Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 122 Calculation

When the Sixth Fleet of Chakna passed the news to the Pei Alliance Allied Forces Command, the entire Allied Forces knew that the Bandit Fleet was in trouble.

Most people are anxious and worried about it, while others are somewhat gloating about it.

The style of this army is too arrogant and too incoherent. Led by their vulgar, low-level, uneducated and immature lieutenant general, they were arrogant, domineering and wanton. If they were to list their evil deeds in detail, I would probably not be able to finish them in three days and three nights. The most annoying thing is that these guys still have such a dazzling halo on their heads.

In the Longbow Galaxy, these guys used some insidious tricks to kill the handsome Duke Humphrey, causing the most outstanding genius of the Binart Empire to fall into the clouds. On Canglang Planet, they rescued the old marshal Li Cunxin who was the favorite of the Chakna people. So much so that the current Chakna people completely regard this army as their treasure.

Walking in the streets, they received more cheers than even the Chakna troops themselves.

And Hastings's unabashed favoritism makes people hate this army with itch, but they have no way to start. With the help of the Military God, they not only received the treatment of a special force, but also had the title of Allied Forces of the Fei Alliance. Not to mention the coalition command, not even the coalition command can control this force.

Some people may want to teach this unruly army a lesson by blocking supplies and refusing to cooperate, but with Hastings here, such thoughts can only be considered.

As for their General Tian Zhong, if I had to use one word to describe him, the word bastard would be perfect.

This mechanic soldier who was greedy for life and feared death and fled more than 20 times, somehow got lucky and became a lieutenant general in charge of thousands of armies. How many people have worked hard all their lives to get this military rank, but now it is like a worthless hat, worn casually on a person who has not received formal military training and does not even know which way to open the gate of the military academy. It can't be found in a fat man who doesn't have a solid foundation in military theory and command skills.

Looking back on the history of this fat man, it seems that he has trouble with handsome men.

Reinhardt of the Gacharin Mythical Legion, Stephen of the Royal Morton Family, Duke Humphrey, and Li Fo who was insulted by him in front of everyone when they first met.

Everyone believed that the reason why this ugly fat man did not hesitate to offend Li Fu when they first met was entirely because of his dark jealousy.

Well, now he meets O'Brien, and the two ugly men face off!

That one-eyed guy is not a soft persimmon. He would give this white and noisy fat man a severe lesson and make him cry bitterly and escape back to the Long March Star Territory.

Maybe the fat man will never come back... Although this idea seems a bit gloomy to people who are in the same trench, but on the battlefield, anything can happen, who knows?

The Sixth Fleet had already given him a warning in time, and he was the one who insisted on passing the jump point.

All the bitter fruits can only be tasted by himself.

The only pity may be that the headquarters needs to make new arrangements for the front line. Reinforcements cannot be put into Leifeng Star in a short time. But so what, the war has just begun, and everything is far from over. Even if Reske is lost, Siyo will not be able to win this war in a short time.

As for how many more people will die..." What a ridiculous question, is there a war where no one will die?

For a time, the entire coalition army was shocked by the news. Everything was said, and all kinds of arguments filled his ears. The dull atmosphere caused by successive defeats on all fronts was swept away by this exciting topic.

The Allied Forces Command, convened by General McKinley, held an emergency meeting of senior Allied generals.

Currently, most of the work of the coalition command is focused on the battle situation in the southeast. This situation will not change when the military god Hastings sits in the southeast, unless one day, the person sitting in the chief position in the headquarters conference room is no longer McKinley, but Li Fu.

The length of the meeting was obviously longer than an ordinary meeting.

No one knows what the generals from different countries with different positions said during the meeting. Everyone only knew that when they walked out of the conference room, everyone looked very unhappy, including Hastings and Li Cunxin, who had always been calm.

Now Li Cunxin regretted driving the bandits on the road. A fleet that had just arrived in Hanking, a group of commanders who were strangers to each other, such a combination, faced with the Jie Cai Dragon Cavalry Fleet led by Obuen, known as the one-eyed python, was in a situation where they were unprepared. Next, the ending is almost conceivable.

Now, he just hoped that the fat man wouldn't be too reckless.

The Sixth Fleet, while sending back the message, had already drawn out an A-class fleet to support along the channel. However, the time difference was six to seven hours. If the bandits did not stop, the possibility of catching up with them was almost zero. Rather than saying it was support, it was better to say that everyone was actually ready to accommodate the bandit fleet that had retreated after being attacked.

No matter how bad the ending is, the fat man cannot die!

In his and Hastings' plan, the fat man was at the core. Even if I kill ten Obuns in the future, I can't get back such a precious fat man!

