Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8, Chapter 57: High Mountains (1)

Time passes minute by minute.

Wave after wave of fighter jets roared towards the northern mountains. An endless stream of operational fighter planes passed through the smoky free layer of the aurora, rolled through the gaps between the battleships, and fell into the embrace of the mothership. Just recharge the energy and hang up the missiles, take a short rest, and then the newly returned fighters set off again and flew towards the blue-white planet.

With the Jiezhang Second Armored Division being lured away, the biggest obstacle to the landing plan has been removed!

The defense system of Shuangxiqiao Town is taking shape rapidly. Not to mention that the Second Division still thought that the main force was in the east at this time, even if they discovered something was wrong and turned back to attack Shuangxiqiao Town, it would be too late!

The 13th Armored Division and the 51st Motorized Infantry Division have taken root in Shuangxi Bridge. Their presence will echo with the three Fei Alliance armored divisions that landed between the Flins agricultural area and Tangtai City and advanced from east to west, just like the two chess pieces in the corner of Go. , any attempt to break through and break in will be ruthlessly crushed!

The right to initiate the war has been firmly in the hands of the Fiji League.

By this time, the command headquarters could finally clearly understand the trajectory of the armored battalion's entire enemy-baiting battle. All the questions and guesses in my mind during the long wait finally came to an end with the pictures transmitted back from the fighter planes, so the staff could easily draw up battle reports.

The first contact, the second hunt, escape, ambush, and interception. The shocking traces of the battle lead people into a magnificent battle picture. And when following all these traces and seeing the canyon covered with dense mecha wreckage, people could no longer describe their feelings in words.

No wonder the Second Armored Shuo would not hesitate to judge that the main force of Chakna was in the east. No wonder they would use the entire division to hunt down the Chakna Armored Battalion.

You know, in that Mosquito Valley, they lost an entire special battalion!

Although there are no scenes of the battle at that time, just from the layers of mecha wreckage in the photos of the canyon, everyone can feel the tragic atmosphere coming towards them.

Just looking at the hundreds of mechas entangled together, the ground riddled with holes by bombardment, the mountain walls, and the wreckage of corpses scattered around is enough to make people's hearts tremble.

That was Jie Pen's most elite armored force. Who would have thought that an entire battalion would be wiped out in an ambush of equal strength! Just this battle report alone will make many people crazy when they return to China.

However, carefully count the number of mechas in the photo. In this battle, the Blade Battalion of the Second Armored Division was completely wiped out, but the death battalion also paid the price of more than half of the casualties.

Of the original four companies of the death camp, there were only more than two hundred mechas left in the pursuit of the second division. Nearly three hundred mechas were involved in this brutal ambush, entangled with their enemies and remaining in the canyon forever.

The reports taken by two war reporters on the front line have been sent back to the command headquarters and are being reviewed and covered by necessary intelligence. When they saw the scene of all the soldiers marching out without hesitation during the selection of the death camp, when they saw the red eyes of the soldiers on the shaking transport mecha, and when they heard the questions and answers from Felike and Sophie, everyone's hearts were filled with excitement. My heart is so heavy.

What makes everyone even more worried is that although the mission has been completed, this armored battalion has been bitten by the Second Armored Division.

In the mountains to the north of the current Flins agricultural area, the Jiepen Armored Division, which is all over the mountains and plains, is divided into several parts and frantically chasing the death camp who are fighting and running. Although the reinforced fighter planes tried their best to delay the pursuit of the Jepen armored group, the powerful air defense capabilities of the ground armored forces and the stretched dispatch of the air-based fleet at the moment limited the intensity of reinforcements.

Almost all pilots request to perform missions to reinforce armored battalions. Those who may be lucky enough to get the opportunity only have six squadrons in each wave. Six squadrons of 60 fighter planes are obviously just a drop in the bucket for an armored division with 5,000 or 6,000 mechas. The only thing they can do is to rush towards the enemy again and again with the bravest attitude.

As the war progressed, the situation began to become clearer. The three armored divisions closest to the Flins Agricultural Area have cut off the road north of the Flins Agricultural Area. The defense line in Shuangxiqiao Town has also been completed, and ushered in the 4th Armored Division of Jepen who was the first to retreat. Although the battle was fierce, the defense line was unbreakable.

The 13 armored divisions that landed at the other three landing points in the northern mountainous area have already penetrated deep into the mountainous area. Two of them have caught the traces of the enemy's retreating troops and started a huge offensive. The other one can be seen from the sand table. We were also extremely close to an enemy division in the mountains.

Before the complete victory comes, the only thing that worries people is the fleeing Ganya L battalion!

"Damn it!" The fat man stepped forward with his left foot, bent his right leg and hit hard, smashing the crotch of a Civet to pieces. Then he smashed the cockpit of the mecha with a punch. Before the surrounding Jiepen mechas could surround him, he kicked off his feet and launched the mecha into the woods like an eagle. With a few leaps, the enemies behind him had already disappeared.

Ten seconds later, Fatty had caught up with the troops in front.

