Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

At this time, Hou Shankui ’s face was black like a pot bottom, without Hou Shaopeng ’s mouth. On the other side, Duan Lengyan gave a sneer, and his voice was sharp and full of sarcasm. “Taoer, did you hear? Hou Shaopeng was If you bully you, just give him back and beat me hard! "

"I think you dare !?" Hou Shaopeng suddenly changed his face, roaring fiercely.

Hou Shaopeng thought that this would frighten Tao'er, but he obviously underestimated Tao'er's guts and strength. Without waiting for his words to fall to the ground, Tao'er's figure suddenly bullied him. Without a word, he waved his palm and pumped it fiercely towards Hou Shaopeng's face.

"Death!" Hou Shaopeng was furious when he was neutral, and roared, pulling the sword out of his hand without thinking about it, and punctured him against Taoer's chest.

"Indiscriminate!" Duan Lengyan had long been guarding against Hou Shaopeng's hand. Before Hou Shaopeng's sword was actually punctured, Duan Lengyan had already split his palms away.

Hou Shaopeng, who has no learning skills, where can he resist? With a grunt, the sword in his hand immediately flew out without saying, and the whole person was staggered, and fell to the ground with a puff. There was a deep contact between the buttocks and the ground, and Hou Shaopeng's painful open mouth made a cry.

"Three Princesses, you ..." Seeing that Hou Shaopeng suffered a loss, Hou Shankui subconsciously wanted to shoot, but Huang Shidao's movement was faster than him, and his body shook, and he was already in front of him.

With a cold smile, Master Huang said, "Holder, since your son is unruly, it should be a bit hard."

Hou Shaopeng was about to speak, Duan Lengyan snorted, and the murderous ghost said, "Hou Shaopeng, I will only punish you slightly this time. If you do n’t follow the rules again, I do n’t think you need to compete with Yunxi. about you!"

"This ... father ..." Hou Shaopeng suddenly panicked, looking at Hou Shankui for help.

Hou Shankui's face immediately became somber again. He gritted his teeth and said, "The man's big husband, when he can bend and stretch, let me stand up, not ten slaps. What's the problem? In the future, I can always get back the profit. Here! "

With that, Hou Shankui's eyes turned, and his cold eyes turned to Taoer, who wanted to threaten Taoer. But I didn't expect that this girl, Tao'er, was extremely strong and at the same time, this courage was not ordinary. She was just a female man. The threat to him was blind and unresponsive. Boring.

When you encounter a master like Tao'er, it's useless to let you have great power.

"Taoer, don't be afraid! Call me!" Duan Lengyan naturally wanted to support Taoer, regardless of Hou Shankui's ugly face, and roared with pride.

Tao'er is also really simple, Duan Lengyan's words have not fully landed, Taoer's jade palm has been rounded, pumped fiercely on Hou Shaopeng's face. The crackling sound was very loud, and the heart of Hou Shankui's heart burst out.

Although Tao'er is incapable of martial arts, he has strength in his arms. In addition, in this slap, she not only has her own humiliation, but also contains her regret and anger for Yun Xi's unfair encounter, and she is very powerful. Even if he had a thick skin, he couldn't bear it. He screamed on the spot, which was even more miserable than the pig to be slaughtered.

"Smelly ... smelly woman, you ..."


Hou Shaopeng had just started to yell, but unexpectedly Taoer did not give him a chance at all. This time he actually bowed left and right. He just hurled Hou Shaopeng to his mouth, and then gave it back.

"Just like you toad, and want to marry our princess? I'm so delusional, who don't smoke you?" After these three slaps, Taoer can be considered to have experience, and the action of smoking is more and more skillful. While angering, he raised his hand and even slap Hou Shaopeng.

Before and after this, the six slaps fell on Hou Shaopeng's face. Hou Shaopeng's face, which was not originally ugly, was changed. Blue, purple, red, and various colors are displayed together. Nosebleeds and tears flowed, and snots flew along with the harazi. At this time, Hou Shaopeng's face was simply an American blockbuster, and it was still a top-notch kind.

"Ouch, oh, oh," Hou Shaopeng covered his cheek, screaming nonstop, while pulling back subconsciously. The miserable appearance made people unbearable.

Hou Shankui certainly can't laugh. For several generations of the Houjia single pass, Hou Shaopeng is such a single child. Hou Shankui has always been fond of him, and he will never let him suffer even a little bit of grievance. At this time, he was punished by a peach girl. After becoming a pig's head, Hou Shankui's mood can be imagined. His mouth full of steel teeth was almost bitten by him.

"Dad, save ... save me, this ... this girl made it clear that she wanted to worry about me ... Ah!"

Hou Shaopeng hadn't asked Hou Shankui for a few words. A short burst of fragrant wind blew the abuse, and Taoer's few arrow steps had rushed in front of him. The jade palm swept, cracked, and there were three crisp sounds again. Hou Shaopeng's feet seemed to step on a cotton bale, swaying a few times, and finally fell to the ground with a scream. After a short period of retching, he spit out a **** spit, which was actually a mixture of broken teeth, less than three or five.

