Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 23 News

Preparations for the Philippine Alliance forces in Al-Aqsa Fortress to move south are proceeding nervously and in an orderly manner.

Although Hastings's act of forcibly dissolving the upper house of the Alliance Parliament attracted a lot of criticism, the result was that war preparations were carried out unusually smoothly. Without the constraints of the Alliance Council, the High Command and the High Command cooperated seamlessly. The orders issued were smooth and smooth. Whether it is the deployment of troops or supplies, whether it is personnel appointments or procurement plans, they can all be implemented as soon as possible. With the acquiescence of the leaders of the major allied countries to this fait accompli and the consensus reached at the successive supreme military conferences, the atmosphere of the Fiji Alliance swept away the previous lifelessness and became more vigorous. In Al-Aqsa, a large amount of supplies come from all major star regions every day. The mobilization of supplies that used to take a week now only takes two days. Even if the Allied Command temporarily added 300 quartermasters, the logistics department was still too busy. Many logistics officers had just received a batch of supplies and guided a giant transport ship into the port. They then received a list of transport ships queuing up to apply for waterways, report supplies, and request arrangements for docks or docks. Waiting for loading and unloading of goods. In addition to the logistics department, other departments are also at war. Every day, the personnel department processes the resume information of thousands of officers, talks to hundreds of officers, and issues thousands of transfer orders, applications, and confirmation letters.

Engineers in the technical support department face a battle every day when they open their eyes. Their work plan is full of Skynet systems that fleets from various countries need to jointly communicate with, electronic instruments that need to be installed and modified, synchronization programs that need to be installed, and faults that need to be eliminated. Even when it comes to eating, they all stay in front of the battleship's instruments. . Being in Al-Aqsa Fortress, what you can see every day is the bustling people of all walks of life. Just wave the cursor and flag in your hand to command the ground crew of transport ships and fighter planes. They are the mechanics who drive the data detection vehicle and have automatic maintenance arms on their arms, and the staff officers from various countries who ride on the suspension vehicles passing by on both sides of the passage. Men and women, old and young, everyone ran as fast as they could. Every automatic door opens and closes as quickly as possible. Every port, every berth, every base, every warehouse and conference room is full of people busy at work. As fleets and transport fleets from various Fiji Alliance member states continue to arrive in the Al-Aqsa system and join the Allied combat sequence, the entire Al-Aqsa command has simply become a high-speed machine. However, although they were busy, the Allied officers and soldiers were in a very happy mood. In their view, the current Fifa League truly looks like a military cooperation organization. Now these companions around me truly look like a group of soldiers preparing for battle! The former Fiji Alliance was not so much an army as a beast with its hands and feet trapped.

Those scheming political struggles, those groups that only care about their own interests, those outdated concepts, those procrastinating styles and rigid systems are like invisible and intangible but tangled invisible ropes, which often make people angry and angry. have no choice. An unquestionable personnel transfer order requires more than 30 stamps, travels between dozens of departments, and takes half a month. A material replenishment plan, from application to material delivery, will never be completed within a week. Shifting the blame, wrangling, corruption, superfluousness, dereliction of duty - the bad nature of people is fully exposed in this kind of staleness and chaos. In such an environment, all your great ambitions will be wasted! But now, all this has finally changed. Seeing the same army, a military alliance under the control of that iron-fisted hand, such earth-shaking changes, looking at the same place in Al-Aqsa, the same people with completely different spirits and work from before Style, everyone is also chatting and discussing in private. At this time, he smacked his lips slowly, as if he had just come back to his senses. "His Excellency Hastings has ordered Feuillant's military department to deploy another Double-Headed Eagle Group fleet and two First-Class Group fleets from Heidfield to join the Allied combat sequence within a week."

