Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10, Chapter 75: Taking Root and Germinating

The white meteor-like cannon light passed through the dark void and sank into the body of a Binart Acura-class cruiser that had only lost its energy shield.

A moment later, a violent explosion broke the graceful and slender cruiser from the middle. Human limbs, metal remains, and liquid gas from broken pipes sprayed into space like octopus ink; the fire at the fractures rolled outwards, was swallowed by the void, and poured out continuously; the dazzling light of the explosion ran along the Rows of portholes on the battleship bridge flew to both ends; the huge tail thruster broke completely after a violent explosion and shot into space.

"The wolf pack tactic is the only tactic used by the patrol group when executing a quick strangulation. Simple, fast and fierce." In the early stages of the battle between the two sides, "any advanced compound tactics are of no use. Those who can truly follow them quickly"

On the command seat, which was illuminated by the explosion light on the screen, the pale Hastings was directing the battle while giving lessons to the fat man next to him.

His right hand tapped twice on the virtual keyboard, and a red box on the Skynet screen quickly shrunk and locked onto a Phantom patrol formation not far from the Acura-class cruiser that had just exploded on the real-time battle simulation map. .

"A422 Squadron, cut into the middle of the enemy's E231 and E243 fleets. You have five minutes." The channel has been opened for you. "

Following Hastings' order, Fatty saw the A422 patrol formation consisting of ten red warship cursors in the red box on the screen, quickly changed direction, led by three Feiyang, Crazy Shark, class cruisers. Seven "Lion!"-class destroyers were inserted into the middle of the West York patrol formation with flashing E241 and E243 numbers on the opposite side.

The fat man turned his attention to the telescope.

In the picture of the far-sighted device, this Feiyang patrol formation moved forward and opened fire at the same time. The flickering light made the fleet look like a group of cavalry galloping forward in the middle of a battlefield where the sound of torches was burning and the sound of killing was loud.

Endless gunfire intertwined like a net next to the black hulls of these battleships, and violent explosions of light expanded and burst around them like bubbles, one after another.

There was already a fierce melee scene in front and behind them.

Patrol formations from the Fei League and Xijiao collided head-on. Just like two combs, the teeth of the combs are intertwined with each other. You are in me, and I am in you. The distance is only a few hundred kilometers. The ones that are so close are almost passing by.

The energy main cannon on the bow of the ship spurted out in response to the captains' orders to "fire". Thick white light swept through the void and penetrated into the target's body, or passed through the high-speed traveling battleship and shot into the vast universe. The secondary guns on both wings and the rotating turrets all over the body were pouring firepower crazily all around. The shooting rhythm was so fast that it was suffocating. Looking around, the entire battlefield was shrouded in densely packed light bullets that penetrated the edges.

The fat man couldn't help but hold his breath.

This was the most brutal and brutal battle he had ever seen.

When Hastings commanded Lighthite's sixty high-speed advancing Feyan patrol formations to bypass Deimos, and were instantly strangled with one hundred and eight Binart patrol assault formations, the entire universe was shaken. Trembling.

The forwards were overturned at the moment of collision, while the warships behind were still rushing forward.

The warship in the center of the formation charged at high speed in a crowded and small space, almost approaching the opponent's armored shell and firing. In order to seize the attack position or prevent the enemy from seizing the attack position, they even do not hesitate to directly ram the enemy's hull. The outer fleets circle left and right to the flanks and rear of the opponent's formation. The navigation trajectories of the fleets on the screen are like It's like "messy lines" surrounding and tangled into a ball.

In just five minutes, hundreds of battleships were turned into wreckage in the universe in the white light of the explosion.

This kind of battle damage speed makes people's scalp numb.

"The key point of space fleet tactics is control. Whether it's wolf pack tactics, cobra tactics, sandstorm tactics, decapitation tactics, heart-piercing arrow tactics, double-blade tactics, hot wheels tactics, spin tactics, avalanche tactics, door-opening tactics, This is true for vampire tactics and so on. If you cannot fully control your fleet, then when the battle reaches a critical moment, you will find that your tactical execution is constantly declining. In the end, the entire battle will be disrupted by chaos. collapse."

