Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 530 Parenting System (Second Update! Ask for a Monthly Ticket!!)

The task entrusted by the sharpshooter Alma is very simple, that is, if you meet a character on her list during the power leveling process, then directly knock him out and bring him back to the breeder's base on Kuroshio Island.

"This device is called a hyperspace recovery device. After the power leveling task is over, it will stun the power leveling target. Just press this device on his body. Remember that it must be a power leveling target above the supervisor level."

Sharpshooter Alma took out three props that looked like black boxes and handed them to Qi Junzi.

After Qi Junzi took over the prop called "Super Dimensional Recovery Device", three options popped up in the dialog box where she talked with Alma the sharpshooter. These three options asked about the specific details of the task and why did so.

The gentleman asked these three options in turn.

"Why are you doing this?"

"In order to rebuild the sustainable sanctuary, after you recycle them to the breeder base, I will be responsible for convincing them, rest assured, they will exist as your allies in the future."

Alma the sharpshooter has finished communicating with the breeders, and the breeders are happy to accept these exiles who have left the original permanent sanctuary, and assist Alma the sharpshooter to rebuild a new permanent sanctuary.

"Then why does it have to be above the supervisor level? Can't I recycle the character at the hunter level?"

"Most characters at the level of hunters and below have teleportation beacons on their bodies. Even if they want to defect, they will be teleported back by the eternal sanctuary. Only those who have obtained the qualifications of supervisors can be regarded as true free bodies. Of course, some special Except for the stalkers."

Rosh is a special stalker. As Alma's apprentice, she has many privileges in the Perpetual Sanctuary.

"What rewards can I get after completing the task?"

"Equipment, level, experience, these are the most basic, the key is some core materials for temple construction, and there are many other props that you can use in the future version of the Sanctuary of Creation."

Alma the sharpshooter is now considered a qualified NPC. Jiang Qiao gave her about an hour of training in "player language", and now she knows how to communicate with the holy spirits in a player way.

"Last question, can characters not on the list also use this device to recover?"

This is a question asked by Qi Junzi himself. In the past power leveling missions, all the NPCs entrusted with power leveling were friendly camps, and players had no choice but to attack.

But this mission undoubtedly gave Qi Junzi a legitimate reason to attack.

"It is theoretically possible, but I don't recommend it. The Holy Spirit's actions will greatly reduce your reputation. Whether it's the reputation of the breeder camp or the reputation of the power leveling camp, the direct result will be the future generation you can receive. There will be very few practice tasks.”

"I see, I will help you recover the characters on the list tonight."

Qi Junzi put this prop in his backpack, Alma the sharpshooter nodded her head lightly, and her figure entered an invisible state and disappeared.

Tonight is a forty-five-person leveling task hosted by President Yin, which is difficult for supervisors.

It is very common for players to spontaneously organize forty-five-player strategy guides on the road to ascension, but it is rare for NPCs to entrust leveling tasks for level-forty-five.

Qi Junzi checked the description of this mission. This power leveling entrusted mission is more like a sightseeing group formed by the NPC.

They are all new clients who haven't had many power leveling missions. This is equivalent to their tentative power leveling commission, and they want to check the combat effectiveness of the holy spirits.

It's just that some of them participated in this 'group purchase' for the purpose of talking with the Holy Spirit, and among them was the Goddess of Holy Light.

The Goddess of Holy Light is not on the recovery list of Qi Junzi's mission. In this mission, there are three people who Qi Junzi needs to recover.

However, Gentleman Qi just took advantage of this opportunity to confirm Goddess of Holy Light's attitude towards Zhao Mingwei.

The time in the game always passed very quickly, from noon to night, the only thing that Junzi cared about was a new announcement from the Holy Spirit.

That is, there will be a new wave of large-scale play qualifications released in two days, which is not news that Qi Junzi needs to care about.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, the players who logged in with the game cabin called by the Bank General Office basically gathered under the road of ascension.

There are thirty-seven people in total, and in order to make up for the Bank, a few players who are not logged in the game cabin, but can still be called thighs have been recruited.

Zhao Mingwei was one of them.

Just when Qi Junzi was about to say hello to Zhao Mingwei, Heigaozhurou and Juan Canyun happened to pass her by.

