Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 313 On where the charm of the faction leader comes from (second more.)

"The idea is doable."

It was rare for Jiang Qiao to read a wave of modification suggestions sent by players today.

Usually the list of suggestions is nothing more than 'dog planning! Give me a game qualification! ’ ‘Please release Freya’s underwear fashion...swimsuit fashion is also good! ’ and other seemingly useless suggestions.

No, swimwear fashion is available.

But today, a suggestion written by a player whose ID is silver gray is the same as the appeal letter written at the beginning of adding milk and not increasing the price.

Yinhui, the ID Jiang Qiao, of course knows who it is. The boss behind the Yuedong Nucleus and the first supporter of the Holy Spirit Fund. He spent so much energy writing the small composition. Of course, Jiang Qiao should read it carefully and summarize the central idea. .

"Draw the law-stealers and those dragons from Kuroshio Island to the other world? Well... I can indeed create a prop or mechanism for the holy spirits to build portals in battle, but the holy spirits may not be able to catch the law-stealers ah."

Hailan was holding a bucket of ice cream and nibbling there. Looking at her heroic appearance eating ice cream, Jiang Qiao could only say that it was good not to be a goddess and not have a menstrual period.

"There is no need to worry about this. The law-thieves on Kuroshio Island are estimated to be wanted by the whole island now... Adding milk will not increase the price."

Jiang Qiao threw a window interface to Hai Lan, and Jiang Qiao knew exactly what was in the player's backpack.

Adding milk without increasing the price snatched a good item from Mrs. Calamity’s treasury... It can only be regarded as a main line item for the player, but for Jiang Qiao, it is an item that occupies the initiative of the Kuroshio Island battle

Hailan looked at the window interface sent by Jiang Qiao, and it showed an item description that looked like a metal egg.

"The metal cage that seals the lord of the island

special items

Explanation: The skill of this metal cage is made by the extermination unit or the breeders. The life form sealed inside is one of the most important island masters of Kuroshio Island, and it is not a dragon island master, but A person with his own consciousness.

Function: None. "

This is an explanation that only Jiang Qiao can see as a dog planner. If you look at this metal egg with milk and no price increase...all the data you can see are question marks.

"Human... the master of the island with his own consciousness, isn't this the Yelena that master master shouted?" Hailan, as the mother of all the players, not only remembers the names of all her players, but also the NPC Hailan who is close to the players.

One of the most special NPCs may be Ye Linna. She gave up the path of becoming a perfect crystallization species and chose to follow Zhao Mingwei to learn the path of Nianqi.

Now Ye Linna's Nian Qi has achieved a little success, and her level has risen from level 35 to level 43. Although she is still far behind her master Zhao Mingwei, Ye Linna is trying to catch up.

But Jiang Qiao didn't forget Yelena's other identity, that is, Deng Heisi would rather tear down the stronghold of Leaping Nucleus, and he had to bring Yelena back...the island master.

From Deng Xisi's memory, Jiang Qiao can know that if Yelena becomes the perfect crystallization seed...the degree of closeness and fusion index of consciousness with Brande Island is far higher than other law-thieves.

If the other law-thieves are one, Yelena is one thousand or even ten thousand, which makes Yelena a...'Queen Bee' who can use her own thinking to control the consciousness of Brande Island.

The metal egg that was snatched with milk and no price was sealed inside... the queen bee in the hive consciousness of Kuroshio Island.

"According to my guess, the breeder imprisoned the queen bee for a long time, and the law-thieves found an opportunity to rescue this thing, but on the way, they were stared at them for a long time. Madam was robbed," Jiang Qiao said.

"It means we hold that egg, and the law-thieves will go to the other world or Brand Island by grab this egg?" Hai Lan asked after swallowing the ice cream in her mouth, "But Kuroshio Island doesn't Maybe there's only one 'queen bee'?"

"There must be more than one, but there won't be many."

Jiang Qiao waved his hand and opened a portal, which was the portal to the pirate city on Kuroshio Island.

"Now that we have figured out what the main boss of Kuroshio Island is, all that remains is to teach the NPCs on Kuroshio Island how to... be NPCs, get along with players, and assign them tasks," Jiang Qiao said. .


Kuroshio Island, in the council hall of the city of pirates.

It sounds strange that pirates will form a council, but the three major pirate groups have been cooperating with each other for more than ten years under Drake's alliance.

This city can satisfy all people's impressions of pirates. It is wet, cold and dirty, full of various seafood being hoisted by huge fishhooks, their blood is piled up on the road, and ghostly old wooden houses appear from time to time. A pier covered with barnacles.

This is not a city built on Kuroshio Island, this is a city that... can move! A huge mothership, the three major pirate regiments followed the city to plunder around the star map.

Now...they're targeting everything on Kuroshio Island, and the city rests on Kuroshio Island.

Another temporary city built by the pirates is the kind that is rooted in Kuroshio Island and will be abandoned.

And this ancient city of pirates has been wandering on the star map for hundreds of years, it can even be rated as the worst city in the whole star map, why?

