Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 69 Breaking through the Blockade (Part 2)

The three-dimensional image of the virtual light curtain faithfully displays every detail that can be captured by the satellite. Mud, jungle, streams, and the running fat man.

The terrain in the light curtain was constantly changing as the fat man ran and the radar lock cursor moved rapidly. The distance of a few kilometers quickly became a thing of the past. One after another patrol teams scattered around were bypassed by Fatty. Before reaching the defense line, he passed through more than twenty patrol areas as if he were in no one's land.

After Fatty grasped the general location of the patrol, everyone no longer worried that he would run into a certain patrol or that the same battle as before would happen again. After crossing the warning area, how to cross the defense line became a new problem that everyone worried about before the Skynet live broadcast.

The defense line of Resource Highway No. 6 is composed of numerous combined armored fortifications located at both ends of the road and intricate trenches inlaid with lightweight bulletproof walls. These defense points were chosen on high ground and stretched eastward. Every fortification and every trench has adjacent defense points in front or behind, left or right.

The troops stationed at various defense points are fixed combat units. The soldiers knew each other very well. Without a large-scale attack that would cause institutional chaos, it would be difficult for the Fat Men to sneak in easily even while wearing their uniforms.

The only things that could allow the fat man to pass seemed to be fortifications and fortifications, and large tracts of open space between trenches. However, these areas have all been operated by engineering mechas. The jungle was pushed to the ground, and some interception nets to prevent large-scale infantry charges were stretched across the front of the position. There are many minefields at different levels.

Moreover, look down from the position. The view was unobstructed and there was no place to hide.

Fatty can sneak, but this is just a skill that requires the use of the environment. After all, he is not a civet cat that shakes a leaf and farts and disappears with a huff. Moreover. In these positions, there are usually several sensor-type alarms connected to Skynet hidden. Anything that does not belong to the position may approach, and it may unknowingly attract a patrol or a field of artillery fire.

At this moment, on Resource Highway No. 6, heavy military trucks were like a long queue with no end or end visible. One after another, they were slowly moving forward under the protection of mechas and combat armored vehicles on both sides. At a glance, the far and near flanks were filled with soldiers fully armed and in combat positions. Before the motorcade passed by, the security and defense around this highway had become so tight that it was noisy.

On the Skynet screen. The fat man stopped on a hillside less than one kilometer away from Resource Highway No. 6.

This hillside is already the edge of the jungle. Further forward, there is Resource Highway No. 6 and the defensive positions distributed on both wings. Right in front of the fat man, there was a higher ground than where he was. There are several combined armored fortifications standing in a plum blossom shape. Facing several trenches below him in front and to his left.

Seeing the fat man squirming forward like a worm, everyone's palms were sweating. They didn't know how the fat man could get through under such circumstances.

Rashid and Stewart, who were born in special forces, spent a long time thinking about it. They finally determined that if Fatty wanted to pass here, the only way was to wait for the transport convoy to completely pass. Waiting for the soldiers performing escort tasks on the defense line to evacuate their positions. If this is the case, it means that the fat man must stay in this place for several or even ten hours.

The fat man obviously didn't think so. He hid in the jungle and used the far-sighted lens on his combat helmet to observe for a long time. Then, squirming again, he retreated back the way he came.

"Take a detour?" This is the first thought that comes to everyone's mind. Bonnie even quickly analyzed the electronic map, trying to find a passage. But soon. She gave up the effort. There are similar tight defense lines dozens of kilometers around this area.

The fat man retreated deep into the jungle, turned east and walked several hundred meters before stopping at the foot of a steep cliff more than four meters high. He connected the combat auxiliary device on his arm to the microcomputer, fiddled with it for a while and then put it away as it was. Then he rolled on the ground and tore his clothes like crazy. He took out a capsule-like thing from his backpack and put it in his mouth. Finally, he took out a bottle of spray-like thing and sprayed it at the corner of his mouth. .

The atmosphere in front of Skynet was strangely dead. In just a moment, this guy turned into a wounded soldier who was as angry as a ghost! Watch him looking around and packing his things, choosing a comfortable position and lying on the ground in a miserable posture. The audience's mouths were wide enough to swallow duck eggs.

