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The outer body of the Mukas looks cold and strong, but the Muka cub born in Xie Luan's arms is so small. Even if the body is really hard, Xie Luan touches it like this. In his heart, he still felt that the cub in his arms was soft.

It does have aggressive and sharp forearms, but with the current size of this baby Muka, Xie Luan thinks that it is good that this cub can break a few ropes with his forearm, and the possibility of hurting people is not high.

The young man has a familiar warm aura, and he was called by the consciousness of the young man when he was still a cub. This newly born Muka cub is obviously very dependent on Xie Luan.

Not only did it arch into Xie Luan's arms, but the Muka cub's two forearms also touched Xie Luan's body lightly. It could be said that the whole body was nested in Xie Luan's arms.

The cub was also very energetic even after the shell was broken. Hearing the cub in his arms hissing at him, Xie Luan picked up a piece of eggshell scattered on the bed and handed it to this place while holding it lightly with two fingers. A cub's mouth.

The cubs of the Muka tribe will use eggshells as nutritious food after they are born, which is what Xie Luan did early in the morning.

Although they have just been born, the Muka babies already have small sharp teeth that can crush eggshells.

The young man handed over the food, and the newborn Muka cub instinctively accepted the feeding, and opened his mouth to bite the small piece of eggshell handed to it by the young man.

Xie Luan squeezed the edge of the eggshell to feed it. He saw that the Muka cub was eating very fast in front of him, but it slowed down significantly when he was about to bite his finger.

This cub also appears to be a good baby.

Xie Luan thought so, and fed the small part of the eggshell that was pinched into the mouth of the newborn cub, and then began to feed a new one.

After feeding all the eggshells, Xie Luan reached out to touch the belly of this baby Muka, and it felt a little swollen.

When Xie Luan touched the cub's belly, the Muka cub lowered his head and rubbed his hand, and when Xie Luan finished touching it, the cub obediently nestled in his arms and didn't move around.

And cuddling, Xie Luan saw the newborn cub gradually falling asleep in his arms.

The first cub egg hatched, and within a short time, the remaining seven cub eggs also broke their shells one after another.

All the cubs injured in this natural accident were born safely. Xie Luan and all the residents in the village are very happy about this.

The only bad thing is that the cub that finally broke out of the shell was not as healthy as the other seven cubs.

This baby egg's life response has always been relatively weak, and it is a very lucky thing to use the gods to guide and call this baby egg out of danger.

Many races in the interstellar world believe that the Muka tribe is a natural fighting race. The Muka tribe is fierce even with its cubs and has an innate fighting instinct.

But in fact, the Muka sometimes give birth to some cubs who lack fighting ability, and the parents of these cubs will not abandon them.

"Baby don't need to fight." Xie Luan reached out and touched the cub closest to him. His words were not only to the weaker Muka cub, but to the cub surrounded by him. of all the cubs said.

In the house now, there are a total of 12 Muka cubs surrounding Xie Luan. There are big babies and little babies, and Xie Luan is surrounded by them.

Because of their trust in Xie Luan's care, after the eight cub eggs broke one after another, the parents of these cubs did not choose to take the cubs home.

The parents wanted to let the cubs continue to live in this house temporarily, and the mayor and Xie Luan were also willing to take care of the newborn cubs, so there was the current scene.

Hearing the young man's words, the dozen or so Muka cubs surrounding the young man each made a low hiss, and a few cubs were waving their forearms at this time. This picture was seen by Xie Luan. It looks really cute.

As far as Xie Luan knows about the source of the Muka's economy, in addition to many adult Mukas being hired to be mercenaries on the battlefield, another major source of income is the export of resources.

A kind of ore called Bather, this material is very suitable for making the core components of warships and mechas. It is a relatively rare or even impossible resource on other planets, but it is very abundant on Senna.

Not only that, for other races, mining Bathur ore is very difficult, because the mines that can mine Bathur ore will invariably have some kind of special radiation that cannot be broken, even if they wear defenses. Equipment also cannot fully resist.

The body of those who receive this special radiation will be damaged to varying degrees without exception. This damage is irreversible and cannot be repaired by medical treatment.

However, the Muka people are completely immune to this special radiation, so currently in the interstellar space, Senna is the planet that exports the largest number of Bather ore.

"Let's raise the price, it's completely possible to sit on the ground and raise the price. Even if the price is more than ten times, they will definitely buy it." Xie Luan said this sentence to the young man in front of him very seriously from his expression to his tone.

This village and town is also the place where the Bather mine is exported. There is a mine about half an hour away from the village and town. The adult Muka people in the village and town will mine the Bather ore according to a rotation system, and then sell it to the outside world.

Although it is definitely not a long-term solution to export resources alone, at the beginning of development, exporting such rare resources at a starting price is undoubtedly a very fast way to get rich and develop, which is suitable for the current Muka people.

current situation.

Besides, the rare resource of Bather mine, the Muka people have not raised the price for so many years, which is already taken advantage of by other races.

Rare resources, even if the price starts from the ground, should be bought or not. Anyway, people who need such resources will definitely be able to spend the money.

He hadn't thought about raising the price for a long time, but Duke was suddenly a little stunned when he heard this from the young man surrounded by a group of cubs.

However, before going to other people to discuss this matter, Duke couldn't help but be a little worried about the few Mukas who had not returned to the village and town by looking at the time.

Seeing the worried expression on the other's face, Xie Luan cast an inquiring look at the other.

"Usually by this time, the adults who went to the mine have normally returned to the village and town. I don't know why they haven't come back today, so I'm a little worried." Duke said his thoughts truthfully.

The security of Senna is indeed not very good. There is an uncontrolled area between the village and the mine. For some people in the interstellar space, this kind of area on Senna can be regarded as a no-care zone.

Will there be danger?

Even if he knew the fighting strength of the adult Muka tribe, Xie Luan still came up with this idea first, and when the idea came up, Xie Luan naturally couldn't sit still.

Chapter 65

Since he couldn't sit still, Xie Luan stood up from the stool and cast his eyes on the person next to him: "I'll go take a look with you."

There were more than a dozen cubs surrounding him in the house. Of course, Xie Luan could not have brought these dozen or so cubs with him when he went out this time, especially when there were several babies who were only a few days old inside.

Nick wants to follow him and only take one Muka cub out. Xie Luan thinks there is no problem, and the other cubs in the house are taken care of by an adult Muka cub.

Coupled with a Knox in humanoid form, Xie Luan left the town with the people next to him.

The planet where the Muka people live is indeed low in vegetation coverage, but it is not a desert. Undeveloped areas without town buildings are actually more suitable to be described as wilderness.

After Xie Luan left the village and town, this uncontrolled area was like this. Sparse vegetation can be seen in the vast land, that is, bushes and some green grass, and a few trees can be seen, at least to make the land look less barren.

"There can be more trees in this place." Looking at this wilderness on the way, Xie Luan proposed his idea to the person leading the way, "If a shelter forest can be planted here, the wind and sand should not be affected. It's in the village and town." 87/179 first page previous page 8586878889909192 next page last page

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