Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 19 Engine

The levels of mecha warriors are determined by mecha associations all over the universe, and they are awarded the titles of guards, elite soldiers, fighters, knights, commanders, and gods of war in ascending order. And each title is divided into three, two and first level from low to high.

A mecha knight is equivalent to a seventh or eighth level mecha warrior in the army. Mecha commanders are roughly equivalent to level 9 to 10 mecha warriors in the military. The Mecha God of War is almost a legendary existence.

Of course, this is just a pure close combat comparison. If you consider factors such as long-range strikes in actual wars and psychological changes when facing life and death, there is really no comparison between ordinary civilian mecha warriors and military soldiers. One is about competition, while the other is about killing.

Civilian private mechas and military mechas are two completely different but interdependent systems. The prototype tank of mecha was born based on war. However, the golden period of the development of modern mechas was precisely the period in the history when land armored forces were reduced to war vassals and the rise of civilian mechas.

At that time, with the expansion of human exploration of the star field, and with the needs of the people for public security, competition, exploration, scientific research, private protection, etc., armored forces that had stepped down from the altar of war began to be used in civilian applications. This period of history has created a deep foundation of mecha among the people.

This kind of deposition becomes deeper and deeper with the advancement of science and technology, new materials, new engines and the arrival of the energy era. Finally, it attracted the attention of the military again. With high-speed movement capabilities, energy shields, peer-to-peer strike means, and mechas that are far lower than the manufacturing cost of fighter planes, they have begun to return to the stage of war.

It can be said. It was the people who gave birth to modern mechas and changed the pattern of war. No one knows that for thousands of years, in the vast star field belonging to humans. How many mecha masters are hidden. How much advanced but secretive mecha technology is, how much about mecha materials. Power, the secret of control.

Especially now. Mecha has reached an era where it is once again led by civilian development. The gradual decline of long-range attack sites indicates the rise of close-range mecha combat operations represented by private mechas. The militaries of various countries have set their sights on the leading private mecha technology in close combat.

Because the different uses determine the different development routes of civilian private mechas and military mechas. Most private mechas do not have energy shields and are not allowed to carry long-range weapons. Therefore, there is no need for long-range strike and defense. Their focus on close combat. Created a leader in fighting skills. These are exactly what mechas need for close combat in war.

It can be said that the development of mecha has been led by folk wisdom and will continue to be led.

But this time, the third-level mecha knight invited by the Capital First Military Academy was an out-and-out private mecha master. In particular, the third-level mecha knight named Thomas comes from the Freeport Alliance, the holy land of private mecha fighting.

The so-called Freeport Alliance is actually a loose organization composed of five member planets. These five immigrant planets have no resources that can be exploited. There are no resource planets around. It's just suitable for human habitation. Four of them are natural resource-free planets. The leading one was eventually abandoned by humans after they had exhausted all their resources.

This planet is the birthplace of mankind and the most famous planet in the universe - Earth!

Since there are no resources, these planets can only rely on their geographical location to develop interstellar trade, tourism, processing and other industries. The harsh living environment forces them to excel in these industries. In order to attract tourists, these planets have not only developed various tourist attractions, but also established the most luxurious casinos in human society, red light districts.

Likewise, in order to prosper interstellar trade, there are almost no import and export tariffs on these planets! This will drive other industries such as processing and create employment opportunities.

Therefore, these planets have become a paradise for the rich and criminals of all mankind. In this world full of dark rules, the law of the jungle has become the rule for everyone here. Here, an adventure, a robbery or a business opportunity can make a poor man rich. It can also make a multi-millionaire penniless.

There are all kinds of temptations and all kinds of opportunities here. As long as you have enough ability, anyone can enjoy everything here. There are top scientists, super-rich people, exiled government officials, thieves, liars, pirates, mercenaries, interstellar explorers and wanted criminals from various countries.

This is heaven and here is hell.

For all civilian mecha warriors, this is the holy land of mecha fighting.

Because, in addition to the space mecha fighting competition every four years, there are also various open mecha competitions with high prizes on these planets. These competitions include all projects such as mecha design, mecha modification, mecha racing, mecha combat, etc. Moreover, there are all the bounties on mechas here. As long as you have the ability, you can get high bonuses or bounties.

For some people, what attracts them the most is the underground mecha duels on these planets. This endless mecha competition ranks with underground black boxing as the most cruel competition event in mankind. However, high amount

, bets, and exciting fights, attracting the rich and desperate from all mankind.

Such a planet is undoubtedly the place that every mecha fighting master longs for. Whether you are simply pursuing a higher level of mecha fighting, or just for a meal, or even just for a gamble, you can be satisfied here.

