Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 203 What if there is a shortage of people? (third change)

‘1. Stronghold NPC favorability collection rewards: The NPC favorability in the stronghold is finally not just a line of numbers. This update of the Holy Spirit has changed the NPC favorability from a love game to a love game + collection game. '

'Now, once NPCs participate in the construction of the stronghold, play a game, or eat delicious food, talk to a charismatic holy spirit, etc., it will make them feel satisfied, happy, happy and other positive emotions Things, there is a probability that they will be secreted... This word is a bit evil, use refresh, refresh the exchange item called 'Xin Xin', which is this translucent little red heart. '

The frontline reporter also attached a schematic diagram of Weiser's mind.

'Judging from the news published on the official website, as long as the NPC refreshes the heart, the players in the stronghold can get the heart that falls close to the ground, but the passers-by who are watching can only get one heart at most, to make that NPC happy More players can get all of them, and the specific number and method of refreshing are expected to be written by masters in the future. '

‘You can go to Miss Cat to exchange for a lot of good things, such as a high-grade bed for Freya to sleep in, some rare construction blueprints, and upgrades to the level and area of ​​the stronghold.

'The most important thing is that I found an item in the exchange bar called 'Furya's Guide Stone'. The specific function of this item is temporarily unknown, but for things related to Freya, brother Moe must go bankrupt and have to exchange it Got it. '

This paragraph from the front-line reporter is also accompanied by a "I dated other women just to love you better." ’ expression.

'2. The stronghold construction leaderboard is officially launched: This list is also subdivided into multiple rankings, but the three most important rankings should be stronghold comprehensive score, stronghold defense level, stronghold industry development level, and the current first list The highest one is the Leaping Nucleus, the second highest is the Temple of the Abyss, and the third is the Coke Mania. Anyway, the Sanhuamao News Agency I built can’t be ranked. Here is a small advertisement, and the holy spirit who wants to build a stronghold together is here Reply 1 below. '

Queen May has impressions of these three guilds. These three guilds used to be the most difficult enemies for her, but now they have become solid allies.

This feeling is still very strange.

Originally, the ranking of the guild was not something that Queen May didn't care much about, but there was a line in the reward for ranking first, 'Miss cats may have an event to visit the top few strongholds. '

What kind of event is this?

Seeing this line, Queen May became vigilant for some reason. She has been learning how to get along with the Holy Spirits, but Queen May has no defense against Jiang Qiao's various tricks.

'3. The addition of the monster siege event: The request of the president of the Abyss Temple has come true. Please go to the official website to read the announcement. Anyway, my small stronghold will not be attacked by monsters. '

Queen May roughly browsed through the information related to this update, and the mechanism of monster siege still made Queen May very worried.

The scene where the group of law-thieves led the four molten core dragons to destroy the stronghold of Leaping Nucleus was still fresh in Queen May's memory.

She glanced at the comments below, and Queen Mei found that no one cared about the mechanism of monster siege at all, they cared more about...

‘Why can’t N-level NPCs be able to produce Careful Hearts? Look down on dog food characters? ’Respondent: Full Moon Carved Bow.

'They are all dog food characters, they must be tool people, haven't you noticed that N-level characters have less dialogue than R-level characters? ’ Respondent: Pale Knee.

‘Here comes the problem. Now I’m frantically refreshing the talent market but I can’t find any characters above SR level. I wonder if the dog planner hasn’t done a good job in the talent market system yet. ’Respondent: Beishu is not available.

Because you didn't catch a few law-thieves at all!

Queen May is the client who entrusts the players to capture spell-thieves. She knows that all the NPCs in the talent market that are above R-level are spell-thieves captured by players. to the talent market.

N-level characters are all tool people as they discussed.

At present, there are very few NPCs on Brande Island that can produce the item of mind. Counting the law-thief caught by the players... there are only 13 people in total. When there is no mind collection system for these 13 people, the players Still feel 'enough'.

But once the mind collection system was launched, the number of these thirteen NPCs seemed to be a little less.

Post more missions for the holy spirits to catch the law-stealers?

Queen May, as a qualified BOSS, has now learned to think about the future development plan of the game for the game planner.

As Miss Cat, she has the ability to customize some missions and post them to players.

But the law-thieves are all dormant in the depths of the crystallized land in the center of Brande Island. It is thankful for players to encounter a law-thief, let alone a large number of law-thieves.

Spellthief is no longer an elite monster for players, but a super rare elf! Catch the kind that sells for a ton of money.

Now the only one who has successfully caught the law-thief in the crystallization land is the legendary figure who adds milk but does not increase the price.

"Your Excellency, this update... is to assimilate Brande Island?" Lionheart Knight also looked at the Tiangong website gadget behind Queen May.

"Siegel, haven't you read the modern life manual that Jiang Qiao gave you?"

Queen Mei didn't continue to read the introduction about the pet system, she took out the "beginner's tutorial" that Jiang Qiao gave her from her backpack.

It was this novice tutorial titled "Self-cultivation of Dungeon Lords and Life Strategies for Modern People Combined Edition", which taught Queen May to surf the web.

"Forgive me for my dereliction of duty. I don't read much about your Majesty's book." The Lionheart Knight is still living his old life. He is not very interested in the Internet. He can only fight against the Holy Spirit and powerful monsters on the island. Barely aroused his interest.

All that remains is to protect Queen May's safety under the Holy Spirit, and keep those bad boys away from Queen May.

"This book is always being updated." Queen May opened the novice tutorial, and a projection of Brande Island was projected from the pages. "The Holy Spirits now have two main tasks, one is to eliminate the The crystallized plague, the second is to increase the assimilation value on the island to... I don’t know how much? The agent’s comment is still so irresponsible.”

Queen May looked at a note posted by Jiang Qiao at the bottom of the page. Among the three buildable town areas on Brande Island, the assimilation value of the Spirit Vein Forest where the Holy Spirit was located was still 11.5, while the assimilation value of the spellthieves had increased. to 55.1.

But what got Queen May concerned was...

"Why did the assimilation value in this area rise to thirteen? It's still has already risen to fifteen...the first time I saw it, it should be zero."

Queen May looked at the area of ​​the black soil swamp projected by Brande Island. The area of ​​the black soil swamp should have been a no-man's land, but now the assimilation value on the black soil swamp suddenly rose to fifteen.

"Troy and Ulysses are patrolling this area, and they should inform the agent of some relevant information."

Lionheart Knight didn't know anything about the main quests on Brande Island at this stage. He only knew that he was a bartender and would occasionally be called out by Jiang Qiao to kill one or two troublesome lord-level monsters.

"I always have some bad premonitions, I hope it's just a premonition." Queen May closed the novice tutorial Jiang Qiao gave her.

It's time for Miss Cat to go to work. What she has to do now is to guard the area of ​​Lingmai Forest. As for... what happened in the Black Soil Swamp is something that Jiang Qiao has to solve.

PS: There will be another update later~

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