Violent crimes are emerging one after another, and the number of people below the poverty line is the largest in the star map. It is undeniable that this is a fact.

But there are still people swarming in on the star map, and this city will always give people a glimmer of hope. Despite lies and fantasies...

Cough... In short, the mess is rooted in the genes of the city...

After the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the Grand Leader Drake waved his hand and began to carry out the rectification of the civilized atmosphere. The traditional cultural heritage of the pirates, Nashadian, was completely eliminated in this rectification.

The grassroots pirates protested on the street several times, but the three pirate regiment leaders at this time could not hear the protest.

"When will those holy spirits officially arrive on Kuroshio Island? The landing city is about to be surrounded by those law-thieves!"

Mrs. Calamity clapped one hand on the wooden table with the map of Kuroshio Island. After her left hand was infected by the abyss, she returned to the city of pirates and replaced it with a mechanical hand produced by the breeder.

At first, Mrs. Calamity refused. She hated the impact of these machines, but she knew that the target of the battle in the future would be the abyss... It would be a little bit less flesh and blood to fight the abyss.

The city where the pirates set up an outpost on Kuroshio now surrounded by spellthieves.

Mrs. Calamity knew that it must be the reason for the metal egg she snatched away, but what made Mrs. Calamity aggrieved was... her egg was snatched away by a holy spirit!

"Don't worry, when I finish all the responsibilities you need to be responsible for, the Holy Spirit will come to help you."

A strange voice sounded in the pirate council.

Madam Calamity immediately took out the musket and aimed at the position where the sound sounded, and pulled the trigger. The magic power burst out from the musket, forming an airtight wall and shooting towards the aimed position.

But this wall was cut and torn apart by two swords made of blood.

At this moment, the three-flowered cat headgear worn by Queen May turned into a '(?????)' looking at a group of pirates in the conference room with a super fierce expression.

"Drake, you'd better introduce these two new friends you've found." Cuomo, the leader of the Scale Pirates, stared at Queen May and Jiang Qiao while spitting out snake letters.

The scales on this lizard man's face had many peeling parts, which should have been beaten by Mrs. Calamity.

Queen May's strength put all the pirates on high alert.

"I'm the agent of the Holy Spirit. I'm here before the Holy Spirit arrives, so that you can get along better with the Holy Spirit." Jiang Qiao made a very simple self-introduction.

"Better to get along with? Will those lunatics listen to what you say?" Mrs. Calamity expressed her suspicions. She didn't get along with the Holy Spirits for a long time, but in just a few hours of getting along, Mrs. Calamity realized that the Holy Spirits were all It's a bunch of... out of order lunatics.

But their combat effectiveness against the Abyss and the Spellthief is unquestionable.

"You may not listen to this, but I will teach you how to make the holy spirits obedient."

Jiang Qiao scanned all the pirates in turn. This was the first time Jiang Qiao let players enter a map with a lot of NPCs.

In the past, the players on Brande Island faced some law-thieves, and these law-thieves were all hostile players. Now the planar pirates, God's Chosen, and breeders are all friendly NPCs.

The four main cities have been updated at one time. Jiang Qiao always needs to equip the main city with a series of functional NPCs such as weapon sellers, drug sellers, city side missions, and city main missions.

For side missions, Jiang Qiao can rely on the Holy Spirit's dynamic mission system, which players have long been used to.

As for functional NPCs, these Jiangqiao can build one and put it somewhere, but the best solution is to find people who are willing to serve as functional NPCs in the three cities.

"Which of you is the boss here?" Jiang Qiao asked directly.

The first thing Jiang Qiao was looking for... was the representative NPC of the faction.

This feeling is like King Varian of the Alliance camp in World of Warcraft, and the Queen of Blades in StarCraft. Players can think of this NPC when they think of this camp.

This is the most important part of building a player's sense of belonging to the camp.

When asked about this, the pirates present all looked at Drake who was beside Jiang Qiao.

"I am the head of the Pirate Alliance, but during the alliance with the Holy Spirit, I think it is better to give this position to you." Drake took off a ring representing his identity while speaking. Throw it to Madam Calamity.

"Drake, what are you planning? Just give me the position of Grand Commander, aren't you afraid that I will behead you next second?" Madam Calamity asked while looking at the ring.

"The title of Grand Commander is just false to us, isn't it? Whoever listens to what is said in this city is the last word." Drake took his machete and plunged into the wooden table suddenly.

The reason why he can convince the crowd is because he is the strongest among all the pirates.

"What about the holy spirits?" Madam Calamity put on the ring with the skull imprint and looked at Jiang Qiao. My order?"

"Uh...I think I can listen." Jiang Qiao looked Mrs. Calamity up and down, then nodded in satisfaction.


"Because you are a royal sister-type character that is rarely seen in the Holy Spirit." Jiang Qiao commented seriously.


Madam Calamity and all the pirates next to her had big question marks on their heads, only Drake laughed out loud while holding his belly.

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