Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 107 Fierce Battle

In the packed spectator seats, the generals stood up one after another.

They stared blankly at the three space carriers splitting apart in front of their eyes, and blankly watched as the giant black whales that originally had no seams on their bodies gradually spread out in rows and columns in the endless universe. A school of piranhas.

At this time, it is redundant to use any language to describe my mood.

The stream of light at the tail that lights up silently is such a gorgeous and beautiful picture. They stretch endlessly in the silent universe, like a sea of ​​light.

This scene is like a big hammer, hitting the hearts of the generals again and again. Take their breath away.

"God!" Admiral Medina clenched his fists tightly and stared at the screen.

"This is unbelievable!" Admiral Freese had already left the auditorium. He was running back and forth in front of the surrounding Skynet screen, looking up obsessively at the ships on the screen more than thirty meters high. Battleship, his cheeks trembled with excitement.

More generals stood there with confused and shocked eyes, looking up and around.

There is endless void all around. The twinkling stars and the red nebula in the distance seem to be within reach.

They swallowed hard and wanted to say something, but couldn't. He just let his violently beating heart hit his chest again and again, spraying almost full-blooded blood to every corner of his body.

On the screen, the three space carriers of the bandits completed their split in less than a minute. Countless warships, driven by the tail propulsion burst, shot towards the asteroid belt like arrows from the string.

The camera on the screen is moving as the bandit warships advance.

The asteroid belt, filled with snow-like dust, quickly grew in size right in front of us, approaching us.

Finally, the battleship broke through the dust and rushed into the white world. Pumice stones float, move and rotate in the white dust. Then he quickly swept behind him.

Beside him, black ships were advancing side by side.

This vigorous and ferocious black figure looks like a rushing wolf pack. Roaring, running, taking the lead alternately.

In front of them, tens of thousands of fighter planes stretched out their wings, pulling out streaks of dust and smoke that were either straight, curved, or entangled in the white asteroid belt.

Like nimble and swift petrels, they rolled in the air and passed between the pumice stones.

"Approaching the Second Mixed Fleet of the Thirty-Second Army, distance, 50,000 kilometers." The referees in the referee area also stood up. The chief referee announced the data loudly while looking at the computer screen.

"Forty thousand kilometers!"

"Thirty thousand kilometers!"

"Twenty thousand kilometers!"

“Ten thousand kilometers!!!”

The distance was shortening rapidly, and the referee's voice became louder and more urgent.

Fighter planes and warships, like a torrent of steel, surged and rolled in the asteroid belt, rolling up huge waves, and rushed towards the Second Mixed Fleet of the Thirty-second Group Army parked outside the asteroid belt.

To the east of the asteroid belt, the Second Mixed Fleet, consisting of more than two hundred large and small battleships, was quietly suspended in the void.

Although these Feiyang warships have already deployed defensive formations along the asteroid belt. The bow energy main guns of each battleship were aimed at the asteroid belt, waiting for the bandit fleet to appear and attack them head-on. However, they were directly blocked to level ten by the opponent's electronic interference, but they didn't actually know what they were about to face.

They didn't know whether the bandit army would use the central theater as the main direction of attack. They didn't know what was happening on the left and right wings, and they didn't know that their formation was so thin and fragile in the face of the oncoming torrent.

No one can remind them.

The observation room has been completely sealed, and even the fortress commander Wu Kun is unable to convey the news. Like all the Feiyan generals, he just stood there dumbfounded, looking at the tsunami-like waves with horrified eyes, rushing towards the people who were still leisurely sitting on the bow of the yacht fishing in the wind and beauty. .

Perhaps it is this kind of anxious onlooker's perspective that makes us see more clearly and more thrillingly!

The bandit fleet did not adopt any surprise tactics. They don't need it either. This is a head-to-head battle. Their purpose is to tell all the soldiers who are still intoxicated by Feiyang's power that it's time to wake up from their dreams!

A fighter plane flew out of the asteroid belt.

Its tail propeller and the four propellers of the X-shaped wing shine with five-point plum blossom-like blue light. The moment it broke out of the cosmic dust, the nose of the aircraft was raised slightly, and the wings swayed, causing the streamlined fuselage to roll sideways and suddenly press downwards. Like an arrow with an erratic trajectory, it quickly approaches the main formation of the Second Mixed Fleet.

Behind it, one after another, vigorous fighter planes emerged from the dust.

Under the influence of these endless fighter wings, the solidified dust in the asteroid belt was like pulled cloud threads, protruding one by one, stretching out countless long tentacles in the sky.

How spectacular it is when tens of thousands of fighter planes stand out from the asteroid belt.

Like an arrow, like a shooting star, like a dense burst of bullets!

