Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Liu Yingying's complexion completely changed, and the original expression of contempt for me, the expression of my solemnity, immediately turned into a strong vigilance, and there was a trace of tension in his eyes.

"I heard ... you are a god?" A slightly cold voice sounded out of thin air, boundless, and it was impossible for anyone to guess where the voice came from.

Liu Yinying's six consciousnesses have been searching around without interruption just now, trying to find the other person's figure. But the result not only disappointed him, but also shocked him. He used all his means to find out where the other party was at this time, as if the other party did not exist at all. This only shows that the other party's cultivation behavior is at least not weaker than him.

Liu Yinying couldn't help but shivered, and he never expected that he would encounter such a mysterious and powerful opponent in the ordinary world.

While Liu Yinying was in a state of consternation, Duan Lengyan, Wu Qiujun and others suddenly burst into a smile. The helplessness and despair in the eyes instantly disappeared, and all the expressions were rejuvenated.

This kind of look, this expression, Liu Yingying has seen too much, it is clearly a kind of joy renewed by the light of hope in despair.

"Damn it!" Realizing that he was losing control of everything again, this feeling annoyed Liu Yingying and looked up to the sky. "Who the **** are you? Are they the old guys of Dan Xiazong? Do n’t be afraid! Stop pretending to be a ghost and get me out! ”

"You seem very nervous. It seems that the Great Venerable Yuntianmen is just like that." With a sneer, Wan Dong's figure slowly emerged from the air.

"Where did your kid die, how come?"

I finally saw Wan Dong's figure, Duan Lengyan's nose suddenly sour, and tears filled his eyes instantly. What I have just experienced is full of emotions that I can't look back.

Wan Dong nodded gently at her, turned to look at Hu Beishan. Seeing Hu Beishan's blood-stained body was dying, he couldn't help but be surprised. His shoulders shook, and he had reached him.

Hu Beishanqiang said with a sigh of relief that he hoped to see Wandong again. At this time, he wished to get paid, and his face slowly showed a sad smile.

"Senior Hu was hurt to be like this to save me. He ... he wouldn't die?" Duan Lengyan looked sad and choked slightly.

Wan Dong shook his head, leaned down, and pressed his hand against Hu Beishan's chest. A warm golden light penetrated slowly into his body.

"You little beast, if I expected it to be good, did you abandon the cultivation of the Ba Dao?" Upon seeing Wan Dong, Jin Feibai's expression suddenly languished, his teeth crowed and roared.

Jin Feibai's voice sounded like thunder, but Wan Dong didn't seem to hear it, and his movements didn't stop at all. As more and more qi rushed into Hu Beishan's body, Hu Beishan's pale paper-like complexion miraculously showed a blush, and his eyebrows wrinkled up because of pain also stretched a little. Duan Lengyan suddenly saw hope, his eyes flashing.

"Why does this make sense!" Just being ignored by Hualili, Jin Feibai's heart was full of anger, and it was even more difficult to contain. A scream, his palms lifted a monstrous and terrible palm, and he was violent, and he thundered towards Wandong.

Wan Dong didn't even return his head, but waved his backhand, as if catching a fly, and with a strong force, he burst out. Jin Feibai's palm strength collapsed in an instant, and it felt as if the cooking smoke had met the storm, and the two were not at the same level.

A muffling sound came from Jin Feibai's throat, and he was like a baseball that was being flown, and flew backwards. When landing, a face was occupied by pain and shock.

"Are your family members Jin so stupid? Since you know that Jin Badao is scrapped by me, how can you still have the guts to challenge me? Do you think that your cultivation performance is higher than that of Jin Badao?"

"You ..." Jin Feibai suffered a loss and was run over by Wan Dong's speech, so that his lungs almost blew up.

Liu Yinying frowned, blocking his irritable figure, and looked at Wan Dong with dignified eyes. Shen Sheng asked, "Who the **** are you?"

Unconsciously, Liu Yinying used the ‘honor title’. Obviously at this time, he had completely placed Wan Dong on par with himself, and he did not dare to be indifferent.

"I'm just a normal person. Where can you get into the eye of your god, why should you ask?"

Liu Yinying's expression couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, remembering that he was just arrogant, it was indeed a bit off.

"Your Excellency! With your cultivation practice, you can never be an ordinary person. Underneath is Yun Tianmen's great Venerable Liu Yingying, and I believe there is no enmity with you. Not today's events will be revealed, so be friends. If your Excellency arrives at our Yuntianmen, we will definitely treat you as a guest! "

"Hahaha ... Why, even Yuntianmen, the ascendant of the continent, is only a master of bullying and fear?" Wan Dong laughed loudly, and the sarcasm in his words was unobstructed.

Liu Yinying's complexion suddenly changed, and there was a flare of anger in his eyes, and a cold hum in his nose.

