Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 113 The beginning is the end (two chapters in a row)

Zhao Xi, in the central voting hall, Dawson saw Zhao Xi walking through the door, with a reserved smile on his face. In the flash of light, he shook hands with Zhao Xi and said with a smile, "Why are you here now?"

Reporters all around rushed to take photos. The two presidential candidates were not good friends in the previous competition. The two had an inseparable battle in the TV debate, and their views were extremely sharp. "I got up late," Zhao Xi said, "so I came a little late." "I thought you wouldn't come." Dawson smiled and looked at the reporters taking pictures around him, and said in a voice that only Westerners could hear, "Since I got up late, why not Just don’t come?”

"If you say this, wouldn't it be too early?" Zhao Xi also smiled and faced the reporters, calmly, "The voting has just begun, and the winner has not been determined yet. Besides, I personally feel that "Mr. Perez's The chances of winning are even greater. Your character is too frivolous."

"Really? Unfortunately, there is no conflict between Mr. Perez and I." A playful smile appeared on Dawson's lips. "Mr. Perez has already voted. You might as well ask him in person."

Zhao Xi thought, "Lin," he let go of Dawson's fight and turned to look.

Perez, had already walked out of the polling place.

This old man with a gentle and elegant appearance, whose eyes would become crooked when he smiled, ignored the several high-ranking officials from the Hastings family who came to greet him. Instead, he strode towards a man who had just entered the door and was looking at him with an indifferent expression. The general and a graceful woman were standing in the hall. And shook hands with the two of them respectfully.

Zhao Xi's eyes suddenly froze.

The general is Ark, Li Fu.

The woman is his sister, Barbara!

His eyes looked blankly at Swanson, the other presidential candidate, and the dignitaries who stood on Hastings' side.

Everyone's eyes were as confused as his own.

Everyone stared blankly at the three people who showed an intimate look in the flash of the camera. A chill crept up my spine! Once the general election voting begins, it is impossible to stop.

At ten o'clock at night, it will all be over. It only takes ten minutes for to announce the results.

All work was completed before the election began. When people decide on their favorite person and walk out of the house, the result cannot be better!

However, Perez, who was mature and prudent and had always been regarded as the most important and critical chess piece in the presidential election, left his own people alone and walked towards Li Fo when the voting began. What else can illustrate the problem better than the scene before us!

People who react quickly will feel cold sweat pouring down their vests. When they looked at Barbara, who was smiling beautifully, they felt their hands and feet were cold.

Although there is no evidence, most enemies believe that it was Barbara who assassinated President Francis and killed his party's top candidate at the time. However, it was not until now that everyone understood Barbara's entire plan.

She assassinated President Francis because she needed to hold an early presidential election and make the person on the presidential throne disappear to free up the position. At the same time, she wanted Gambhir to become the interim president during this critical period! And for her to eliminate her top-ranked candidate is not a way to clear up suspicion at all.

She knew that the number one candidate was a huge target. In long-distance running, the person who wins in the end is usually not the one in the lead. Instead, he follows the person in the second or third position at a constant speed from beginning to end.

She never had any intention of letting that unlucky guy who died unjustly become president. In her hands, there is Dawson, a dark horse with enough potential!

By killing the first candidate, she not only poured dirty water on the second-ranked candidate at the time, Swanson, but also eliminated the threat posed by Swanson, leaving Dawson with almost no competitors in his later years. More importantly, She made one of her own from the other side's camp become the other side's leader! Swanson went down and Perez stepped up without hesitation. The candidates ranked first and second, no matter which camp they belong to, are all hers! She had already won this battle before it started! Zhao Luo stood in the middle of the hall and felt that the sounds around him had disappeared.

He stared blankly at Perez, who suddenly became hateful, at Li Fu, whose eyes were cold, and at Barbara, who was smiling, not knowing where he was. He didn't even know when the proud Dawson left.

The scene that happened in the central hall of Polling Point No. 1 quickly spread to the entire Feiyang hierarchy.

While the top brass were stunned by the bomb, the general election voting was still going on.

Even if ordinary people see Peres and Li Fo shaking hands on TV news, they don't know what chasing means. In their imagination, Peres, a political elite, and Li Fo, a military elite, know each other, shake hands and exchange greetings. A bellwether for what to watch.

That's just etiquette.

