Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 341 BIU (first update)

Now that she has done high math, she finally understands what her own mother's mood is like recently. It is that her daughter finally walked to the examination room of the college entrance examination, and the whole family expects her to get a good grade in the exam.

Although Wanxiang still has more than ten days before the college entrance examination, today she came to a shooting range that...may change her life!

During this period of time, he silently counted, there were at least five well-known players from clubs gathered in the auditorium of this shooting range, and Wan Xiang was the only one of them watching!

His little sister is He De, how can he be watched by half of the e-sports masters in Huaguo?

Is it a draft?

Thinking about what happened now, Wan Xiang directly took the Mosingana rifle in her hand and fired five consecutive shots, hitting all five pigeons released by Xiaoyu in the distance.

None of the five pigeons from the Holy Spirit's ontology map could escape Wan Xiang's sniper attack, and they all fell to the ground after a burst of pigeon feathers scattered, and were automatically transformed into two material props, pigeon meat and pigeon feathers, after system processing.

These five pigeons were more than 400 meters away from Wan Xiang's location, and the interval between the five shots was less than three seconds. Even the first-level professional players onlookers couldn't help but applaud Wan Xiang's performance. I raised my palm.

"Try it with this gun."

Mo Shigui was quite satisfied with the result, but the damage of the magic bullet shooter in Wan Xiang's hand was too low, and the level 50 Black Dragon Lair Dungeon might still be usable, but the damage of this gun was used to fight the boss of Kuroshio Island Some can't keep up with the output.

So Mo Shigui took out a legendary sniper rifle' Dirge of Death. ’, the prototype of this gun in reality is the M82A1 sniper rifle, which in layman’s terms is the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle, the kind that can turn a person into a pulp with one shot.

It has appeared in many movies... The damage of this gun is at least ten times that of the Mosingana rifle in Wanxiang's hand, and it will go up a little bit.

"Can legendary equipment be traded?" Zigao Gaoshu stood beside his little sister... Seeing Mo Shigui, a tycoon with a lot of money, he was already stupid.

But she remembered that the legendary equipment in the Holy Spirit cannot be traded.

"Just add this." A golden cone-shaped crystal appeared in Mo Shigui's hand. This crystal was called the 'Legendary Demon-Breaking Stone'.

This item is also a valuable item exchanged from the mind store. Its function is to trade a piece of legendary equipment to another player.

This also caused the price of legendary equipment on 4396 to remain as high as that of special equipment.

"Okay, take it." Mo Shigui took the barrel of the anti-material sniper rifle and wanted to hand it to Wanxiang.

take it? What to take? Brother Bear! The weapon in your hand is a legendary weapon! Don't say it in the same tone of handing a chicken's neck to others, okay?

Since she was a high-ranking student, she glanced at her younger sister Wanxiang, Wanxiang's eyes were shining like a baby seeing his favorite toy.

No player will stay calm seeing that orange glow.

"Little sister, we can't accept this thing!" The self-assessed poverty made her calm down. "This thing is worth at least two hundred thousand. I'm talking about cash, which is enough for one-third of the down payment of our house." The car my dad drives is only 100,000 yuan."

He kept using analogies to tell Wan Xiang how precious the legendary weapon Mo Shigui was holding was.

After all, Wan Xiang is also a high school student, of course she knows how to tell right from wrong, but she suppressed her desire and shook her head slightly.

"This is for you guys. Our guild doesn't have eagle-eyed players, so there's no use for it." Mo Shigui said.

The effect of the sniper rifle in the dungeon is really low to a bit tasteless, plus there are no professional players, it is actually useless to keep this thing, although this legendary weapon is received by Mr. Yin on 4396 half a day ago of.

He can always easily find equipment for other professions, but there is no news about his key pieces of equipment.

deliver? Is this the boss' guild?

"But...why?" She actually wanted to ask why because she was a high-achieving student. She felt that this little girl who had just played games was not talented enough to be able to enter the youth training camp.

