Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 601: Daydreaming? (Invincible Green Arrow and Shi Jade+)

Chapter 6001: Daydreaming?

Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun's words made Shen Rufei's face change suddenly, and he cried out in surprise: "What? You are Ling Tian's people?"

Shen Rufei's exclamation surprised the shocked people. They found that they did not hear wrong. The two people really said that they were Ling Tian's people. But how is this possible? Obviously, this team cannot be found in the 23rd Army. Could it be that their captain went to other legions? But in this case, it is impossible to join the team without being a legionary...

Everyone's mind was confused. They couldn't understand whether Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng wanted to stand up for their juniors and make up a name, or really joined this non-existent Ling Tian?

In fact, in the past few years, Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng refused all the recruitment of teams and announced that they had a team. Because they had never seen them activate the team totem, everyone thought that this was Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng's excuse. In fact, they wanted to officially join the Wuming team, so they used such words to prove their loyalty to Wuming, so as to impress the captain of Wuming and bring them all under his command.

Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng did not respond to Shen Rufei's question. Li Lanfeng stood aside with a smile, while Zhao Jun, holding a chair leg, slowly walked towards Shen Rufei.

Although Shen Rufei was the commander of the mecha regiment and his mecha level had reached the ace master, he was only in the middle and late stages of Qi Jin in terms of physical skills. Zhao Jun was at the peak of Qi Jin, and even if he went alone, he would be a complete crusher.

Shen Rufei also knew that his physical skills could not match Zhao Jun's. If they really fought, he would not have any chance of winning. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he began to regret why he came here in person. He should have sent an assistant. Even if he was rejected, he would not be as embarrassed as he is now.

Is it true that he will lose all his face and dignity here? Shen Rufei seemed to see his future, the days of being ridiculed in the 23rd Army and never being able to raise his head... With cold sweat pouring down, he finally came up with a quick idea and shouted loudly: "The 23rd Army does not have the Lingtian Team at all, Zhao Jun, don't be so flattering, you are not qualified to challenge me to a fight." He turned his head and glared at the duty brigade who was watching coldly in the registration hall, "How do you supervise law enforcement? Zhao Jun used this lie to try to retaliate against me, shouldn't it be stopped?" The captain of the duty brigade originally didn't want to get involved in the affairs of these officers, because most of the officers had higher ranks than them, but unfortunately they wanted to protect themselves, but Shen Rufei disagreed and directly named them and pulled them out. The duty captain looked helplessly at the staff at the registration office. The staff immediately checked the optical brain, and then shook his head at the duty captain, indicating that the information of the Lingtian Team could not be found in the system. Just as Shen Rufei said, Zhao Jun was indeed not qualified to challenge Shen Rufei to a fight. The duty captain coughed and finally said, "Major Zhao Jun, Major Li Lanfeng, I'm sorry, there is no Lingtian team in the system, you can't ask Colonel Shen Rufei to fight." The duty captain seemed calm, but in fact he was in tears. These two people were stronger than him. What could he do to stop them? Shen Rufei finally breathed a sigh of relief at the duty captain's words, but immediately, a burst of anger rushed into his heart: "Zhao Jun, you dare to use this method to humiliate me..." "Do you have any objections? You can fight me!" Zhao Jun raised his eyebrows disdainfully. Since Shen Rufei dared to insult their Lingtian, it meant that they had no possibility of living in peace with Shen Rufei. Although Shen Rufei had a deep background, he was not afraid of Ling Lan, the boss, as his solid backing. Well, the boss is the prince of the 23rd Army, which is really great. Zhao Jun finally realized that this kind of thing of competing with fathers, bosses and backgrounds is really cool! Huh? He seemed to have fallen. Thinking back, he hated this kind of second-generation prince with a deep backing. Unexpectedly, he would be willing to be the prince's thug one day, and he was so happy sitting there... Zhao Jun despised himself fiercely, and then continued to provoke Shen Rufei with a disdainful look, as if to say, bite me when you are angry? Zhao Jun's expression almost made Shen Rufei explode. Some officers who did not have a good impression of Shen Rufei laughed when they heard Zhao Jun's words, but they admired Zhao Jun's fearlessness of power. You know, they dare not express their dislike for Shen Rufei so bluntly. Well, with Shen Rufei's strength, he is indeed not qualified to be the commander of the first division mecha regiment, but he has someone above him and a deep background, so he still got this position. Although many people are dissatisfied, they can only suppress this dissatisfaction in their hearts. This is also why Zhao Jun proposed a fight in a high-profile manner just now. Even if someone found the loophole in Zhao Jun's words, they still remained silent and pretended to ignore it. Although Shen Rufei wanted to beat Zhao Jun, who was three poles lower in rank than him, to vent his anger, he was no match for him and could only swallow his anger and humiliation. His eyes became sinister, and his face, which was originally righteous and majestic, was immediately destroyed... Seeing Shen Rufei's distorted face, many people secretly worried about Zhao Jun. People who knew Shen Rufei knew that he would definitely do something dirty after returning. But thinking of Wuming behind Zhao Jun, they felt that the powerful Wuming should be able to protect the team members... Dingdangdang~ The timer on the wall of the registration hall sounded again, and Shen Rufei looked at Qi Long and others with a cold look. All this was caused by these people. If they had happily agreed to join his mecha regiment at the beginning, there would not have been those things later, and he would not have lost face.

