Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 106 Peter's Spring

After a while of silence, as the school bus stopped, a group of students withdrew their gazes and began to get off the bus one after another.

"Actually, I quite like your performance just now." Just as Peter was walking forward with his head covered, Betty behind quietly caught up, walked to Peter's side and said quietly, and then left quickly .

At this moment, Peter, who was still depressed by his embarrassing behavior in the car, suddenly heard his goddess say such ambiguous words to him. Does she also like him? Do you want to confess yourself? Is it better to get married with a gold ring or a diamond ring? What should the child's name be...

For a moment, Peter only felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, his academic performance was at the top of the grade, and the goddess also began to hint to himself, which is great! So Peter immediately changed from the decadence just now, and hummed to his little brother all the way, and stepped out of the pace that his relatives did not recognize.


"Oh... so boring!" It was another decadent day, Allen was lying on the desk, idly watching the little kids around him playing with building block toys one by one, they were so childish. , Alan thought with contempt.

How can I get along with these little kids? ! To make a big deal! This is Alan's biggest goal to alleviate loneliness and boredom during school, but now Alan doesn't even know how to do it, so he has to scratch his head.

"Alan, have you seen the news today? This morning, the media reported a story about the superhero 'Shockwave', saying that she cracked down on another drug trafficking case." Just as Alan was in a daze At that time, Mindy secretly ran over step by step, approached Allen and said, sharing news with Allen, this is what Mindy often does every day at school.

I don't know if it's because of Alan that he likes to watch the news, or if he is forced to watch it by his father, or because he is interested in watching the news. Every day, Mindy will come to Alan to chat about a lot of real-time news.

However, they usually pick up superheroes, such as Superman, Shockwave, Daredevil, and the urban legend Blade Warrior, but the last one is just a legend, but it is vividly portrayed by the media, just like seeing it with your own eyes. As if, even Allen scoffed at it.

"Huh? Really? Isn't this normal? If the media doesn't report on her one day, I'll feel weird?" After hearing what Mindy said, Allen said afterwards.

After all, under the influence of Mindy, basically every day about Skye's movements reported by the media, he is clear, but that's it, it's nothing more than fighting against crime, some small troubles, sweeping pornography here, there Clean up the poison, Allen is almost immune to this.

"That's not true. This time, 'Shockwave' not only handed over the criminal evidence to the police, but even left a USB flash drive, which contained a suspected super villain. However, the specific police did not report it, but it should be It won't be long, after all, for those reporters, as long as they think, then NCPD is simply a sieve for them." Seeing Alan's reaction, Mindy knew that he hadn't got the point, so he continued.

"Huh? What's the situation?" After hearing what Mindy said, Alan asked, and he had to explain that the super villain in Di's mouth aroused his interest, but since his elder sister is still staying at home safely today If you sleep, it means you're fine.

"This is what my father told me secretly. I heard that they are investigating a gangster-like assassination case recently. Recently, many gangsters, large and small, who sell drugs in the New York area have been killed by one person. Those gangsters Everyone dies differently. There are daggers cutting their throats, poker killings and even toothpicks hitting their hearts.

Originally they were still struggling with who did this, and then they saw the USB disk video brought by 'Shockwave Girl' yesterday. Seeing that Allen was aroused by himself, Mindy didn't go around in circles, but said directly.

If you want to win a boy's heart, you have to work hard to be the kind of person he doesn't hate and needs. It's just that Mindy specially learned from his father, and it seems that the effect is pretty good so far.

Seeing that Alan is not as resistant to him as before, Mindy couldn't help but adore his father to another level in his heart. Daughter, I will invite her to be a witness when I get married in the future. When I get here, Mindy can't help but blush, and she looks at Alan with cautious eyes.

'Well? ! Playing cards, toothpicks kill? Does Marvel still have such a number one person? Could it be from the Hand? But don't those people all use samurai swords? ’Although Allen was a Marvel fan in his previous life, his general understanding is only on the movies, and he really doesn’t know much about Bullseye.

Maybe when someone said his nickname, Allen would suddenly realize 'Oh! ! It turned out to be him. ’ But that’s all. Alan doesn’t like Bullseye, a villain at a normal human level, not to mention that he doesn’t have cool superpowers and gorgeous cross-dressing.

‘Forget it, who cares, anyway, as long as Skye has the vibranium suit, unless the atomic bomb is bombed, or the big boss takes action, otherwise these small troubles are just dusting her off. '

After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't think of this character, so Alan didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, these are pediatrics, and no matter how super these so-called super villains are, they are still within the scope of ordinary people's abilities.

"Your father... um, what are you doing, Mindy?" But Allen turned his head and asked, but what caught his eye was Mindy, turning his index fingers back and forth on his own. With a smile on his face, he didn't know what to fantasize about.

"Ah? Well, I didn't do anything. I just thought of something interesting. Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered that I still have blocks to finish coding. I'll go back to the table first." Seeing Alan Looking at himself with a confused face, Mindy, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but blushed, and then ran back to the table without looking back and buried his little head. What are you thinking.

Alan, who saw this scene, was also speechless. He didn't know why the child was talking so well and suddenly it was like this, but he didn't care. As for the question he originally wanted to ask, he didn't plan to ask any more. After all, it's not a big deal question.

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