Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 42 Shine

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After a few days of online discussion, the New Year's Eve and its atmosphere disappeared. ※ To the people of the Filipina League, there was no festive atmosphere in the New Year's Eve.Although the heads of government of the Fiji League still delivered New Year's speeches as usual, they patted their chests and vowed to ensure that the government and the army would make every effort to win this war. However, the serious situation in various war zones has not changed in any way because of the president's red and swollen chest.More and more names on the bulletin boards, more and more unemployed people in statistics, less and less food, and increasingly ridiculous prices for daily necessities make this year even more deserted and desolate than usual. The starry sky has lost its brilliance in peaceful times. War, this monster that humans feed on blood, is raging across the entire human interstellar territory.More than a dozen from the Fei League and the West. After the major member states declared war on each other and kicked off the war, in just two years, nearly a hundred more countries declared war on each other.Countless steel giants used their armored guns to break into the space jump point, and an overwhelming number of fighter planes rushed into the planet's atmosphere. Beautiful planets have become riddled with holes, and prosperous cities have been reduced to ruins. People in war zones watched helplessly as their homes were turned into ruins and their relatives died in the overwhelming shelling. The pain is so extreme that they are numb. Facing the camera lens, their eyes are empty, not even desperate. The people in the non-war zone were watching all this in front of the TV, silent, their hearts so heavy that they seemed unable to beat. They don’t know when their homeland will fall, and they don’t know whether the scene they see now will be a scene that will happen in their lives in the future. The dark clouds of war are approaching so darkly. No one cares about the year. January 1st is the beginning of the year. In times of peace, this day is a reason for joy for all. But now, this day that should have been full of laughter has made people feel sad because of the death notices and the fallen cities one after another. Faced with the aggressive Western Conference and the invaders invading their homeland, the people of the Filipina League need only one thing. Victory! A real victory! This victory is not the kind of victory in a small battle in a certain place announced by the host with a forced smile. It is not the victory of a certain group army's "main force" with less than a thousand people defeating a certain enemy platoon and a certain company when the troops are retreating. The so-called "victory" of the transition. What everyone needs is a victory that allows everyone to put aside the haze of war and see the dawn. A victory that lifted their depressed mood and cheered loudly!That's their festival! The desire to win is too urgent for the people of the Fiji League today. How much I hate and am angry at those bastards who started the war in Western York. How strong is the desire to win! They pray every day, praying that their warriors will become stronger, praying that their own troops will counterattack into the territories of the major Western empires, destroy the enemy's cities, occupy the enemy's palace, and inflict hundreds of times a thousand times of pain on the enemy. On the body. This desire is like an undercurrent surging among the crowd. The governments of all Fiji countries can clearly feel the huge power contained in this undercurrent. They know that in the hearts of those people who are starving, suppressing their grief, and working overtime to build mecha warships, there is a volcano about to be defeated. If the situation continues to deteriorate, this volcano will explode sooner or later. By then, the anger of the people will be far more terrifying than the red lava, which can destroy everything. The one who can prove this power is Li Fu, who is as mysterious as the sun. Now he is a hero in the hearts of the people, the first successor to the military god Hastings, and the idol in the hearts of all passionate young people. And the result of all this is the victory of Catalonia Galaxy. Although a long time has passed, the impact of that victory was so huge that its shock waves have not subsided until now. In the current combat sequence of the Feiyang Army, all troops under Li Fo have priority for supply, and they are all absolute special-level main forces. Their officers are given priority in training and promotion. Soldiers receive good treatment, the troops are equipped with advanced mechas, and have strong support. Any restrictions on these troops, any opposition to Li Fu, will be fiercely attacked by public opinion and parliamentarians. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as asking for something. There are even many people who hope that Li Fu can replace the inactive Hastings and become the actual leader of the Philippine Allied Forces, leading the Philippine Allied Forces to launch a frenzied counterattack. A victory can bring Li Fu to such a high level. One can imagine the power of the people. Water can carry or capsize a boat, the higher Li Fu's reputation. For all political leaders. The pressure will be greater. Faced with such a severe situation and the rolling undercurrent among the people, they dreamed of winning a victory to appease the people's emotions. Lift your spirits.However, victory is not something that comes just after all. .

