Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 49: Massacre (Part 2)

On the hillside of the local horizon, a group of black mecha figures appeared, and Reinhardt stopped.

Behind him were forty-one Adjudicators and two Sussian armored regiments. About three kilometers further back is Langman's command cluster. The seven regiments trailing behind have expanded to the left and right for nearly ten kilometers. However, since they approached the ten-kilometer radius of the Fifth Resource Highway, they have never encountered any resistance.

The defense line set up along the intercity highway was deserted. Judging from the color of the exposed soil and the messiness of the position, these Fei League defense forces obviously left just now. It seems to be to make way for them. And judging from the news coming from the breakout troops from other directions , the Fiji Alliance forces stepped up their interception against them. The abnormal behavior of the Fiji Alliance forces made everyone feel confused and uneasy.

The fog of war is always everywhere. No one knows whether the commander of the Philippine Alliance made a mistake in judgment and gave the command group a golden opportunity, or whether they deliberately set a trap and waited to catch the fish in the urn.

However, at this point, no matter whether there is an opportunity or a trap ahead, everyone seems to have no choice but to close their eyes and rush forward.

The nine armored regiments were demoralized and had lost most of their logistics and fire support troops. They were just gamblers with red eyes but not many chips. If they want to make a comeback, they have no other way but to give it a try. If we are cautious about gains and losses, what awaits this army is the end result of being calmly annihilated by the enemy.

It is difficult for the Western soldiers to accept the change from overwhelming to fleeing. However, this is reality. Faced with reality, they can only choose to accept it. Reinhardt's eyes narrowed dangerously.

He could already see the interchange bridge between the Wakira Highway and the Fifth Resource Highway. You can also hear the faint sound of artillery coming from the west of the Fifth Resource Highway.

On the way forward, the only troop blocking him was standing on a small soil slope that was at most twenty meters high. Five hundred demonic and ferocious black mechas hugged their arms like a group of thugs. In front of them, a mecha of the same model but with a tattered appearance squatted on the ground, looking coldly at them. No need to think about it, Reinhard also knew who was standing in front of him.

That dirty and wretched fat man always likes to pretend to be a wretch who doesn't make people feel dangerous, a beggar who poses no threat. The [Warcraft] he drove used to look like this, but now he has a new mecha, and it still looks like this.

He waved his hand gently, signaling the soldiers behind him to change into an attack formation. The scouts scattered around have sent back reports one after another. Within ten kilometers to the left and right of the Jiqiang Intercity Highway, no trace of the large Fiji League troops was found. Longman, who was trailing behind, had ordered the troops to spread to the left and right, establishing a blocking line to cover the passage of the main force. Does that fat hand want to fight him with these five hundred mechas he has never seen before? !

Reinhardt thought to himself, with a cold smile on his lips. He had to admit the fat man's favor. The guy who looked honest and innocent in Mozic and seemed to cry immediately when he was slightly wronged was challenging himself in the craziest way and with the toughest voice. . He knew very well that these five hundred mechas were definitely not that simple.

This should be the strongest strength of the bandit army. There is information that Feimeng has developed the latest twelfth generation mecha, and maybe it is the ones that appear in front of us.

Those who can drive these mechas will certainly not be ordinary mecha warriors. Fatty is now the ruler of the free world of Mars. There is nothing else there, but there are many mecha commanders and mecha war gods with super high hand speeds. You can easily block your special bandit battalion from Sunset Mountain and deduce the strength of these devil mechas following Chengzi.

Reinhardt was sure that the forty-one Arbitrators he had on hand were no match for the five hundred Devil Mechas. Even if a pair of ten had an advantage, the disparity in numbers was too great. As for the Suss mecha at the back, let alone that. Even if all nine regiments surge forward, it is impossible to annihilate these 500 mechas.

From the beginning of the war between Lielei and Gacharin to now, the mecha combat mode is undergoing profound changes every day.

From long-range firepower and precision shooting as combat elements, to high-speed advances based on wave cover and triangular attack formations, from the long-term tug-of-war that requires an average of 500 rounds to destroy a fully energy-shielded mecha, to close combat An instant destructive strike, mechas, an army weapon that evolved from ancient thin-skinned tanks, are constantly evolving.

Evolution means elimination. Any force that cannot keep up with the times will be abandoned in cruel wars.

And now, one year into the Qing Dynasty: While small countries are still developing ninth-generation mechas and purchasing small quantities of equipment of ten generations, big countries are still developing tenth-generation mechas and trying to popularize close combat combat methods. When it comes to every troop, mecha combat has actually entered an era where high-end mechas rule the roost. The emergence of the twelfth generation of mechas is the beginning of this new era.

