Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 322 Serialization of

In the big lounge, seeing Hathaway's appearance, Lin Tuo nodded in satisfaction and said, "Let's talk."

Hathaway coughed for a moment, changed her sitting position on the Wugou Flower several times, and swayed for a long time, until Lin Tuo couldn't help but want to urge her, she reluctantly said:

"Actually, it's nothing, but last time, after you gathered a group of people and beat the lord, didn't I swallow it, and then fell asleep.

When I woke up, I slowly remembered some memories.

Well, in other words, it may be some data that I have not paid attention to. "

"What memory?" Lin Tuo asked.

"It's the North and South Continent, the memory of Anne Hathaway in history. I haven't told you all about it before. I own a part of it. That's what I was thinking about.

Whoever imagined it, fell asleep, and thought about it a lot.

Later I thought about it, maybe it is like the setting in some novels and anime, the more my memory gets back as my strength increases. "

Hathaway explained.

Lin Tuo's eyes brightened slightly: "What is it specifically? Tell me."

Anne Hathaway's memory?

This Lin Tuo really didn't know.

From the time the shelter was built, the entire No. 2 sandbox was submerged by a blizzard, and when the speed was turned on, and then entered, the high-level extraordinary church in history was already dead.

Later, I saw the data version of Hathaway in the online game "The Third Continent"... Lin Tuo was also curious about the origin of this native data life.

In the follow-up, there were also some speculations, but there was no way to confirm it.

Now at last the answer is available.

Hathaway thought for a while and recalled:

"Actually, it's not all the memories, it's just some fragments. I gradually remembered some things back then, um, you are clear about the earlier ones. You probably didn't know about the shelter era.

At that time, she was the strongest existence in the entire team of transcendental beings on the ground, and also the most powerful transcendental being of that era, and she had been leading the army to resist the infestation of monsters.

Perhaps it is the tempering of the difficult environment,

At the end of her lifespan, she finally broke some shackles and opened a door to the spirit world in her consciousness. "

"At that time, she didn't know much about the details of the spirit world, but she just had some guesses, and communicated with her colleagues who were designing the magic net at that time, and provided some key help.

After all, at that time, her soul was really strong...

With the contact, she gradually connected her state with the outsiders from the spirit world that had appeared in history.

It was precisely because of this concern that she did not explain her situation to others very clearly.

Until her body finally failed, her organs failed, and she died, she was surprised to find that although her body was dead, her soul could still live in the spirit world..."

"So, she experienced a short period of aimless wandering, and through talking with the spirit world lord, she also obtained some information about her own situation.

After confirming that she should not cause disasters, she chose to return to the material world, returned to the shelter, and secretly parasitized in the nascent network... and continued to guard the shelter. "

"However, after a while, she was horrified to find that her memories of the past were rapidly fading, which aroused her alarm.

In addition, the network of shelters had been built at that time, so she decided to use up her spirituality, sleep herself, and become the nourishment of the entire network...

Those memories end here, and you know the rest. "

Hathaway's ability to tell stories is not great, but at least she made things clear.

After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips and glanced at Lin Tuo secretly, only to see that the latter was lost in thought.

After a while, Lin Tuo sighed: "I understand."

Hathaway:? ? ?

What do you understand?

Lin Tuo ignored the question marks that appeared on her head, and suddenly felt confused.

According to Hathaway's description, he has been able to restore the process of the matter.

Apparently, although Anne Hathaway's body was not well tempered and had never reached the inhuman state, her mental power, or spirituality, had reached the perfection of the seven veins, thus opening the door to the spirit world.

Come to think of it, it's not surprising.

Although Hathaway doesn't have a quick way to become spiritual, you must know that she has passed through several eras in her life!

From the earliest days, the North Continent has developed science and entered the era of industrialization from a similar medieval age.

Then fell asleep for a hundred years, and experienced the era of shelter after waking up.

She has experienced too many changes in her voice, she has seen new things, and her experience is rarely matched by others!

According to the method of "experience in the world of mortals" developed by the demon emperor of the Tianyuan Continent, Hathaway's experience spanning several eras, isn't it just that she has experienced enough "experience"?

Not to mention, as a genius among the supernatural beings of that era, her own spirituality was extremely high. In addition, for many years, she had cast spells and fought in the snow-covered environment. Every time she cast a spell, she also tempered her spirituality...

If it is said that Lin Tuo opened a cheat, accumulated beliefs, and thus promoted.

Then Hathaway really practiced the "mortal experience" method created by Yaozu with her own strength, and unknowingly, her spirituality grew to the perfection of her seven veins.

And the one-eyed giant said it earlier.

Many "lords" who practiced from the material world and stepped into the spiritual world often would not choose to "eternal life" in the spiritual world, but would return to the material world.