This is known to the high-level people who hold the intelligence, and also to the ordinary people below. Currently, the countries in the Fiji Alliance are still repaying debts that were poorly prepared before the war.Their army is not as good as that of Western Japan. The troop equipment and number of ships are not as good as those of Western Japan. If it were not for the iron triangle of Feiyang Republic, Lane Republic and Chakna Republic in the Fiji League, I am afraid that the democratic countries attached to the Fiji League would have fallen apart long ago. These three countries are the three key theaters in this war. The war between Feian and the Binart Empire is the top priority. The ownership of Carlston Galaxy directly determines the outcome of this war. At present, the Feiyang Army has lost most of the strategic points of the Carlston Galaxy, and the main fleet retreats helplessly near the national border. Not to mention a big victory, it would be great to be able to sustain it for several months and prevent the aggressive Binart Empire from burning the flames of war to their homeland. Secondly, there is the Lane Republic War Zone. Contrary to the disappointing situation of Carlston Galaxy, this war zone is the hope of all the people of the Fei Alliance. People who admire Li Fu believe that one day, Li Fu will lead his army to capture the Naga Federation and attack the mainland of the Binart Empire from another direction. The Feyon army led by Hastings could not hold the Carlston Galaxy, so it was up to him to turn the tide. After that, there is the Southwest Star Territory where the Chakna Republic and several major Western empires are strangled.,  Thousands of wars broke out in this star field and quickly spread to the entire human interstellar territory. Xiyue spared no effort to obtain the central passage of Leray. From the Gacharin Empire at the beginning to the Dexik Empire, the Jiepen Empire and the Susti Empire, the small Lele Federation was able to defeat Gacharin with the power of one country, making Dexik disgraced and severely damaging the Soviet Union. The two countries, Sri Lanka and Jiepen, exceeded most people’s expectations. It's a pity that the central passage of Leray was finally opened by Xiyo.With the change in the position of the Salega Federation and the Binart Empire fleet joining the southwest battle through the Lere Central Passage, the situation in the Chakna Republic is really not optimistic. Now, the West York Army, under the command of Jeppon's famous general Yuuto Mikami, is storming the Lesk system. Once the Lesk galaxy is lost, the portals to several major Chakna galaxies will be completely opened. Siyo, who has established a firm foothold in the southwestern star field, can quickly sweep across the entire Chakna. While turning the entire southeastern star field into their back garden to get what they want, they are connected with the Carlston Galaxy to the east and west, and to the Feiyang Republic. And the Republic of Lane formed a flanking attack from both front and back. Therefore, from a strategic point of view, the southeastern star field at this stage is more important than Carlston and Lane Theater.Since this period of time, the war situation in the Southeast Star Territory has been turbulent. The two warring parties have come on stage, each using their own unique moves, and the competition has been unprecedentedly fierce. All countries in the Fiji Alliance, from the president to ordinary people, have paid strong attention to this war zone. Chakna, who has just changed his war strategy and is fully committed, can he withstand the full-scale attacks of several major empires with his current military strength?What exactly does Hastings want to do when he sits in Chalkner? Will his wisdom suddenly shine at a certain time, giving a huge surprise to all those who still have expectations and trust in him? And what kind of army was the bandit army that arrived at Chakna? Why did they make a big splash on Canglang Star with ten mecha war gods, while on the other hand they attacked their own allies in Hanking? Fight and make a mess? All these are topics discussed every day in the streets and streets of the Fifa League. Some people are worried, some are full of expectations, and some are gloating and watching with cold eyes. "I request the Parliament to immediately put pressure on the High Command of the Allied Forces to remove Hastings from his position as the First Commander of the Allied Forces!" In the huge oval conference hall, a congressman from the Feyon Republic made an impassioned speech, pointing the finger. Hastings. "Since the war broke out, Marshal Hastings's physical condition and the current severe situation of the coalition forces have shown that he is no longer suitable to assume the position of military commander of the coalition forces. Now, the situation in Carlston Galaxy continues to deteriorate, Chuck The Republic of Namibia is also facing the biggest crisis since its founding. If we do not take decisive measures, the Spanish army will directly attack the mainland of the Republic of Fijan! I think everyone should understand what this means for the entire Fijan Union. What?. The congressman trailed off for a long time. After looking around the room, he sat down. There was silence in the conference hall. Democratic congressmen from all over the world looked at each other, and suddenly there was a commotion. The whispers were like starting a reaction engine. The spaceship, like a swarm of disturbed bees, gradually enlarged. Some congressmen looked around in surprise. They found that there was a strange atmosphere permeating the conference hall. Fired directly at Hastings, this This is something that has never happened before in the Union Parliament in the past thirty years. In a sense, Hastings is the nemesis of the Union Parliament.

