Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 123 Majesty (the ninth update! For the leader Re

Chapter 123 Majesty


Queen May watched Mo Shigui's back as he left. When Mo Shigui was walking towards the carriage shop in a jet-black epic armor with dragon patterns, Queen May subconsciously wanted to summon her own blood blade.

The Lion Heart Knight was even more serious. He looked at Can Xin and Mo Shigui with a strong murderous intent, if it wasn't for Jiang Qiao repeating a sentence in the Lion Heart Knight's private chat.

'You are now Papa Donald! Not the Lionheart Knight! Do not open the second stage! Not even the third stage! '

'You are now Papa Donald! Not the Lionheart Knight! Do not open the second stage! Not even the third stage! '

This series of texts was repeatedly refreshed in the chat window between Lionheart Knight and Jiang Qiao, and it was only then that Lionheart Knight suppressed his killing intent.

The most conspicuous guilds in the first battle of godheads were the Leaping Nucleus Guild and the Abyss Temple Guild.

Jiang Qiao felt that there was no need to repeat the evil deeds done by the Yuedong Nucleus Guild. Just taking Queen May's diary and running around the world was enough to make the Lionheart Knight's murderous intent rise to MAX.

What's worse is that the diary hasn't been returned to Queen May yet, maybe Queen May is still thinking about it.

The Abyss Temple was the guild with the highest output in the entire battle of godheads. To put it more simply, it was the guild that beat Queen May the most.

The presidents of the two guilds appeared together, and the Lionheart Knight was able to greet the players in the carriage, which was considered very elegant and easy-going.

'What should I do now? '

Queen May communicated with Jiang Qiao through a function similar to telephony. Queen May had a psychological shadow on the members of the Jumping Nucleus Guild and the Abyss Temple Guild.

This kind of psychological shadow made her not know how to communicate with the players for a while, and it was very embarrassing to just stand on the stone, and there was still a large group of players around the carriage shop asking questions.

Like something like "Miss sister, where did you get your three-flowered cat headgear?" "Is your gender male or female?" "You must be a girl with such a nice voice." "Let's listen to something else."

A series of conversations that could be classified as sexual harassment made the Lionheart Knight next to him feel his veins throbbing.

Queen May also realized that she had to find a topic to communicate with these players, but Queen May, who had not communicated with strangers for hundreds of years, needed some time to adapt.

So I had no choice but to ask Yu Jiangqiao for advice.

'It must be to let these guys go out to move bricks! '

Jiang Qiao quickly sent a private chat message, and attached an emoji of flipping the table.

‘Moving...moving bricks? '

‘Ah, you read it to those players according to the message I privately chatted with you next, be emotional! Just act like a stage play and play your part well. '

'OK. '

Jiang Qiao still underestimated the players' spirit of entertaining to death. The doll girls were lying in the tree hole dying. After seeing the new character played by Queen Mei, most of the players stopped when they accepted the task. I can't stop playing a few times.

Because Queen May's three-flowered cat headgear is really interesting, or Queen May is so interesting.

The expression of her three-flowered cat headgear will change according to the various molesting words of the players. Although this can be done like pixel headgear and owl headgear, these dynamic headgears are all at the level of rainbow unicorn headgear The extremely rare fashion, and the three-flowered cat headgear has unusually rich expressions.

The players flirt, flirt, and flirt, as if they have forgotten their puppet girls, and they are still waiting for them to bring food and drink back.

Jiang Qiao quickly sent the first line to Queen Mei. After she finished reading this line, she brewed her feelings, and the expression of the three-flowered cat's headgear suddenly became gloomy.

"If you continue to stand here, that puppet may become a real puppet." Queen May said to those players who were still asking her how to get her headgear in a dignified voice.

The effect of this sentence was outstanding, so good that Queen May herself was surprised.

Queen May's own oppressive aura, as well as Jiang Qiao's lines... All of a sudden, the front of the carriage shop, which was originally very noisy, fell silent for a few seconds.

"Her life is passing by every second. I can't revive her after the puppet dies, but I can provide you with supplies." Queen May said.

A small number of players didn't listen to Queen May's words. Among this small number of players, some were looking for strategies on the water forum, while others were chatting around in private to find out something.

But most of the players quietly listened to Queen May's warning, which wasn't really a warning.

"I've already fed steamed buns to my puppet girl. It should be fine if the satiety and thirst are full, right?" a player said tentatively.

"Fuck! The puppet girl is hurt like that and you only feed her white steamed buns?"

"Does any of you know where you bought the bed? I saw a post on the forum analyzing that Freya's sister may die of sleepiness! My Freya's fatigue value is only three points now."

"Flya will still die of sleepiness? Are you sure it's not a rumor?"

"Then try to reset Freya's fatigue value to zero? People can die from overwork, why can't Freya?"

"So what about beds! Why doesn't this game even have an NPC who sells beds! You can't let puppet girls play on the floor!"

Queen May watched the players fall silent for less than a few seconds before entering a state similar to arguing, which vaguely seemed to be developing into a trend of on-site PK.

' ’ Queen Mei looked even more at a loss when she saw the players arguing with each other, and the expression on her face was also very panicked.

‘This time you can try to make your own decisions. I won’t always be here to help you. Didn’t I teach you player psychology? ’ Jiang Qiao knew that Queen May was not Hailan, she was just a little shy...or very shy, but she was still a qualified queen in essence.

Jiang Qiao's reminder made Queen Mei quickly adjust her mood. She quickly searched the tasks released by Jiang Qiao and found the task with a bed in the task reward.

She clicked on an option of 'realize the contract' on the task interface window, and then accompanied by the gathering of light particles, an ancient sheepskin scroll appeared in her hand. There was a wax silhouette of a cat silhouette on the sheepskin scroll. chapter, indicating that this commission was issued by 'Ailu'.

"I can provide all the supplies you want!" Queen May's cold and majestic voice echoed in front of the carriage shop again. She raised the entrustment in her hand, and the entrustment turned into light and dissipated. Afterwards, every player A reminder of this commission popped up in front of them.

"I think this is what you want at this stage, but the premise is that you can collect what I want! Complete this task while your dolls are still moving." May regained her former status as Queen The feeling of commanding the world.

"There is really a bed in the mission reward!"

"I just saw this post in the forum."

"Going to move bricks for my wife! Slip away!"

All the players within Queen May's line of sight accepted this task. Hundreds of entrusted sheepskin scrolls turned into light and dissipated in front of the players. They also searched for some other rewards related to food and plant seeds in the carriage shop. After supplies, he took out the whetstone and sharpened the weapon on the handle until it shone, and rushed into the forest aggressively.

‘Hopefully the world doesn’t have endangered species protection laws. ’ Jiang Qiao sent a private message at this time.

'What's the meaning? ’ Queen May had never heard of such a law.

'nothing. ’ In Jiang Qiao’s memory, there are quite a few players in the Holy Spirit who are... three-light players, among them the ones who add milk but don’t increase the price are the most.

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