Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10 Chapter 83 Reincarnation

In March 2064, this world-famous battle broke out in the Double-Pointed Star Corridor of the A3 Galaxy in the Southeast Passage. As the warring parties entered the stalemate stage, the battle became increasingly fierce.

The total number of nearly 8,000 battleships in front of the battle array of both sides collided with each other first, forming a long airspace in the vast space along the double star angle, corridor, Deimos from the left, and the "Z" shaped asteroid belt on the right. A long and slender sea of ​​nearly 400,000 kilometers long, divided into three sections on the left, center and right. The majestic steel battleships moved in formation in this narrow battle zone and opened fire rapidly.

The huge energy main gun on the bow and the high-rise secondary gun barrel spray huge energy cannon light groups into the vast universe at a rate of one shot every two minutes and forty seconds and thirty seconds respectively. These oval-shaped light groups with long thin tails are like criss-crossing meteors, passing through the void and throwing themselves into the opponent's fleet array. The bursts of light from explosions illuminated the entire universe!

The forward fleet was engaged in a fierce battle, and the main force in the rear was not idle either.

Regardless of whether it was the left wing, center or right wing, the main forces of both fleets were invariably pressed very close to the front line. As soon as a scarred fleet withdrew from the front line, the reserve fleet from the rear immediately rushed forward. The reconnaissance ships, electronic ships, maintenance ships and logistics supply ships traveling between the main formation and the front line were even more densely packed, as numerous as those crossing the river.

People all over the world are watching this fight.

Although in this era of extremely advanced communication technology, people have already completed information communication across the board. They can communicate in real time even if they are tens of millions of light years apart. But in the Double Star Corridor where the battle was fierce, the electronic storm formed by the electronic warfare was like a huge black hole, completely blocking all information. Not to mention that the observation groups stationed by various countries and the war reporters who came here through various channels were unable to transmit real-time battle conditions. Even the warring parties themselves had to send electronic ships to jump to the rear for several sections if they wanted to communicate with the rear.

Just like the starlight you see when you look up at night may have come from thousands of years ago, when the battle scenes in the Bow Galaxy appear in people's sight, it may have been hours or even days later.

However, this did not reduce people's enthusiasm for this battle. The streets and lanes were full of discussions about this battle after tea and dinner. Not to mention that this battle is closely related to everyone, the outcome is directly related to the entire war pattern and the fate of the country in the next hundred years. Even if you just look at this battle as a big drama, it has gathered all the exciting elements that people can imagine.

A huge force with a total of more than three hundred A-class fleets; a fateful showdown between the two most outstanding military strategists in the human world; hundreds of bright generals who became famous all over the world many years ago: the double-headed eagle crafted by Hastings Fleet: The Night Army and the Advocate Army under Sobol, which even the royal family cannot control; plus a bandit army called rogue militia, shrouded in mystery and their unique warships and mechas And tactics-everything seems like a big show is about to begin, making people full of expectations.

However, on this day of March 16, no one knew that when the battle entered a stalemate and the soldiers roared and opened fire, the captains ordered the battleships to charge with red eyes. The pilots flying the space fighter bit the tail of the enemy plane. While rolling and fighting in the void, Hastings, the military god of the generation, had already interrupted his command due to illness and handed over the command to the bandit leader Tian Xingjian.

No one knew that at this critical moment, the internal conflicts of the Fiji League erupted like an uncontrollable volcano. The Allied generals who were dissatisfied with the southward strategy and the bandits' escape suddenly took action and refused to recognize Tian Xingjian's command. The Fiji League The coalition forces almost fell apart because of this!

People were just waiting anxiously for the first battle report to be announced.

In Hanking, the capital of Chakna, the sky was still a little gray early in the morning on March 18th. The towering canopy tower glowed with lavender light in the morning light on the sky. Military transport ships taking off and landing one after another passed through the light curtain that was constantly opening and closing. People who get up early may drive across the highway with their headlights turned on in flying cars, or walk quickly on the sidewalk while eating breakfast.

