Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 437 Grouping for the quarter-finals (third update)

The finals of the Discord World Tournament on the second day.

Only when Jiang Qiao saw the finals could he understand how hot the game of Discord is. The reports from various countries seemed to be reporting the World Cup... all the attention was devoted to the finals of Discord.

The stage of the finals is not a gymnasium, but a holographic projection hall built by Dispute officials with hundreds of millions of dollars. This holographic projection hall uses Huaguo's technology, and strives for the most authentic holographic projection experience.

Dispute officials have done it. From the live broadcast effect, the holographic projection on the scene is very real, and there are even some equipment such as large hair dryers used to create the live effect.

The number of people broadcasting this game alone has reached 220 million! Dispute officials can brag without exaggeration that this is a game with the largest number of common followers in the history of human beings with Internet communication, and even intends to declare some Guinness World Records.

As for the most watched final in human history, the final result was that the jumping nucleus won the victory.

The victory was extremely tragic. The score between Leaping Nucleus and Coke Frenzy was 6:6, and finally dragged directly into overtime for a personal match to decide the outcome.

In this overtime match, Juan Canyun was sent to play against Caramel...Curan Canyun finally defeated this...a senior he might look up to in Huaguo's e-sports circle.

This may also mark the rise of newcomers in the e-sports circle, anyway, Juan Canyun won all the honors in this game!

On the night when the competition ended, even if Jiang Qiao lived in a community two blocks away from Wuhan University, he could still hear the boys in the apartment building of Wuhan University yelling, "The Leaping Nucleus is awesome!" ’ slogan.

Not only Wuhan University, but all universities in Huaguo have entered the New Year's Eve state, and there are also a bunch of people on Weibo who tweeted saying 'my youth is complete'.

Jiang Qiao also followed suit by posting a Weibo titled 'The Leaping Nucleus is awesome'.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to Jiang Qiao's personal Weibo. At most, there were only some of Jiang Qiao's college classmates. Speaking of college... Wanxiang's college entrance examination has ended.

It's just that her days of confinement by her own mother are not over yet, and Wan Xiang may not be able to log in to the Holy Spirit until the results of the college entrance examination are announced.

During this time, Wan Xiang could only use her mobile phone to send Jiang Qiao a message to ask about the Holy Spirit.

Although Jumping Nucleus won the Dispute World Tournament, their schedule is far from over... In order to participate in the Holy Spirit Challenge, the jumping Nucleus and Coke fanatics even decided to play the challenge directly in Eagle Country !

So on the second day after the end of the Dispute World Championship, when the e-sports fans in Huaguo were still immersed in the carnival celebration, the Holy Spirit Challenge officially kicked off.

The Challenger League adopts a points system, and the points are shared with the ladder rankings... meaning that the higher the ladder ranking, the more initial points you will get!

The eight players with the highest final points will be eligible to advance to the knockout round of the next round.

The points competition lasted for about five days, and Jiang Qiao used the Holy Spirit's official live broadcast channel to selectively broadcast some of the more exciting contestants' duels.

Among them was the confrontation between ten professional players from the champion team who had just returned to China. Of course, the runner-up, the cola-crazed player Jiang Qiao, did not miss it, followed by the incarnations of Freya.

This may be a live match higher than the members of the championship team Jumping Nucleus.

It's just that no matter how popular it is, the Holy Spirit Challenge is just an official event in the eyes of most players, and it has nothing to do with professional events.

When the popularity was the highest, it was not even as good as Shen Meng, the anchor of the Holy Spirit Division.

Jiang Qiao didn't care too much about the low popularity of the Holy Spirit Challenge. This competition was not to attract the popularity of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit really wanted to hold any professional competition, Jiang Qiao would not be so hasty.

Hasty is hasty, but within five days of the official competition, players who entered the top eight surfaced one after another.

On the fifth day, the Eternal Rosh and the Eternal Huzel advanced to the knockout round with an absolute point advantage and secured two places in the quarterfinals. Freya won the crowdfunding streak that night 'The next also successfully advanced.

On the sixth day, Madam Calamity, who had been fighting for nearly half a month, also successfully advanced to the knockout round, but Drake, who she brought over to play with her...was severely beaten by the players of the Proud Master rank.

When Jiang Qiao was watching Drake's match, he felt that the king of pirates was hiding something. He didn't take the match seriously, and he didn't care if he lost in the end.

On the seventh day, there was finally a player to confirm the quota, that is Caramel, he still failed to keep his number one position in the Holy Spirit server.

However, Jiang Qiao saw that Caramel's crazily scoring on the ladder recently, it should be that he intends to wash his shame in the quarter-finals knockout round. become more and more intense.

This made Jiang Qiao very worried about his mental state, but Coke Fever has a dedicated psychiatrist. When Coke Fever was defeated in the World Championship, Bubble, the boss, also posted on Weibo, saying, "I'm sorry we lost, but the players' condition is ours." will pay attention. '

From the eighth day onwards, Zhao Mingwei also got his wish and advanced to the top ten of the national server, and at the same time won the qualification to advance to the knockout round. That night, the rookie Juan Canyun, who was boasted by various e-sports times in Huaguo as the number one player in contemporary e-sports, also successfully won It's time to qualify.

From the ninth day onwards, there was only the last seat left for the quarter-finals. To Jiang Qiao's great surprise...the last seat did not belong to any of Huaguo's e-sports giants, nor did it belong to an NPC, but a high-scoring passer-by player. The ID is Jinyi Tibetan Knife.

This high-level passerby player is a frequent visitor to the top ten strongest players, but Jiang Qiao has not paid much attention to it, but whether other professional clubs have paid attention... Jiang Qiao is not too sure.

After all, the Holy Spirit doesn't have any formal professional competitions yet, and Jiang Qiao doesn't plan to take the lead in holding any Holy Spirit professional league for the time being.

In short, the eight finalists of the Holy Spirit Elimination Tournament in nine days have been announced, the Eternal Rosh, the Eternal Shuzel, the incarnations of Freya, Madam Calamity, Caramel, Happy Game, Curly Remnant Cloud and Jinyi Tibetan Knife.

It happens to be four NPCs and four players.

Jiang Qiao directly pressed a random button for the grouping of these eight players, and handed over the grouping to Goddess of Destiny to determine.

The goddess of fate seems to be a god who likes to play pranks very much. In the end, the result of the grouping of the quarterfinals is...

Madam Calamity played against the incarnations of Freya, and Juan Canyun played against Jinyi Zangdao in the left half.

Rosh the Eternal vs Happy Game, Huzel the Eternal vs Caramel on the right half.

"What kind of ghost group is this?" Jiang Qiao looked at the group and was able to make up a lot of weird plots in his head.

"I don't think it's a problem. These two Eternals don't have much chance of winning against our two strongest Holy Spirits." Hai Lan didn't think there was anything wrong with this grouping.

"Uh...I mean...well, it's actually fine, let's just announce it."

Jiang Qiao thought for a while that this kind of drama seemed to be what he wanted to see, so he directly announced the grouping of the quarterfinals.

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