In the Cuckoo Cafe of Al-Aqsa Fortress, General Leon Uris of the Republic of Lane gently stirred the coffee in his hand. His dark blue eyes looked slightly at his subordinate Lieutenant General Ailes Macchia and said: "Look at it this way Come on, Marshal Hastings is preparing to gather 500 A-class fleets within three months to fight Sobol to the death." It was the afternoon tea time on weekdays, but the people in the cafe were rare. At a time when everyone is too busy to touch the ground, it has become a luxury to walk into a cafe and have a cup of afternoon tea. Admiral Juris sat on the edge of the circular terrace extended from the plum blossom-shaped cafe. The transparent dome and the surrounding floor-to-ceiling portholes do not activate armor protection in non-war conditions. At a glance, the sky is filled with bright stars. The nebulae in the distance seem to be burning, and the nearby star Al-Aqsa is like a giant ball shrouded in clouds and mist, which is extremely beautiful. The Al-Aqsa Fortress, with its metallic luster all over its body, looks like a huge wheel. Lying in space. Countless Fei Alliance warships and transport ships were swimming around like a school of fish. They had just retreated away from the fortress, or they had completed the jump far away on the channel. They followed the laser road signs emitted by the channel floating tower and flew to their respective destinations. port entrance. "To be honest, I'm a little worried."

Lieutenant General Macchia, who was hailed as a new generation of talented generals in the Republic of Lane, and who emerged with two beautiful battles in the previous war, spoke while wearing his trademark flaxen coat. head. The slightly curly hair that reaches the base of his ears makes this young man with a high nose bridge and sunken eyes look more like an artist than a commander. His face was solemn, and his blue eyes were looking at the liquid in the coffee cup. "The first batch of fleets going south must be divided into three waves due to different preparations. Only fifty fleets can immediately set off southward within a week. , the fleet behind will be lucky to be able to set off smoothly within the next two weeks." As he spoke, he turned to stare out the window, his eyes becoming more and more confused: "In addition, a pair of troops drawn from Heidfield have just arrived. The current total strength of the Eagle Group fleet and the two Feiyang first-class fleets in Al-Aqsa is only 130 A-class fleets. The gathering of more than 300 fleets later is already the current limit of the Fiyan Alliance. He turned back and looked at General Uris seriously: "General, with such a small force, can we really win the decisive battle of Leray?" There was silence in the cafe. Admiral Juris held a small coffee spoon in his big hand and stirred it in the cup. After a long time, he sighed and said: "We all know the difficulties that the Fei Alliance is currently facing. The navigation channel is not smooth, the time is insufficient, and the preparations are hasty. There are not enough troops, and everyone understands that.

The forces that Sobol can mobilize are by no means limited to the fleets he is currently leading south." "According to our analysis of the forces in Western York," Lieutenant General Macchia said anxiously: "If Sobol needs it, he can at least still have it. The same number of fleets can be mobilized from all war zones! "We all know this." General Yuris finally stopped the meaningless movements of his hands, raised his head, and looked at Lieutenant General Macchia with bright eyes, "Tell me, Lord Hastings, can you know?" ? "Concern leads to chaos!" "Lieutenant General Macchia said angrily: "I don't know why, but Lord Hastings is too partial to the bandits. Not to mention the fact that he used Allied funds to equip the bandits with twelfth-generation mechas before, let’s talk about the civil war in the Fei Alliance. The fact that General Li Fo left angrily had a lot to do with his efforts to protect Tian Xingjian! "The young lieutenant general leaned back on the chair, raised his chin slightly, showing a subconsciously stubborn attitude: "Even if you are a military god, it is unforgivable to make such a mistake! "Your tone is very similar to that of your resourceful friend Fujii Tsuyoshi." Admiral Yuris smiled slightly: "I'm afraid that in private, you have discussed these actions of Lord Hastings a lot." "To be honest, General, I am also very troubled by this." "Lieutenant General Macchia hesitated for a moment and said, "Perhaps because of General Li Fo, among the officer class of Lane's military,

, many people have criticized Marshal Hastings' insistence on focusing his strategy on the southeast. After all, if it hadn't been for Admiral Li Fo, Lane might have been destroyed in Banning's hands. He relaxed his somewhat stiff body, smiled sheepishly, and continued: "Actually, I don't agree with everyone's resistance." After all, Admiral Liver came to Lane because of the order of Marshal Hastings. However, what everyone can’t understand is why the Lelei Federation is still fighting this war after it has become clear that it is hopeless.” At this point, Macchia’s face became extremely solemn: “You know, according to the intelligence, the West Yo's forward commander was most likely Banning. No matter from the perspective of military strength or command, the bandit army was unable to withstand Xiyo's attack. Giving up the Leray Passage is only a matter of a week or two. Moreover, there was Yuuto Mikami who was blocking the Allied forces from moving south. There is never enough time! "If we can put our troops into the central theater at this time and contain Western York from another direction, and at the same time, temporarily let go of the untimely killing of Suss and Jiepen, and form a stalemate in Resk, we will have room for success." Much bigger. If we are eager for quick success, even if Marshal Hastings leads the army, we are likely to suffer an unbearable defeat! Judging from the current situation, once the main Allied force is lost, the entire war situation will be out of control. "

