Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 46 Collision

Ren buckled up and so did Chekov. [Bo Lan Rose] Everyone used seat belts to secure themselves firmly to their seats.

The fat man was more direct. He almost tied himself into a rice dumpling.

The battleship is accelerating. Except for the roar of the engine, there was no other sound in the entire battleship. Everyone was in deathly silence, waiting for the verdict of fate.

The fat man reached out his hand and grabbed the communicator. At this moment, he found that he suddenly wanted to say something.

To say I wasn't nervous would be a lie. After telling everyone with certainty that the destroyer would have no problems as long as the speed did not exceed ten kilometers per second, Fatty kept praying to God.

Theoretical data obtained through calculation may not necessarily be realized. He was actually worried about what the consequences would be if he bumped into it.

However, the fat man knew that he had no other choice.

He couldn't watch the [Castle Lily] become a torn apart wreckage and disappear into the universe. Nor can we allow this mission, which the Federation has placed high hopes on, to become a fantasy. The Leray Federation, which has suffered many disasters, can no longer bear such losses.

Boswell...maybe his research on new space jumping technology can end this war!

Bernadotte... this steady federal general was the anchor of the three-year Great Patriotic War.

And Flavio...this unfamiliar old man is now shouldering the most important mission for LeRae!

Each of them is more valuable than themselves! They are the elite of this country. Without them, how long can LeRae survive? !

"Please allow me to say a few words at this moment and take a breath: "I want to say... I am honored. ”\u0026 #


Fatty’s voice echoed in the battleship through the broadcasts throughout the aisles and cabins...\u0026 #

"_.Gui】Everyone is committed without hesitation!"\u0026 #


"No matter who you are, no matter where you come from. We are in this fight together."

"We destroyed two armed merchant ships and four torpedo boats. We rescued the flagship [Castle Lily] with the Lere mission. We did not retreat because we knew that behind us were 1.6 billion Lere people. !"\u0026 #

". In the star field, there are our relatives, friends, lovers, and the original peaceful and calm life of each of us."\u0026 #

Everyone watched the broadcast quietly. Listen quietly. The eyes of some female officers and soldiers were shining with crystal light.

"|There is hope and we can continue to live. And our sacrifice will allow the elites of this country to do more efforts to help end the battlefield war.\u0026 #

"++ Seconds later, we will hit our enemy. Maybe, we will finally escape... maybe this is an air crash. Before we turn into meteors running towards different star fields. I want to say..."\u0026 #


Fat\u003e: Make a smile that is more embarrassing than crying. Three hundred years ago. The Revolutionary War that gave birth to this country. Just sacrifice again and again. And now, it's my turn!

This damn war!

After a dead silence. Everyone on board the [Bolan Wengui] was repeating this sentence in a low voice.

“God bless LeRae!”

These six magical words make everyone's heart suddenly become extremely calm and calm.

“God bless LeRae!”

A young warrior with tears streaming down his face shouted loudly. His voice swept through the entire battleship. Amidst the shouts that echoed throughout the universe as more and more people joined in, the main pilot adjusted the bow of the ship and bit the enemy ship that was trying to evade.

"Bless us, our ancestors!" the pilot in charge crossed himself. Push the joystick suddenly.

"Boom!" There was a sound, and the shouting suddenly stopped.

Everyone on the [Bolan Rose] felt as if they had become golf balls that were hit by a swing.

If it weren't for the reverse force field of the ship's gravity device, and if the seat belt that was almost cut into his skin wasn't strong enough to hold him tightly, he would have rushed out like a cannonball.

"Oh God!" A Dethik maintenance soldier stared blankly at the lunatic Leray destroyer through the porthole of the armed merchant ship.

In the starry universe, two high-speed battleships squeezed together silently. The streamlined and graceful shell of the battleship was like two egg shells colliding with each other, completely deformed in an instant. The fallen armor was thrown violently, and some pipes, parts and metal fragments were also scattered in the silent universe.

"Clang." A tool tray fell at the maintenance soldier's feet, whirling on the metal floor full of rivets.

Soldier Desik turned around and saw his companions standing beside him with their mouths open in a daze: "What do they want to do?"

The maintenance soldier shook his head silently, and once again cast his gaze into the universe, where the Leray destroyer was struggling to advance against the shattered tail of the [Phoenix] destroyer, amidst sparks and friction.

A dazzling white light flashed, and next to the Leray destroyer, another frigate was destroyed. Of the six Leray frigates, only one was left, dragging its scarred body to accompany the destroyer.

At this scene, all the Dexik soldiers were speechless.

During the invasion of Leray, Desik fought against the Leray fleet several times. But. Never before had they realized so deeply the cost of conquering the country of Lere.

These Lelei people are so tough! They never seem to regard death as the loss of life. They always welcome death with a smile, on the planet's smoke-filled land battlefields, in the trenches, in the armored clusters racing across the plains, and in the vast space.