Compared with Li Cunxin's worries, Hastings is much calmer.

While he was worried about the inevitable encounter between this team that had no experience in running in and such an opponent, he was also recalling the increasingly mature commanding techniques and tactical thinking shown by Fatty when he learned from him and conducted high-intensity deductions and confrontations. .

Therefore, another thought grew and spread in my mind like wild weeds. In the end, the military god, who had gone through decades of ups and downs and had already lost his color after a landslide, couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

If Fatty could detect his opponent in advance instead of running into him, if he could fully perform at the level of his own deductive confrontation..." O'Brien, would he be the first victim of this genius conspirator?

With such a terrifying enemy as a sacrifice for the emergence of the bandit army, how crazy will the Fei League, which has been shrouded in the shadow of failure, become?

"Shut up, everyone!"

Tony's voice silenced the conference room.

The captains looked at Tony who had been "seized" in surprise, and they didn't understand why their commander was on the side of the fat man.

Tony didn't speak. He walked behind the fat man who was checking the Star Store and making a battle plan. Expressed his position through actions. But his eyes were always fixed on the Little Thief No. 2 reconnaissance ship, which was shown on the screen and was only 500 kilometers away. .

Following Tony's gaze, the officers rediscovered the facts they had just ignored because of O'Brien.

That reconnaissance ship was at a distance that could be clearly seen with the naked eye, but it was not discovered. There was obviously a mystery that no one understood.

Before they could figure out the problem, Luozi's first phase combat plan had already been released.

"This is what we need to do in the first stage of the battle." Fatty's fingers kept tapping on the keyboard. A combat plan was jumping on the screen at a flying speed. At the same time, his mouth was not idle. "Now that we know their location and sneak attack method, it would be unreasonable not to take advantage of them and do something cruel to them."

Beside them, the captains who had been so excited and opposed just now opened their mouths wide and stared at the screen dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

Although they all knew that the opponent's fleet was hiding behind Planet 3 and trying to make a sneak attack, which was an opportunity that could be exploited, but to think of such a vicious trick in such a short period of time, this fat man was simply not a human being!

Is he really an Army man? ! God, when O'Brien's fleet ends the jump, they will lose at least 20% of their cheap ships in the first wave of attacks!

"It's more difficult to pick it up." The fat man touched his chin and started typing quickly on the keyboard. Not only was he formulating a battle plan, but he was also conducting deductions on the battle plan on the computer.

However, few people can understand his ghostly deduction. If his battle plan hadn't been so clear that even a child could understand it, I'm afraid the captains present would have gone into a rage.

"In the second stage, we actually still have a chance to benefit." Fatty bit his tongue and calculated his opponent: "After encountering a wave of attacks from the family, they will obviously be a little confused. At this time, our second wave of attacks will , you can start it from here.”

The fat man's fingers pointed towards the obstacle area where the fifth and sixth flight segments meet. It was an area dominated by asteroid belts and cosmic dust. Under the light of stars, it was almost impossible to see your fingers.

"Well, with the fight at this level, we should have an advantage?" Fatty gritted his teeth and tried to come up with a more vicious plan, but finally gave up and turned his attention to the staff officers and captains behind him. "Do you have any more ruthless plans?"

What answered him was hundreds of heads shaking at the same time.

"Okay, let's look at the third stage -" "" Fatty immersed himself in the tactical computer again, "Let's do this."

This time, everyone went crazy when they saw Fatty's plan. Anna, who had been watching, finally couldn't help but question: "Sir, you don't think that our old friends are all blind. Ba?"

The fat man frowned, pointed at the screen and said: "My reconnaissance ship is five hundred kilometers away from them, have they noticed it?

Anna was stunned.

"Now that we have joined the bandit army, the secret of this army is our common secret." The fat man stood up, ended his battle plan that made everyone crazy, and said to the bandit army correspondent: "Let the little thief No. 3, aim the telescope at the location of Little Thief No. 2."

The correspondent did so.

As the command was conveyed, a moment later, the image of Little Thief 3's telescope began to move, and the coordinates above the lens also changed as the lens rotated.

When the camera zooms in infinitely, the coordinates are completely locked in the airspace where Little Thief 2 is located.

The captains rubbed their eyes at the same time.

There, there is nothing!

After a while, everyone's eyes lit up as Margaret explained the bandit's stealth technology. They felt their hearts beating faster as they looked at Fatty's battle plan.

This is not a battle, but a massacre!

The targets of the massacre turned out to be the one-eyed python O'Brien and his elite dragonriding fleet.

When, a few hours later, the shock wave of Obuen's fall expands from this airspace to the entire human interstellar territory, God, how crazy it will be! .

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