Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 302 Is the planner here? (third change)

Jiang Qiao's scalp is numb due to his busy schedule... Kuroshio Island's callers for help came too fast, and the speed for players to switch to Kuroshio Island from the main battlefield in the other world was also too fast.

Although the characters and plots of Inner World, Brand Island, and Kuroshio Island are all connected, when the camp of Kuroshio Island was updated, on the Holy Spirit Forum, on the one hand, there was a discussion about what kind of map Kuroshio Island is. Players are questioning whether the world is a half-finished product?

Jiang Qiao could confidently respond to them. That's right, the real world is a semi-finished product, and the finished product needs to be made by themselves.

However, a series of NPCs such as Thorn and God of the Sun have settled in the inner world, making players think that the inner world has a main storyline, but now there are no mainline tasks in the inner world, just kill a terminal dragon and there will be a new map news.

This made a group of players start to think that the line in the inner world should be cut off, and what else is there, "Dog plans to update too hard, let's slow down a little bit!" ’ comments.

Jiang Qiao also wants to slow down a bit... Jiang Qiao also wants to have a comfortable life with an expansion pack released once a year!

But there is still a conflict between the pace of game updates and the development of reality. Jiang Qiao can't expect those Legions of Annihilation to do nothing for a year.

Fortunately, based on the players' analysis, Jiang Qiao also directly turned the inner world into a map of the guild battlefield, and the inner world was originally built to resist foreign invasion and... to attract investment from the Holy Spirit Fund.

With the arrival of Kuroshio Island this time, it was time for Jiang Qiao to push forward the main plot of the game.

The main line of the game of the Holy Spirit is inseparable from Freya. The big main line is the overall background story of the game. This follows the development of the real world. The small main line is Freya, which is also the part that players care most about. share.

Freya's future.

Freya's main task is also very simple, that is to collect the godhead fragments of the God of Devourer, and evolve from a puppet to a real person!

Jiang Qiao was thinking about how to connect Freya's main mission with... the faction conflict on Kuroshio Island.

The rest of the main plot is not too difficult to design. The key is that players may make some irrelevant choices in Freya's future.

The plot of Brande Island save Freya and we are good friends, and everyone treats Freya as a bora.

The plot line of Kuroshio Island’s Annihilation Legion has been picked up by the Star Scholars on the Internet. It is nothing more than the superficial plot is to sacrifice Freya to gain stronger power. There is also an inference that Freya is actually imprisoned. Yes, you need to find the Legion of Annihilation in exchange for freedom and so on.

These are all within the scope of Jiang Qiao's main plot design considerations, but the final main plot is that players join the various camps on Kuroshio Island to compete for the godhead fragments, and then give the godhead fragments to Freya and it's over.

When Jiang Qiao was thinking about it, he received something very interesting...a request to unblock the account.

This is news from the Tiangong game platform. When Jiang Qiao received this news, he felt that he was too fucking dedicated.

As a game planner and story writer, as a game modeler and game customer service...

Since the opening of the holy spirit server, there has only been one player who has been banned, and that is to add milk without increasing the price.

The fact that Xia Shan could send out this appeal without a price increase should be due to the mobile phone that Xia Shan bought for her. Jiang Qiao opened the appeal letter and took a look.

Jiang Qiao estimated that the letter of appeal might be about 10,000 words long.

In order to unblock my account in advance without adding milk, I wrote a small composition of 10,000 words.

She explained in more than 10,000 words that everything she did in the game was a reasonable and legal game behavior.

Jiang Qiao didn't look at it carefully, but she could see her anxiety in the words of adding milk but not increasing the price.

In the end, Jiang Qiao let out a small sigh and unblocked the account with no price increase for milk, and by the way, sent an official message to inform that there would be no price increase for milk.

After the news was sent out, Jiang Qiao received a lot of messages. This message was not from the customer service of the Holy Spirit, but a private message from the Tiangong chat tool.

Adding milk without price increase is frantically sending Jiang Qiao private chats.

'Is the president here? '

'Yes, what's the matter? '

Jiang Qiao opened a private chat about adding milk without price increase, thinking that if she didn't reply to her, she might push the message to 99+.

'Are you busy now? ’ Adding milk without increasing the price seems to remember that Jiang Qiao left temporarily, so she thinks something should happen to Jiang Qiao.

Very busy, Jiang Qiao is still busy writing the future fate of Freya and the others, but how should I put it... When a girl is chatting with you alone, any man will continue to chat no matter how busy he is.

Jiang Qiao's self-control has always been strong, but the writing of Freya's plot line does not have to be completed now, Jiang Qiao needs to observe the players' intentions first.

'Say something directly. ’ Jiang Qiao replied.

‘Can the president get me out of the hospital? Those doctors won't let me play VR and won't let me go! Sister Changqing also thinks that I should stay for a few more days. ’ He sent his request efficiently without increasing the price of milk.

The body with milk and no price increase is not very weak, and the strengthening in the Holy Spirit has also worked on her body.