Over the past thirty years, the Union Parliament has had one member after another, but no one has ever dared to challenge him head-on. It is his existence that has prevented the United Parliament from fully controlling the military system of the Fifa League. At the beginning of the war, Hastings was strong. As well as the mistakes made by the United Parliament themselves, the members present shut their mouths and did not dare to express any opinions on the military budgets and military expansion of various countries, which were the only things they could influence.In this era of war, it is really a cruel thing for these congressmen to not be able to control the army and lose the power to influence the army. In the two years since the war began, the Fifa Union Congress has seemed like a symbolic organization. Issues such as trade quotas, currency lines, and environmental protection are simply the games of a group of idle children in the midst of a raging war. The tide against Hastings has been brewing for a long time. As time went by, these congressmen had naturally forgotten how they had opposed war preparations in the first place. At that time, they rightly and righteously opposed the arms procurement budget proposed by the Fifa Alliance countries, the expansion of troops, the coalition and the military integration process, and all measures to prepare for the war, and attacked them as a waste of people and money. They sat in their seats, laughing and voting, until the invasion of West York. This serious mistake caused them to taste the bitter consequences and lose their rights.However, that is only temporary. For these parliamentarians who consciously represent public opinion, putting everything under democratic supervision is a basic principle of a democratic country and a magic weapon for their survival.Among them, not many people have a good enough military vision, and not many people can understand the current war situation, but this does not prevent them from making great changes in their own fields. They will not go to the front line to direct operations, but they have sufficient self-awareness. Going to the front line or commanding the army will only cost them their precious lives or ruin their reputation. That's what military generals do. The only thing they need is power. It is to let those generals who are not very obedient pay careful compensation to themselves for the right to smile in order to fight for the alliance's military resources! To gain this right, Hastings must be kicked away. Although they had always planned to do this, no one dared to challenge the old man in the wheelchair head-on.Until now! The MPs watched their companions carefully. Some were angry, but only a very small number. Many people were expressionless and sat quietly in their seats. Their invariably expressionless expressions are like a letter without words, but they actually express a lot of meaning. The Member Fei Yang who spoke was one of the spokespersons for Li Fu and a huge interest group. Obviously, this was a premeditated action.Some members of Congress recalled the words of a political bigwig at a banquet. Wang Fabibei "The Fei League is an unsinkable ship." The boss was holding the wheel with a hint of ridicule and contempt on his face covered with age spots, "It's the same no matter who is at the helm." Then he made a very vivid metaphor: "Have you ever seen a python? No matter how big a python is, it can't swallow an elephant. Even if it does, it will take a long time. I don't think I can see Xiyo swallowing us. I'm afraid you don't have that long either. The words of Mr. Shou caused a burst of laughter from the elegant congressmen holding wine glasses. “We cannot abandon our democratic system just because of a war. "The boss waved his hands. "This is the foundation of the Fei League and a principle that each of us must adhere to. Even if I believe in the character of Lord Hastings, one man's nobility is no reason for us to put our democracy in a dangerous situation where the military controls everything. "The boss sat down on the sofa with the help of a councilor. His beautiful wife, who was forty years younger than him, brought him a glass of water. "I'm old, the doctor has issued a ban on alcohol. "The boss sighed and said: "You are all the elites of the Fei League. This world has always been dominated by a small group of elites. We represent public opinion and the fundamental democratic system of the Union of Fiji. No matter in peacetime or wartime, we should not give up our responsibilities. " He looked around with a somewhat complacent expression: "Hastings is ill, the situation continues to deteriorate, and the public has great opinions. Today's Fifa League. Change is needed. A strong military leadership appears to be needed to lead the war. " "Being able to fight is not an important quality for a military leader," the boss said meaningfully. "What is important is that he has a democratic heart and can represent the public opinion of the majority of people! "These words may be the most straightforward words spoken by a politician in recent times. Everyone can understand the meaning of this big boss who has retreated but can still influence many people. This statement is so straightforward that it’s hard to even think about it. The public opinion of the majority of people Isn’t this what the consortium, these arms dealers, and these congressmen behind Li Fo mean!