"It's too obscene... A military staff officer wailed and covered his face. No matter how idiot you are, you will know what the fat man wants to do! What they don't understand is how come there is such a performance in the fat man's backpack Props! Looking at how skillfully this bitch puts on makeup and poses, I'm afraid she has done this kind of thing a lot.

A few minutes later, the distress signal sent by Fatty through the combat auxiliary device came into effect. Several soldiers who came urgently through Skynet coordinates found him accurately.

As soon as they saw the fat man lying on the ground, the four soldiers quickly spread out and stood on guard. The remaining medic and sergeant quickly ran to the fat man and knelt down beside him. They supported him and asked, "What's going on? How are you?"

The help signal on the fat man's arm was still flashing. He weakly opened his eyes, pointed at the steep cliff, and opened his mouth, but large amounts of foaming blood poured out.

"Stop talking!" The medical soldier hurriedly stopped the fat man and turned to the sergeant: "I think he accidentally fell from above and injured his internal organs. He has to be sent back quickly. There is no way to treat him here."

"Sir..." Several soldiers searched the surroundings and reported back: "No enemies were found, and there were no signs of fighting."

The sergeant nodded and said, "Take him back first and then talk."

On the Skynet screen, several soldiers quickly unfolded a simple stretcher and lifted the fat man up.

Looking at the close-up picture, the fat man's expression was extremely painful. Seeing him lying on the stretcher, pointing at the cliff, and then slowly falling into coma, Nia felt a little crazy. This guy's acting is so realistic! The movie kings in China that I know. Compared with this damn fat man, they are just a bunch of amateur actors!

Nia obviously didn't know how much effort this liar had put into the book "Realistic Imitation." No matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they just perform in front of the camera. fraud. It is performed in life. And Fatty learns these things just to perform in a life-and-death situation! This is a fundamental difference.

Just like everyone can walk in a straight line, everyone can walk on the road. If you walk on the edge of a roof several meters high, you will most likely go wrong. If you switch to a wire rope between the cliffs, it will be impossible. one. As the saying goes, life is at stake, so don't be careless. The fat man changed his face tens of thousands of times in front of the mirror, and now it was completely lifelike.

Carrying the heavy fat man, a few unlucky soldiers returned to the position where they were stationed. When a few soldiers left behind on the position came out to help. The soldier responsible for carrying the stretcher almost collapsed. This fat man is really not light.

This position looked down from the Skynet screen. It was the combined armored fortification highland distributed in a plum blossom shape that Fatty saw. It was also the highland closest to the place where he was injured during the performance. It was obvious that Fatty was targeting this position when he sent a signal with the combat assist device on his arm. abacus.

A platoon is stationed here. Gacharin's 311th Mechanized Infantry Division belonging to the Stephen Group. The hundreds of kilometers on both sides of Resource Highway No. 6 are defended by this division.

Since this transportation of supplies is the most critical moment for the front line, there is no room for failure. so. Two days ago, the Trinity Division issued an order, and all the main regiments stationed at various bases were dispatched to cooperate with an armored regiment and two infantry regiments of the transportation force to conduct security along the way.


The high ground where this platoon is stationed is located in the middle of the warning area, and the possibility of being attacked is very low. In addition, there are defensive positions not far away from the front and rear, so most of the soldiers in this position. They have been sent out to assist with patrols and security, and only one squad is left for routine defense. If Skynet hadn't issued a rescue order, these remaining soldiers would still be bragging in the fortifications.

The soldiers from the squad that Fatty killed earlier were dispatched from this position. After he decrypted the combat auxiliary device, he immediately understood the situation of this position. Now that he knows himself and the enemy, Fatty will no longer try his luck in other positions where he doesn't know the details. Instead, he came directly here.

Five octagonal combined armored fortresses occupy several corners of this small highland. Outside is a surrounding magnetoelectric protection line, composed of more than a dozen generators. During battle, the energy bands they emit can burn any creature that tries to get close to them into charcoal. Even some ordinary mechas would have a hard time crossing this magnetic wire without being damaged. .

