Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 473 Power leveling customer service (second update)

Adding milk without price increase was locked in a cage made of unknown metal.

She observed the environment she was in, and compared to a dungeon and prison environment, she was more like being in a laboratory.

It's still the kind of laboratory full of all kinds of monsters... For example, there is a huge purple worm in the cage next to the milk without price increase.

This bug crazily hit a cage made of energy bodies. Every time the bug hit the edge of the cage, there would be scorched marks on the carapace.

In the end, the worm fell exhausted into the cage...

Adding milk without increasing the price took another look at the other cages. The styles of the cages are different, and the monsters locked inside are also different.

In other words... I was regarded as a life form with these tentacle monsters and giant bug monsters?

I didn't touch the edge of the cage without adding milk, because she would lose blood when she touched the edge of the cage, and her specialized lockpicking skills were of no use here.

While she was still thinking about how to escape from here... a hidden task popped up in front of her eyes.

"Hidden Duplicate Tasks - Recruiter of Ascension Road

Mission description: You were accidentally kidnapped by the Sanctuary of Creation to their territory. From the communication among the members of the Sanctuary of Creation, you learned that they are an organization with extremely strict hierarchy. Powerful business and life skills allow you to find business opportunities from the mechanism of the path of ascension. The holy spirits may help the civilians in the Sanctuary of Creation complete the path of ascension on their behalf, and only need the civilians to provide a small part of the soul signature.

Completion condition: Convince any NPC in the Sanctuary of Creation to sign the Holy Spirit leveling contract.

Completion rewards: 50 gold coins for every successful persuasion, the title of Excellent Recruiter for every 100 successful persuasions, the title of Outstanding Recruiter for every 500 successful persuasions, the title of Master Recruiter for every 1,000 persuasions..."

There is no price increase for milk. Looking at the series of rewards behind this hidden mission, this reward does not look good, but there is a special equipment reward called "Deceitful Guide Medal" for 2,500 people. This reward has no attributes, it is very simple A passive skill of Trickster's Way.

That is, when attacking monsters, there is a chance to get all kinds of weird things from monsters, including gold coins.

This is a skill only for thieves...

Now the gold price of the Holy Spirit has begun to drop with the influx of players, from the initial price of 357 gold coins to about 300 yuan per gold coin, but it is still money!

Her motto in life is never to miss any equipment in the game that can increase the gold coin acquisition rate! Even if it is increased by 1% and the price of milk is not increased, you still have to get it!

"It feels like it's burning!" Adding milk without increasing the price hiccupped while speaking.

She was too full to go out to eat with Jiang Qiao last night, and was dragged by McCafe to Jiangcheng Pedestrian Street to eat. The time now is six o'clock in the morning of the next day.

Adding milk without increasing the price continued to browse through the details of this hidden task, and when he was thinking about how to start his first business... Finally, someone came to this laboratory.

That is... a catwoman, she looks like a humanoid cat girl with milk and no price increase, not the kind of cute girl with cat ears who is a popular NPC in the holy spirit.

Even her cheeks look like furry feline creatures, a bit like Queen May in a cat headgear.

The height of this cat-faced girl is about 1.7 meters. If it is a little shorter, it will become a very popular... pet in the holy spirit.

She looked a little sneaky when she walked into the laboratory, but her identity was not a thief, but a researcher in the Sanctuary of Creation.

It's just that she is holding a pen-like prop and a glowing panel and talking in front of a distorted shadow.

"The shadow of the abyss distortion, this material can't make any suitable armor... Should I still use the Void Zerg? But it doesn't suit me very well..."

Be the strongest salesman of the Holy Spirit! Adding milk without increasing the price feels that it is time for me to make a move.

"Hey, hey! Little sister! Little sister!" He lowered his voice and said to the researcher with no increase in milk price.

When the researcher heard the voice of no price increase for milk, her ears twitched and she turned to the side of no price increase for milk, then she stopped the pen in her hand and looked at no price increase for milk.

"The last descendant of the God-devouring God has woken up, and the language sequence function has been implanted in his body?" She walked up to the milk without price increase with a little surprise, and scanned the milk without price increase with a special item. "The casting process of God Devourer has not been fully discussed, but I may be able to..."

"Are you promoted on the road to ascension?" Adding milk without increasing the price could see through what this guy was thinking at a glance.

" did you know about the path to ascension?"

She suddenly became very vigilant. She came here to choose materials that could be used to forge a handy weapon. The power of the God-devouring God, which was rumored in the star map, was a very tempting choice.

"Because we are professionals in this business, just wait a moment."

Adding milk without increasing the price began to inquire about the latest update of the Road to Ascension version, as well as a series of news on the Holy Spirit Forum.

Since Jiang Qiao got in touch with Thorne's teleportation beacon and milk without price increase, her various networking functions can be used. After analyzing and summarizing.

I wrote a leaflet and put it in front of the researcher.

"What do you want to express?" She picked up the scanner in her hand and scanned the flyer in her hand, and the text in the flyer was quickly translated by the scanner.

‘Holy Spirit Studio has received the power leveling list for Ascension Road! relative! Want to experience the thrill of lying down and winning points? Now place an order of millions of holy spirits to help you score online!

1. Commoner·Platinum—Diamond tier order completed within 5 challenges, price: 250 divine power crystals.

2. The Stalker/Defender · Proud Master rank orders are completed within ten challenges, price: negotiable.

3. Orders for the Superintendent·Champion Rank are completed within 25 challenges. Price: Negotiable.

The deposit can be paid first. If the power leveling order fails, a full refund can be made. Those who want to place an order can send a cross-star chart email to contact us by sending a beacon! '

"The road to ascension... power leveling?" She was stunned for a while and then laughed out. "I'm surprised that the descendant of God Devourer has such a sense of humor."

"No kidding, we are serious about this business, little sister, don't you want to score? We have a powerful Holy Spirit team to fight for you! I think you are already qualified as a commoner, and you definitely want to be the master of the stalker Rank, right? This time it’s cheaper and I’ll give you an experience price... how about you free?"

Add milk without price increase The last word "free" is really against her nature, but as a qualified businessman, milk without price increase knows that building the reputation of the product is more important than selling the product!

So let the cat-faced girl pay for the milk without increasing the price... Let her place an order!

"You? Then I want to be promoted to be a ruler, can you help me?" There was a bit of ridicule in her words.

"We don't provide this service for the time being, but it may be available in a while... How about trying it? Anyway, it's free." Said that adding milk does not increase the price.


She didn't believe what she said about adding milk without increasing the price. On the contrary, the door of the laboratory was opened again, and another group of experimenters came in. An old man with white hair seemed to be in charge here.

"Laxina, you should be in the void structure class now! Have you skipped class again?" The old man called out the name of the cat-faced girl, "The day after tomorrow will be the assessment of your promotion path! Do you want to live forever?" Are you all civilians?"

"I just don't want to be a researcher mentor for the rest of my life! The blood of a warrior flows in my race, and I want to be a stalker!" She left the laboratory a little angrily.

Wow... Conventional plot, a rebellious girl who doesn't follow her elders' arrangement.

Adding milk without raising the price Looking at the back of her leaving, I feel that the first person I am selling should be stable.

The only thing left for her to do is to play dumb and see if there is any way to get out of this cage by the way.

PS: There are four updates today, and there should be two more tonight. I originally wanted to finish writing at once...but my brain hurts...take a break.

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