Thomas was once a student at the First Military Academy in the capital, and is now a student at the most famous [Gryphon Knight] Mecha Fighting Hall on the planet Atlanta. Because I had something to do in Ludrick City, I was temporarily staying in Ludrick City. It happened to be a meeting, and I was roped in by a cadet from the First Military Academy to help out through connections.

Although the third-level mecha knight is not a powerful figure, it is more than enough to deal with the students of the Garipalan Military Academy. After all, civilian mechanics who specialize in close combat are more proficient in close combat than most seventh-level military soldiers of the same level.

The generally accepted view in the mecha world is that if you also drive a private mecha without an energy cannon for close combat. Civilian mechas with various close combat skills have a higher winning rate than military mecha warriors. If you are driving a military mecha for unrestricted combat, the situation is exactly the opposite.

So, Thomas Land comes. It almost means the First Military Academy, in this academy competition without seventh-level warriors. Already assured of victory. .

"Hi." Taylor walked up to a group of bastards. He smiled and said hello, and said to Wang Fuxing: "You are here. It just so happens that I have something to ask you."

"Hmph." The bastards turned their heads in different directions. Wang Fuxing rolled his eyes and said, "What are you doing with us? We don't have any friendship."

Taylor was not worried and said with a smile: "You have accepted the challenge a long time ago. Didn't you forget about tomorrow's game? The sports hall is ready. You should come and practice when you have time."

"We have accepted the challenge." Wang Fuxing waved his hand and said, "But we didn't say we agreed to compete. We'll talk about it in a few days. We don't have time to mess around with you now."

As soon as these words came out, a girl standing next to Taylor was unhappy. He said angrily: "What do you mean, after accepting the challenge letter, how can you not participate in the competition? You are a coward. Are you afraid of embarrassment?"

Wang Fuxing looked at the girl in uniform with a smile and said: "Belinda, it's my business whether I am embarrassed or not. Why are you worried about me? Are you attracted to me?"

Belinda had a fierce temper. She curled her lips and said sarcastically: "You are just as big as you and small in body. If any girl likes you, stop dreaming."

These words caused laughter among the students at the Capital First Military Academy. The carrot heads sneered and were about to attack in groups. At this time, a nice voice came: "Hey, why do you talk about my boyfriend?"

Everyone turned around in shock, only to see Angela sneaking in from outside the crowd. He took Wang Fuxing's arm and said, "If no girl likes him, just stick with him, right? Humph, are you as beautiful as me?"

At this moment. Catherine was also dragged in by Angela, and the two most beautiful girls from Garipalan Academy stood in the crowd. There is quite an attitude of looking down upon Baihua.

Wang Fuxing was stunned and didn't understand when Angela became his girlfriend. However, with his sensitive heart, he quickly reacted and immediately hit the snake with the stick and sighed: "Angela, you too Really. I didn’t want to hurt Belinda’s self-esteem, but look at you..."

Belinda's face turned red as the two people sang harmoniously, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense if you have the ability. The outcome will be better in mecha combat!"

Wang Fuxing made an earth-shattering mouth gesture and rolled his lips over and over again: "I'm just talking, you bite me!"

The bastards laughed.

"You..." Belinda was furious, but Taylor stretched out her hand to stop her.

Taylor knew that he could compete with the guys from the Gary Palan machine-building department in any way, just don't compete with each other. Speaking of bickering, these guys can fight for three days and three nights, choosing the most disgusting things to say about you. He shifted his gaze, nodded politely to Catherine and said, "Catherine, what does your college say about the competition?"

"It's better than anything else. What's there to say?" Catherine said calmly.

"Catherine..." The carrot heads became commotion, and they were about to speak. Seeing that he got the answer he wanted, Taylor took over the topic and said: "Then it's settled. We'll see you tomorrow."

After saying that, the students from Capital First Academy turned and left under the glares of the carrot heads. Belinda glared at Wang Fuxing fiercely as she walked away.

"Katherine... why did you agree to him?" Wang Fuxing ignored Belinda and said to Catherine: "We got the news that this time, these guys from the first hospital invited several experts to come. Just a few of us, how can we Compare with them.”

Catherine frowned and said: "Who told you to accept someone else's challenge? We should go regardless of whether we win or lose. Besides, they can ask for help, can't we?"

"Who are you inviting?" Charlie on the side said blankly: "There are several departments in our college in the capital. Except for your command department, there are not many masters in mecha combat. The seniors from the previous years are all in the army. At this time Who can come? It only takes one day."