It's just that she hasn't walked in reality for too long, which makes her need to practice and adapt, lest she jump over the wall as soon as she comes up like the Holy Spirit.

In terms of food, she should also gradually start transitioning from liquid food. It is best for her to stay in the hospital for a day or two.

But now there are a lot of posts discussing the new version on the Holy Spirit forum, even if Jiang Qiao wants to stop the price increase of milk, she will probably turn the window and go out to surf the Internet at night.

'I'll try this, but are you sure where you live? ’ Jiang Qiao asked.

'I plan to go to Changqing sister's house for a day or two, and then find a place to build a stronghold. Thank you, president, and I will repay you well after I go online. '

It's not building a stronghold, it should be renting a house.

Jiang Qiao remembered that the next door seemed to be rented out, but after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Qiao still didn't tell Jia Nai about the increase in price.

There is no price increase for milk. In fact, she can apply for early discharge from the hospital on her own initiative, but due to some unspeakable reasons, she cannot be discharged yet.

It took Jiang Qiao a little time to solve the problem of not increasing the price of milk, and Jiang Qiao saw the girl appear at the initial base in less than 20 minutes.

"I'm finally back!"

After returning to the world of the Holy Spirit without adding milk, she was resurrected with full blood. The first thing she did was to send the promised reward in reality to the players who came to help her.

The second thing is...

"I want to join the League of Gods!" He came to the initial stronghold and shouted directly in front of the god of war, Uld, without a price increase.

The god of war Uld was still trying to fool Bubble and Coke fanatics into joining the League of Gods, but Bubble said, "I won't join unless you tell me where Miss Sha Rui is!"

At this moment, God of War Uld was really distressed. Yesterday, the Shadow God Chosen was honestly working for Jiang Qiao in Shenyou Town, but today he completely hid somewhere in the world and refused to show his face.

Other players are also discussing the new faction system around the carriage shop, but it is really rare for them to choose to join the Alliance of Gods as soon as they come up, such as adding milk without increasing the price.

"Holy Spirit, I don't think you are suitable for our camp." Uld, the god of war, rejected the request for milk without price increase without even thinking about it!

If Bubbles is the kind of Holy Spirit that the Alliance of Gods must recruit, adding milk without increasing the price is the kind of Holy Spirit that the Alliance of Gods must keep at arm's length!

"I'm about to join the League of Gods! Why don't you let me join? I remember that my reputation in God's Blessing Town is almost worshiped!" asked Uld, the god of war, with milk and no price increase.

Uld, the God of War, used a trick when he saw the pressure of adding milk but not increasing the price...NPCs' very cunning dialogue skills.

That is pretending to be chatting with other players.

"This holy spirit, are you interested in the great alliance of the gods?" Uld, the god of war, asked a passing player directly, ignoring the addition of milk without increasing the price.

"This NPC is crazy, why can't I click the option to add? Is the update function not perfect yet?"

Adding milk without increasing the price frantically clicked on the option to join the League of Gods, but no matter how she clicked, there was no response.

However, with milk and no price increase, every time you click, there will be an extra drop of cold sweat on the forehead of Uld, the god of war.

Among all the holy spirits, the most qualified to join the Alliance of Gods is to add milk without price increase. She has the title of saint in Shenyou Town.

But Uld, the God of War, knows what the addition of milk and no price increase has done to the law-thieves. The biggest murderer of the collapse of the law-thief's town is the addition of milk without a price increase.

This holy spirit is completely unreasonable. Introducing her into the city I built is as terrifying as pulling an excavator that can move by itself.

"Is it because of our network card, sister-in-law?"

It was only at this time that Xia Shan went online in a hurry. Jiang Qiao looked at Xia Shan's anxious and worried expression in the crowd, thinking about these two... He probably found an Internet cafe next to the hospital and logged in directly.

"The network is stuck? Don't you use the 5G network now?"

Adding milk without increasing the price brought up my memory two years ago. With the current world's Internet speed, network delays, dropped calls and other things have become a thing of the past.

"Miss Jia Nai, why do you... want to join the League of Gods so much?" Xia Shan asked curiously.

The first time I got my phone, I frantically scrolled through the forums to see new posts. When the camp system posts appeared, the first camp I wanted to join was the Alliance of Gods.

"Because..." Before he could finish his words about adding milk and not increasing the price, the pirate Drake, who hadn't figured out the situation, came over suddenly.

"The cities built by those liars are no fun at all! If you want to win endless treasures, you should join our camp." Drake said that the milk would not increase the price.

Now looking at Drake's ferocious face, Uld, the god of war, felt...more intimate, but he didn't show any clues, and continued to pretend to be recruiting other holy spirits.

"Can you join the Alliance of Gods? Why doesn't the option to join the camp respond?"

Adding milk without increasing the price directly ignored Drake's solicitation, and his fingertips were still stubbornly clicking on the 'Join' button on the Alliance of Gods window frantically.

Is it really because the network delay of the Internet cafe is too high?

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