The Ministry of National Defense building located on Longqi Street was, as usual, still brightly lit until the sun completely dispelled the darkness.

The war on the front line is tense, and people are no longer surprised by the busy scene of the Ministry of National Defense, which always has lights on at night and flying cars with government embassy and military license plates hanging at the door. .

However, on this morning, the atmosphere seemed a little unusual. Not only the staff working at the Ministry of National Defense felt this way, but also people working nearby or passing by felt that something was wrong. The number of motorcades of high-ranking officials traveling to and from the Ministry of National Defense suddenly increased. Several streets in the area where the Ministry of National Defense is located were blocked by heavily armed security forces and police.

It felt as if all the high-ranking military and political officials in Chakna had gathered here at the same time on this day. Security is so tight that even a fly flying into this neighborhood will be immediately targeted by countless bioradar and scanning devices!

Once this fly has any evil intentions, an entire armored division will surround it in the next second.

"Something happened!" This was the first thought that came to everyone's mind when they saw the hurried convoys entering the Ministry of Defense. The second thought that emerged immediately was also surprisingly consistent: "There must be something wrong with Reske or the Double Star Corridor!"

The anxious speculation and discussion did not last long. Later that day, a piece of news spread out from nowhere, sweeping across the entire Chakna.

"Hastings is defeated! The Philippine Alliance forces withdraw from the Double Star Corridor!"

This news first spread through the gossip, and then gradually took shape with the few words of well-informed people. Before people had time to rely on their own intelligence and experience to judge the correctness of the news, the news had spread through the Internet among people of different nationalities. People are corroborating each other, and at the same time, fully confirmed news on television, newspapers and magazines has been overwhelming.

Chakna, Feiyang, Lane, Siliyak, Bema, Tatania...——, all members of the Fiji League were dumbfounded at this moment.

The night of March 18th was destined to be a sleepless night.

The information returned in three further steps and a small number of out-of-war video footage left the people of the Fiji League devastated and the people of Western York overjoyed.

Hastings lost himself, although this military god, who had been the leader of the Fei Alliance military for thirty years, showed almost miraculous command skills in the stage of facing the enemy. However, in the subsequent battles, he only commanded the fleet in the early stages of the stalemate stage to play a series of equally perfect basic tactics before showing signs of failure. For nearly half an hour, the Fei Alliance fleet was obviously at a disadvantage in terms of tactical cooperation.

Sober, on the other hand, had no ups and downs. He is like a cold and precise machine, with every gear and screw running steadily in its own way. The defeat in the enemy stage did not even have the slightest impact on him.

This terrifying stability and precision caused the battle situation to gradually shift towards the Western and York coalition forces. From the battle damage rate of 3:7 to the battle damage rate of 5:6 and then to 7:3, the Western-Jordan coalition forces fought in a stalemate stage with a wave of offensives.

On the slender "tide" line, the formations of the Spanish fleets were as neat as a guard of honor, and the cannon light either extended from near to far or appeared one after another like flashing neon lights. The cluster of destroyers and cruisers that were strangled at close range in front used exquisite coordination to pull the opponent's formation apart, strangling the opponent bit by bit like eating away at the mulberry leaves. The patience was so full that it made people shudder!

Ordinary people can only know the general outline of the entire battle from the fragmentary battle scenes. Therefore, they do not know how much shock it caused when the detailed information and pictures at this stage were transmitted to the Allied Command and the military headquarters of various countries.

Standing in front of the Skynet screen, watching the battle in the stalemate stage, all the Fei League generals were filled with horror and a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. I don't know how many people were blamed. After watching the battle, they tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep.

Perhaps Sobol did not show any exquisite cooperation during this dull and tragic stage. However, he did not make any mistakes throughout the entire battle, not once! The attack positions that can be grabbed will definitely be grabbed, and those that cannot be grabbed will never take any rash risks. The coordination between the bombardment time and rhythm fleet is always so orderly.