The two of them were also one of the game cabin test players who participated in the dungeon crusade, but the topic of discussion between Juan Canyun and Heiguozhurou caught Qi Junzi's attention very much.

"How long have you been married? That Mrs. Misfortune doesn't look like...the type of woman who wants to raise children." Heiguo Zhurou tried to suppress his tone while talking to Juan Canyun about this matter.

Curly Remnant Yun’s expression also seems to be in a state of panic and anxiety. Although the wedding of Curl Remnant Yun and Mrs. Calamity was blessed by all Holy Spirit players, it is an indisputable fact that Curl Remnant Yun is only 19 years old this year .

What is a nineteen-year-old normally doing? It is estimated that he is only a freshman this year, and it is really too early for Juan Canyun to get married.

So when Juan Canyun got along with Mrs. Calamity, he still regarded Mrs. Calamity more as a girlfriend who needed to be protected and even cared for by him. As for the fact that he really regarded her as a wife...Curan Remnant Yun still had no real feeling.

But Mrs. Calamity is a little different. She is already positioning herself as a wife, and now she seems to be going a step further... Want to be a mother?

"I also... don't know, just the day before when my wife and I were playing the Kuroshio Island dungeon, she asked if it would be interesting if we had a child..." Juan Remnant Cloud said.

"Then raise it, do you and Mrs. Calamity have no little tricks in private? Maybe the Holy Spirit's 18X restriction has been lifted long ago." Hei Guo Zhu Rou kept poking Juan Remnant Yun's chest with his fingers while talking.

Curly Remnant Yun's ears are almost red and hot now, and his head even started to smoke... In this respect, Curl Remnant Yun is still really shy, so shy that he can't stop sighing that it's so good to be young.

"Yes, there is, but I haven't broken the age limit of the Holy Spirit. I didn't feel much when I used the VR device before. Madam, she also said that she didn't feel much, so she didn't do anything. But after using the game cabin... Madam, she couldn't control it. .”

"Keep talking, why can't I control this method?" Heiguo Zhurou was very concerned about the gossip about the future pillar of his team.


"Hey, there is no parenting system for this ghost game of the Holy Spirit. Xiaowen, maybe I can ask the Holy Spirit official for you to come up with a parenting system or something."

Boss Yin intervened in the conversation between the two very appropriately at this time, and at the same time pulled the black pot boiled meat away from Juan Canyun's body.

"Parenting system, isn't this the same as the pet system?" Juan Canyun muttered to himself.

Most online games have a parenting system, but this system is essentially the same as the pet system, that is, the system gives you a digital 'baby', and then raises the baby like a pet.

Juan Canyun didn't know if Madam Disaster really wanted such a child given by the official game... But the premise of all this is that the Holy Spirit launched this system.

It's just that the Holy Spirit's marriage proposal system has been launched for so long, but how many players actually get married in the game?

On the contrary, after that, players proposed to NPCs on a large scale, and the success was very, very few, and the few were single digits.

Qi Junzi suddenly realized that on the day the marriage system went live, she sent a marriage proposal application to Zhao Mingwei on the grounds that 'the character data can be improved after marriage', but Zhao Mingwei did not accept it.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Mingwei felt Qi Junzi's gaze looking at him.

"Nothing... I was just wondering what would happen if the Holy Spirit introduced the childcare system."

"I guess it's the same as keeping pets? The Holy Spirit's pet system is a bit weak. If there is a parenting system, it's probably just an ornamental pet." Zhao Mingwei analyzed it seriously.

"Ornamental pets are actually quite good." Qi Junzi said in a low voice.

"It can only be regarded as a burden, um... the dungeon is open, let's buy it." Zhao Mingwei glanced at the time, it happened to be the time when the forty-five people dungeon was opened.

Qi Junzi watched Zhao Mingwei enter the dungeon of Ascension Road. In fact, she still had something to say in her heart. If the childcare system is really a burden, what about Zhao Mingwei's apprentice Ye Linna?

She didn't dare to ask at all, so she talked to the 'Why didn't you accept my engagement invitation? ’ I dare not ask the same question, because maintaining the current relationship as a comrade-in-arms, Qi Junzi thinks it is very good.

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