Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 602 Your horse is gone! (Second more)

Juan Remnant Yun slowly woke up from the coma.

He found himself in a space that was familiar to him.

The scent of decaying sunken wood, and the gloomy smell of the sea tide, surrounded by some luxurious but dim lights.

This is indeed the captain's cabin of Lady Calamity's Lady of Laughs.

Recently, Juan Remnant Cloud has been here for a long time, spending countless wonderful nights with Mrs. Calamity.

Now Madam Calamity walked out from behind the bookshelf again, looking up and down at Curly Remnant Cloud in the state of the Holy Spirit as if examining some collection.

"Are you Tang Wen from another world? It is indeed much tougher than you as a blue star." She looked up and down Curly Remnant Yun with great interest.

"You can just call me Xiaowen, I... I'm more used to it."

Juan Canyun tidied up his clothes and stood up to look at this... Madam Calamity from another world line.

Even after getting married, his relationship with Mrs. Calamity will be like this... Juan Remnant Yun still behaves like a cowardly child in daily life.

But once encountering major events, Juan Canyun will still behave very tough.

"No matter what you are called, show your weapon!" Mrs. Calamity's musket appeared in her hand, but Juan Canyun recognized that this musket was much more powerful than his wife's. "Let me see your strength."

"If it's a fight...I think..."

Juan Canyun didn't want to fight Mrs. Disaster, no matter if it was Mrs. Disaster in that world, she didn't want to!

But Mrs. Calamity couldn't help it, no matter which world she was in, she would always do what she said she must do, and the musket in Mrs. Calamity's hand exploded with a deafening sound.

Juan Canyun had no choice but to pull out his spear 'Yanxi' and directly bounced off the bullet fired by Mrs. Calamity with the blade of the gun.

The bullet hit the top of the cabin, instantly blasting a huge hole in the cabin.

The vast expanse of the universe can be seen above the void.

"Very good... You are a little stronger than I expected, move! Let me see your strength."

Mrs. Calamity once again aimed at Juan Canyun and fired several shots, but Juan Canyun bounced off all of them, but did not make any attacking movements.

This made Mrs. Calamity into a state of impatience. She rushed to Curry Remnant Yun's body suddenly, grabbed Curl Remnant Yun's sleeve and knocked him down to the ground, then pressed the musket in her hand against Curl Remnant Yun on the forehead.

"Why didn't you attack!" Mrs. Calamity asked Juan Remnant Yun somewhat violently.

"I...why fight you again? Is it... necessary?" Juan Remnant Yun's voice was full of puzzlement and sadness.

"It is necessary! Of course it is necessary." Madam Disaster said in a deep voice.


At this moment, Juan Remnant Yun, who had always been very weak, also had a little angry doubt in his voice.

"Because you are my weakness!" Mrs. Calamity stared at Juan Canyun with her red pupils and said, "I shouldn't have any weaknesses! Including emotional weaknesses! So move! Let me see you Your weakness! The fragile side of your character! Only in this way can I eliminate my feelings for you!"

Juan Canyun's eyes widened, and finally he let go of the spear, and fell to the ground with both hands, giving up any resistance.

"I won't let you lie on the ground safely!"

Madam Disaster suddenly threw Curly Remnant Yun onto the wall, and a dagger directly pierced into Curly Remnant Yun's chest.

At this moment, even if Juan Remnant Yun adjusted his pain perception to the lowest level, he still felt a heart-piercing pain... This made a painful sound come from Juan Remnant Yun's throat.

"Don't think that you are an energy body and I can't think of a way to torture you! Try to resist! Or... your character is so cowardly that you don't even have the thought of resisting?" There was also a suppressed feeling in the voice of this lady of disaster. Strange anger.

With some difficulty, Juan Canyun stretched out his hand and held the arm of that Mrs. Calamity.

"Finally planning to resist?!" When Madam Disaster had a joyful expression on her face, Juan Canyun's hand stretched directly towards her cheek.

After looking at the red-haired pirate queen in front of him, Juan Canyun expressed his... beliefs that he had always carried out in a very affirmative voice.

"No matter what world I am in, I will... never hurt you again."

