Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 93 The curtain falls

The battle on the screen has reached the southern edge of the industrial zone. One kilometer away, there is the majestic and neat formation of the Double-Headed Eagle Armored Regiment, which is waiting in full formation. Further south, everything was lost in darkness. That is the location of the Army's Fourth Base and Sals Manor, and no satellite has the authority to peer there.

Any peeping instructions monitored by Skynet will be judged as a crime. The person who sent the order will be arrested as soon as possible and sent to a military court. For thirty years, that black area has been Heidfield's forbidden land!

Not to mention satellite surveillance, even a fly cannot fly through that airspace without permission. Any aircraft that exceeds the warning line will be shot down.

Coupled with the camouflage deployed by camouflage experts, plus the electronic camouflage and jamming system composed of three electronic battalions and two electronic bases, plus hundreds of pedestal energy cover generators and equipment spread throughout the area anti-detection jammer. Well, it's just a dream to spy on it.

You may be able to: 8 fleets or fighter planes forcefully break through the defenses and blow them up into a blank plain, but before that, you will never want to see the true face of that area!

And in this S1, with Smith's cry, the black rampage that had been hiding under the roof finally appeared in front of everyone.

There are a total of twenty mechas, not one too many, not too little. They lined up in a neat formation, holding their arms and standing quietly at the last intersection in the industrial area.

To the north of the industrial area where they came from, hundreds of Feiyang mechas were still advancing cautiously.

Viewed from the air, the entire area is completely deserted. A large number of factory buildings collapsed, and fire burned in the ruins. Diffuse dust and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

The surviving houses are already riddled with holes, with shockingly large holes everywhere on the walls and roofs. An iron tower in the center turned into a twisted twist. The top of the tower is like a cross in the light of hell, stretching toward the sky in a tragic and futile gesture.

Behind the black mecha, several factories at the southern edge of the industrial zone are still intact. Tall and beautiful houses, neatly arranged. The contrast between north and south is like heaven and hell.

The eleventh-generation long-sword mecha bypassed a ruins more than thirty meters high.

It seemed that the mecha piloting the mecha spotted the enemy at the intersection immediately, and he immediately chased them back, hiding his body behind the ruins. The surrounding troops quickly became commotion.

The armored troops advancing along the roads and ruins stopped blindly firing under the orders of the officers, and ran towards the intersection where the bandit pilots were.

The whole world became extremely silent at this moment. In front of the satellite surveillance screen, it seemed like you could hear a pin drop. People held their breath and stared at the screen. (

Everyone knew that when the distant sky turned white, the drama that lasted all night was about to come to an end. This night is destined to go down in Feiyang's history.

The fat man who opened fire with a sniper rifle in the central city, the twenty bandit war gods, Aguilar's Kalamai Armored Regiment, and forty mysterious purple mechas, all performed brilliantly that night. I just don’t know who among them is the protagonist and who is the supporting role!

Judging from the scene, the bandits seemed more calm. After killing countless opponents, the attitude they displayed at this moment seemed to be a sure win. And their opponents have not given up hope -0 After all, until now, no one has found the flying car.

How could a flying car with no combat capability survive in that ruined industrial area?

Everyone also thought about whether the fat man and the two women would be hiding in the rampant cockpit. However, from the moment they crashed into the factory building, the team behind them was biting them. Amid the criss-crossing energy cannons, they had absolutely no time to abandon their mechas. Even if they abandon the flying car, where is the flying car? It’s impossible to disappear out of thin air!

An armored regiment led by Davis has arrived at the industrial area and is surrounding the industrial area and conducting a blanket search. They were right behind Aguilar, turning over every pile of rubble and digging three feet into the ground. If the flying car is hidden, then it is destined to be found under such a search.

Once found, even if the twenty bandit war gods are so powerful that they kill all the mechas here, they will not be able to change the final outcome. It only takes two bullets, or simply a kick from the mecha, and the Hei family will completely lose this war.

The whole night of suffering was now unbearable. Everyone felt their lips tremble and their hearts beat faster. This scene dragged on for too long and was too torturous.

Starting from the Devil's Paradise Nightclub, they followed the camera and witnessed the prologue, the climax, the madness and strength, but the final ending has not yet arrived! This kind of torture makes people crazy!

After this night, no one will question Hastings' scheming, nor the strength of the Black family, nor will they look at the bandit army like a militia, or foolishly believe that the man from the LeRay Federation The lieutenant general is just a fat man with a good-natured appearance and a harmless smile! That's a madman, a madman!

Hastings and he, the old and the young, "showed their fangs as soon as they returned to Heidfield. So ferocious!"

The seemingly powerful Li Fu Group became their leader. The whole night, they were in control.

At this moment, the postures of these twenty vehicles are still telling everyone that when the drama comes to an end, the initiative is still in their hands. "Who will win?" Jillian asked in a low voice.

No one answered her. The entire reception hall was eerily quiet. Everyone, including Mr. Shen and Mr. Kelly, stood up. Even after experiencing all kinds of storms in their long lives, these family heads present must admit that this is the most critical moment in their lives. The two parties in the struggle are none other than Hastings and Lever. The target of the fight is the entire Feiyang!

It can be seen through the central communication light screen that the members of the Lifo Group such as Old Miller, Buell, and Haitulich opposite are also holding their breath and looking nervous at this moment. Both sides would look at each other from time to time. Sparks sparkled in his eyes.

Just like gamblers at the card table, each has put all his wealth on it, waiting for the moment when the croupier opens the upsetting cup. Aguilar, who was driving a red car with a long sword, walked out of the queue. The fire burned behind him, the flames reaching into the sky. Hundreds of long swords and god-given mechas poured out from all directions, one by one, and gathered around him. Aguilar remained calm and did not immediately order an attack. .