Wan Dong ignored it, holding the palm of Hu Beishan's chest suddenly, a golden light, and immediately returned to his body through his palm like a snake.

Hu Beishan suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and his spirit was also very good. His face was full of surprise. He looked at Wan Dongdao dumbfounded. "The son is really amazing, Hu Mou admires!" Wan Dong hurried to support him.

"Your internal and external injuries are not as heavy as normal. I'm afraid I can't recover in the short term."

Hu Beishan smiled and said, "I know! Actually, I can still retrieve this life, I am already grateful."

Wan Dong nodded and said, "I Wan Dong owes you a favor, and I will repay ten times in the future!"

Hu Beishan heard a word, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, he was so open, is not just for Wan Dong? Not hypocritical, Chong Wandong nodded heavily.

What Duan Lengyan listened to was also full of enthusiasm. Although Wan Dong's promise was to Hu Beishan, it was also made for her. Although Duan Lengyan didn't know, Wan Dong had been worrying about something and refused to pierce this layer of window paper with her, but as long as he had a place in her heart, that was enough.

"Liu Mou was full of sincerity, but your Excellency didn't take it seriously. Could you make up your mind to be an enemy of my Yuntianmen?" Liu Yingying was not afraid of Wandong even though she was afraid of Wandong. At first, he didn't believe that Wan Dong's cultivation practice could overcome him. Secondly, as a great respecter of Yuntianmen, he had already been used to flying and humiliating, would he easily bow his head to others?

"You said you have no enmity between you and me? Wrong! I and your Yuntianmen hate like a sea!" Wan Dong's eyes fell on Liu Yingying's body, as sharp as a knife, just let Liu Yingying Feeling cold.

Liu Yinying hadn't responded yet, Wan Dong's sword brows suddenly tightened and shouted "I ask you, Xu Tianlong, King of Ningbei in Qingyun Empire, where are people now?"

"How do you know Xu Tianlong is in my hand?" Liu Yinying was startled.

"Don't talk nonsense! Where are the others, is it dead or alive?" Wan Dong's patience seemed to be exhausted all at once. Before the voice of Liu Yingying landed, he suddenly took a big step forward, roaring like thunder. , Deafening.

The attitude of Wan Dong, a dumb man, made Liu Yinying very uncomfortable. Why had he ever been so bi?

Angrily in his heart, he sneered and said "No comment!"

"You're looking for death!" Wan Dong roared, and his claws grabbed Liu Shadow.

Liu Anying's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he thought of waving a huge palm shadow, wanting to completely tear Wan Dong's claws.

But Liu Yingying didn't know exactly where Wan Dong's cultivation practice had reached at this time. Naively, he could destroy Wan Dong's offensive as long as he took advantage of his power. He looked at himself higher and Wan Dong less. Wan Dong, who has already formed Jindan, has the strength to complete the Great Smash in seconds, and Liu Shadow's foot is considered to be a strong kick on the iron plate.

"Mantis is the car, get away!"

Wan Dong's claws suddenly accelerated, like a wave of Tao Qi, suddenly shining a dazzling golden light, and slammed against the huge palm shadow from Liu Shadow. It felt like the wolf claws had burst into the balloon and couldn't breathe, the huge palm shadow burst. The violent claws took advantage of the momentum to rise, and a head of brain hit the shadow of Liu.

"What !?" In such a scene, Liu Yinying's eyeballs were all screaming alive, and with a strange cry, he hurriedly raised his real energy and blocked it.

It really responded to Wan Dong ’s words, like a tribute arm in the car, only to hear the slamming noise, Liu Yinying ’s figure flew out of control, hit a few rolls in the sky, and finally fell On the ground, it was awkward.

Jin Feibai couldn't believe his eyes anymore. He stared blankly at Liu Yingying, as if all three souls and seven souls had flown away. His mouth was open, and he couldn't close it for a long time.

The expressions of Duan Lengyan, Wu Qiujun and others are similar. Recalling the strength of Liu Yingying before, and comparing it now, everyone feels like it is unreal.

"Is this Wandong's real power?"

Duan Lengyan couldn't help but stunned him. When he looked at Wandong again, his eyes clearly added a little worship.

"Brother Wu, then ... how did the shadow of Liu seem to be weak all of a sudden?" Huang Shidao turned his head to look at Wu Qiujun, his lips trembling for a long while before he asked such a word.

Wu Qiujun rolled his eyes angrily at him, where the shadow of Liu became weaker, clearly Wandong was too strong, and the force was terrible!

Wu Qiujun really felt that Wan Dong was a bit scary. Although he had faith in Wan Dong, he never thought that Wan Dong would be so strong. In front of him, the dark shadow of the hall will not be able to catch a single move. What is unfathomable, Wu Qiujun got the most perfect interpretation on Wandong! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402261->

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