Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 119 The little transparent player is online (Fifth update! Please subscribe! Please ask for

On the sixth day of the May Day holiday, when the players had just killed Queen May, Xia Shan was working overtime in the company.

As the second batch of players qualified to play, Xia Shan is a little transparent compared to those big players who beat up the five knights and Queen May in the battle of the gods.

So far, Xia Shan is still working hard to save enough gold coins to upgrade the manor in her game. As for what Queen May looks like, Xia Shan has never seen it in the game.

Just when I was browsing Weibo and forums every day, I occasionally saw some beautiful pictures of Queen May posted by some game bloggers.


Xia Shan picked up the coffee and took a sip. This was her fourth day of overtime work. If it wasn't for the generous overtime pay, she wouldn't be squatting in the company to change the code.

"The server is activated, the server is activated, the server is activated!"

The Tiangong No. 13 pet robot on the side suddenly repeated these three words non-stop. This is the alarm clock function set by Xia Shan to remind Xia Shan of the time when the game server is launched.

"The server is open?" Xia Shan immediately put down the coffee cup in her hand and picked up the VR helmet next to her.

The advantage of working in this company is that... You can use the above-board reason of 'program testing' to prevaricate the usual fishing and playing games.

"The loading speed should be faster! The company's machine is really terrible!"

Xia Shan put on the VR headset and found that she was stuck on the loading page of the game for a long time. It is incredible that the company's broken VR device can run the game, and Xia Shan can't expect too much.

What really made Xia Shan impatient was that she also watched the two CGs released on the official website. The first CG was okay, but the second CG of "Why Home" made Xia Shan anxious to move the case to find Tiangong No. 13 Talk, or talk to some of the planners behind Tiangong No. 13.

Now it is really hard for Xia Shan to believe that Tiangong No. 13 made this game, or... the characters in this game actually have their own ideas?

This kind of thinking made Xia Shan even more anxious, that is, her puppet girl really has her own ideas, but now the puppet girl is trapped in a forest full of monsters!

The update resources of the game were downloaded quickly, Xia Shan closed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already at the gate of the Resurrected Cathedral in Lionheart City.

At this time, the entrance of the cathedral was already surrounded by players who just went online. This kind of grand occasion was comparable to when the server was first launched... no, there was no such grand occasion when the server was first opened.

"Damn! My wife is gone, have you seen my wife? Such a beautiful wife is still in the church before maintenance, is there a bug?"

"Didn't you watch the new CG? The puppet girl was chased and killed by the religious order and fell to another world."

"Don't talk about that CG, you'll get angry as soon as you say it, shit! Lionheart City won't let you kill the guards."

Xia Shan listened to the wailing voices of the players at the gate of the Resurrected Cathedral, and she walked into the Resurrected Cathedral with a heavy heart.

The comments from other players outside gradually disappeared as Xia Shan stepped into the map of the Cathedral of the Resurrected. The entire church was so silent that Xia Shan felt a little scary.

Although she is a little transparent and a rookie player in the game, Xia Shan's level has reached level 50. In order to earn money to buy the manor, she also participated in the battle of the gods, but she was just on the verge of the battle of the gods. Zombie soldiers or something.

The seven bosses in the Battle of Godheads were nightmare-level monsters that she couldn't even imagine, but fortunately, Xia Shan finally got a piece of Godhead, completing the plot of the Battle of Godheads.

At that time, Xia Shan was still very lucky that she could pick up a piece of Godhead for nothing, but now Xia Shan is not lucky at all.

As expected, Freya was not there.

Xia Shan walked into the silent church. Normally, when Xia Shan entered the church, Freya would greet her with 'You are back. '

Now the whole church is empty... It's so quiet that Xia Shan feels a little scary.

"What is this?" Xia Shan saw something glowing on the ground. She walked up the steps and found a magical text on the ground.

Xia Shan reached out to wipe off the dust on the ground, and saw the content of this line of text clearly.

'do not worry. '

"What did Freya leave behind?" The next second Xia Shan saw the line of text, a main task popped up.

‘Main quest: Tracking, quest description: Freya seems to have left the Cathedral of the Resurrected, but the aura of the inscription symbol she left extends to the vicinity of the Tower of Trials, maybe you can find her there. '

It really is a new main line, so the teleportation point of the new map is at the Tower of Trials.

Xia Shan made sure of this and did not continue to take pictures of the view of the Resurrection Cathedral. She walked out of the Resurrection Cathedral quickly.

Outside the cathedral was still a group of players planning to form a group to fight the sect, Xia Shan ignored it... but met an acquaintance at the end of the road.

"Form a team?" Jiang Qiao saw Xia Shan and waved at her.

"Big... Hello, big brother."

Xia Shan and Jiang Qiao had been friends for half a month, but she still seemed a little reserved when communicating with Jiang Qiao.

The main reason was that Jiang Qiao didn't take Xia Shan to play very often, and his usual communication was limited to Xia Shan asking Jiang Qiao about the strategy.

"Can I still be considered a boss?" Jiang Qiao pointed to the level next to the ID on Xia Shan's head. She is already a level 50 mechanic. A tenth-level player can already be regarded as a master in his own right.

"Of course! Boss, you have graduated from the Black Dragon's Nest, and I'm still working on normal difficulty dungeons." Xia Shan's little head kept lighting. Summoner equipment.

Mechanic is also a Summoner type of profession, Long Xi needs at least a three-piece suit in order to pretend to be on the forum and say, "Scream my husband will take you to a group!" '

Jiang Qiao is the kind of player who stands at the entrance of the dungeon, and a group of people rush over and say, "Big brother, take me to the next book." And the pixel glasses on Jiang Qiao's face, Xia Shan remembers that this fashion is also Very precious.

"Okay, do you want to play a new map together?" Jiang Qiao's equipment was mixed with the Leaping Nuclear Guild. Jiang Qiao was really a pure bastard in the guild team, and Zhao Mingwei brought Jiang Qiao's equipment.

"Is my output enough?" Xia Shan still acted very anxious, she could barely get by with the battle of the gods.

The main reason is that Xia Shan doesn't like the fighting part very much, and she doesn't work very hard in the dungeon. She spends half of her time practicing her combat level, and the other half of her time is used to practice her life level.

"I read the guide on the official website. This time the new map should not need to be exported. Speaking of which, what level is your Alchemy Engineering? No... How many life skills have you learned?" Jiang Qiao asked.

The life skill tree is also very complex. One life occupation can learn multiple life skills. For example, an alchemist can learn construction engineering, mechanical engineering, goblin engineering, etc...

"My mechanical engineering and construction engineering are almost at the master level. The blueprints made in the goblin engineering are all bombs. I am not very interested. I have another life profession as an architect. The two life professions are superimposed on construction engineering and machinery. The speed of project improvement is very fast." Xia Shan was much more confident when she said this, after all, this is her housekeeping skill.

Each player can choose two to three life occupations. The life occupation itself does not limit the player's life skill improvement, but the corresponding life occupation will have a bonus to the life skills in the professional field.

For example, a chef player can also learn mechanical engineering, but the learning speed is much lower than that of a player who is an alchemist. Therefore, when most players choose a career in life, they will at least choose a career in the same field.

The gameplay of each life profession is also different, it is a bit like a collection of various small games, and the rewards obtained in these small games can play a role in the holy spirit... The alchemist Xia Shan chose is probably a bit like a jigsaw puzzle mini game.

But the so-called goblin engineer who doesn't want to be a cook is not a good pharmacist, and the construction system has unlimited potential. Jiang Qiao is looking forward to some weird things they will create.

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