Shen Rufei, who had already decided that he did not want to let Qi Long and others go, said grimly: "There is still one last hour. You should prepare well and wait to join my mecha regiment."

Qi Long and others had cold expressions and were not affected by Shen Rufei's words. Only Li Yingjie's expression changed slightly. Qi Long and the others still have Ling Lan to rely on, but he is not a member of Ling Tian's team... In fact, he does not have a team. Will he really fall into the hands of Shen Rufei in the end?

Just when Li Yingjie was anxious, a handsome young man suddenly came to the door and attracted everyone's attention, because he was the only one not wearing a military uniform, only wearing a set of sterile clothes and a white coat...

Anyone who understands military uniforms must know that this person must be a military doctor, and a military doctor with professional status. A white coat cannot be worn casually out of the hospital. Those who are qualified to wear it must be in a certain field of medicine. Brilliant results have been achieved.

When all the officers saw this man, they felt their anus tighten.

When Li Yingjie saw this person, his eyes lit up...

The man scanned around and found Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng, and walked over quickly. He is the famous ghost doctor Li Shiyu of the 23rd Army, who is very annoying to countless middle and low-level officers but dare not offend him in the slightest.

"Why, no news yet?" He was originally going to come with Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng, but before leaving, an emergency patient was sent to the hospital. The director, who was not too sure, grabbed him and dragged him into the operating room, asking him to monitor the whole process. He had no choice but to wait until the operation was finished before he could get out. Because he was in a hurry, he didn't have time to change into his military uniform, so he just put on a white coat and rushed over.

Li Lanfeng shook his head, and a trace of worry appeared on Li Shiyu's face: "Tell me, will our captain..." The word failure was not uttered, and Ling Lan always felt that the word failure had nothing to do with it. However, he learned that over the years, no new student in the legion had successfully activated the team. This made Li Shiyu a little worried. He wanted to believe Ling Lan, but he was also afraid that this task would be impossible and his captain would eventually fail.

"No, he can definitely do it." Li Lanfeng said firmly. He and Ling Lan had known each other for a long time, and he knew that either Ling Lan didn't do something, or if she did, he would be prepared and would never fight an uncertain battle.

Li Lanfeng, who was full of confidence in Ling Lan, turned to Qi Long and others and said, "Go and register, and then patiently wait for the captain's good news."

Qi Long nodded and was the first to step forward to register. Like Li Lanfeng, he and Li Lanfeng both believed that the boss would not fail. Whether they registered early or late had no impact on them. They just had to join the team in time before the registration ended.