The young officer knew that even though the two battalions dispatched by Kalamai pretended to be dispatched prematurely and suffered over 40% casualties, his men still followed him and persisted in fighting just because of orders.

Their shell of pride, indifference and seeming strength has been stripped away in battle. Facing the near-destructive attacks of these devil-like black mechas, they had no power to resist. (

One phase and two vehicles running rampant can kill twenty or thirty vehicles with God's Gift and Long Sword alone, and then fly away. This fact has been proven time and time again in the battle throughout the night.

Looking at the pitch-black mechas on the opposite side, Aguilar finally understood the status of the elite troops he had always been proud of on the cruel battlefield.

The Kalamai Heroes will never become the army that stands on the hillside at the western end of the Sunset Mountain Basin.

Compared with these powerful mecha warriors, no matter how strong the Kalamai Regiment is, it is only on the ground, and it is absolutely impossible to stand on the level of the bandits' armored forces! He looked around. My heart is getting heavier and heavier.

When the chaotic battle temporarily calmed down at this intersection, he discovered that those purple mechas had disappeared without a trace at some point. The dust and smoke behind him was billowing, the fire was burning, and the crumbling houses were still collapsing one after another. "But not a single purple figure appeared.

From beginning to end, he didn't interact with the purple machine? The fighter said something. In his opinion, those guys were like a group of sluggish walking dead, a group of ghosts who only knew how to fight.

A total of five destroyed mechas were lying side by side in the northern part of the industrial area. The cockpit of each mecha was melted by high temperatures exceeding three thousand degrees.

The high temperature comes from the inside of the mecha's cockpit, instantly turning everything including the pilot's body and control system into gas and liquid. More radical than self-destruction.

This kind of protection device is not uncommon among mechas. However, this situation usually occurs after the death of the fighter is detected, or under the remote control start command of the fighter.

After all, no one wants to be burned alive by temperatures exceeding 3,000 degrees Celsius.

However, the five destroyed purple mechas were different.

None of the pilots walked out of the cockpit alive. Although two of them only had their engines or drive systems destroyed and were incapacitated. However, their cockpit still turned into a furnace in a steel mill. Aguilar shook his head vigorously, prohibiting himself from thinking about it any more.

He didn't understand what the bandit mecha team on the opposite side wanted to do, but he knew that at this time, there were many, many eyes staring closely at him.

After losing 30% of their troops, and with five more purple mechas being thrown into the open ground one by one by their opponents, countless people in this group were gnashing their teeth, and countless people were clamoring for help. In a desperate move, they clamored to wipe out the entire bandit army. Those five purple mechas and hundreds of Feiyang mechas were just slaps one after another on the faces of these people. With these angry people standing behind you, once you shrink back, you will never get back up!

Ignoring the wishes of the soldiers beside him, Aguilar grabbed the communicator with sweaty hands. Just when he was about to give the order to attack, suddenly, he saw a bandit army on the opposite side raised his arm, and then swung it down suddenly! (

"Foolish!" A warehouse not far away burst into pieces with a loud noise like a blown balloon.

The roof, walls, and various unknown fragments of the warehouse were flying in all directions. In an instant, a huge warehouse had turned into an empty space.

Rolling dust spread in all directions. Like a white cloud. When the smoke and dust dissipated, a flying car gradually appeared in the center of the open space. There was an engine start sound, and the flying car started slowly and moved forward.

On both sides of its rolling wheels, the shadows of purple mechas one after another reflected in the shiny car shell, sliding from the front to the rear. A total of thirty-five purple mecha wrecks were arranged neatly! Time froze at this moment. In the living room of the Kelly family, everyone stared blankly at the satellite screen.

Everyone watched as the flying car disappeared for several hours and appeared in the warehouse with its shiny and spotless body. It looked like it was inspecting, silently sliding past the wreckage of thirty-five purple mechas, driving out of the warehouse, turning behind the twenty vehicles, and heading towards the double-headed eagle armored team column in the south. "Oh God." A member of the Smith family opened his mouth.

The bandit army, these damn bastards, not only killed their opponents, but also took the time to clean the car, arrange the remains of the mecha neatly, accept their orders, and display it to the world! This is simply the most vicious humiliation in the universe! The flying car was driving with its roof open. In the car, a fat man was driving, and Margaret and An Lei were sitting elegantly behind him.

Under the watch of the Feiyang fighter who had completely lost his fighting spirit, and escorted by twenty black mechas behind him, the flying car drove towards the double-headed eagle troops that solemnly lined up to greet them.

When driving past the cordon of the Double-Headed Eagle Group, the fat man sitting in the driver's seat suddenly raised his hand, grinned evilly, and raised a fleshy middle finger to the sky. Looking at this middle finger, the whole world fell silent. A moment later, a deafening cheer almost lifted the roof of the entire living room.

A surge of electricity jumped from the vest to the top of the head, and everyone went crazy. Gillian jumped up, hugged Roger, and shouted loudly, her face flushed with excitement. David was laughing wildly, McCarthy was waving his fist fiercely, and Shen Daqi suddenly turned back to look at his grandfather.

What greeted Shen Daqi was Mr. Shen's eyes of approval and encouragement. The old man pounded his cane hard, stretched out his hand, and raised his thumb high. Pride and pride flashed in the sun! This victory came so unexpectedly, so decisively, so shockingly! The overall situation is decided! Amidst the thunderous cheers, people turned their heads and looked at the communication screen in unison. Old Miller and others on the screen were already pale.

At the moment when the communication was cut off silently, everyone saw that old Miller was staggering, suddenly spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell down! The fat cat is chasing after me, please support me with monthly votes, please everyone.


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