Angela let go of Wang Fuxing's arm, patted him on the head and said, "You're worthless. If you accept the challenge and don't fight, no wonder he

You:|Ask me about those veterans. "

Wang Fuxing on the side shook his head and said: "It's useless. There is a third-level mecha knight among the people invited by the opponent. In terms of close combat, even if we can recruit a seventh-level mecha warrior from the army, we may not be able to win. Now. Wherever you can find people in the country, people with some skills are on the front lines.”

Angela said a little discouraged: "Yes, even the training camp instructors from our military academy have gone up. As a result, our group of students has become the class with the worst mecha control skills in the history of the academy."

Wang Fuxing turned to look at Angela, his eyes lit up. Suddenly he shouted: "Yes. Why did I forget this?"

Angela spat. He curled his lips and said, "You were so surprised, what did you forget?"

Wang Fuxing said excitedly: "Instructor. We are instructors."

Angela looked at the cheerful Wang Fuxing suspiciously. Asked: "Instructor. What do you mean?"

Wang Fuxing said proudly: "Our instructor is back and is in the laboratory of the complex building. Don't you know?"

"What?" Catherine and Angela were shocked at the same time: "He's back? Are you serious?"

A few carrot heads that were ordered like chickens pecking at rice confirmed Wang Fuxing's words. Angela's eyes became heart-shaped, and she pulled Wang Fuxing: "Federal hero, wow. Take me there quickly."

Wang Fuxing said dumbfounded: "Is it so easy to get into the military laboratory? If I could have entered, I would have gone in long ago. Charlie's cousin said that the instructor and Professor Boswell entered the professor's exclusive research room and never came out again. . I guess he is studying some important topic."

"Oh my God, think of a way to get him out!" Angela was excited and anxious at the same time, jumping with her feet: "Quickly. Everyone, think of a way. Tian Xingjian, the federal hero, the pride of Garipalan College, my idol. . How about... let's set a fire in the complex?"

Everyone was startled. Catherine slapped Angela on the back of the head and said angrily: "Damn girl, are you crazy?" After saying that, she thought for a moment, bit her lip and continued: "I'm looking for you. Dad wants to think of a way. Among his bodyguards, there are quite a few who are very skilled. But it really doesn’t work. The worst is to pay for someone to come."

The bastards looked at each other. They knew that Catherine was born in a wealthy family, so it was not a problem to invite a few folk experts. However, after all, the people invited by the Capital First Military Academy are former students of this academy. If they invite outsiders, they may not be convinced.

Wang Fuxing sighed and said: "Prepare a few more plans. This game cannot be lost in our hands. Catherine still invites people to come and pretend to be graduates of our college. Anyway, they won't be able to find out for a while. We will start tomorrow Let’s take a look at the situation. If we really can’t beat it, then think of a way. It’s best if the instructor can come out before tomorrow’s game. With his skills, a hundred level three mecha knights will be beaten to the ground. If it doesn’t work, we won’t start the fire either. Just find a way to sound the fire alarm."


The fat man didn't know that he would cause so many troubles just because he was messing around in the warehouse.

He worked hard and eagerly absorbed all useful and useless knowledge every day. Many things can be completely understood after he takes them apart once. Unable to figure it out for the moment, he looked for the answer in the central computer. Until you figure it out.

Unlike scientists like Boswell, the mechanic's occupational diseases made Fatty pay more attention to practical operations. He repeatedly disassembled and assembled each part until he could clearly distinguish the dimensions, materials and functions of the parts with his eyes closed.

The long-term battle on the front line has given Fatty richer experience and clearer ideas about the actual use of mechas and various machinery, improvement ideas, combat data, control experience, etc. than scientists immersed in the laboratory. .

Now, Fatty is staring at an ion engine in a daze.

The design of this engine is like a flat rectangular box. It's dark and inconspicuous. The dust covering the engine showed that the engine had been forgotten in this automated warehouse for a long time. The storage record on the shelf shows that since the engine was delivered in 1960, it has never been picked up again.

The engine from a hundred years ago, and it turned out to be only a semi-finished product. There are many places where the engine is not finished. Obviously, the designers encountered problems that could not be solved, which ultimately led to the failure of the development of this engine. It seems difficult for something like this to attract others' attention.

But the fat man was stunned by the engine in front of him. The shape and design concept of this engine are actually a miniature version of a battleship engine! The designer of the engine is obviously a madman!


The last few chapters are the introduction of future plots. Starting from Fatty's return to LeRae, the bounty on him, Boswell's ideas on federal strategy, civilian mecha combat, the Earth, the Chakna Republic, mechanical research, artificial intelligence, etc., are the highlights that I must explain. Therefore, some introductions must be written. After the general idea is figured out, the subsequent plot will enter a new world that is different from the upper part. .

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