Or go to another world and become a "time traveler".

Or return to your own world and become a "Reborn".

Hathaway clearly chose the latter path.

And due to the characteristics of past life memory fading after parasitism, she sealed herself out of fear of possible harm to herself...

Until later, in the Third Continent game, the new "Hathaway" was born.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo couldn't help looking at her with complicated eyes... It was hard for him to say whether this Hathaway was "resurrected" or an independent personality.

In contrast, Lin Tuo actually felt that she was more like a reincarnation.

Obviously, Hathaway, who has an independent personality, is somewhat resistant to the memories of her past self, so much so that she always refers to the protagonist of the story as "she" in her narration.

"Don't worry, I probably understand your situation." Lin Tuo looked at her expression, organized his words, roughly explained his analysis, and finally said with a smile:

"So, you don't need to worry about this. You are her, but you are not her. Since you chose to forget at the beginning, then, what kind of identity you are living now is all up to you."

Seriously injured, the red and white meeting flames were still burning, and the palm-sized Hathaway sat on the burning "Invincible Flower", with some enlightenment and some sadness in her eyes.

Lin Tuo's explanation obviously allowed her to further understand herself and let go of some worries.

"Is it like this? That is to say... I won't suddenly become another person?" Hathaway tentatively asked.

Lin Tuo smiled: "Of course not, unless you want to."

"I don't like it," Hathaway complained. "In my memory, I looked bitter and bitter. It's so annoying. I don't want to be so serious and look old."

It turns out that what you care about is whether you look old... m

Lin Tuo was dumbfounded. Seeing Hathaway let go of the burden in his heart and become happy again, his mood improved a lot:

"It looks like you're in a good mood?"

"It's okay." Before that, although she was happy on the surface, she had always had a lump in her heart, or worry.

Under her cheerful appearance, there is actually the fear of becoming the Hathaway in history.

This is why she has been hiding.

Hearing Lin Tuo's explanation now, although he hasn't let go completely, the depression in his heart has indeed eased a lot.

Most of the time, it really only takes one thought to open the heart knot.

So she was in a really good mood.

"That's right, since you're in a good mood, then do something for me."

Lin Tuo turned around and took a laptop from the table. It was brought from Lishan, and it came with a small generator, which stored a lot of videos and so on.

Hathaway's face collapsed, full of displeasure:

"Ha, sure enough, you can order people... Hey, what are you doing?"

She saw Lin Tuo opened his notebook and opened a document, which was densely packed with words.

Curiously leaning over, I saw that the file was... a novel?

"Downloaded? couldn't have written it?" Hathaway suddenly looked at Lin Tuo with horrified eyes, because she found that Lin Tuo was typing words skillfully.

"What kind of look do you have... Well, I did write it, what's wrong?" Lin Tuo was a little displeased.

This is the novel he wrote during the past half month while absorbing ether.

It is also a step in his follow-up plan.

In the past half a month, I have written tens of thousands of words, but I have nowhere to post it...

Lin Tuo immediately explained: "You help me make it into a format that is easy to read on the webpage, incorporate it into the page of Lingwang, and compress it into data runes for me."

Yes, Lin Tuo is going to serialize the story he wrote in the "spiritual network" of the earth!

He suffered from the lack of similar means before, but now that Hathaway is alive, it is much more convenient.

Just let her compress it into a web page and show it to herself.

Then he can switch his consciousness back to Li Shan's body, and use the "Xinghai Server" to publish it.

Considering that he had lighted up dozens of large cities around the world when he was at the military base, the coverage area of ​​the spiritual network would also be greatly increased.

"Oh, okay...let me see what you wrote..." Hathaway flew to Lin Tuo's right shoulder with strange eyes, then sat down and stared at the document while scanning the document.

At first glance, I saw the title of this novel:

"Create a sandbox world...?"



June 1st.


Earth, Huaguo, Yangcheng.

Opposite the Martial Arts Gym, in a newly opened coffee shop.

When Li Tai, who was wearing a shirt, crossed the street, opened the door, and walked into the store, he immediately saw Jiang Yishan sitting by the window, wearing jeans, a plaid shirt, and a peaked cap.

"I'm sorry, there are some delays in the fitness center." Li Tai walked over with an apologetic expression on his face.

"It's okay, I hope it doesn't disturb your work." Jiang Yishan stood up with a smile, and said, some customers in the store looked at them one after another, showing envious and awe-inspiring eyes.

Fortunately, the two of them have gotten used to the gaze of others and don't care much about it.

When the two of them were seated and the aroma of coffee wafted in front of them, Li Tai asked in a low voice:

"Why did you come back to Yangcheng suddenly? What can you do with me?"

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