Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 435: Players' Love (Part 1)

In the end, with the blessing of countless BUFFs, all members of the Coca-Cola fanatic managed to keep Caramel alive, and successfully kept their captain's final status.

But tonight was destined to be a sleepless night, because Fan Xing stayed up all night and posted a post on the Holy Spirit forum section.

A post titled "The Behind-the-Scenes Background Story of the Holy Spirit Challenge and "Avatars of Freya" Biography".

It has been almost a year since the opening of the Holy Spirit server, and the popularity of the Holy Spirit Forum has also increased day by day. Coupled with the opening of the cloud player system, the number of registrations on the Holy Spirit Forum has soared to about 13 million.

The resident forum brother is around 100,000.

The Starry Scholars Team was one of the first members to settle in the Holy Spirit Forum, and was one of the few textual research parties and plot parties in the Holy Spirit, as well as master-level Holy Spirit linguists.

Since Starry Scholars posted a post analyzing the background and worldview of the Holy Spirit, his reputation has been increasing on the Holy Spirit Forum, and more and more players have joined in the research of the Holy Spirit's plot.

And the posts of the Fanxing Scholars team have become a program that the old buddies on the forum will follow up regularly every week. If Fanxing doesn't post an analysis post that week, someone will privately message him to remind him to update.

In his posts, there are two series that are most popular among players. The first one is background story analysis. This series focuses on the background of the holy spirit, camps, buildings, equipment, skills, and occupations. .

The second is the biography, which takes a single character out for analysis. This biography Fan Xing also cooperated with front-line reporters to create a biography-related program.

The first biography is the biography of Queen May during the first battle of the gods.

Now "The Biography of the Holy Spirit" and "The Moment of the Holy Spirit" have become the two ace traffic programs of front-line reporters on YouTube.

Fanxing's updated character biography today is the thirteenth issue, and Fanxing also believes that the thirteenth issue of character biography is definitely the most popular issue since Queen May.

The characters that focus on this issue are the incarnations of Freya. The character of Freya has long been taken as the protagonist in the second issue of "Character Chuan Fan Xing", but there was actually nothing to talk about at that time, except that Freya was exiled to Brande Island, and outside the condemnation of the Annihilation Sect.

What Fanxing can analyze has already been analyzed in the previous background story of the Holy Spirit, but this time the incarnation of Freya made Fanxing feel like big news!

That is the plot of Freya's rebellion that players love to see. Some players have speculated whether this will happen. The dog plan finally gave the players the answer today... that is, Freya does have their own ideas.

'I asked Freya some questions during the break time of the avatars. First of all, this character is indeed an individual Freya. From this passage'I have forgotten who my master is, but the call of the sisters makes I am standing here. ’ It can be seen from the lines that this line reveals at least two pieces of information, one is that this is also a lost Freya, and the other is that this Freya represents the consciousness of all Freya. '

Fanxing's posts are all about textual research. His analysis will include screenshots of lines in the game, or screenshots of book records to prove that he did not talk nonsense.

Therefore, before writing this post... he had a long chat with Freya's avatars who took time to rest, and finally came to a terrifying conclusion.

‘The incarnations of Freya participating in this Holy Spirit Challenge probably represent the thoughts of all Freya. The screenshots of their thoughts are as follows. '

As Fanxing spoke, he sent a series of dialogues about this character.

‘Some sisters think that the outside world is too dangerous, and we should wait for the return of the Holy Spirit in peace, but some sisters think that we may do more things for the Holy Spirit, but only if we have the power to protect ourselves. '

‘When I got lost in Brande Island, Brande Island lent me this power, this Holy Spirit Challenge is our chance to choose. '

'If we win, the sisters will agree that we may be able to do more while the Holy Spirits are gone. If we lose, it proves that this world is still too dangerous for us. The only constant is... We will still be quietly waiting for the return of the Holy Spirit. '

After Fanxing posted the bunch of screenshots, she expressed her own conclusion.

