Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 610 Super power out of control

Wan Xiang is in class at Jiangcheng University.

Recently, Wan Xiang's classes are very full, and her counselor also found out that Wan Xiang secretly missed some classes recently because of playing games.

So the counselor not only kept an eye on her and kept her under strict supervision, but also talked with her mother for a while.

This has led to a sharp increase in Wanxiang's class time recently, and the score requirements have changed from only excellent at the beginning to the top three among all students in the department.

If it was the past, Wan Xiang didn't have much pressure on her mother's request.

Because Wanxiang has the self-consciousness of being a top student, she has been a top student all her life, a top student in studies, and a top student in the eyes of the teacher.

It's just that this kind of thinking has gradually changed since Wanxiang played the Holy Spirit. Choosing to become Alma's apprentice made Wanxiang's thoughts gradually turn towards...the question of why I am learning.

Wan Xiang could guess her mother's plan, after graduating from an excellent university, she might be arranged to go abroad for gold plating and then find a good job in a state-owned enterprise.

Then what?

This is not the future Wan Xiang expected, especially after seeing the wonderful world of the Holy Spirit.

When she was in deep thought, there was a sound of the pen she had placed on the table suddenly falling on the table.

This startled Wan Xiang, she glanced sideways at the pen in her hand, the cap of the pen had been thrown off for some reason, and some jet black ink was scattered on the back of Wan Xiang's hand.

what happened?

Wan Xiang was able to confirm that this was her favorite pen, but she obviously didn't touch it just now.

This doubt lasted until Wan Xiang's cell phone heard a faint vibrating sound.

Wan Xiang seldom plays with her mobile phone in class. The secret of being a top student is her strong self-control.

No matter how boring this class was, Wan Xiang knew that since she was sitting in the classroom, she had to learn something... so as not to waste this time.

Therefore, no matter how much Wan Xiang wants to play with the Holy Spirit now, she will forcefully hold back her inner desire and listen carefully to the class.

But there was only one exception, and that was...Jiang Qiao chatted with her privately, or Jiang Qiao bubbled up in the holy spirit tearing group.

In these cases, Wan Xiang set up a special reminder through the "Holy Spirit Cloud Player" app. This slight vibration should be Jiang Qiao's bubbling in the Holy Spirit tearing group.

This made Wan Xiang look up at the teacher on the podium.

As a top student, she always listens in the first row of class, and the teacher is very strict, and she must put her mobile phone in the mobile phone bag before class.

Like many students, Wan Xiang has two mobile phones, one for personal use and one for personal use. Some students even have three spare mobile phones.

When Wanxiang was struggling, her phone vibrated several times in a row, which meant that Jiang Qiao was chatting in the Holy Spirit tearing group, and the chat was very happy!

What the hell is Jiang Qiao talking about?

Wan Xiang felt a little anxious. Jiang Qiao seldom chatted so happily in the Holy Spirit Tearing Group. Basically, every time he went to the Holy Spirit Tearing Group, there was something important to announce.

Coupled with the recent experience and the pressure on her to add milk but not to increase the price...

Isn't it just that the mobile phone was collected? There is nothing to be afraid of!

As a top student, Wan Xiang played with her mobile phone during class time for the first time in her life.

No update today: next book, next book, Void Secret Realm 3/10 is coming!

Caramel: Is it to brush the pinnacle level?

No update today: Yes, but caramel boss, do you coke fanatics have no team?

Caramel: There is something for everyone, but it is more efficient for everyone to brush together.

Pinnacle level?

What is a pinnacle level?

Wan Xiang hasn't played the Holy Spirit for about three hours, why is there an extra keyword that she doesn't understand?

In order to be able to intervene in the topic of discussion in the Holy Spirit's tearing group, Wan Xiang instantly pressed the phone interface and browsed around the Holy Spirit forum and the Holy Spirit's official website, and figured out what this peak level is.

Now the holy spirit forum is already raging because of this peak level.

Most players believe that the setting of this peak level will completely turn Holy Spirit from a health-preserving and social-focused MMORPG into a huge game of brushing and brushing.

But there are also a small number of Gandi players who feel that after the full level of the Holy Spirit, there is no desire to explore. The mechanism of this peak level, the ability to play whatever is strange, and it can be stacked infinitely is very good.

Wanxiang has been playing Holy Spirit for so long, and she also has her own opinions on some updates of the game.

The pinnacle level is undoubtedly the setting that will completely change the game format of the Holy Ghost.

But this is good news for her.

Because Wan Xiang was also facing the same troubles as Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei's control over Nian Qi exceeded the level that a player should have by many times.

After Wan Xiang received the teaching of Alma, the sharp gun, although she had an additional profession of metal control, her energy and mana consumption became the biggest factors that troubled Wan Xiang's performance.

Wan Xiang doesn't expect the peak level to increase her attack and defense much, as long as the peak level can increase her magic value.

Wan Xiang: President, I also want to come to @今天不改变。

No update today: evening fragrance? ! Aren't you in class?

Wan Xiang: Today... I don't have anything to say about the main class.

Wanxiang could only choose to lie at this moment, although this lie was soon exposed by a screenshot of Jiang Qiao's class.

no! Must be online! Immediately now!

When Wan Xiang raised her head, thankfully... her teacher didn't notice that she was secretly playing with her mobile phone, or even if she found out, she didn't remind her.

But how to leave this classroom? Say you have a stomachache?

Wan Xiang doesn't have much confidence in her acting skills, but when she is considering whether to pretend to be sick...

"Holographic projection has now been integrated into every corner of our lives."

What the teacher said made Wan Xiang feel something...

This is not an illusion... When Wan Xiang put her hands on the desktop, she had the illusion that she was linked with this computer desk.

In the past, this feeling was very weak, to the point where Wan Xiang almost ignored it.

But it may be the reason why Alma, the sharpshooter, taught her more and more lessons, and Wanxiang learned more and more things.

Now Wanxiang can feel something deeper when she touches these electronic devices.

The current flow in the equipment, as well as the digital data exchange, etc., even... Wan Xiang had the illusion that she could interfere with the operation of these equipment.

It's not an illusion.

Wan Xiang's fingertips lightly touched the metal surface of the computer desk, and a power she felt from the Holy Spirit lingered in her body.

Metal interference.

This is one of the most basic skills given to her by the sharp gun Alma, and the extended function can interfere with the normal operation of some high-precision equipment.

The method used by Wanxiang this time turn off all the equipment in the entire classroom!

The moment her thought surfaced, the holographic projector on the podium and the lights in the classroom were all turned off.

All of a sudden, the whole classroom went dark, and the surrounding students also panicked.

"power cut?"

"Everyone, calm down. Maybe the classroom is tripped. Let's just change the classroom." The teacher was also very calm. After trying to switch the equipment to no avail, he directly led the students to change the classroom.

It really worked!

Wan Xiang looked at her fingertips in disbelief. What she just used was not the Hawkeye ability of her profession, but the ability that Professor Alma gave her.

Although she has a lot of doubts in her mind now, she can just ask Jiang Qiao what's going on after she goes online!

So she took advantage of the gap between changing classrooms to do something that a lot of students dare not do, that is... skipping class.

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