Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 10 Authorization

"The twelfth generation mecha." The fat man scratched his head, still unable to believe the authenticity of this news. For decades, the Feyon Republic has been at the forefront of mecha research. No one can challenge its status. Whether it is the ninth-generation "God's Punishment" or the tenth-generation "God's Gift" produced by it, they can be regarded as the benchmark for mechas of the same level.

Every country will immediately compare the newly developed mechas with similar mechas from Feiyang Republic. Perhaps in terms of certain statistics, these mechas will be higher than the Feiyang mechas of the same level. However, no one dares to claim that their mecha is ahead of the Feiyang mecha.

Because being able to become a benchmark means strength! Especially in recent decades, from the fifth generation of mechas to the ninth generation of mechas, Feiyang Republic has led the improvement of mechas. The division of each generation of these mechas is based on the cross-generation mecha first launched by Feiyang as a reference. Their parameters and performance serve as the recognized standard for a generation of mechas.

But now, in the mecha manufacturing and research industry, the Binart Empire, which has been struggling to catch up behind Feiyang, has actually taken the lead in launching the twelfth generation mecha. This can no longer be described as unbelievable. It is simply the most bizarre joke in human history.

Fatty couldn't believe it even if he beat him to death. This was the technical reserve of the Binart Empire. Over the years, whether it is weapons exports or regional conflicts, the Binart Empire's mecha strength has clearly fallen behind. As the head state of Western York, this feeling may not be pleasant.

What’s even more incomprehensible is that this life-and-death war involving the two major human camps has been going on for so long, and it was only then that Binart came out with their twelfth-generation mecha, regardless of interests or logic. None of it makes sense. What were they doing earlier?

You know, dare to be called the twelfth generation. Or the twelfth-generation semi-mechas mentioned by Boswell, which proves that the comprehensive strength of this kind of mechas has an overwhelming advantage over the eleventh-generation mechas that have not yet been installed in the Feiyang Republic. Before this, there was no news about even the eleventh generation mecha from the Binart Empire. They were so forbearing. Are you willing to let Feiyang hold you down for so long?

"Then what does this have to do with me going to Chakna?" The fat man was a little confused.

Boswell said: "Leray's military academy. It has reached cooperation agreements with Feiyang, Chakna, Lane and several other countries. To a certain extent, it will share mecha technology and develop as soon as possible a machine that can compete with The mecha that rivals the Binart Empire.”

"Sharing?" Fatty frowned.

Boswell nodded and said: "Yes, the jointly developed laboratory is located at the Institute of Defense Technology and Industry of the First Military University of the Red Army in Chakna. This is a very good learning opportunity for the Federation."

"What's the benefit of inviting us to them?" Fatty felt that the Feiyang people were completely stuffed. If I were myself, I would definitely not invite countries that are still using our last two generations of technology to engage in joint development.

"This actually has something to do with you." Boswell's smile was a little weird: "They are interested in your Warcraft."

"Logic?" The fat man suddenly jumped up: "They have a wonderful idea! Besides, it's not like you don't know, teacher. It's impossible for mechas like "Logic" to be mass-produced!"

Boswell waved his hand and said: "Of course I know this. So. You can't bring your mecha to Chakna this time. We will assemble another "Warcraft" and let you take the mecha there." . Finally, in addition to materials, we have something else that we can bring to the table. They are also somewhat interested in our newly developed special "Hunter" and the standard "Crazy Thunder" that was just equipped to the First Division."

Russell added on the side: "This is a research project organized by the Allied General Command. The twelfth generation of mechas of the Binart Empire have seriously threatened the inherent model of modern warfare. It can be said that they have pioneered A new kind of combat has been developed, turning the combat method of large-scale concentrated investment of army groups and armor into elite-style efficient strikes. Even the space fleet will be affected."

As Russell spoke, his fingers ran across the touch screen on his desk, and a colorful virtual screen appeared. He said to the fat man: "Look at this. This is the video information provided by the Feiyang Republic about the twelfth generation mecha of the Binart Empire."

The fat man looked attentively. On the virtual screen, the bright light group quickly dimmed, and a vast starry sky emerged. A weird Scorpion fighter plane. Heading towards a cruiser.

The camera was locked on the Scorpion fighter plane. Two huge ion engines, like the two large pincers of a scorpion, are distributed at the front of the fighter plane. There are no fixed structures or connections between the engines. And behind the inside of the engine, two soft tube ropes of unknown material were dragging a space mecha.

The fat man was stunned. Open your eyes and look carefully. That's right, the fuselage of that Scorpion fighter jet. It's a mecha! One has a black fuselage. A simple and simple humanoid mecha.

The head of the mecha was designed like an ancient Spartan warrior wearing a helmet, and there were two leaf-shaped shoulder pads on the broad shoulders. There was no traditional transparent cockpit visible on the chest of the mecha. The entire mecha was hidden in black, unadorned external armor. The legs are long and strong.

The most eye-catching feature of the mecha is its pair of mechanical hands. In the mecha's right hand, he held a blue ion light knife. Just by looking at the light of the eye knife, Fatty knew how terrifying the cutting power of the knife would be under full power of the engine. On the left hand of the mecha is a small transparent shield. The material of the shield is also unknown. It can be seen from the blue light that flashes from time to time that the shield's defense against energy weapons is much higher than the energy shield that covers the entire body of ordinary mechas.

