brought about by the genetically mutated DNA?"

???? When Alan saw the expression of "I'm the best in the world" when he saw the hated man who was obviously beaten by himself, he couldn't help but sarcastically asked.

???? "Very good, hope...

Chapter 184 Superman Goes Online (Page 1/4). I hope your strength is as hard as your mouth. "Hearing Allen say that he was ugly, I couldn't bear the hatred at that time. After saying harsh words at Allen, he ran towards Allen in stride.

???? "Very good? Where is it? And how do you know that I have a hard mouth? I have always been famous for being hard-spoken and soft-spoken, and I am especially easy to talk." Seeing the hatred rushing towards him, Allen continued to complain to the hatred unhurriedly.

???? After all, it is rare to find such a suitable opponent who is neither high nor low. Allen still doesn't want to kill him in twos and threes. This is basically the case in the Marvel universe. Either weak and weak to death, it is really rare to see a villain who hates such a position of neither strength nor embarrassment.

???? "Little bug! Go to hell!" Alan, who was standing straight at the spot, got closer and closer as the hatred rushed, watching that his fist was about to imprint on Ai Lun. Behind Lun's body, the hatred couldn't help but a successful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

???? After all, those who survived his punch would be seriously injured, not to mention the last guy who was punched by him is still lying in the hole in the building.

???? Then he hated the huge body and the speed that had been raised to the limit. At this moment, it was like a heavy truck driving forward with the maximum horsepower. Nothing could stop him from moving forward. Even he himself thinks so, just the current aura can make people clearly and intuitively feel that standing in front of him, even a high mountain can be smashed by him.

???? "Hoo...heh!"

????Looking at the loathing approaching rapidly,

Allen took a deep breath and clenched his right fist in the air. As his body slowly bent and tilted, he concentrated all the strength of his entire body on the clenched fist of his right hand. The sound of breaking through the air hit the hatred.

???? After two fists, one big and one small, followed by a huge collision sound, an unprecedented shock wave also centered on the two of them and moved straight towards the surroundings...

Chapter 184 Superman Goes Online (Page 2/4). Diverge away.

???? For a moment, there was a huge sound of earth-shattering and shock waves, which spread rapidly in all directions, shaking all the doors and windows of the surrounding buildings to pieces and flying around.

????Even the shock waves generated by the battle instantly wiped out the blazing flames of the abandoned cars on the roads and streets, countless large and small papers, leaves, and even billboards around the two of them. They were all thrown away.

???? Later, because of the huge collision force brought by Allen, Abomination was confident that he could overwhelm people with force. Simply swinging his right arm with all his strength could defeat this miniature version of Superman's Abomination, and his right hand was shocked immediately. Numb.

???? Both feet could not help but slide towards the back, and the heels of the heels were like bulldozers, rolling up all the roads where they retreated, and pressing out the hard road with a huge ditch again There are two ditches like sewers.

???? And as the hatred receded, Allen could also feel a huge shock in his heart at this moment, swirling and shaking in his chest, like riding a roller coaster.

???? But this feeling is only fleeting. Although the hatred is very powerful, it is still within the controllable range for Allen. No matter how he struggles, as long as he does not have Hulk, he will be more angry The stronger the strength is set, then you can chase the opponent to fight.

????It's a pity that it's not daytime now, otherwise Alan might win more easily. Seeing the hatred not far away because of his momentum and retreating sharply, Alan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In the daytime, it's really His main battlefield is now, with that kind of inexhaustible physical strength and energy, he can completely fight with anyone without any consideration, as long as there is that yellow sun, he is immortal.

???? "Roar!!" Looking at the Superman who just punched him forcefully and remained motionless in the distance, the hatred only felt that he had been greatly insulted, and immediately uttered an angry roar at Allen sound, and after the roar, another sprint towards Allen...

Chapter 184 Superman Goes Online (Page 3/4),. Charged away, but this time after rushing to the normal level, he casually grabbed a car with survivors in it and threw it towards Allen. ???? Then there was a huge piercing sound from itself, and there was a response, because it was thrown out and turned rapidly, and the vehicle that was attacking Allen also hit the earth with sparks The unstoppable trend gallops away. ???? As for the distress calls from the survivors in the vehicle itself, which cannot be compared together, it can be said to be insignificant, and it was completely suppressed by the huge sound of its speeding through the air.

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