Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 121 Poor Players and Rich Players

"Why not!"

Without giving up, Xia Shan continued to search for her backpack. She had three 50-grid mechanical craftsman bags. These three bags were all rewards for Xia Shan's alchemy engineer after her promotion to the proficient level.

The advantage of the Mechanic Craftsman's Backpack is that it can get extra stacking when placing parts and mechanical items.

Based on the above, Xia Shan's three fifty-grid bags are full of all kinds of strange mechanical parts, either mechanical parts or raw materials for manufacturing.

If the doll girl is a doll, she should be able to eat screws, right?

Xia Shan looked at her backpack full of mechanical parts and fell into a weird thinking loop, but she soon...

"What am I thinking!" Xia Shan broke down and threw a fifty-grid bag in her hand to the ground.

"Flya, wait, I'll buy you something to eat!"

Xia Shan picked up the bag she threw on the ground again, and she opened the bag again to check the money left on her body.

The amount displayed in the money column is 0 copper coins, 0 silver coins, and 0 gold coins.

"Why don't you have a single copper coin?" Xia Shan saw that her empty wallet was about to collapse.

But soon Xia Shan recalled that since she played the Holy Spirit, the money she got from downloading dungeons or fighting monsters was spent immediately... What did she spend it on?

The screws of the whole backpack, that is, the mechanical parts!

The promotion of life occupation is really a process that burns a lot of money. Xia Shan used her salary to buy gold coins to barely get the alchemist to the proficient level, which is only a little bit away from the master level.

what to do?

Xia Shan encountered the most embarrassing thing in her life, which can also be said to be the most shameful thing for other men, that is, she has no money to buy food for her wife!

"Sell the parts?" Xia Shan glanced at the parts in her backpack. The price of each different mechanical part fluctuates between one copper coin and five copper coins. Xia Shan only needs to sell some to find Lionheart City. The chef buys the cheapest... white steamed buns.

The puppet girls are all injured so badly! But he feeds the puppet girl white steamed buns?

If Xia Shan has such a boyfriend, she will break up with him immediately tomorrow, okay?

How can I buy a bowl of porridge! Still nutritious porridge!

"Only... only krypton gold."

In Xia Shan's memory, among the NPCs selling food in Lion Heart City, the most expensive food was really a bowl of props called Longming Babao Congee.

This prop allows the player to recover 5,000 HP within seven seconds after consuming it, gain a 5% defense bonus and 12% HP recovery, plus a special effect called Dragon Cry , the attack has a 2% chance to trigger 100 points of magic damage.

Healing potions can be used by players in battle, and food can only be eaten after leaving the battle, but these are just BUFF props for players!

But in Xia Shan's eyes, this is the best porridge in the world, and the price of this bowl of porridge is forty-two silver coins.

Feeling a little distressed... Xia Shan glanced at the deposit in her bank card, and there was still 2,000 yuan left, which was Xia Shan's living expenses for a month.

But not expensive!

Now the price of the gold coins in the Holy Spirit is only 337 yuan per gold coin, and the exchange rate between one gold coin and one silver coin is 100, which is equivalent to spending more than 100 yuan to buy a bowl of porridge for the puppet girl.

"If you don't buy money now, when will you buy it again! Buy, buy, buy! Freya, you wait! I'll be right back!" Xia Shan read a city return spell at the speed of light with her wallet in her heart.


On the other side... Mo Shigui had already gone online and arrived at Brande Island. He also found his own Freya in the tree hole under the ancient tree.

It's just that compared to Xia Shan's embarrassment, when Mo Shigui rescued his family's Freya, he seemed... much richer.

Now Mo Shigui found a chair under the table facing Freya, and his shield and long sword were placed in the corner of the tree hole.

Mo Shigui's Freya was sitting in front of her, and there was a table between Mo Shigui and Freya. The table was filled with all kinds of dishes that said 'I'm sorry, cooking that glows is amazing'.

His Freya looked very cautious looking at so many dazzling arrays of food, with a spoon in her hand, she didn't know which one to start with.

"If you are weak, you should drink some porridge first. I don't know if you can eat human food, but since you have hunger and thirst, you must be fine."

Sitting on the chair, Mo Shigui looked over the food on the table and looked at Freya who was sitting on the other side. His Freya had already changed into a pure white priestly uniform.

This priestly costume is also an epic item called 'Life Asylum', which is one of the top equipment for a nanny at level 50. Its effect is nothing more than increasing the amount of healing and buff boost.

But there is an additional note on the back of this dress, which is 'It is said that the person who wears it can be protected from disease for life. '

From the current situation, the description of this dress is just a legend, and Freya's weak state is still not relieved.

Freya followed Mo Shigui's suggestion, and began to eat the Longming eight-treasure porridge on the table with a spoon...Legendary quality!

"The food on the table does not have the attribute of freshness, so they should not spoil. I will put these here. You can tell me what you want to eat."

Mo Shigui watched Freya's hunger and thirst attributes start to rise rapidly, and the weakness attribute flickered for a while and finally disappeared, then stood up from the chair.

Because his Freya also has a negative attribute that is exhaustion.

"I'll go to Lion Heart City to buy you a bed. By the way, can you leave this tree hole?" Mo Shigui asked Freya.

Freya didn't answer, and the movement of holding the spoon froze slightly, which was also caught by Mo Shigui.

"Really? I see. It's best to sleep after eating. The follow-up main task needs to restore your health to be full before it can be triggered."

Mo Shigui glanced at his main task bar. Like Xia Shan, his main task was still stuck in the second stage of life-threatening task.

The condition for completing this mission is that Freya's HP reaches 90%. '

Every negative state of Freya will reduce her upper limit of health. When she is in a state of hunger and thirst, Mo Shigui can only restore 100 points of health to Freya no matter how good the healing potion is.

Now Freya's HP is 700 points, and the last 200 points should be recovered through sleep.

Mo Shigui picked up the shield and long sword that were placed in the corner, and when he reached the exit of the tree hole, he stopped suddenly.

"One more thing, does the bowl of porridge you eat taste good?" Mo Shigui recalled Fan Xing and some of the unknown settings of the Holy Spirit that he mentioned. One of the settings is the food sold by NPCs in the game Neither tasted good.

Mo Shigui thought at the time that of course it was tasteless, but the food in the VR game really tasted good, and Mo Shigui wondered if he had been intubated in the back of his head.

So... where do NPCs eat?

Freya was stunned again by Mo Shigui's question.

"Tell the truth." Mo Shigui walked up to Freya with his hand and said.

Freya shook her head lightly.

"What about this?" Mo Shigui brought another bowl of legendary borscht to Freya.

After Freya took a sip from the spoon, she still shook her head to the conclusion.

"I see, you eat first before you talk."

After Mo Shigui confirmed this, he left the tree hole without looking back. After Mo Shigui left, his Freya looked at the brand-new clothes on his body, and a slight arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

PS: Everyone has been waiting for a long time! This is an addition to everyone's 12-hour wait! Begging for monthly tickets and subscription support! Save the child, the monthly pass is really important, I still have a lot of manuscripts to save! Just count on everyone's monthly pass and subscription! I feel that I can continue to add more today!

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