The tail of the scorpion-like engine suddenly lit up, and the mecha rushed towards the old cruiser quickly. The distance between the two sides quickly closed. When the mecha broke into the effective range of the cruiser's ship-borne energy cannon, the cruiser suddenly opened its spikes like a frightened hedgehog. The main cannon, the secondary cannon, and the light chains composed of energy bombs shot toward the mecha.

Something happened that stunned the fat man. The mecha, which has always been clumsy compared to space fighters, is actually more dexterous than a hummingbird driven by two huge ion engines. In the torrential rain of light bombs, the mecha made unimaginable evasive actions again and again.

A chain of energy bullets. Drawing an arc, chasing closely behind the mecha. Just as the mecha was about to be hit, suddenly, one of the two ion engines suddenly raised its head. With the violent explosion of the ion beam at the tail of this engine and the dimming of the other engine, the mecha flew upward at a right angle before it could take off. The chain of energy bullets passing in pursuit passed right under it. .

Two more light chains struck each other, the mecha rolled, and the two scorpion-claw engines wrapped in energy shields completely transformed into two fish swimming in the water. Dragging the mecha into the gaps between the light bullets at various weird angles and weird ways.

Turning vertically at every angle, flying upside down, circling in a wheel shape, and advancing in an arc, all kinds of actions that are difficult for a space fighter to perform are all accomplished with ease and precision. Two engines swaying from side to side. Can even make fake moves. They swayed apart from left to right, and only when one of the engine nozzles suddenly lit up did people know which way it was changing direction.

"Those two towing ropes. What materials are they made of?" Fatty saw the key point at a glance. In space, separation engine technology is not uncommon, but it requires reverse motion again and again under the huge inertia. The two ropes with metallic light responsible for pulling the mecha are extremely important.

It does not have enough strength and toughness to change the engine injection direction at will during such high-speed movement. The only result is fracture.

"I don't know!" Boswell's answer was straightforward.

On the virtual screen, the mecha quickly approached the cruiser. Countless gunfire could not do anything to this crazy mecha. When it entered the blind spot of the cruiser's own guns, the firing stopped.

In silent silence, the engine separated from the mecha and clung to the cruiser. The ion light knife in the mecha's hand cut open the cruiser's armor bit by bit. When a big hole was cut out of the ship's hull. The virtual screen dimmed.


No need to look any further. When the cruiser was attached to the mecha, it was already declared a failure. The ion light knife in the hand of the mecha can destroy every energy cannon of the cruiser, break through the armor and cut off the lines, open the hatch to invade the ship, and open a big hole in the bridge window, turning the entire cruiser into one. A ship of death.

Boswell is right, such mechas have changed the way modern warfare is fought. Its agility, speed, and power are immeasurable. At least, there is no way for "logical" or "god-given" mechas to break through the armor of a battleship with an ion light knife. They don't have engines that can provide enough energy.

In space, perhaps only the aircraft carrier's fighter jets can keep this kind of space mecha away from the battleship. However, how many aircraft carriers are there in the entire human society? If a group of these mechas appeared on the logistics supply line, would they pull all the main aircraft carriers in the war to provide logistics escort?

And on land, how terrifying is such a mecha? Will a mecha that dares to shuttle among battleship cannons care about the energy cannons of ordinary mechas?

Fatty knew that if Xiyue did not develop a mecha that could compete with them before Xiyue equipped them with a large number of such mechas, then as long as Xiyue could arm an armored division composed of seventh- and eighth-level warriors, they would be able to sweep the world.

"I obey the arrangements of the headquarters. Whether it is participating in research or doing other things, I agree." The fat man broke the silence, looked at Russell with piercing eyes and said: "However, I have a condition."

Russell nodded and said, "You say."

The fat man walked to the window, looked at the flower circle downstairs and the base in the distance, took a deep breath and said: "As for war, we can only do our best to obey fate. A new weapon, a battle, maybe It can make the war have a completely different ending. I can't control this. But..."

He turned around calmly and said word by word: "I must find out the death of my parents! Since it is related to the new space jumping technology and the entire human race, and before you did this The investigation has already begun. I think there is no reason for the high command not to pursue the investigation. For the truth, and for the space jump technology, I need the unconditional support of the entire federation!"

Russell and Bernadotte looked at each other and smiled. Bernadotte said: "In fact, this is not a condition. You are the recipient of two Purple Emblem Medals of Freedom. If you want to talk about merit, the capture of Gacharin Emperor James is enough for you to obtain the same medal again." Medal. Everything you do on the front line is enough to earn our respect and support. Especially when it comes to space jump technology, I can tell you with certainty that the president has already issued an authorization for this before you came back. "

Bernadotte took out a document with the seal of the federal president and handed it to the fat man, and then said: "The authorization letter has stated that what you are getting includes two large federal enterprises, the Central Military Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. , the new 5th Armored Division of the Federal Aviation Marine Corps, the 4th Federal Mixed Fleet, and the full cooperation of the Gariparan Military Academy, the Federal Steel Military Academy, and the 1st Federal Military Academy. As long as you need, you can pass your electronic permission, Get everything you want.”

"And the Freedom Front," Russell added with a smile.

"However, we also have a condition." Bernadotte said with a serious face: "No matter what the outcome is, if it involves the Feyan Republic or the Chakna Republic, I hope that the final decision will be made by the high command. Not you Extreme actions in private.”

"Is there any discussion?" The fat man looked into Bernadotte's eyes with a smile.

"No!" Bernadotte returned the fat man's gaze without flinching. .

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