One Arbitrator may not be considered much, but ten Arbitrators and hundreds of Arbitrators can lead a battle, and even capture a battleship in space! Yes, the level of the devil mecha on the opposite side is about the same. This is what Sobol wants to know most! In order to defeat Hastings, he needs to master one seven do

Reinhardt slowly checked the mecha's energy and system status. The forty-one Adjudicators behind them looked at the enemies on the hillside calmly, while the two Suss armored regiments were already in a commotion. "There are no enemies for ten kilometers on the left and right wings. It's a great opportunity. Why are we still here? Let's rush over!" "Who are these mechas? Bandits?!" "In this plain without any fortifications to rely on, with five hundred A mecha comes to stop us? How ridiculous! These lunatics, do they really think they are omnipotent gods? "I have never seen this kind of mecha. They don't seem to be easy to deal with..." "Don't say anything depressing! No matter how difficult it is to deal with, they only have 500 people.

This is a plain area, we don't need to attack the position, we just need to pass quickly. No matter how powerful they are, can they still intercept us in such a wide area and eat us all? !

"That's right, everyone, cheer up. The failure of the Battle of Sunset Mountain was due to Frenzo's feeding into the war zone, not our fault! How could the Sussian soldiers be defeated so badly that they even lost their most basic morale!"

"Everyone, listen to the sound. Marshal Belif is meeting us in front. Our troops are squeezing this way. No matter who is in front of them, they only have 500 mechas. It is absolutely impossible to withstand our front and rear attacks. !" "Charge over! On this planet, in the entire galaxy, whether we are the space fleet or the army, we still have a huge advantage. As long as we charge over, we still have a chance!!" "We can't die here, kill us. them!"

Under the deliberate guidance of Officer Suss, Suss's sluggish morale was like a flickering candle doused with gasoline. For a moment, flames rose, and the sound of shouting and killing penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks.

Regardless of whether the Fiji alliance was intentional or not, whether it was a trap or an opportunity, the opponent stationed 500 mechas at the D-road intercity highway, blocking nine armored regiments, and even the Belives coming at high speed from the west. The arrogance and arrogance of the ten armored divisions made all Western York officers and soldiers feel both incredible and angry.

Those five hundred black machines holding their arms? "And the tattered mecha squatting on the ground, like a hooligan waiting at the school gate to observe the blackmail target, was a naked humiliation to them.

Forty-one adjudicators remained silent. They stared hard at the hillside, their eyes as fierce as wounded beasts. The Judge is the top armored force in the world!

Even if he fails to break through Sunset Mountain, the Judge will not damage his own glory. Although the opponent was powerful, he had to rely on numerical superiority and positioning to achieve a combat loss ratio of nearly two to one. If the strength of the judge is measured by the battle at Guangyang Mountain, then the enemy is totally wrong iii

The real power of the judge lies not in head-on confrontation, but in endless strangulation! These five hundred camera armors, even if they blocked nine Suss armored regiments, could not stop forty-two Arbitrators.

Every judge believes that he and his companions will, like wolves, penetrate the opponent's blocking line, escape into the forest, and then turn around and bite off their flesh and blood one by one!

The black judge formed a triangle attack formation, and behind him, thousands of Sussian mechas spread out to form a larger attack group.

Langman's command group has already arrived. Except for the two regiments scattered on the two wings, the remaining five regiments, one after another, merged into the attack group like running water, amidst the shouts of the grassroots officers, and were ready for the assault. On the empty plain, a huge formation spread endlessly.

The sun shines straight down, reflecting the dazzling glare on the tall steel giant.

The engine is roaring, clouds are rushing in the sky, moving shadows are passing over the earth, and the light is flickering. The atmosphere between heaven and earth suddenly became chilly.

After Reinhardt inspected the mecha, he subconsciously looked to the left and right. Suddenly, a dancing flame on the top of a mountain in the distance attracted his attention.

On the top of the mountain, waist-high weeds folded aside in the wind, revealing a giant steel ladybug-like command mecha. A petite, yet extremely familiar figure stood quietly next to the mecha. Dozens of bandit mechas closely guarded her.

The wavy wild grass undulated under her knees, and the mountain breeze ruffled her long hair, like a beating flame. Reinhardt slowly adjusted the telescope and looked at the beautiful figure that seemed to be floating like a fairy. Turning around suddenly, the broken mecha was still squatting on the hillside.

The flame on the top of the mountain in the distance, and the man on the top of the mountain in front squatting on the ground like a ruffian, staring closely at him, making his eyes suddenly bloodshot! Several commands flashed through his mind. Judge, start running!


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