Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 64 Port

The USS President is in full force. Under the escort of the class fleet, it sailed towards Heidfield, the capital of the Feiyang Republic.

For the people on the spaceship, floating in the boundless universe for two whole days is really boring enough. Compared with the war, what is much better is that such a journey can at least drink in the living area. Order drinks, chat and play cards, and watch TV programs through the accompanying electronic ship or the ubiquitous signal transmitter on domestic waterways.

The flames of war are still burning in every city of mankind. The TV channels are full of news about the war.

In addition to news that is not surprising, such as an important department of a certain country being attacked by a Western Treaty hidden agent, or a Fiji Alliance fleet in the northern theater encountering a fleet of a Western Treaty member country and a fierce battle broke out, there was actually news about the Northwest Star A member of the Fiji League in the region secretly maintains a tacit understanding with its neighboring countries in the West, and it is an anecdote that the actual casualties in the hundreds of fierce battles announced did not exceed double digits...\

,"All kinds of people appear in the news.

There are unlucky guys who were arrested for embezzling military expenditures, there are wimps who made eloquent statements before going into battle, only to be defeated in less than a day after arriving at the front line, there are politicians who bickered during the election campaign, and there are those who were found to be manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy smuggling strategies. There is a certain rich man who has made a huge fortune in supplies and the country is in dire straits. There are some good spies who have been captured. Naturally, there is no shortage of young heroes who have become famous in battles and are admired and adored by girls...*..."

The job of the news media is to record the fragments one by one from different places, and then put them together on TV to create a bizarre and fragmented world of human war amid the flames of war.

But the focus of most attention in the past two days was the people in the battleship watching the TV news.

Hundreds of television stations are tracking Hastings' whereabouts. In the most beautiful moment after Francis was assassinated, Hastings returned with the aura of the Thunder Peak victory. This trip itself has enough news value and can also give people more room for imagination.

The news anchors and guests on the TV were frothing and analyzed what impact Hastings' return to Feiyang would have on Feiyang's political situation, and what would happen to Li Fut, who has become a new generation of military god in the eyes of the people. Such a challenge, how much harm will the overt and covert struggle between the two sides cause to the Fifa League*...\

,"Looking at the battleship he was riding on from the TV screen, it was a very strange experience to think that he was in the battleship on TV, staring at the battleship on TV.

It's like two mirrors facing each other, an endless and boring reincarnation.

When the impressive No. 5 TV station in Heidfield finally displayed a series of station and program logos on the screen and announced the news with shocking and exciting music, the largest room on the President was already filled with officers from different countries.

These men in different uniforms, all hunched over each other, glowing red, looked excitedly at the fat man at the end of the stage.

The fat man estimated the length of the smooth wooden platform, and amidst a burst of cheers, he pushed the beer glass hard. The beer full of foam slid past the excited faces shouting wildly, and slid to the other end of the stage...*..."

Finally, just when everyone thought Fatty's wine glass was about to rush out of the counter, the wine glass slid to the edge of the counter and stopped with half of his body stretched out. It was almost two cups longer than the other cup next to him. .

There was a bang, thunderous cheers in the wine, the officers and soldiers whistled wildly, banged the table, stamped their feet, applauded, laughed, cursed, and roared...\

,"A Chakna officer with a pale face turned around and wanted to run out, but was jumped by a group of officers who had taken precautions and pinned him down.

By the time everyone dispersed, all the money in the pockets of the unlucky guy who tried to default on the debt had been touched, and even his clothes and pants had been taken off. He was only wearing a pair of stuffy underwear with a little white bear on it. Standing in the middle of the wine, he smiled awkwardly at several snickering female officers.

The fat man squeezed into the crowd, grabbed and grabbed his share of the gambling money, contentedly stuffed it into his underwear and hid it next to his dick, shouting: "Who's next?"

Fatty's invitation to fight was quickly responded to. An officer from Tatania rolled up his sleeves and stood with the fat man holding a beer. Another burst of howling suddenly broke out from the side of the stage. The officers waved the banknotes in their hands and rushed to place bets. The gangster sergeants who followed the fat man, such as Ziz and Mountbatten, were busy collecting money and accounting...\

,"Looking at the jubilant fat man in front of the stage, Margaret felt helpless and glanced at the TV, which no one was paying attention to, and walked out of the wine with An Lei on her arm.

The hustle and bustle behind him waxed and waned as the wine door opened frequently. The officers who had heard the news were running all the way through the aisle, pouring into the wine in an endless stream.

