Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

With Wan Dong's cultivation practice, it was five days after returning from Zhuanghuang City to Yunzhong City. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it?

As soon as he walked into the Yunzhong City, Wan Dong felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Pedestrians beside him hurriedly, looking sad, all stepped forward in one direction, and did not know what happened in front of them. It's just that I heard a few complaints and comments from the crowd such as 'sinfulness', 'impermanence' and 'good people have no good rewards'.

Wan Dong's heart tightened, and suddenly realized that the direction everyone was heading to was the largest court in the cloud city.

"Is it still a step late?" Wan Dongxin Shen sank again, hurriedly speeding up the pace, swimming in the crowd like a fish.

Before he approached the court, Wandong's ears burst into tears, adding a little bit of sadness to the air around him. Wan Dong was about to accelerate again, and the crowd walking in front of him suddenly stopped, as if it was a river that had hit a dam, and then backed away.

Wan Dong stared hurriedly and saw that in front of the crowd, a group of officers and soldiers with distinctive armor suddenly appeared, as if blocking the dam, blocking the crowd from the court.

"The ground of the court is heavy, and idlers and other people must not be close, otherwise they will be treated as conspiracy!" A domineering voice shocked the Quartet, and upon hearing this, they knew that the person was a good person, and he had achieved a perfect situation.

Wan Dong felt a little surprised in his heart. He looked around and saw a middle-aged man, standing proudly on a high platform, condescending, looking down at the crowd, with great power.

Wan Dong couldn't care about him at this time, and he moved out of the crowd like a cloud, looking for a remote and unnoticed high place, and swept up. Looking up, it just happened to include the entire field.

This court is about the size of two football fields. At this time, it was densely full of knees, old and young women, young men and women, all kinds of all kinds, all available, there are thousands of people to say less. Behind everybody stood a lad hand, a huge sword with a thick back, and scattered all the cold light, bright and bright, it was difficult for people who were in direct sunlight to open their eyes.

Thousands of people were executed at one time. This situation, even Wan Dong, actually took a breath.

Looking away, in the middle of the court, a ten-foot long and ten-foot wide platform was built, three feet away from the ground, and it looked like a standing flock of birds. And when Wan Dong's eyes swept over the high platform, his mind jumped violently, kneeling on the high platform, for him, Shi You ** was a familiar face. Almost all the ministers of culture and martial arts who were very close to the Xu family, even Wu Jinhun, Hu Jingqi knelt in it.

Seeing these people on the high platform, and then seeing the prisoners under the high platform, Wan Dong recognized them at a glance. They were clearly the relatives of these ministers of culture and martial arts.

"Sir, you can kill me, but I beg you, let my wife, she ... she is pregnant!" Suddenly someone on the high platform cried out loudly, and Wan Dong looked up and he knew him Zhong Lang, Liu Zijing, was only in his early thirties this year, and he was a cultivator who was highly appreciated and cultivated by Xu Wenchuan.

After listening to Liu Zijing's cry, Wan Dong hurriedly searched among the crowd, and she soon found Mrs. Liu Zijing's figure. His thin body, but his stomach is quite tall, and even less has eight months. But she did not receive any preferential treatment because of the children in her stomach. She knelt there and looked desperate and weak.

"Fuck! What a quarrel !?" A 40-year-old civil servant with no white face and sullen eyes was sitting on the jaw-dropping platform.

For this person, Wan Dong did not have any impression. He would n’t be a high-ranking official, and I do n’t know why Bai Zhenshan was sent to monitor him. But looking at the high platform, almost two-thirds of the civil and military ministers of the entire Qingyun Empire are here. Presumably, Bai Zhenshan can't send other people.

"Master Wei, no matter what I do, my lady and children are innocent, please beg your noble hands and let them go!" When I think of my wife and the unborn children, I will accompany myself to die, Liu Zijing His heart was about to break, and he had to put down his dignity and plead loudly.

"Humph! Innocent? They are your wife and children. On this one, they are not innocent! It is the will of the emperor to kill him. This officer has no guts to resist!"

"Wei Changhong, you ... do you still have a little humanity? Let my wife go, let him go!"

After being so coldly rejected by Wei Changhong, Liu Zijing was completely angry, and with a loud roar, he struggled to stand up.

Seeing that Liu Zijing's eyes were red, he wanted to eat people. Wei Changhong's face immediately showed a hint of fear, and his body subconsciously shrank back, and his voice shook and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Dog thief! If you don't let my wife and children go, I will die with you!"

"Humph!" Liu Zijing's words just fell, and with a cold hum he rang across the air, and at the same time, a wind of applause came quickly.

Wu Jinshun was on the side, and after seeing it, he yelled in a hurry, "Be careful, Zijing!"

