Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Leng Yuecui was shocked. Was it all at this point? Ping Fei Teng refused to be honest.

Leng Yuecui's thoughts had just moved, and Ping Fei Teng had already stood up, like a fierce tiger fluttering a rabbit, spreading his teeth and dancing claws, and came straight to her. This flat flying canopy's eyesight is also poisonous. Although I don't know what kind of relationship Wandong and Leng Yuecui actually have, I can see at a glance that Wandong takes Leng Yuecui very seriously! If you want to threaten Wandong, Leng Yuecui is undoubtedly the best target!

Knowing that life and death are in one move, Ping Feipeng put out the rest of his strength, all his skills, and all his brains were displayed, and he did not dare to be negligent. This flutter was very aggressive, at least in Leng Yuecui's eyes. I just felt that even if the whole sky collapsed, a feeling of at a loss and at a loss, Leng Yuecui forgot even the least dodge, let alone resisted.

In fact, Leng Yuecui can't resist even if she wants to resist. You must know that the thin camel is always bigger than the horse!

"Dog mongrel!" Xu Wenchuan and Wu Qiujun scolded at the situation. But the eyes of the two people were glaring away, but there was no way.

The injuries on the two people are terrible, where can there be strength to stop Ping Fei Peng?

Wang Yangde, Duan Lengyan actually felt bad, Qi Qifei rushed out, but the position where the two stood was a little far away from Leng Yuecui, full of helplessness beyond reach.

"Dog thief, dare to hurt my sister, I will fight with you!"

Leng Yongsi stood beside Leng Yuecui. When she saw this situation, she shouted and greeted her with a clap.

Facing Ping Feipeng's palm-like turbulence, Leng Yongsi, despite all his efforts, was still fragile and completely disproportionate.

"Smelly girl looking to death!"

Seeing that Leng Yongsi bumped into it, Ping Feipeng didn't mean to close it. On the contrary, there was a chilling and terrifying color in the corner of his eyes, which was obviously moving! This is not surprising. Ping Feipeng is already a desperate man at this time. In order to find a way of life, he is afraid that even if his parents are in front of him, he will raise his hand and kill him!

The fierce color flashed in the corners of Ping Feipeng's eyes made Leng Yuecui fight a few agitators and woke up awake.

"Sister, don't!" Leng Yuecui subconsciously wanted to rush forward to grab Leng Yongsi, but Leng Yongsi slammed hard and retreated to the side.

"Go! I can only resist you once!"

Leng Yongsi's eager and determined voice made Leng Yuecui's heart feel as if it was sorely gripped by an invisible hand.

In my mind, from small to large, Leng Yongsi cares and loves her bit by bit, and her tears flow like a torrent of dikes.

"Damn it!" Seeing Leng Yuecui pushed away by Leng Yongsi, he was getting farther and farther away from him, but Duan Lengyan and Wang Yangde flew over one after the other, protecting Leng Yuecui, and Ping Fei was standing still Realize that the opportunity is gone.

When I think of my wishful thinking, I was shattered by Leng Yongsi. How can I not be angry when Ping Feipeng surmises a narrow and narrow person?

Angrily, where did Ping Feipeng care about that many? There was a low growl in the throat, palms raised at the same time, one left and one right, and he slapped straight towards Leng Yongsi.

Although Leng Yongsi also urged the body's true energy at the same time, compared with Ping Feipeng's offensive, it is completely incomparable. When Ping Feipeng's palm edge was one arm away from her, Leng Yongsi already felt that a huge pressure like a mountain collapse collapsed her body in an instant.

Leng Yongsi knew that she could not resist Ping Feipeng's palm anyway. He hurriedly turned around and saw that Leng Yuecui had been protected by Duan Lengyan and Wang Yangde together, out of danger, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sister!" Leng Yongsi's face was relieved, but Leng Yuecui's painful heart seemed to be cracked, and a hysterical cry was made in his mouth.

"Smelly girl! This seat is dead today, and I will let you do it!"

Ping Feipeng's glaring eyes, red, and the waving palm, the more fierce, the palm strength will become more aggressive. At this time Leng Yongsi's delicate and delicate body is like the delicate flowers under the storm.

"Old bastard, if you want to kill my granddaughter, you have to pass the old wife first!"

Just when Leng Yuecui was desperate and Leng Yongsi closed his eyes to die, Leng Shuangrong's anger was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

"What !?" Xu Wenchuan exclaimed involuntarily, a pair of eyes staring like copper bells, dumbfounded.

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