He will not hesitate to suffer unavoidable losses, and he will never let go of those who should be killed. In this kind of battle, which is almost a sword-to-slash without tricks, he can always make the opponent's blade penetrate the flesh shallower, avoiding the vital points and causing as little blood as possible. But the knife he swung was heading towards the fatal place, with bones visible! From beginning to end he had the rhythm firmly in his hands. No ups and downs on the battlefield can affect him!

This is the scariest thing! .

In the eyes of any commander, Sobol at this stage has surpassed any peak figure in military history. His calmness, calmness and terrifying calculation ability make it impossible to take any chances when playing against him. Well, to defeat such an opponent who doesn't make mistakes, you have to be stronger than Hastings in the face-to-enemy phase.

The battle lasted for an hour between 8,000 warships. The Fiji side lost more than 800 ships, while the Western side only suffered more than 300 ships.

When the main forces of both sides were closer to the front line, the battle was about to enter with the input of more main warships. In the middle of the stalemate, the Fiji Alliance chose to retreat.

The destroyer fleet that came forward, supported by the artillery fire of two huge battleship clusters deployed by the main force from the rear, broke away from contact with the enemy. A large number of space fighters were released but did not attack, so the West York cruiser fleet trying to pursue them was forced to make adjustments first and wait for the arrival of the fighter group that had just returned to resupply. The Philippine Alliance forces were able to rely on the blocking terrain of the second defense chain to withdraw from the battle.

However, the Philippine Alliance forces still paid the price for their retreat.

Before the fleet completely withdrew from the Twin Stars Corridor, Sobol launched two probing attacks and a forced pursuit with the entire army, allowing more than two hundred Fei Alliance warships to stay in the Twin Stars airspace forever.

The gap between Hastings's command and control was so huge that it was unbelievable to everyone.

Therefore, not long after the news of his defeat swept through every corner of the human world like a whirlwind, a rumor that even more surprised the people of Western York and devastated the people of the Fei League was like a thunder on the ground, shocking the entire universe.

Hastings is dead!

The reason why there was such a big gap in the command of the Philippine Alliance forces was that they retreated hastily before the battle entered the middle stage of the stalemate. This is the reason why the retreat strategy is so ordinary, without Hastings's changing style and grasp of timing!

A convoy of black flying vehicles quickly drove into the Chakna Defense Department.

The motorcade did not stop at the main entrance, but rushed around the building at lightning speed and rushed into the heavily guarded backyard of the Ministry of National Defense, which was guarded by three posts, one post, five steps and one sentry. It passed through the barriers that opened quickly and drove into the No. 2 underground garage.

"Presidential Motorcade!"

While people outside were still talking in surprise, President Chuck Na Hill and Marshal Li Cunxin, accompanied by a group of senior military and political officials and the National Security Advisor, walked through the silent and empty corridors, took a secret elevator, and went deep into the Ministry of National Defense. A command center eight hundred meters underground.

The Ministry of Defense command center is a huge oval-shaped metal building.

If you peel away the surrounding soil, you can see that the silver-white building looks like an ostrich egg. Outside the eggshell, there are not only thick armors, but also more than a hundred huge mechanical legs and huge wheels. Coupled with the surrounding channels extending in all directions, people can understand that when Hanking is attacked, this command center, which is equipped with Chakna's core Skynet [Central] computer and countless cutting-edge technological equipment, is fully capable of supporting the attack. The entire Chakna was in ruins.

The suspended elevator stopped silently.

The automatic door opened, and a huge and bright commander appeared in front of Hill and others.

Although this huge metal building and the countless cutting-edge technological equipment inside it are enough to shock anyone, Hill and others who were worried clearly did not stop to admire it.

Under the gaze of the staff members who stood at attention and saluted, the group hurried through the hall and entered the war room.