Their speed makes people feel like they can hear their sharp whistling sound in the silent universe.

"Oh my God!" A captain of the Second Mixed Fleet opened his mouth wide as he looked at the roaring fighter jets. He had no idea that the pipe in his mouth had fallen to the ground.

"Is that a bandit fighter plane?" A shooter with a rotating turret looked blankly at the group of fighter planes covering the sky and sun on the transparent turret dome, and murmured to his companions.

The companion didn't say anything. He just looked at the fire control radar in confusion. The densely packed light spots made it impossible for him to choose a target to lock on.

Seven or eight fighter planes passed by the side windows, their wings almost touching the body of the battleship.

As soon as this group of vigorous petrels passed by the stern of the ship, another group of fighter planes swooped down from above like falcons, passed through the fleet formation, and circled another one from below. The font trajectory climbs straight up.

Every battleship in the Second Mixed Fleet and every porthole were filled with fighter planes flying in the sky.

"Fire! Fire!" The captains who responded frantically ordered.

The battleship's turret began to rotate, and the main energy cannon simulated firing at a rate of one round every three minutes. The fire control radar was frantically locking on the target, and each simulated battle data was quickly sent to the data collector in the director's department.

However, this is just a meaningless struggle.

As the bandit fighter planes approached again and again, they dived, locked on, and opened fire. The alarms of every battleship were screaming. .

With the data feedback from the data collector, the battleship icon flashed on the screen. First, the bow, port side or outer defense areas turned red, and then the energy shield faded away like blood on everyone's face. net. Later, the icon light turned completely red and went out, and the data was no longer accepted by the collector.

This means that the battleship has been ruled out!

On the "destroyed" battleship, Feiyang's officers and soldiers had stopped fighting. They rushed to the portholes and watched countless vulture-like bandit fighter planes wreaking havoc among the battleships.

The other warships, under the orders of the fleet commander, began to retreat.

The entire formation of the Second Mixed Fleet has been torn apart. The surviving battleships are desperately moving towards the center, trying to protect the main battleship formation at the rear and cover the two space carriers that are retreating and releasing fighter planes at the same time.

The soldiers stared intently at the two motherships in the bat fighter group, and watched their own fighters eject into space and face the bandits. My heart was already in my throat.

That was the second mixed fleet's last hope. As long as it can withstand this wave of bandit attacks, the fleet can gain five to ten minutes to launch a counterattack against the opponent's space carrier.

The turrets were rotating and the fighter planes were flying. This silent battle was far more tragic than a real war.

The battleship's indicator lights went out one by one, turning into a motionless gray.

The hearts of Feiyang's soldiers could not help but sink.

The battle damage rate of the fleet has exceeded 40%. If it were on a real battlefield, this would almost be the bottom line of defeat.

Facing the enemy's almost murderous attack, how many people can be strong enough to face death without changing their expressions? How many commanders would watch indifferently as their beloved battleships and soldiers under their command were slaughtered without choosing to evade or retreat?

Leaving lives and battleships behind may play a greater role in the future, and preserve every bit of extremely precious power for this country.

And if you choose to risk everything in this almost one-sided situation, even if you win, you may be sent to a military court!

In the communication channel, the calm instructions of His Excellency, Commander of the Second Mixed Fleet can also be heard.

The lieutenant general, who was deeply loved by the officers and soldiers, did not panic. Every command he gave was so precise and timely. It was under his command that the Second Mixed Fleet did not fall into uncontrollable chaos as soon as it was attacked, and was able to sustain itself until now despite heavy losses!

The battle has reached its climax.

Thousands of bandit fighter planes are launching a final crazy attack. According to the energy and ammunition capacity of the fighter planes, as long as the fleet can survive the last minute or two, the situation will change!

Beside the porthole, the first batch of fighter planes had already returned, flying in the direction they came from.

The officers and soldiers of the Second Mixed Fleet were praying. Many people crossed themselves on their chests while watching several bandit fighter planes fly towards the white asteroid belt.

However, just when everyone had just ignited a little spark of hope, suddenly, everyone's eyes were fixed on the asteroid belt in front of the fighter plane.

The dust was broken open, and one after another, the bandit warships revealed their unique and ferocious collision angles. The majestic black body, like an ancient heavily armored knight, emerged from the rocks in the sky. Densely packed, occupying the entire field of vision.

The hand making the sign of the cross stopped feebly.

The officers and soldiers looked at each other sadly and let out a long sigh. They seemed to be able to hear the voice of the chief referee who stood up solemnly in the fortress viewing room hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, echoing in the lonely hall.

"The referee team determined that the entire second mixed fleet was annihilated. The central theater was lost."



. Say nothing, wait for me to gather strength!


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