This sentence made Mrs. Disaster suddenly let go of the dagger in her hand. She looked at Juan Remnant Cloud who fell on the ground, and quickly knelt down and asked her.

"Not again? What do you mean again?"

"In another world... I killed you once." Curly Remnant Cloud slowly got up from the ground and said.

"To resist my atrocities?"

"No... it's to fulfill your wish." Juan Canyun found that his strength seemed to be taken away, and it was difficult to even stand up. "That's all."

"Wish? What wish?"

When the disaster lady wanted to ask more questions, Juan Canyun lost consciousness and fell to the ground. She was a little irritable and swept everything on the other side of the table to the ground.


"Find me from another world! Now!" She could only pin her hopes on herself from another world.


On the other side is Blue Star, since Curly Remnant Cloud has always said that he is fine, he chatted happily with Mrs. Calamity from another world and so on.

So everyone started to look for themselves in this world out of curiosity.

In a world without the Holy Spirit, Wan Xiang obeyed her mother's arrangement and is now a sophomore in Tsinghua University.

The life experience of adding milk and not increasing the price is quite tragic, because without the supply of the Holy Spirit, she passed away two years ago in this world, adding milk and not increasing the price does not mean much to this news.

After this is Jiang Qiao...

Jiang Qiao returned directly to the community he was in. The name of the community did not change until Jiang Qiao went upstairs and knocked on the door of his own house, wanting to see what kind of house he would become without the Holy Spirit...

"Who is it?" A girl's voice came from behind the door of the room.

Fuck you!

I'm not a girl in this world line!

This sound made the eyes of those who were waiting behind with no price increase and Wanxiang light up.

"I deliver the courier." Jiang Qiao still wanted to bite the bullet and see himself in this world.

"express delivery?"

The door was opened, and a girl poked her head out from behind the door, but Jiang Qiao froze the moment he saw her.

Because... Jiang Qiao can be sure that this girl is definitely not him! It can't be me after becoming a girl, but a... stranger.

"It's nothing, maybe it was sent by mistake."

Jiang Qiao was a little confused, but he used various reasons to fool him.

"It's a pity that the president is not a girl in this world." Adding milk and not increasing the price said a bit boringly.

"It's a pity." Wan Xiang also agreed.

"It's such a pity, go to Jiangda to have a look."

Jiang Qiao went straight back to his alma mater. Along the way, he got in touch with classmates and counselors he was familiar with, but they didn't know him.

This feeling was as if someone named Jiang Qiao never existed in this world.

This caused many doubts in Jiang Qiao's heart. Could it be that he in this world is not studying in Jiangcheng University? Has your life changed in any way?

When Jiang Qiao was wondering, he saw a figure that Jiang Qiao was very familiar with. A figure in a white coat and riding a bicycle walked across the street in a hurry.

That's my father! joan!


Jiang Qiao quickly stopped his father, and Jiang Qiao's father came to a sudden stop. It seems that he is also a world-leading scientist in this world.

"Who are you? It's so dangerous!" Qiao An glanced at Jiang Qiao, expressing his confusion.

"……It's me."

During this period, Jiang Qiao changed his character's appearance, absolutely identical to his real self.

"Who... are you?" He was startled by Jiang Qiao's series of unclear words.

Jiang Qiao glanced into the eyes of the man in front of him, and felt that the man was really puzzled.

"Jiang Qiao, your son." Jiang Qiao could only reveal his identity in this way.

"Son? Brother, you are crazy... My wife's surname is indeed Jiang, but she..."

"What happened to my mother?"

"How did you become your mother?"

"Jiang Qinglian, what's wrong with Ms. Jiang Qinglian?" Jiang Qiao directly said his mother's name.

At this time, the expression of the man in front of him changed a little, but Jiang Qiao's mother was a government worker, so it was not unusual for someone to know her name, but the man still told the truth after thinking for a while.

"My wife is infertile, so don't spread the word about it? Young man." After the man finished speaking, Jiang Qiao froze.

" is it possible?" Jiang Qiao rubbed his forehead lightly and felt his thoughts suddenly become confused.

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