"Xao Tao'er, I don't see it, you can!" Such a result, it was a bit unexpected for Duan Lengyan, but obviously, he became more and more relieved.

The grievances in my heart were exhausted by these nine slapped faces, and Taoer's face finally showed a smile. There is only one thought in her heart, as long as she can express this tone for Yun Xi, even if she dies, she will have no regrets.

"Shaopeng, Shaopeng!" Taoer girl started too fiercely, these nine slaps, as if all the skills were drawn in the heart of Hou Shankui, it made him anxious and painful. The beads are about to burst into flames. At this point, let alone kill Tao'er, even if you eat Tao'er alive, you will have the heart.

Taking advantage of Master Huang's inattention, Hou Shankui Fei rushed to Hou Shaopeng.

"Dad, I hurt ... hurt!" When Hou Shaopeng saw Hou Shankui, his tears and snot were still endless. The appearance of grievances shattered Hou Shankui's heart.

Hou Shankui was about to comfort a few words. Taoer suddenly came over and said without hesitation, "Waijiazhu, please give it to the side, and the last slap!"

Taoer's words were naive, with a smile on his face, but he fell into Hou Shankui's ears, but it was like he had stuck a dozen knives in one breath at his apex. Shan Kui's heart twitched.

"Smelly girl, do you know that you are looking for death?" If it weren't outnumbered at this time, Hou Shankui wouldn't say anything to Tao'er, and she would directly put her palms to split her into meat, which was from him It's not hard to see in the murderous cold eyes.

"Humph! Even if it's dead, I have to wait until the last slap of Hou Shaopeng before dying!"

"You ..." Hou Shankui went crazy, knowing that he couldn't make sense with Tao'er, Huo turned his gaze to Tan Hu, saying one word at a time, "Brother Tan, the last slap left, it must be Fight? Do n’t forget, my Shaopeng will be competing with your family Yun Xi later? "

Seeing Hou Shankui's face vehemently, Tan Hu's heart suddenly fell, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Brother Tan, you should understand that your fists and feet have no eyes. In case my family's Shao Peng has a flicker in his hand, then Hou Shankui just lost a daughter-in-law, but you, you will lose your only daughter ! "

"Hou Shankui, what do you mean !?" Tan Hu asked suddenly, his face changed greatly.

Hou Shankui gave Taoer a fierce glance and said coldly, "There is no one else, which can make my Houjia suffer such humiliation! Shaopeng, you said, this daughter-in-law, do you have to marry?"

"Bah! A stinky woman with a shameless face, I'm not that rare!" Hou Shaopeng was not stupid. He and Hou Shankui 'browed and eyed', and immediately understood the intention of Hou Shankui. Shouted.

Tan Hu's complexion became a little more solemn. If Hou Shaopeng really messed up, the consequences would be unpredictable. If Hou Shaopeng really took advantage of the opportunity to compete, let alone kill Tan Yunxi, even if he only hurt Tan Yunxi, it would be enough to make Tan Hu miserable.

Tao'er is not a stupid girl. From the words of Hou Shankui and his son, she also heard something. Then look at Hou Shaopeng's gritty teeth, and he felt a little regret in his heart. Tan Yunxi was placed in such a dangerous place.

Tao'er was helpless and looked up at Duan Lengyan, how hoped Duan Lengyan could come up with an idea, but at this time Leng Yan was also a bit chaotic. If Hou Shaopeng really loves Tan Yunxi, then there is still a turning point, but now it seems that what Hou Shaopeng has for Tan Yunxi is probably just ** luo **.

Seeing Tan Hu, Tao'er, Duan Lengyan changed his face, Hou Shankui sneered, and asked with a look of pride in his expression, "How is this last slap, do you still want to fight?"

"You ... if you dare to hurt my young lady, I ... I will die with you!" Tao'er shouted anxiously, but in her anger, there was obviously a little more guilty conscience.

Sure enough, Hou Shankui was too lazy to ignore her threat, but with a sneer, he turned his attention to Tan Hu, waiting for him to make the final decision. The provocation in his eyes was unobstructed.

"Hou Shankui, Yun Xi is my only daughter of Tan Hu. You should understand that if she misses something, Tan Hu will be desperate."

"Hahaha ... Tan Hu, do you think I care?"

"No ... this ... this last slap, I won't fight, I won't fight anymore. Also ... In addition, the injustice has the debt and the owner, since it is the one I beat, then ... then all the consequences I ’m going to bear it, it ’s nothing to do with our young lady! ”Unexpectedly, things would develop to this point, and Tao'er almost collapsed, and tears kept turning in his eyes.

"Isn't it late to say this now?" Hou Shankui regained his initiative, looking down at Tao'er and asked with a sneer.

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