He finally looked into Admiral Uris's eyes and asked word for word: "Is it worthwhile to put all the power we can gather into a battle situation like this in the southeast and launch a strategic decisive battle without adequate preparation? ?" Juris did not answer. After a long time, he shook his head gently: "I can't give you an answer to your question." Lieutenant General Macchia, who looked forward to it, looked sad. "The reason is," Admiral Euris raised his head and said seriously: "I am not the military god Hastings!" Machia looked at Euris in confusion, saw his finger pointing out the window, and said to himself: " Have you seen these fleets? Compared with the past, what changes have occurred in the current Philippine Alliance?" Macchia was silent for a while and said: "The war cannot be conducted completely in a political way. History has proven that, War is always a game for a small number of elites. The current changes in the Philippine Alliance are due to Marshal Hastings's forcible dissolution of the Alliance Parliament. We have never denied this. We are soldiers, not politicians." "Just because Forcibly dissolve the parliament?" Admiral Yuris narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't you think about it now and realize how all this happened?" Macchia stared out the window, thoughtfully. "The Fiji League paid a heavy price for being careless before the war. At that time, everyone said that the war would not break out, and even Marshal Hastings could not reverse the situation.

With the rope around the neck of the Parliament and the government, it is never possible for the soldiers of a foreign country to prepare for a war! "≦≧≦≧≦≧Admiral Yuris stood up and walked to the porthole. "When our armaments plan and procurement budget were rejected time and time again, the war broke out. Throughout the early stages of the war, we could only be passively beaten. We can only watch as Xiyo's fleet, armed to the teeth, rushes into our country, wantonly kills our unprepared soldiers, and annihilates the fleet we never thought of fighting! "At that time, Marshal Hastings remained silent. He did not command any battle except strategic deployment. When everyone was looking at him eagerly, he delegated power to the generals of the Alliance who had not experienced much war. "Juris looked into the distance: "At that time, I didn't understand, but now, I understand. "Without the silence of the marshal, there would be no rebirth of the Fei League. If we were still fighting under his protection at that time, we would have collapsed when his illness spread throughout the Fei League!" He turned his head and looked at Macchia: "As soldiers, have you ever thought about this old and rigid alliance, besides those politicians, who else is preventing us from dedicating ourselves to this war?" "There is also the arrogance and conceit of the military," Lieutenant General Macchia said: "There is also the greed and stupidity of the plutocrats and interest groups." "

"Since you can understand this, how come you can't see that the reason why Mr. Hastings remains silent is to let us understand our situation, let us grow, and let those things that hinder us be exposed. And get rid of it in the end?" Admiral Uris's voice was as solid as iron: "Let Li Fu, who is ambitious and too involved with interest groups, leave, and dissolve the upper house of the alliance parliament, this is the marshal's last move for the alliance!" Ma Chia was silent, looking out the window at the Fei Alliance fleet like a crucian carp crossing the river, recalling Hastings' step by step, and suddenly felt his heart shake. "But, the southeast war situation" Machia still can't understand. "I said, I am not Lord Hastings. I don't know what he is thinking," Juris said with a slight smile: "However, I can be sure that he is definitely not an old fool. His vision, judgment, and control , His foresight is still at its peak. He must have his reasons for doing this!" A ringtone rang, and Yuris answered the phone. Macchia smiled bitterly and shook his head. He acknowledged Uris's judgment, but for him and other officers, they still couldn't let go of Hastings' strategy of going south. Like a fish in the water, you can never imagine what the eagle in the sky can see. "I'll tell you some news." Yuris put down the phone and was a little stunned for a moment. After saying this, he stopped.

"What?" Machia asked curiously. "The bandit army has annihilated the advance fleet used by Western York to open the way, and ensnared and killed twelve Western York reinforcement fleets," Yuris sighed. "Currently, they have invaded the Desikmetis system." Macchia stupidly He opened his mouth stupidly, dumbfounded.


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