People like myself represent public opinion! At that time, some people were worried about this big boss. But now, everyone understands. Tuqiong saw that it was just a charge horn! Hastings's inaction has already made people ready to take action, and the rise of Li Fu has added to this process. When the twelfth-generation mecha jointly developed by the Fei Alliance fell into the hands of a militia, and several major arms dealers were disgraced at the mecha testing meeting, the two sides were already in a life-or-death situation!However, will the current Feyant President Francis, who is a die-hard supporter of Hastings, succumb to the Union Parliament? You know, this is wartime! The power of the president is far from peacetime!Even if the support rate of the nearest presidential candidate is soaring, the presidential election will not be easy. Still a year later. Francis's prestige and his control over Feiyang politics over the years cannot be shaken by that candidate! Francis, Hastings, these two people are like two mountains, unattainable. Although most of the MPs present wanted to step aside Hastings and cast a vote for the interest groups they represented, after all, the United Parliament also had the House of Commons composed of representatives of the major member states. Among those guys. There were many loyal supporters of Francis and Hastings. It is unwise to offend Hastings, the president and military god of the leader country of the Alliance, without any certainty of victory.Some members looked at each other, feeling suddenly terrified. With a bang, the door of the round conference room was pushed open, and an entourage of a member of the Bega Republic hurried to his boss's side, lowered his head and whispered a few words. Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of footsteps, and the entourage of parliamentarians from different countries rushed into the conference hall one after another. ·Such a situation is rare in meetings of the Upper House of the Fifa Union Parliament. Except for urgent matters of great importance, these strictly trained followers will never break in.As each of the attendants whispered in the ears of the congressmen, an invisible shock wave spread suddenly. The well-spoken member of Parliament sat quietly in his seat. What he saw on the faces of those congressmen who had already learned the news was incomparable shock. Many MPs even stood up unhappily.Congressman Feiyan lowered his head. The hands were clenched tightly together. Although his entourage has not come in yet. However, he roughly guessed what happened. Only he knew the plan that Barbara had personally formulated and led in its execution.It should be that the appalling plan was successful and the time was a little advanced, but this is normal. Such shady things are never as accurate as clockwork. The important thing is, that person That’s it! He leaned back quietly in his chair, his heart beating wildly involuntarily. His back was soaked with sweat. He was waiting, waiting for some knowledgeable congressmen to take the lead in passing his proposal. Knowing that news, lawmakers should know that no one can stand in the way of this group. No one can!However, for a long time, no one pressed the agree button. Just when the congressman realized that something was wrong, his belated entourage finally rushed into the conference room, sweating profusely, and ran to his side. , Wanbi "Xia" the entourage panted and said: "I just received the news, the Chakna military announced that the bandit fleet completely wiped out the Jiepen Dragoon fleet. Killed the famous Jiechan general Obuen." "What?!" Congressman He was shocked and stood up suddenly. At this critical moment, he understood better than anyone else what this news from the Southeast Star Territory meant to everything they had planned so hard!The bandit army, isn't it the militia that Hastings strongly supported? ! How could they possibly defeat O'Brien? ! You can imagine how the people will react when this news spreads throughout the Fiji League! The fall of the famous general, the one-eyed python O'Bun, made the people go crazy far more than the annihilation of several fleets in the West. Not just the people, but also people from all walks of life! Their hatred for O'Burn has reached the point where they can worship the person who killed O'Burn!Moreover, the Allies' third reinforcement of troops in the Lesk system is about to begin, and the forward fleet may have already entered Lesk.If the coalition wins another big victory, the entire Fiji League will be defeated. Everyone will be excited about it! Until then, Hastings will be in charge of the southeastern star region. And the name of the bandit army that emerged from the sky will shine in the Fei League! The congressman stood there in despair. Next to him, there are faces with complicated expressions. There was dead silence in the entire oval conference hall. Vaguely, they seemed to have heard the cheers that swept through the city.


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