Hastings's voice was cold and serious. These are the classic tactics of space command from his mouth. It was no stranger to the command officers who had received formal military education, but to the fat man who was a mechanic, he only heard the name but didn't know the details. .

But the fat man still listened carefully. Carve every word he said into your heart and remember it firmly.

He knew that this was Hastings's only and last chance to teach him his tactical command skills. The old man's face has become increasingly pale.

On the screen, the locked red box of the command system disappeared and then quickly locked onto another fleet.

Hastings glanced at the Skynet screen and ordered in a deep voice: "General Franklin, follow Line 4" to the left flank of the battlefield. The main battleship formation of Team A3 will open fire in one minute and twenty seconds. "This is how you pass." The only chance is right in front of the enemy E6 cluster."

"Fat Man Saw" Following his order, a patrol fleet composed of five patrol formations led by Major General Franklin, under Licht's command, was detouring from the periphery to the left wing of the battlefield.

If they can rush to the left wing in time and join the battle according to the route designated by Hastings, then within ten minutes, the Phantom Fleet will be able to form a certain local advantage on the left wing and annihilate those who have been cut to the outside in the fight. The four Western York patrol formations.

However, if they want to detour to the left before the enemy escapes, Franklin's fleet must pass from the front of the opposing patrol group.

This is definitely an extremely dangerous move on a chaotic battlefield. Once caught by the enemy's patrol formation charging forward, not to mention detouring to the left wing to annihilate the enemy, even oneself would not be able to protect itself.

The fat man's eyes were fixed on the screen.

The Franklin fleet in the red box of the command system has begun to execute Hastings' orders.

Although in front of them on the left, countless Western warships were approaching at high speed.

Once encountered, their port side lying under the enemy's gunfire will suffer a fatal blow, without even a chance to fight back. "But" they still resolutely carried out Hastings's orders without any hesitation.

These "retired soldiers of the Double-Headed Eagle Fleet" are Hastings' most loyal followers. Their trust in Hastings is unconditional!

Franklin's fleet accelerated, formed a circle from outside the battle group and flew towards the left wing. Just when they reached the front of the opponent's patrol group and were about to be bitten by the enemy's formations breaking through from the center, the main salvo of battleships from the Phantom Third Fleet passed in front of them at the right time.

The flood of artillery light instantly drowned the enemy's patrol group. The Xiyo fleet that pounced on either had to evade or be swallowed up by the white light. The Franklin fleet calmly drew an arc in front of them and flew away.

The whole coordination is so wonderful!

This is Hastings' almost terrifying commanding skills!

The strangulation battlefield that seemed chaotic to others was actually clear in his tactical computer. Every salvo time and design angle of every patrol formation, every battleship, and even every A-class fleet battleship is under his absolute control!

"Time and line are the two most critical elements in tactical coordination. If you cannot allow your fleets to use time and line to cover and cooperate with each other, then you must bear unnecessary additional losses. This is a Commander’s taboo.”

"Anchors must be weighed, which is a shortcoming for ordinary people. What they care about is money.

And for a commander, it is an advantage. What they care about is the lives of officers and soldiers. If you lose control of the battlefield, additional casualties occur. Then, your subordinates will be full of doubts about the routes and plans you designated. When they start to refuse or delay your instructions on the battlefield and "choose their own way of fighting, that is when you fail."

"The focus of combat command is not which tactics you use, but the appropriate way to accomplish your strategic goals at the current stage. Every decision you make should be centered on this. The first stage, facing the enemy, is the goal , is to test the opponent and control the opponent" to prevent the opponent from seeing your true identity: nor to give the opponent the opportunity to break through, surround and divide you. "Laying the foundation for the next stage, stalemate." The fat man stared at the screen, listening to Hastings' teachings, recalling every detail of Hastings' command on the tactical computer and the fleet's attack. The position of each formation; the routes of the central and external fleets when entering the strangulation state; the target selection and salvo frequency of the main battleship formation; the cover and cooperation between each battleship

He found that although the old man's command did not deliberately seek speed. However, the attack rhythm of the sixty patrol formations was astonishingly fast.