However, before waiting for the voice of Wu Jinshun to fall to the ground, that palm wind had already been slammed into Liu Zijing's body. Liu Zijing screamed, and his figure immediately fell to the ground, his expression was extremely painful.

A figure came out of the air, standing proudly on a high platform, with a ruthless face, and it was the perfect master.

"There is a seat here, are there any of you who are dead prisoners?" The master gave Liu Zijing a cold look and scolded sharply.

"You're acting backwards like this, ignoring Tianlun, aren't you afraid of getting retribution?" Seeing Liu Zijing seriously injured, Wu Jinshun's eyes filled with infinite resentment and glared at the perfect master.

"Hahaha ... I'm so shallow like ants, and where do you know what retribution is? Ridiculous! Master Wei, is it almost time?"

"Senior Venerable Qi, almost!" Wei Changhong faced the master, immediately changed his face, flattered, and the smile straightened his eyes into a slit.

"What are you waiting for, execute it immediately!"

"Can't kill, they are all good people!"

The people who were blocked out suddenly ran into chaos before his words fell to the ground. The ranks of officers and soldiers even showed signs of being unstoppable and kept going backwards.

"Sovereign, this and this ..." Wei Changhong obviously had never seen such a scene, his expression was anxious.

The master's face was also uglier than the moment, and the eyebrows kept rising murderously.

At this moment, there was a cry of killing, and suddenly a large group of people rushed out of the spurs, like a torrent of torrents, and immediately tore a slit on the embankment composed of officers and soldiers, and entered the court.

"Xiao Zuo, you are in charge of saving people. This **** Venerable is handed over to me!" With a roar like a mad lion, two figures came out of the air. It is the help of Zong Tianwei and the right-wing leader Xiao Zuo from the Qinglong Gang.

Wan Dong's expression was refreshed, and he looked closely, and the people who rushed in were all disciples of the Qinglong Gang. Wan Dong couldn't help but nod his head, secretly praised in his heart, this Tianwei was indeed a person of righteousness.

Zong Tianwei burst into a scream and rushed directly towards the master.

"Doggy, this cloud in the city, you can't come to prestige!"

"Brother Zong, this repair is extremely high, so you have to be careful!" Wu Jinshun and Zong Tianwei were intertwined and reminded loudly.

Zong Tianwei smiled and said, "Wuxiong rest assured that his cultivation base is even higher, that is also a puppet! Tonight, I invite you to eat dog meat hot pot!"

A conversation between Zong Tianwei and Wu Jinhun made the master's face green, and with a cold grin, he waved towards Zong Tianwei. With his majestic palms and mighty power, Zong Tianwei felt pressure at that time, his complexion changed, and his body burst back involuntarily.

"Hum ... aren't you terrific, how come, this escaped?"

"I wipe!" Zong Tianwei was the most unsatisfactory. With a curse, he showed his true energy, turned into two mad dragon-like palms, and greeted him straight up.

There were muffled noises like thunder and thunder, Zong Tianwei was going to be worse, his body shook, and a blood arrow spouted from his mouth.

"Huh?" Seeing Zong Tianwei just spit blood, but didn't see any signs of collapse, the face of the master could not help but reveal a look of surprise.

How could he know that thanks to Bai Wandong, he had already learned the Lei Beng tactics, although he has not yet achieved perfection, it is by no means comparable to the ordinary Ninefold Peak. Especially the qi in his body, the scale is already not small, and the master who wants to kill him in seconds is not enough.

"Wipe! Sure enough, it's a hard stubble! But Grandpa likes it!" Zong Tianwei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, not only did not fade, but a little more excited. This is the Qinglong gang master Zong Tianwei, always frustrated and courageous.

"General Wu, I'm here to save you!" At this moment, another roar came, a large group of officers and soldiers, there were tens of thousands of people, swept like a gust of wind, and immediately guarded the surroundings The officers and men scattered alive.

"Guo Yi, is your kid !?" Wu Jinhun could not help but exclaimed when he saw the coming person.

Wei Changhong was also full of horror and asked anxiously, "General Guo, the emperor is not thin for you. How can you ... betray him?"

"Bah! The emperor is benevolent and regards the people as the dogs! Such an emperor is unbearable! The army obeyed the orders and moved forward with all their strength, all the wives, and those who did not abandon the knife, will kill without pardon!

Isn't the regular army's combat power comparable to the disciples of the Qinglong Gang? The army lined up in a row and stepped forward. The momentum was as daunting as a landslide. Everyone who dared to talk verbally, abandoned the knife and knelt down.

"Stubbornness, then let this seat kill you all!" Seeing this situation, the look of the master was suddenly sharp, roaring, floating in the air, full of vitality, and an invisible murderous, like an ocean wave. It overflowed from his body as a whole, spread out, thrilling ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402276->

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