TV 5 is Feiyang’s largest news station. Almost all important current affairs programs are concentrated on this channel. Whenever a major incident occurs, the first reaction of the people is to turn on the news channel of Channel 5 and learn the truth of the matter from the 24-hour uninterrupted follow-up reports.

Unfortunately, few people understand that in this world, nothing is the absolute truth. Even President Feiyan lives his life in the lies and embellished statements of the officials around him. Moreover, even if you see things with your own eyes, there will be errors due to your angle at the time and even the quality of your eyesight.

At least this time, the truth wasn't in the hands of the pretty host who was blushing with excitement.

Outside the ship's window, a star in the distance started from a small bean and became bigger and bigger.

Dazzling light flowed on the shells of the escorting warships until the fleet entered the huge shadow of a semi-dark earth-yellow star.

Hastings knew the weirdness of the Bentley System Battle, and so did the little kid and the fat man.

Francis' death means that Li Fu's pace towards the peak of power has accelerated. The victory of the bandit army in the southeastern star field and the return of Hastings made him instinctively feel the threat.

No one knew how he achieved this victory, and it was certainly impossible for the people to figure it out.

Never try to expect everyone to have enough sense and judgment in a matter where the truth cannot be found. Margaret has understood this since she was a child, and neither Hastings nor Fatty is prepared to arrest him. Living in these unreasonable places seeks to combat Li Fu.

At this moment, an exciting video was playing on the TV, with several hosts explaining it excitedly. The news of Duke Bentley's victory in the system arrived so silently without causing the slightest ripple, at least not on this spaceship. .

If Barbara and Liver knew that when the news of their victory came, Hastings was reading a book, and the fat man was wearing his hat crookedly and gathering to gamble and drink. The old and the young were as if nothing had happened and they were not even interested in taking a look. , I don’t know what their expressions will be.

,,How long does it take to get to Heidfield? An Lei, who had the same soft voice, temperament, and appearance, asked Margaret casually.

,,has arrived. "Margaret turned a corner at the end of the aisle and walked to the large and transparent semi-curved balcony.

The pretty figures of the two girls stood side by side. The fleet turned, and a huge planet emerged from the back of the earth-yellow planet.

Heidfield, the airport of the largest and most prosperous city in the human world, is already in sight.

The largest airport in Feiyang is Airport No. 72, which was only completed a year ago.

As the fleet approaches, this huge white space building located between the Capital Star and Satellite 1 has slowly opened the hemispherical main entrance of the airport, which is usually closed.

The return of Hastings is a big event for the entire Feillan Republic. Dozens of patrol warships, large and small, are patrolling the incoming channel to clear the way. More than twenty incoming channels below the airport have been temporarily closed. Passenger ships and cargo spacecraft on the channel are required to temporarily stop in the incoming channel to receive passengers. Outside the scope

No one complained about the decision.

Because the person they gave way to was Hastings, the military god who single-handedly created Feiyang, the largest superpower in the universe!

Not to mention the short wait of twenty or thirty minutes, even if it takes a whole day, no one will complain. People cared more about Hastings' personal safety than waiting time.

Looking up at the President Chuckna spaceship slowly approaching the berth, the crowd waiting on the pier gradually stopped whispering and became quiet.

Pier 1 of the airport and several nearby piers have been heavily guarded by Feiyang's army. Even the port staff were asked to leave and replaced by military security forces.

Every two meters, there is a heavily armed soldier with a stern face, as if he is facing a formidable enemy.

You know, in order to welcome Hastings, almost all the high-ranking government officials and military officials of the Feyon Republic gathered on this pier. Among them were not only Hastings's supporters, but also his opponents.

Not to mention others, several of Li Fo's generals and some of the most supportive members of Congress were among them.

In addition, there are senior officials from commerce, national defense, energy, the Ministry of the Interior, transportation, finance, justice, homeland security and other government departments and military generals.

If a battleship could break through the port defenses and fire a cannon at the dock, the Feyon Republic would be doomed.

Under people's gaze, the spaceship finally parked at its berth. As the tractor clicked onto the docking port of the spacecraft, the green light came on, and the main hatch at the bottom of the port side slowly opened.

Hastings, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was pushed out of the hatch by Margaret.

The welcoming crowd, led by Congress Chairman Gambier, walked quickly over. Even from a distance, everyone could clearly see Hastings's face, which was so weak that there was no trace of blood.

Some people are sad, some people are sighing, some people are thinking about it, and some people are chuckling.

The news circulating among the top leaders of the Fei League seems to be true.

Things are about to change!


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