This piece of high ground has obviously been managed for a long time. In the open space between the five forts, there is also a spherical fortification half hidden underground. An energy aggregator is set up inside. The energy aggregator can provide long-term energy reserve supply for magnetic wires and fortresses, extending the defense time and increasing the defense strength.

From this high ground alone, we can see how much thought and determination Stephen put into the defensive battle.

The fat man was placed in the open space in the center. The medical soldier called a few soldiers left behind and moved out a field medical box. This medical box is very light and shaped like an ancient mummy's coffin. As long as special fluid is injected into it, doctors can perform any operation on the patient lying inside.

These liquids not only have the function of disinfection, but can also repair some body functions. The entire medical box can detect and scan the body, and can instantly respond to the wounded's heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing and other data. Even the surgical plan will be recommended on the computer screen of the medical box. When doctors perform surgery, the medical box can also provide assistance such as anesthesia and hemostasis.

Of course, the fat man cannot enter this medical box. No matter how realistic he pretends to be, as soon as he enters, all the test data will immediately expose his disguise. Everyone knows this, including Nia, who once fought on the front line. The girl's long eyelashes were trembling, her knuckles digging into the edge of the information desk turned white from the pressure, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Except for two soldiers who were on duty at the observation post in the fort. Beside the fat man, the remaining six soldiers and a medical soldier on the high ground were gathered.

On the virtual screen, two soldiers were panting and sitting next to the fat man's stretcher, putting their heads together and lighting cigarettes while blocking the wind with their hands. The sergeant was pointing at the fat man and talking to a soldier. The soldier kept looking at the fat man and nodding. And that medic. The medical box has been prepared and he is calling the other two soldiers to help the fat man inside.

Nia didn't dare to look any longer. She stood up, her whole body burning with panic. if possible. She really wanted to pull Fatty out of the virtual screen! Things seemed to have reached a dead end, and she couldn't imagine how Fatty could get through it.

After walking around in the command room a few times, Nia looked at the calm and composed Bonnie, stamped her feet, and turned to look at the screen. All her thoughts were tied to that man. Even though she was scared, she still couldn't let her eyes away from that frightening guy for a long time.

The moment Nia looked at the screen. The entire cockpit of the command mecha erupted into exclamations.

On the virtual screen, the fat man who had been lying silently on the stretcher suddenly jumped up! It’s different from Nia’s imagination. From the beginning, Fatty was not prepared to fool around! To solve complex problems, sometimes even simple violence is needed!

The two soldiers who were about to help the fat man were put on their necks by the fat man's fat hands. With two crisp sounds, the soldier's head drooped softly and his body fell straight down. As they fell to the ground. The medical soldier who was preparing surgical tools also inserted the scalpel he had just taken out of the medical box into his throat!

The sergeant who had been looking at the fat man and the soldier who was talking to him were the first to react. They reached out and drew their guns at the same time. However, their movements seemed to be slowed down ten times in front of Fatty. As two phantoms flashed by. Two scalpels were inserted into the throats of two people!

The medical soldier's medical box became Fatty's accomplice in solving the problem! The moment the medic opened the box. The outcome is already determined. The sergeant and the soldier beside him knelt down and fell to the ground with a gurgling sound in their throats. The eyes protruded from their sockets, like dead fish. Until their death, they didn't understand how the fat man could move so fast and how his knife could be so accurate!

The two soldiers who had just lit their cigarettes with their heads buried looked up. There was still confusion on their faces. A huge black shadow. oppressed their entire field of vision. There was no response, and a soldier in front of him was punched in the face by the fat man. The terrifying impact of the fist made the warrior's head jerk up. His entire face was like a ball out of air, and the cigarette in his mouth was punched into the back of the head by the fat man.

The soldier didn't say a word and simply fell to the ground. His mouth and nose were already dented, and his whole face looked like it had been hit by a train. It was too horrible to look at! .