"I need your sister to play a dungeon with us, that's all." Although Mo Shigui also intended to train this girl well, at this stage, what he had to consider was the battle of the Black Ember Knight.

Mo Shigui had already said this, and it would be a bit uninteresting not to accept the high number. Finally, with her nod, Wan Xiang took over the legendary sniper rifle worth 200,000 from Mo Shigui's hand.

When Wanxiang equipped the rifle, Mo Shigui couldn't help raising his eyebrows with her series of actions.

Wan Xiang first unloaded the magazine of this heavy-duty sniper rifle to check the amount of ammunition in it. After confirming that the bullets in the magazine were full, she checked whether the condition of the barrel was good. After a series of operations, Even Mo Shigui felt... something was wrong.

"Have you ever used this gun in real life?"

Mo Shigui glanced at Jiang Qiao who was watching not far away, but Jiang Qiao shrugged and said that he didn't know what was going on.

"This..." It seems that he knows his family situation by claiming high numbers, but in reality, this kind of gun is not accessible to ordinary people, let alone foreign civilians.

"I've used it a few times, but it's the first time in the game."

After Wan Xiang finished reloading, the gun whose real name was Dirge of Death entered a state called harvesting.

"Target?" Wan Xiang turned her head and asked Mo Shigui.

At this moment, Mo Shigui looked at Wanxiang and felt a trace of inexplicable fear. He raised his hand to signal to Xiaoyu on the other side of the shooting range that he could continue to release the pigeons in his hand.

In the distance, another five pigeons were released into the sky again. Wanxiang wanted to get down and shoot, but this is the world of the game. This thrill-seeking girl chose to use a standing reality May be taught a human shooting stance by the recoil.

The deafening gunshots rang in Mo Shigui's ears, and the huge recoil force still existed in the game. This was also due to the balance of the game, but Wan Xiang's character's strength attribute was not low. The muzzle of this recoil monster was in the The first shot went up only a little.

But it missed.

The five pigeons were frightened and flew farther and farther, Wan Xiang pulled the bolt again, and in the next second another bullet with the double effects of 'Eagle Speed' and 'Piercing Strike' came out of the chamber.

This shot did not hit the five pigeons head-on, but one pigeon's wing was scratched by the bullet, and a '-665' damage appeared on its head, and it fell directly to the ground.

The remaining four pigeons flew farther and farther. Wanxiang adjusted the various data of the scope, and the next moment she pulled the trigger of the gun in her hand again.

This bullet hit one of the highest-flying pigeons. This poor pigeon didn't even have any pigeon meat or feathers. After a -2314 damage jumped out, it turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth bullet was fired, and this bullet also accurately hit another poor pigeon.

After killing three pigeons in a row, Wanxiang ceased fire, because two lucky pigeons flew below the city wall, and Wanxiang also lost its target.

"I'm still not used to it." Wan Xiang held the rifle in her hand and suddenly raised it above her head, then put it down again, and raised it above her head again.

She seemed to be very satisfied with the superhuman performance of her character in the game, but she also lowered her head and was afraid to look at Mo Shigui while she was satisfied.

Maybe a bit bitter about not killing the remaining two pigeons.

"I think there should be applause here?" Jiang Qiao watched as he took the lead and applauded, and Mo Shigui also shook his hands from his astonishment and clapped non-stop.

The surrounding professional players didn't dare to see Wan Xiang as a little girl this time, they didn't want to appear in the scope of this gun during the wild picture PK.

Applause rang out in an instant, and Wan Xiang raised her head in confusion. Before she could realize what happened, she realized that there were a lot of friend requests in front of her.

"Little sister, what are you doing?" Since she was a high-ranking student, she couldn't see Wanxiang's game panel, but could only see her constantly clicking on something.

"Reject the friend request." Wan Xiang also knew that she couldn't just add strangers as friends.

Friend requests?

"Agreed! Hurry up and agree!" Since she was a high-achieving student, she didn't need to guess that it was a friend request from those people. She put her hands on Wan Xiang's shoulders and yelled while shaking her.

PS: Sorry for the late_(:з」∠)_

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