Qi Long took a group of people to register, but Li Yingjie's team members were extremely worried. They had no team, and the final result must be that they would be split up by the mastermind and assigned to various teams in the legion. They like to follow Li Yingjie to show off his power, but if they really have to fight alone, they feel really unsure.

They grabbed Li Yingjie and wanted to ask for an idea.

Li Yingjie kicked them angrily: "How do I know? The most you can do is hang out in major teams. I, your captain, will probably fall into his hands. By then, I may not be able to come back alive." He Lifting his chin, he motioned the team members to look at the gloomy-looking Shen Rufei in front, telling the team members that their captain's situation was worse than theirs.

"What can we do?" The team members suddenly thought of the captain's predicament and suddenly wailed in a low voice. Although they are a group of similar people and have been together since the Scout Academy. They have never done any good things, but they have done a lot of disgusting things. However, in any case, this is also a kind of "**" friendship, which makes the team members I'm really worried about Li Yingjie's future.

"Captain, why don't you join the boss's team." One of the team members gave Li Yingjie an idea.

"Huh? Let me become Ling Lan's subordinate? No, no, how can I, an arrogant person like me, be subordinate to others?" Li Yingjie shook his head like a rattle.

When Li Yingjie wasn't paying attention, several team members secretly gave Li Yingjie a look of contempt. Damn, you've been convinced for a long time. Is it really okay to be so stubborn?

However, for the sake of covering them for so many years, the team members decided not to expose this lie. They looked at each other and decided that for the safety of the captain, they must deceive the captain.

"Captain, this is a strategy, do you understand?" a team member said seriously.

"Strategy?" Li Yingjie blinked in confusion.

"Use the big tree of the boss to get over the current difficulty first. From now on, if you want to work alone, come out. When you, captain, successfully activate the team, we will definitely join." A certain team member began to fool.

"Is this okay?" Li Yingjie was moved. Yes, he had been suppressed by Ling Lan for so long. If he could successfully plot against Ling Lan once, wouldn't he have succeeded in revenge? Damn, this is such a cool idea.

"Of course, ace masters have autonomy. They can leave the main team and form their own team..." A certain team member said with a guilty conscience. He seemed to remember that when the team members were promoted to ace, they had this choice. He wondered if he would still have this right if he joined the team at the ace level... But the captain never paid attention to such small things, so he definitely didn't know.

Sure enough, Li Yingjie nodded repeatedly and did not resist the proposal.

Seeing that victory was in sight, the team members added fuel to the flames. In the end, Li Yingjie was deceived by the team members' rhetoric full of loopholes and decided to join Ling Tian first to avoid this disaster.

Li Shiyu glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that his cousin Li Yingjie, who had always been at odds with him, quietly waved to him? What's happening here? He walked over suspiciously and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

"This...this..." Li Yingjie didn't know how to tell this cousin in front of him who he had always looked down upon.

"Don't tell me? Forget it." Li Shiyu glanced at him and was about to turn around and leave. After all, for the sake of his eldest cousin, he really didn't have a good relationship with this cousin. Being able to deign to come over and take a look at him was already a great honor. Could it be that he Still asking him to speak?

As soon as he took a step, he felt his white coat being pulled.

Li Shiyu glanced coldly and grabbed the hand in his white coat, and said coldly: "Let go!"

"Don't let go!" Li Yingjie raised his chin.

Li Shiyu pulled hard and found that Li Yingjie's grip was really tight. If he really forced it, his white coat would be torn... He would have to spend money to get another one.

Li Shiyu, who was influenced by Lin Zhongqing, also learned the truth of diligence and frugality, so he resisted the outburst of anger, turned around and gritted his teeth: "I'll give you another chance! Tell me, what's the matter?"

Li Yingjie knew that he was no longer allowed to back down at this moment, so he spoke very quickly: "Help me tell Boss Lan that I want to join Team Lingtian!"

Li Shiyu pricked his ears: "What did you say?" Did he not hear the hallucination just now? Li Yingjie, who has always been arrogant and domineering and thinks he is the best in the world, will take the initiative to surrender to the boss? The sun doesn't come out from the west.