"Accurate news, Marshal Hastings has been seriously ill and has lost the ability to command. Now the Southeastern Allied Forces have withdrawn from the Double Star Corridor and moved to the LeRay Federation's [Central] Star Domain." Cha, who had already been waiting in front of the Skynet screen, As soon as General Feng Zhi and others took their seats, he pointed at the interstellar map with an electronic pen and said quickly: "Post-war statistics, in the battle of the Double Star Corridor, our coalition lost three fleets, totaling 1,100 Four ships of various types. At present, the coalition forces are not safe. The Sobol fleet is pursuing them one after another. Our rear fleet and the enemy's forward fleet have exchanged fire several times. The situation is very serious!"

"Who is the current coalition commander?" Marshal Li Cunxin asked solemnly. This question is what everyone wants to know. Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Feng Zhi.

"It's General Tian Xingjian!" Feng Zhi's answer was as expected but a little surprising. .

Everyone knows that Fatty is Hastings' designated successor. Judging from Chuckner's national interests and his own emotional factors, he is also inclined to let Fatty lead the coalition forces. However, the internal conflicts within the coalition forces going south are well known.

Although Fatty's record has already put him in the top 20 in the new ranking of famous players. But his qualifications and his status in the Philippine Alliance were not enough to make this conflict-ridden fleet obey his leadership.

"It is said that after Marshal Hastings fell ill, a conflict broke out within the Allied forces, but it quickly subsided. We have no further news about the specific situation." Feng Zhidao: "However, the Allied forces are currently It is certain that it will be commanded by General Tian Xingjian!"

"Retreating to the Leray Federation is inviting a wolf into the house, isn't it?" A national security adviser said worriedly: "In terms of terrain, the Double Star Angle Corridor is the most suitable for blocking. After leaving the Double Star Angle, there are no natural dangers in the following galaxies. place. If the coalition forces want to gain a foothold, they must retreat to the jumping point of the Lerei [Central] system and rely on the jumping point. Once the jumping point is breached, there will be no natural danger to defend in Lerei!"

The entire conference room fell silent. Both Chakna and other allies have conducted many internal battle rehearsals. However, all results, without exception, ended in disastrous failure. Everyone understood that the hope for this battle rested entirely on Hastings. With Hastings there is a glimmer of hope. Their military wisdom cannot surpass Hastings, and it is impossible for them to understand what the battle plan of this old man who insists on going south is.

And now, Hastings fell ill. Although everyone here does not doubt Fatty's ability. But in the face of such a terrifying enemy as Sobol, no matter how talented or powerful Fatty is, he is just a young general who is no older than thirty years old. Both combat experience and reputation are far different from Sobol. To say that I'm not worried, I'm afraid no one has such thick nerves.

"The Southeast Fleet should have been blocked by the news of Hastings's illness!" President Hill said: "Although everyone can see some clues from the Battle of Double Star Points, until it is confirmed, everything is just a guess. Allied Forces This information will not be exposed. Once the information is leaked, it will give some people an opportunity to take advantage of it, whether it is to the enemy or within the Fifa League."

As he spoke, President Hill looked at Feng Zhi and asked seriously: "Admiral, what is the current situation of the war in Trifland? Is there any movement on Li Fu's side?"

"Your Excellency, the war in Triflaland is still in a stalemate stage. The Western York army is attacking very fiercely. And there is intelligence that Emperor William III of Binart has personally led an unprecedentedly large Western York fleet to set off for a personal expedition. The specific strength and composition of the troops are still unclear. However, it is certain that the emperor, who never interfered with Sobor's use of troops, is targeting Tryflalan."

He called up a statistics table of the current strength of the Fiji League on the screen and continued: "The Fiji League currently has less than a hundred fleets assembled in Trifland. In the next month, the strength of the troops will be weak. It cannot be effectively improved. Therefore, Li Fu is now convening allied troops and urging all war zones to send troops to Trifland. However, this is obviously not an easy task. Even the neighboring Feiyang, Lane and I Even Chakna can’t spare its troops, and it’s even more difficult for other war zones with long distances and heavy blockades.”