This is the speed that comes with control and efficiency! Every firing and turn of every battleship follows Hastings's command rhythm. Whether it is forward, backward or roundabout. Hastings has brought full play to the role of all tactical actions, and there is absolutely no waste in every link.

Although Xiyue's patrol fleet is twice as large as the Phantom First Group fleet," the sixty patrol fleets are not at a disadvantage at all.

Watching the nearly integrated sixty patrol formations "walking calmly and firing among the West York patrol groups that far outnumbered themselves" keeping the West York fleet firmly at a distance, Deimos, two Thousands of kilometers away. Fatty suddenly felt that a kind of enlightenment was taking root in his heart.

The flagship command hall was bustling with activity. But on the high podium, there was silence.

The Xiyo generals stood in awe, staring at Sobol's thin and upright back on the command seat. The tactical computer virtual screen was suspended in front of Sober in a semi-ring shape. In the huge telescope screen on the front, another Sand Wolf-class destroyer was destroyed by enemy fire. The light of the explosion expanded from a small point of light in the distant void into a huge star-like ball of light. After filling the entire screen, it passed through the porthole of the command hall and finally disappeared into the universe.

The battle loss ratio is 3:7, the Fei League has the advantage!

The generals of Western York couldn't believe that with nearly twice the advantage in strength, the Western York fleet was at a disadvantage. At present, among the more than 100 warships lost in the battle between the two sides, 70% are our own warships. Moreover, judging from the battle situation, the nine A-class fleets advancing forward on the left wing were unable to break through the interception of the opponent's five A-class fleets. This also means that Sobol did not gain strategic advantage at the expense of casualties.

From beginning to end, this was just a simple and failed confrontation!

Looking at the impeccably defended Feiyang fleet on the telescope screen, everyone felt a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of their hearts.

Sobol was a military genius who appeared once in a hundred years in Western Europe.

It was under his leadership that Xiyo, who had been suppressed by the Fei Alliance, was able to seize dozens of strategic points in the human interstellar shipping lanes in the early stages of the war, cutting the behemoth Fei League into pieces that could not be seen from the beginning to the end.

It was also under his leadership that the integrated West-Jordan coalition forces were able to gain local advantages in various theaters of the human interstellar territory. With its economic, military, scientific and industrial strength far inferior to that of the Fifa League, it gained the upper hand. It was so overwhelming that Feimeng couldn't breathe.

"Since his father's defeat thirty years ago," Sobol has made it his lifelong goal to defeat Hastings. Today, "he is at a peak in terms of intelligence, physical strength, will, energy and experience." The peak period of a commander.

However, even for such a person, taking advantage of the force of wind and thunder to go south, with a force multiple times that of the enemy, it is not the opponent of Hastings who leads him to attack.

He looked at Sobol, who was frowning slightly and operating the tactical computer with a stern expression; then he saw on the Skynet screen the bandit fleet approaching from both sides of Deimos at high speed, as well as the fleets from both sides that were about to come into contact in the center theater and the right wing theater. , everyone’s hearts were in their throats.

The battle is about to begin. If the southeastern campaign has just begun, and the contact in the left-wing theater is only a small part of the entire Double Star Corner battlefield, then when the fleets of both sides are in full contact, how many bets will Sobor lose in front of Hastings?

Alessandro stood upright behind Sobor. "Unknowingly, his clenched fists were full of sweat. He has followed Sobor for many years, and he knows better than anyone else what this battle will mean to Sobor. What does it mean to say - this is the full meaning of every minute and every second of Sober's youth, middle age, and even his future life!

He lives just to defeat Hastings!

Once it fails——

Alessandro simply did not dare to think about it any more.

He turned his head and found that the unflattering round-faced staff officer next to him had a faint smile on his lips.

"Why are you laughing?" Alessandro couldn't help but ask with half-squinted eyes.

"The next stage is stalemate," Moore looked at the fleets of both sides getting closer and closer on the Skynet screen with bright eyes, and said calmly: "At this stage, the general is invincible! ".

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