'To sum it up, it means! If the avatars of Freya win this Holy Spirit Challenge, we may not need any Freya's guide stones to take Freya out! She is not fighting alone, but is fighting for the liberation of all Freya! So all arena bosses, I beg you! Can you put water or something when matching arenas? '

Fanxing's post can only be regarded as a request in the end, but this request has been complained by a lot of forum brothers.

'What the hell, I got 1900 points in the ladder arena, and I was hit by Freya on the ground even when I was in the fifth division. ’Respondent: I am not a slave.

‘Diamond Five’s younger brother, what’s there to brag about? My Proud Master was matched so that Freya knelt down in both rounds. Her frost effect is simply unreasonable. ’Respondent: Emperor Qin and Han Wu.

'The strongest king with 3,000 points came to report. I am willing to give Freya my ladder points. The question is how to match Freya? ’Respondent: Montenegro Dumu.

‘Willing to give Freya a ladder score +1. ’Respondent: Year-round procrastination

‘Don’t talk about taking five or six points, it’s okay to give it all to Freya, even though I’m a bronze player. ’Respondent: Ziyue Tianlan.

Fanxing's call had an effect...beyond his imagination.

Because the follow-up rules of the Holy Spirit Challenge have been announced one after another, including the decision to determine the starting ranking of the challenge according to the ladder points, many players who don't play the Holy Spirit Arena very much all focus on scoring in the arena.

The NPCs who participated in the challenge are just as busy as the players on the ladder. The avatars of Freya have played more than 50 games in the ladder arena since they announced their participation in the battle yesterday.

The matching of NPCs is not as fair as that of players. Their matching is completely random. This is also considering that more players of different ranks can experience the feeling of fighting with this special NPC.

By the way, the Holy Spirit's ladder ranking didn't have a rank in the beginning, but later the dog planned to improve the various mechanisms of the ladder ranking, and even introduced the competition mechanism of such disputes as the group arena and the team battlefield.

But most players still pay more attention to the individual competition, that is, solo queue.

Solo queue ranks are also popular among players. From Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond to Grandmaster and King of the World, the rank of King of the World is basically only for the top ten players in the whole server. More than a thousand points.

After the fifty-three rounds of the match, Freya's ladder ranking was set at Platinum 3, but Freya encountered players ranging from Bronze 1 to the strongest players.

In the fifty-three rounds of the duel, Freya lost seven rounds, and these seven rounds were defeated by players above the master level.

This also proved that although Jiang Qiao gave Freya players skills that they didn't have, and a bunch of mechanisms that players found difficult in the dungeon, Freya's combat skills were still a bit rusty.

After all, she had only studied with Hornet Knight for less than fifteen days.

Compared with other games, there are very few players in the Holy Spirit, and there are even fewer players in the arena. Some players who are proud of the master level can already be regarded as the best among players, and the strongest king is a title that only professional players can have.

Someone in the forum has already analyzed that Freya's skill level is the highest and she is superior to the grandmaster, and the strongest players who go up to the top are basically sure to beat Freya.

Judging from the fact that the two brothers and sisters of the Eternal can play against the strongest players at the king level... How should Freya win the championship?

But it does not matter! Perhaps Freya's fighting power is not strong enough to be so dominant, but she has something that the two Eternal brothers and sisters never had!

That's what gamers love!

‘Flya’s rewarding activity starts now! Send screenshots of players who voluntarily give Freya points below, and I will give you fifty forum coins as a reward. ’ Moderator: Hailan and Freya want to celebrate their birthdays.

Fifty forum coins can be redeemed, which is equivalent to fifty yuan in reality! This is not a small expense.

However, under the call of the moderator of the Holy Spirit Division, many players have responded to the call, that is, the Freya points giving activity is now starting!

PS: Actually, Hailan's birthday is coming soon! There is a character birthday event at the starting point, but Hailan's character's birthday star value cannot reach the star value of the event... I have never mentioned the promotion of the character's star value to everyone, including giving the character a heart-to-heart and so on. Here I ask everyone to donate rewards directly in the future, instead of rewarding books directly, you can use the form of giving gifts to the characters. I have explained the specific method of sending in the book review area! Please mess with everyone! Let Hailan and Freya hold a birthday event! This is really important!

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