Li Shiyu's gesture, which I didn't hear, immediately angered Li Yingjie: "I said, I want you to tell the boss that I want to join the Lingtian team. Do you hear me clearly?"

Li Yingjie's team members collectively hid their faces. This idiot was definitely not their captain! Well, yes, it's indeed not the case anymore. It will be the boss's responsibility from now on. The team members felt that they had made a very accurate decision. At least it was not his turn to be embarrassed.

Li Yingjie noticed that everyone in the registration hall was looking at him, and his face suddenly turned red. His hurt eyes fiercely accused Li Shiyu: Brother, you actually cheated me!

This kind of Li Yingjie actually made Li Shiyu feel cute and cute for the first time. He couldn't help but touch Li Yingjie's hair and said, "I know, I will tell the captain."

"Don't touch my hair, you bastard!" Li Yingjie suddenly slapped Li Shiyu's hand away. What was this kind of caressing expression and action? Do you think I'm a child? Turn the table over and throw it down in anger!

"Okay, okay, if you don't touch, don't touch. Have you not registered yet? Hurry up and register, lest the captain successfully activates the team and recruits people, but you did not register and missed out." Li Shiyu finally felt that he had a younger brother. Yes, he coaxed in a very happy mood.

When Li Yingjie heard this, he thought it was right, so he decided not to be angry with Li Shiyu and walked to the staff to register his information.

Li Lanfeng's eyes suddenly darkened when he saw the interaction between Li Shiyu and Li Yingjie. He seemed to be planning something.

The conversation between the Li brothers almost made one person explode with anger, and that was Shen Rufei.

He didn't know until now that Li Yingjie didn't have a team at all. He clearly wanted to join his mecha regiment, but he still dared to reject him. Now he was openly looking for connections in front of him to join a team in an attempt to escape from his grasp. This was It was a real slap in the face, and it completely humiliated him, the senior colonel and leader of the mecha regiment, and stomped on the ground.

Shen Rufei completely forgot that he had never asked Li Yingjie at all. He just kept silent when Qi Long refused. He had never wanted to let Qi Long go, so Li Yingjie's actions completely angered him.

He raised his head and laughed, and said with disdain: "Hahaha... The boss you are talking about should be the Ling Lan who defeated Lian Shaojing. A new recruit who wants to activate the team? What a daydream. You will not succeed. And the result is that you will join my mecha regiment, and I will let you know what price you will pay for contempt of your superiors in the army!" Shen Rufei said the last sentence with viciousness, and the murderous look in his eyes was undisguised.

Shen Rufei was not stupid to be able to achieve this position. He quickly deduced some truth from the conversation between the Li brothers. The captains of other teams also speculated on some truths. No wonder Qi Long said there is no one now, but it doesn't mean there won't be one in the future. But can that recruit really succeed?

Everyone sighed inwardly. No one has ever succeeded in activating a team task for new recruits. Even General Ling Xiao only successfully activated it in the second year...

"What price do you want them to pay?" A cold voice suddenly sounded in Shen Rufei's ears.

Shen Rufei was shocked. He looked up suddenly and saw a man with a cold body coming next to him.

"Who are you?" Shen Rufei screamed.

"Me?" The man glanced at him indifferently, "Just a recruit who is daydreaming."

"Ling Lan!" Shen Rufei's expression changed drastically. The Ling Lan who defeated Lian Shaojing at the peak of his strength actually appeared.

"Boss!" Seeing Ling Lan appear, Qi Long and others showed ecstasy on their faces.

Li Lanfeng looked greedily at the confidant he had longed for for the past three years. Three years of separation made him understand what it means to not see each other for one day, like three autumns apart...

Feeling Li Lanfeng's burning gaze, Ling Lan looked up and nodded to him.

Li Lanfeng immediately understood what Ling Lan meant, and his eyes showed shock, ecstasy, pride, and satisfaction. His rabbit is indeed the strongest and will never let him down. R1152

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