Two hundred and twenty-three red mechas, like a herd of frightened elk, jumped and ran in the mountain jungle. Many mechas have scars all over their bodies. There are also many mechas that are running and staying on the ground. After rolling, they get up and continue running. After repeated fierce battles and escapes, many soldiers are so tired that they are almost out of control. No more mechas.

From the other side of the hillside behind him, there was a thunderous roar of mechas. The earth trembled at the sound of heavy mecha footsteps. Jiezhang's Second Armored Division was like a group of wild lions with red eyes, chasing after them.

In the sky, several Chakna fighter jets roared past. A violent explosion came from behind.

Fatty knew that these Allied pilots had tried their best to delay the enemy's pursuit and made huge sacrifices. Along the way, at least twenty fighter planes were destroyed by the anti-aircraft firepower of the Jie Li Armored Forces. .

He looked down at the mecha computer screen on the console. The signal sent by Butt showed that two Jepen armored battalions had moved around from the left side of this team to a parallel position. If they ran forward along this mountain range, once they followed the direction of the mountain valley, they would turn to the west. , will hit Jie Peng's blocking net.

The fat man picked up a bottle of water, poured it on his head, and shook his head violently. He was thinking quickly with red eyes. .

Three hours had passed since contact with the Second Armored Division. After a fierce fight in the valley at the Chou position, and their escape along the way, the death battalion was reduced by as much as 60%. Finally, the task of luring the enemy was completed. What I have to consider now is how to take more than two hundred mecha warriors out alive when the enemy is chasing them!

Each of these soldiers beside him is a bloody good man. From beginning to end, no one flinched or complained. They just followed them and sacrificed on the spot.

Fatty gritted his teeth with hatred at the thought of dozens of soldiers lying on the escape route from the canyon to here.

According to his temper, if anyone makes him act like this, he will inevitably try his best to kill the other party's commander. However, despite fighting and running along the way, the opponent's dog-headed mecha was always under heavy protection from a distance. He and several bandit war gods lured the enemy into ambush several times, but failed to get close to the opponent's command cluster.

The opposing commander seems to know how powerful the white mecha is, and always protects himself extremely tightly!

No tactics, no plots, no command skills are of any use in this crushing pursuit.

This day is really unbearable!

There are only two hundred men in hand, but an entire division is chasing behind him! Trying to defeat the enemy with such a small number of people is tantamount to wishful thinking. After running here, I can no longer run along this road. The enemy's outflanking troops to the west advanced in a straight line and were waiting in front. However, if you want to go to the mountainous area southeast of Beiguan City, the terrain is much more steep than here. It's only a matter of time before the enemy behind you catches up!

After escaping here, I felt like I was at the end of my rope!

The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, and the blips on the radar were almost touching each other. The flesh on the fat man's face trembled, and he gritted his teeth and pulled the control lever. The white mecha suddenly stopped, kicked his feet, and the auxiliary thruster suddenly turned on. At the same time, the other nine bandit soldiers, War God Shi, jumped towards back. The ten mechas crashed backwards like ten discharged cannonballs.

I saw white shadows flashing, and the sound of gold and iron pinging and pinging sounded rapidly. The Jieke mecha that had just rushed up the hillside was in chaos. Ten white mechas were galloping around, punching and kicking, and for a moment, they looked like gods.

"Go! Go to the right, go up the mountain!" Fatty yelled in the channel to ask the troops behind him to run quickly. He turned on the loudspeaker, jumped on his feet and yelled: "That bitch in the back, you Jie Peng can only do so with this little ability." You dare to claim to be the most powerful soldier in the army. Fuck you, I’ll give you four words, you are so shameless!”

As he said that, the fat man spat hard: "Bah!"

The loudspeaker volume was turned to maximum, and the deafening sound echoed in the valley.

As soon as they heard this voice, the faces of almost all the Jiepeng warriors changed color. The Blade Camp was wiped out, which was a defeat that no one could accept. But at this moment, the opponent arrogantly cursed the entire Jiezhang Empire. The last spit full of disdain was like a knife. In everyone's heart.

The Royal First Guard has never suffered such a humiliation!

After the fat man cursed, his eyes rolled around, and he said in a stern and inward tone: "If you have the ability, challenge me to a duel!"

"Are you desperate?" A faint voice sounded not far away: "When I catch you, I will give you this chance!"

"Silly boy, come and catch me if you can! Let me tell you, our main force has arrived at Shuangxiqiao Town. Hahahaha, you have been fooled." The fat man's eyes rolled faster and faster, and the mecha ion light knife was among the enemies. It dances into a ball of blue light and shadow.

"I know I was fooled." The voice said with a hint of ferocity, "I will take responsibility for my mistake. But before that, I will kill you no matter where I go to the end of the world!"

Kicking away a mecha in front of him, the fat man turned his head and burst into tears. The enemy would not be fooled.


. There are still two updates today. Keep it up, keep it up! thanks for your support. This is the only way I can fight with you. I give myself a monthly vote, and there are only five """.

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