"It seems that Li Fo can't spare any time yet. However, we must also consider that when he is extremely short of troops, he will attack the Southeast Fleet. In that fleet, he has many die-hard loyalists. If nothing else, the members of the Lane Fleet Fujii Tsuyoshi is one." Hill said, and after a moment of silence he asked Feng Zhidao: "Under the circumstances that the dangerous situation in the southeast must be considered, it is obviously necessary for us to speed up the defeat of Mikami Yuuto. So, what is the earliest we can do? Is it time to drive Soos and Jerpen out of Resk?”

"Your Excellency, to put it bluntly, this is an unanswerable question. After the completion of the fourth increase of our coalition forces, we have controlled the situation in the Resk galaxy, but Yuuto Mikami still has enough troops to fight with us. We can't determine the time until we push him to a dead end and force him to fight with us." Feng Zhi shook his head and said: "Mikami Yuuto is an old fox. He understands better than anyone that dragging out the Reske battle is good for him. !”

"It would be great if we could allocate troops to directly attack the mainland of Sousse and Jiepen." A general said angrily. .

Everyone sighed. Everyone knows that this is the best way to force Mikami Yuuto to fight early, but the limited military strength vetoes the possibility of this plan.

"It's not easy for Fatty to fight this battle!" Marshal Li Cunxin, who had been silent all this time, let out a long sigh: "Hastings is ill at the wrong time. If he wants to lose this fight to Fatty, he must at least beat up Sobol. A meal!”

The old man said while shaking his head covered with white beard: "Without the double star horns, Fatty can only rely on the jumping point of the [Central] Galaxy. Once the jumping point is breached, the Lelei Federation will be over. Four years for the country After the war, the entire Federation was in ruins. Coupled with the plunder by Jiepen and Suss, the resources, economy and industrial production capacity were almost collapsed."

With that said, Li Cunxin stood up and walked to the Skynet screen. He touched the interstellar map with his finger. The map of the Leray Federation zoomed in quickly. The immigrant planets of different colors were like pearls embedded in the black curtain of the universe. superior.

"Sobol set out from the Binart Empire and headed south. The entire offensive route had hundreds of jumping points and thousands of flight sections! It is impossible for the mainland to provide supplies. The Naga Federation, which is not far away, is also beyond the supply distance. , Moreover, they also need to support the offensive supplies in the Lane Theater and Trifland, so Sober’s only choice was to place the forward base in Desik at the beginning.”

The old man's fingers moved from Leray's [Central] star system to Desik, and then moved back from Desik: "And now, Desik has been smashed to pieces by the bandit army led by Russell. West York's early reserve Not to mention the destruction of supplies, not even the airport and space base were left. In addition, the combined fleets of Puditok and Tatania had already made Andrew overwhelmed. In a short period of time, Desik could not get up. To the role of forward base.”

"So" Li Cunxin pressed his finger harder on Lelei's capital star: "Sobol will definitely take this place as a new forward base! With this as the center, his fleet can radiate to the entire southeast!"

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely tense. People looked down at the planet that looked no different from the peaceful era on the interstellar map, but was riddled with holes in reality.

This is a disaster for everyone in the Leray Federation.

At the same time, this also means that Fatty and his Le Lei soldiers who have fought bloody battles for this country for more than four years will once again face an extremely cruel bloody battle in order to hold the jumping point and protect the people behind them!

"Second to the [Central] Galaxy Jump Point?" Fatty's eyes widened: "Whoever insists on defending is a fool!"

"Who are you calling a fool?" Barras, whose fingers were still on the electronic sand table, looked livid. He didn't expect that when he kindly proposed a plan to hold on to the jumping point at the combat meeting, the fat man actually said that whoever held on to the jumping point was a fool!

In the tactics research room, all the Fei League generals also looked at each other.

Doesn't this fat man know that if Sobol breaks through the jump set, Lelei Capital Star will be finished?

