Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 379 Dress Up (Second Change)

Mrs. Disaster wanted to turn down the window to protect Curly Remnant Cloud, but there was an enchantment in front of the window of the room that she could not break through.

"Those holy spirits... can't hear your voice." Freya walked to Madam Disaster's side and said calmly.

"Aren't you a puppet serving that kid? Why can you just stand here and watch this situation!" Mrs. Calamity shouted out of control.

"I don't understand the reason for your mood swings." Freya's voice was still full of doubts.

"Because..." When Mrs. Disaster wanted to explain further, the group of holy spirits outside the door, who seemed to be judging the remnants of clouds, suddenly popped out a sentence, which made her speak in her throat.

"Nuclear jumping, we are all in the same camp anyway, you send out the strategy of Madam Calamity's betrayal line mission, let's do this mission together."

"But Mrs. Calamity, the faction she chose to join after her betrayal is the law stealer."

"Ah? Does this have something to do with us continuing to kill law-thieves and wild monsters?"

"It doesn't matter."

"So hurry up, I remember that Juan Remnant Cloud from your guild triggered this mission, right? How did this plot mission trigger! Hurry up and share!"

"What are those spirits saying?"

Mrs. Calamity was stunned. She was looking at the stronghold square below where the nuclei were leaping. A group of holy spirits had gathered around Curly Remnant Yun and put their shoulders on their shoulders. There was no atmosphere of condemning the traitor at all.

"The holy spirits are discussing how to continue to cooperate with you." Freya explained for Madam Disaster.

"I decided to betray them for the benefits given by the law-thieves, but even so, they still want to cooperate with me?" Madam Calamity was a little confused at this moment.

"In the logic of the Holy Spirit, your betrayal of them does not constitute a reason for them to be hostile to you. On the contrary, they may continue to help you." Freya said.


Madam Calamity is asking herself this question. She has experienced too many betrayals among allies in her life, and she also knows that betrayal cannot be forgiven. It is Madam Calamity that the Holy Spirits are chasing and killing her like before. understood situation.

But now this group of holy spirits still help her.

"I don't want to answer that reason."

Freya glanced at Mrs. Calamity's figure that was so good to explode, she lightly pursed her mouth and said.

"What are you going to do? The Pirate Queen...will she decide to give up cooperating with the Holy Spirit to assist the Spell Thief, or will she still cooperate with the Holy Spirit while assisting the Spell Thief? This option is feasible." Freya said.

Madam Disaster was stunned when she heard this, she suddenly turned her head to look at Freya.

"God of Devourer! You... really are watching me."

"I'm just a puppet to convey the will of the gods. Choose it. Isn't the pirate of the plane best at treachery?" There was a dim golden light in the depths of Freya's pupils.

Now Freya is conveying Jiang Qiao's will...

"Do I have a choice now?" Mrs. Calamity said with some self-deprecation, "I'm afraid I can only follow your thoughts after being caught by you, but... I like your choice very much. Give me pen and paper and let me contact you. Join my pirate gang!"

"The answer is yes? I thought you would offer to let you go back as a condition." Jiang Qiao's voice came from behind Freya, and of course it was a processed voice.

"I won't make requests that you can't possibly agree to." Mrs. Calamity took the pen and paper that Freya handed over, and she directly found a wooden table and wrote a lot of letters to her pirate group on it. "Your goal is to eliminate the law-stealers on Kuroshio Island. Let me go after the goal is achieved. I think this exchange condition is very reasonable."

It took Madam Calamity less than a minute to finish writing the letter. She wanted to return the letter to Freya after branding an article representing her identity on the letter.

"Add a sentence to the above, I will create a double of you in the city of pirates, and you will tell your crew about it."

It is impossible for Jiang Qiao to put the body of Mrs. Calamity back into the Pirate City. If the Lord of Looting backtracks again, it will cause great damage to the players' game experience.

So Jiang Qiao had no choice but to make an NPC as a substitute. After all, a faction leader can't always be locked in Juan Remnant Cloud's room.

"Dolls like her? My crew and other pirates of the planar pirates can tell the difference between a fake and a real one at a glance." Madam Calamity said.

"It's not for your crew to watch, it's for the holy spirits. It's a bit difficult to explain... In short, just tell your crew and other pirates to ignore it." Jiang Qiao said.

"For the Holy Spirit? Drake is right... The Holy Spirit under the command of the God Eater this time is really a strange group of people, but I have another request." Mrs. Calamity opened the letter again, according to Jiang Qiao's instructions After adding the news that his own puppet replacement will appear in the city of pirates, he said, "I'm curious what kind of life you Holy Spirits usually live... Even if you put me in shackles and match a few jailers Question, give me permission to go on adventures with those Holy Spirits."

Depend on! Why don't you fucking just say that I want to show Juan Canyun the world?

"The shackles are already on you, but you can remove them by committing suicide." The shackles Jiang Qiao was referring to were the cages that Hailan spent about an hour building with 3,000 creation energies.

This invisible cage sealed off Mrs. Calamity's space teleportation ability, but Mrs. Calamity only needs to commit suicide to get rid of this cage.

"I will give you this permission, or you already have this permission now." Jiang Qiao sent Mrs. Calamity to the stronghold of Jumping Nucleus, and Mrs. Calamity had become an employee of Jumping Nucleus. NPCs.

It's just that Jiang Qiao was afraid that Mrs. Disaster would not obey this decision, so she never disclosed the news to the players. But now Mrs. Disaster has volunteered to follow the players to see the world. Mission rewards have been distributed.

"Have already given it? Shouldn't I hide my identity?" Mrs. Calamity thought that Jiang Qiao would give her a cloak or something to hide her identity.

When a bunch of holy spirits besieged her before, she didn't show mercy at all. What if Mrs. Calamity left this room and was bumped into by those holy spirits...

"Hold on."

This sentence was said by Freya. Freya went to her closet and rummaged through it. Finally, she reluctantly found a limited western adventurer suit and handed it to Mrs. Calamity.

This set of clothes is Freya's least favorite, but even if she doesn't like it the least, it's a gift from Curly Remnant Cloud... although the gift here is the clothes that Curry Remnant Cloud unlocked in the closet.

"Does this dress really have the effect of concealing one's identity?"

Madam Disaster didn't hesitate at all, and directly tore off the worn-out clothes on her body that were caused by the battle with the Holy Spirit.

Her terrific figure was exposed to the air, and Jiang Qiao decisively set Juan Remnant Yun's room as a no-entry state at this moment.

After changing into this western adventurer, Mrs. Calamity pulled her chest... Just like the name of the suit, this is a western gunslinger-style costume, but the costume itself is very delicate, especially the branded light A small black waistcoat with silver patterns.

"A little tight..." Madam Disaster complained.

"Sorry, this is already the loosest one." Freya said this sentence with an emotionless voice.

"No! Hey... God of Devourer, this dress can't hide my identity!" Madam Calamity shouted.

"You don't need to hide your identity. You can go out for a walk after you feel that your injuries have recovered. I suggest you go out now."

Jiang Qiao listened quietly to the discussions outside the Leaping Nuclear Base. When Jiang Qiao announced the reward for completing the hidden mission of Mrs. Calamity, the entire base might explode completely.

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