They were originally sheep enjoying three hundred years of peace.

But now, when they take up arms and stand on the national front, they are a group of wolves who risk their lives!

Cunning and brave.

They are better suited for war than the Empire's brutally trained warriors.

They will never compromise. Never collapse in despair. They will always spit on you, curse you, and then fight you tooth and nail!

Such a warrior deserves respect from everyone!

When the human world has lost faith and honor in greed and desire.

When the superpowers relied on strong ships and cannons to control the universe.

When soldiers began to learn to bargain. When I started to ask why the commander ordered.

These Lelei people, however, lost their enjoyment and weakness and became purer. Stronger, more obedient, and less afraid of death! They use their performance to tell their opponents. What does it mean to be a soldier?

What is supporting them? .

What turned these ordinary people far away from the war into monsters more terrifying than war machines? !

A small fleet that is not even a squadron. Two destroyers. Six frigates with a standard crew of thirty people. Actually in this star field that has nothing to do with the war situation. Such a fierce battle was fought. What makes them so crazy? !

Artillery fire poured down on the [Bolan Rose] non-stop. The Desik soldiers looked at the slowly moving Lelei battleship quietly, feeling lost.

"The main gun cabin at the bow of the ship was 95% damaged, the No. 3 observation cabin was 60% damaged, the No. 1 and No. 7 turrets at the bow were damaged, the isolation cabin door was closed, the air pressure was normal, and the E-11 isolation cabin The hydraulic system was damaged and could not be opened normally, the main beam at the front of the hull was twisted, and the damage was 10%, and the armor was damaged 120%...

The sound from the ship's central computer failure monitor, which had no fluctuations, was reporting the ship's damage.

Without any cheers or hesitation, everyone on the "Bolan Rose" unbuckled their seat belts immediately after the collision.

Chaotic footsteps sounded on the ship, and the soldiers rushed to their posts as fast as possible! Even the gunners in the main gun cabin who had lost their posts were not idle. As long as someone yelled for help, they would rush over.

The power cabin has become the busiest and most nervous department at the moment.

The concussion damage suffered by the power engine after the impact needs to be repaired, and the backup power cabin needs to complete power preparation within three minutes. The main thrusters need time to restart, and the power supply to the steering thrusters and energy shields must be ensured within these few minutes.

The captain in charge of the power cabin, with red eyes, assigned tasks while taking the lead in drilling into the wall of the line affected by the shock wave. The high temperature inside can almost steam someone!

In the main control room, everyone is waiting.

In order to save energy, except for the energy shield that was still running, the entire battleship was at a standstill. Even the turret did not fire a single shot.

Radar, electronic jamming and other tasks were already disrupted the moment the West York fleet appeared. Except for the main control pilot and the second co-pilot, who were staring at the power readiness light, everyone else had no work. However, they must stick to their posts.

This kind of waiting is undoubtedly a kind of suffering. Just two or three minutes, in the eyes of all the officers and soldiers in the main control room, is longer than two or three years.

If the power preparation cannot be completed before the energy shield is broken, or the cruiser pulls away and enters the shooting position, everything will be over.

Is the power cabin modification that the fat man said true?

three minutes! Power ready in three minutes. This indicator, which I usually don’t pay much attention to, now seems to be a matter of life and death! Fatty, have you really done anything on this?

Helen continued her photography.

The enemy's electromagnetic interference caused the camera in her hand to distort and tremble.

She focused most of her attention on the fat man who was typing something quickly on the console computer.

What kind of person is he?

A nasty fat man, a naughty bastard, a lunatic with wild ideas, or an iron-blooded soldier who prays to God to bless LeRae in a deep voice, leads everyone into a desperate situation without hesitation, and then comes out desperately?

Another energy cannon landed on the port side of the ship. Amid the violent vibrations of the battleship, the energy shield outside the porthole turned light red like a candle in the wind.

The camera swept across the silent main control room and focused on the huge virtual screen on the main console and the communications soldier who was desperately typing on the keyboard below the screen.

On the virtual screen, the only remaining frigate was still stubbornly blocking the artillery fire for the [Berland Rose]. Turning a blind eye to the flashing light signal of the signal soldier of the "Bolanwengui" in tears.

The energy shield on the frigate was changing rapidly.

The fire from more than ten rotating turrets of the enemy warship fell on the frigate like a heavy rain. The frigate's shell and armor had been riddled with holes, but they were still blocking the flanks of the [Berlamvengui] without moving at all.

Two more energy cannons hit the frigate one after another.

When the frigate exploded and disintegrated, the white light suddenly burst out, passing through the portholes sideways, illuminating the entire main control room of the "Bolan Rose". On the main console, a green light came on.

Three minutes, the power is ready! .

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