Not just the LeRae Capital but also the Newtonian Galaxy, the Galilean Galaxy, the Bermuda Galaxy, and the Liberty Galaxy. The Lere Federation has a population of 700 million. Even if half of the people left their homes or died in the war during the Great Patriotic War, there were still dozens of people. Moreover, in this wealthy country known for its developed economy, three hundred years of savings will serve as capital for Leray's future reconstruction.

Isn't this what Fatty and the others are fighting to protect?

"So, General Tian, ​​what do you mean-" Fujii Tsuyoshi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since retreating from the Twin Star Corridor, Sobol has been hotly pursuing him. After the break, the fleet had exchanged fire with the enemy's pursuing forward several times. Each time, they had to fight to the death to temporarily repel the enemy.

Only by reaching the LeLei [Central] star system jump point and relying on the jump point defense can the coalition forces get rid of Sobol's pursuit. This jumping point is also the last line of defense for the Lere Federation. The coalition can persist for a while relying on this jumping point and the Lere capital star as a logistics base. Once one's own base is lost and becomes the opponent's forward base, the battle will be unwinnable!

Although Fatty flatly rejected the strategy of sticking to the jump point, which everyone thought was correct, Fujii Gang knew that Fatty was definitely not a guy who didn't care about importance.

From the battles during this period, it can be seen that Fatty's commanding talents are no worse than Sobol!

It is hard to believe, but this is the common view of all the generals of the Fiji League who originally opposed or supported the fat man, including Balas Makchia, McKinley Labinski and others! .

The formation of this understanding began with the retreat from the Double Star Point Corridor.

When the fat man took over from Hastings and began to conduct, Fujii admitted that he almost had the urge to slap himself twice. The reason was not for anything else, but because of Fatty's jerky and even awkward tactical command, which made him feel that he had been stunned by Fatty's scolding before, and was deceived by the quick deduction, and it was a huge mistake to admit Fatty's command authority in public. mistake!

The level of deduction ability is not the same as the level of command ability. Moreover, Fatty and his quick deduction did not involve the issuance of command orders and tactical details during the battle.

In these two aspects, Fatty is simply a rookie!

Especially those basic tactics that can be completed completely and accurately by just grabbing a staff officer, but in the hands of the fat man, they are a complete mess, not even as good as a second-year military academy student.

Therefore, although Fatty was the nominal commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, in actual command during the retreat, the issuance of orders was jointly completed by a temporary advisory group composed of famous generals such as McKinley, Labinski, and Russell. Fatty, on the other hand, is only responsible for directing local battles.

One battle, two battles - gradually, everyone felt that something was wrong.

It seems that every time he directs a battle, Fatty sheds a layer of cocoon on his body.

His command skills are improving rapidly. The speed of improvement is so fast that people can't believe their eyes. It seems that every time I see the fat man, he is completely different from the last time I saw him!

As his ability to issue orders and mastery of tactical details improved, his unconstrained tactical thinking began to be integrated. After a few battles, Fujii Gou even felt a sense of fear, because he found that sometimes he could no longer keep up with Fatty's tactical ideas!

Now, Fatty unexpectedly rejected the plan to block Sobol at the jumping point. Fujii Tsuyoshi believed that Fatty was definitely not talking nonsense.

This guy who has conducted deductions and calculations on every strategic point from Desik to the A3 galaxy must have also conducted deductions for the Leray [Central] star field and even beyond. Deep down in his heart, there must be a better plan!

"The Lelei [Central] Galaxy must be defended, but not to the death!" Ignoring the eager gazes of Takey Fujii and the generals of the Fei Alliance, the fat old god looked at the Lelei territory on the ground: "The key to determining the outcome of this battle is, It’s not about whether we can stop them, but——”

The fat man's eyes stayed on the Galileo Galaxy and he didn't say any more. It was a plan that he had thought about for a long time before he gradually gathered ideas. He had made all preparations for this possible plan.

At this moment, looking at that key position, Fatty suddenly felt like he was reincarnating in time. .

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