The other soldier's face was luckier. He was kicked in the stomach by the fat man and flew ten meters away. There was no movement when he fell to the ground. All he could see was a stream of blood foam coming out of his mouth and flowing on the soil, staining it black and red.

Everything happened in just a moment. Even before the screams of everyone in front of Skynet completely stopped, Fatty's massacre was over! In front of the Skynet screen, there was the sound of silky breathing.

The remaining two soldiers who had no idea what was going on outside were easily eliminated by Fatty. This guy's footsteps were as light and soundless as a cat's. One soldier's neck was broken by him from behind, and the other tried to resist, but he knocked him unconscious and stabbed his lungs with a broken branch.

Then, the fat man held the last soldier in his arms and walked down the slope to the north of the high ground. Although I didn't understand what he wanted to do, the expressions of everyone in front of Skynet watching this scene were a little numb. Fatty has already brought too many shocks. Now, no matter what he does or how he does it, there must be his reasons, so there is no need to be too surprised.

On Resource Highway No. 6, there is still an endless stream of heavy transport vehicles. Every few hundred meters, there is an armored personnel carrier or mecha guarding the route. When a mecha arrived not far away, Fatty shouted heartily and rushed out.

The mecha stopped in front of Fatty. A captain jumped out of the mecha and frowned: "What's going on?"

On the close-up picture of Skynet, the fat man was trembling and hugging the soldier he had just killed. When he looked up, his face was already filled with tears: "Sir, save Jack..." He wiped the tears with his backhand, but the tears were More and more: "Damn...he just sprained his foot, but accidentally fell down the slope. If he can't get to the field hospital, he will die!"

The captain looked at the broken branch behind "Jack" and immediately said: "Hold him up and I'll take you there!"

The fat man picked up "Jack" and trotted behind the captain. He leaned his face against "Jack's" face and choked with sobs: "Brother, you must hold on, your fiancée is still waiting for you at home! You made a promise to me that we must go back alive together, and I won't allow you to die. !”

The fat man was talking happily, but unexpectedly, "Jack" suddenly opened his eyes. The fat man was startled, and while glancing at the captain walking in front, he covered the eyes of the soldier in his arms.

The captain turned his head to help. "Jack" opened his mouth, but was blocked by the blood spurting out of his mouth and the severe pain in his lungs. After a few syllables that no one could understand, the miserable soldier fainted again. Dead in the past.

"I don't know if it's too late." The captain was a little worried.

The mecha started, crossing Resource Highway No. 6 and heading toward the base of the Second Regiment of the Trinity Division in the northeast. However, just a few minutes later, the mecha suddenly stopped.

Everyone in front of Skynet was waiting in silence. The mecha's current position was already out of the defense lines on both sides of the highway. No one would be surprised if Fatty captured the mecha and redirected it to the north.

The mecha hatch opened. The fat man walked down with "Jack" in his arms. His eyes were a little dull, and tears fell heavily on "Jack"'s body. "Jack's" hand had already dropped, and on his pale face, a pair of dull blue eyes held a trace of unwillingness.

The fat man walked slowly. Behind him, the captain stared at the fat man's firm and desolate figure. For a long time, he punched the mecha with a heavy fist, looking depressed and sad.

"Liar!" Almost everyone in front of Skynet said in unison.

Although some are crazy and some are crazy. However, when the mecha returned to the escort team of Resource Highway No. 6. Everyone understands. The fat man, in an almost completely impossible situation, without wasting a single moment of time, used an almost crazy way to get through the extremely tight defense line!

Such a time-travel operation was clearly seen by everyone without Fatty's complete knowledge. The shock it brought to everyone has exceeded the limit of everyone's imagination.

No one has ever believed that one person could run like this, deceive like that, sneak like that, and kill like that behind enemy lines alone! Galloping through traps and abductions, you can play with groups of superior enemies in your hands, leaving tight defense lines behind you, as if you were in an uninhabited land! Whether it is sneaking, sniping, planning, marching, or fighting, every detail shown by Fatty is enough to become a textbook for special forces training!

Can Fat Man really complete the seemingly impossible task of assassinating Stephen? Some combat staff members began to believe this deeply.


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