Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 136 Returning to the Villa

"Forget it, how do you plan to go back next? Do you want to go to my place for a meeting? You are running here so late, I think you probably sneaked out again." After hearing what Allen said, Tony didn't think Then he continued to worry about it, but asked again.

"Um...Actually, it's okay to sit for a while." I ran out on impulse before, but now that the impulse has disappeared, Alan doesn't know how to face his parents anymore, so Alan couldn't help feeling embarrassed Open your mouth and say.

"What? The baby is in conflict with the family again?" Seeing Alan's expression, Tony realized that Alan may not have sneaked out as he thought before, and now it seems a bit like a conflict with the family.

"I don't want to talk to you!" Allen, who was hit by the pain, immediately became angry. After dropping a sentence, he immediately opened up at full speed, and disappeared in an instant under the explosion of layers of sound barriers. in front of Tony's eyes.

"Tsk tsk, it's really difficult to be a kid now, and I used to be obedient when I was young!" Seeing Alan with a childish temper, Tony couldn't help smacking his lips, sighing with a nostalgic expression Said.

"Sir, if my database is not wrong, you have turned over the master's laboratory several times, and even the model diagram of the Stark Industrial Expo has been torn by you several times." After hearing Tony's picture After pretending to show off, even Jarvis couldn't see it, and immediately opened his mouth to remind Tony in his helmet.

"Ahem!! Jarvis, as I said, don't talk about these old sesame seeds and rotten millet!!! I think it is very necessary for me to give you another upgrade." Jarvis scolded Tony, who was speechless, suddenly said angrily.


"Huh? Uncle Ethan, why are you here?!" On the other side, because he was angry with Tony, he directly left Alan who was flying at full strength. After flying directly from the garage to Tony's villa, he saw When Ethan, who was sitting on the sofa in the basement with a slightly nervous expression, couldn't help asking suspiciously.

After all, it's 2-3 o'clock in the evening at this time, and normal people have already rested, but Ethan is still staying in Tony's basement, as if something happened.

"Alan? Why are you here?" Ethan, who had the same opinion, couldn't help asking a little surprised after seeing Alan come to Tony's house so late.

"Well, I just came back from Afghanistan! Uncle Ethan, why aren't you sleeping at this hour, here." When he thought about it, he asked, anyway, Allen didn't have too many worries, and asked directly to Ethan .

"You went to Afghanistan too? Why did you go there?" After hearing Allen's words, Ethan ignored the second half of the sentence and asked in surprise.

"Well, I said I'm going on a trip, do you believe me?" After all, my self-confidence seems to have always been a tall and righteous superhero image in front of outsiders, and I suddenly said that I went all the way to kill people, and I felt a little uncomfortable. Habit.

"Come on, the scene of your last trip to Afghanistan is still fresh in my memory." Seeing Alan's appearance, Ethan said with an expression of "you're fooling the ghost".

"Ah? Really? Haha!!! Sorry, I didn't remember it for a while." After hearing Ethan's words, Allen remembered that there was indeed such a thing, and scratched his head embarrassedly and said, Feelings, you know your own details! If I had known earlier, I would not have pretended.

"So you went to Afghanistan because of Tony?" After seeing Allen's expression, Ethan knew that his guess was probably correct. Allen must have followed secretly because he was worried about Tony's safety. I went to Afghanistan with Tony, and now the reason why I came back early is probably because the affairs there are over.

Ethan was also about to go to bed today, and saw news reports about the small town of Gemila in Afghanistan, and hurried over to find Tony in the middle of the night, but it seemed that he was a step late, because according to Jarvis, Tony had already One step went out, although Jarvis did not disclose where exactly,

But Ethan couldn't think of a second place where he could go out wearing the Mark Armor, except Afghanistan. It's impossible for him to go dancing in the Mark Armor.

"Um..." Did I really go there because of Tony? Could it be that the bond between himself and Nini is so deep without knowing it? Are you still working hard to inherit Tony's legacy in order to have a good relationship with Tony even if you are impulsive? Are my obsessions already this deep? !

But now I have 300 million US dollars, which seems to be enough! Although Alan didn't have much concept of money because of his young age and being a student for two lifetimes, it was 300 million US dollars, which was enough money for an ordinary family to spend a few lifetimes, except for gambling, of course. It’s just a bottomless pit, if you use money to fill the pit, you won’t be able to fill it until you die.

Then Ethan briefly understood a few words from Allen, and at the invitation of Allen, he started another fighting game. Well, this is the new DC Superman·Injustice game. It's very interesting, at least for Allen, it's much more interesting to abuse people than to abuse machines.

Recommend an app, which is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and can exchange all source books for \\Mi\\Mi Reading\\\\!

In this way, it was already around four o'clock in the morning when Tony returned to the villa, and after seeing Tony come back, Ethan hurriedly put down the handle in his hand, walked over, and looked at Tony Stark's body full of bullet marks Even some of the parts of the armor are smelling of burnt. From this alone, Ethan can see that Tony's experience in Afghanistan is definitely not easy, so he couldn't help asking Tony: "Did you go to stab those horrible people?" Is it the lair of the elements?? How is the situation over there? The battle armor can be damaged like this, the battle is very fierce."

"It's okay, it's not a big deal, it's just that the battle armor is a little dirty, but these are not problems, and at least for a long time after that, those people will not be doing things anymore, I Take one of their squad's transport trucks and a lair, oh, damn it, Jarvis lighten up!!" After hearing Ethan's words, Tony stood on the armored demolition platform and still controlled Jarvis The mechanical arm unloaded his armor, and said to Ethan, but before he finished speaking, Jarvis used too much force to clamp Tony's flesh, causing Tony to let out a scream Said.

"Also, Ethan, don't look at me, come and help me, take off my armor, my God, this is so troublesome, I swear after this, I must redesign the wearing of the armor." Not only wearing The battle armor takes a long time, and the time to take off the battle armor is also very long. If there are enemies in it, it is estimated that half of the armor will be worn, and the enemy will be killed directly, so Tony can't help but make up his mind.

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