However, in the eyes of Feiyang's senior executives, this is a very symbolic picture!

After Xiao Wei's loss of consciousness, the people who had completely fallen to Li Fo's camp jumped up with excitement. They dialed each other with red eyes. When they put down the phone, their faces were flushed and pale.

Qing's lips could not recover. The people on the side of the Hei family camp looked ashen.

Barbara's hand was so beautiful!

The entire plan is seamless, link by link. If the fat man from Leray hadn't won a game on the night of the 11th, this battle could have completely defeated Hastings silently! Barbara is cunning, and Perez is buried deep enough.

Which one of the candidates who can become a presidential candidate of one camp is not an outstanding person who has gone through many years of investigation and has a clean family background and his own strength?

Perez's step-by-step journey from an ordinary lawyer to what he is today has already been marked by the family behind him.

However, it happened that such a person who was absolutely impossible to have any problems ended up becoming a hidden chess piece buried in Barbara's hands.

Barbara is only in her thirties this year, and Li Fu is only in his forties. How could they have planted this seed twenty or thirty years ago? ! No one knows the answer.

However, just looking at interim President Gambhir standing aside, everyone can understand that some things are far from being as simple as imagined!

At the critical moment, Perez's defection caused the entire Feiyang senior management to experience no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake.

The people who were still waiting and watching anxiously picked up the phone and tried to ask the middleman to help make the connection. However, the phone has been busy. It can be imagined that those middlemen who took the initiative to find them in the past are so popular at this moment. In the FIC Parliament, the representatives of various countries in the House of Commons have fallen into collective despair. Most of the FIC member states they represent support Hastings. .

For thirty years, this alliance has relied solely on the support of the old man in the wheelchair. No one can replace him. Especially in this war, which is related to the fate and future of the entire Fiji League, most countries are unwilling to entrust their fate to anyone other than Hastings.

This is not only the admiration for the old man's almost god-like military commanding ability, but also the trust in this old man!

If he had not insisted on his own way, I am afraid that the Feiyang Republic would not have truly participated in this war until now. If it weren't for him, the situation of each member circle would be ten times more difficult than it is now!

People expect him to take action personally. Even if his condition no longer allows it, they also hope that he can point out a path for this group. But now, the person representing Hastings is standing beside Li Fo. This war without gunpowder has already been lost before it even begins. Is that old man really old? On the other side of the same building, there was a commotion. Those are the elected members of the House of Lords.

They had already been beating gongs and drums to praise Li Fu a long time ago, and had already tried to get involved in the Allied command headquarters controlled by Hastings. By this time, they may not be able to hide their ecstasy.

"Perez and General Liver were chatting cordially. Although there were rumors that the two most outstanding figures in the Republic did not have a good impression of each other, the scene before us shattered the rumors. We have reason to believe that if Perez If Sri Lanka is elected president, he will work closely with General Liver.

The young host of the news channel explained in an excited tone. It made people want to rush over, rip the microphone out of his hand, and throw it away. "What...'Oh..." "'Photographer, come with me..." "'" The screen shook, and the host's rapid talking and running footsteps could be heard.

"Interim President Gambier and General Liver have just made a joint announcement." The host staggered in the crowd and said excitedly: "Tonight, celebrities from all walks of life will be invited to witness Feiyang at the Caesar Palace Hotel not far from the National Victory Plaza. On the occasion of the birth of the 482nd new president of the Republic, the National Victory Square and surrounding areas will be under martial law. As one of the invited media, our station "will broadcast this event live for everyone."

“Who will win this election, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Perez, Zhao Xi or Mr. Swanson? This is a mystery full of expectations, let us wait and see!

Snap "r, "』

The day suddenly went dark.

A member of the Siliyak Federation couldn't help but turn off the TV angrily.

At the same time, in a luxurious room in a Feiyang hotel, Bella, who had never given up hope, also turned off the TV. Shen buried his head in his hands. Also turning off the TV was the office of the Zhao Xi campaign team. Under the silent gaze of the team members, a middle-aged lady slowly sat down on the chair. "Zach..." She said softly, "Call the hotel and Mr. Zhao will tell you to order..." ""

She covered her face with her hands, buried it in her knees, and said in a low voice: "Remember, let them not hold lanterns, prepare celebration ribbons, and don't sing and dance-..." ""


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