Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 67 Breaking through the Blockade (Part 1)

Fatty was completely unaware of Skynet's lock. He never thought that every time he ran, every leap, every change of direction, he would be clearly seen! I didn't expect how shocking these incredible actions would be.

The fat man just kept running. He had no time to stop and rest. No matter what the outcome of assassinating Stephen would be, he had to do it. This is the only way he can help the Eastern Front and interfere with the entire Mozic war situation. And this method is exactly what he is good at.

The physical strengthening brought about by martial arts training was fully demonstrated at this moment. The combat auxiliary device on the forearm faithfully records various body indicators including heartbeat, breathing, blood, hormones, etc. In the nearly two hours of running, these indicators did not change at all. remain firmly at a fixed level.

The fat man even thought that the auxiliary device was broken: "There is no reason. The dick is so stimulated, why can't the hormones surge?" As he ran, he imagined Bonnie, Milan and An Lei naked in the shower. , trying to cheer up the dick to prove good health.

The tent was set up as expected, and the fat man happily stretched his dick to the extreme. A fat phantom surged through the jungle and mountains. His strange running style looked like a ball jumping over mountains and ridges, leaving mountains and rivers behind him while bouncing.

"God!" People watching Tianzhu's surveillance system exclaimed at the same time. Regardless of the members of the headquarters who were evacuating to the northeast with the non-combatants, or the several regiment leaders who were leading the team to bypass the enemy's flanks, they were all staring blankly at the virtual screens on their respective mecha control platforms. Completely forgetful.

In the three-dimensional image, the fat man did a somersault, rose up nearly three meters from the ground, and stepped on a huge rock at the top of the cliff. Then his legs bounced up, and his limbs were stretched straight down the cliff.

From satellite images, there is a canyon as deep as 100 meters below the cliff. A river with turbid water and rough waves, rolling with rapid waves and roaring. There was neither a membrane for riding nor any auxiliary equipment. The fat man was supposed to be in free fall, but at this moment he was like a gliding possum, floating in the wind of the mountain stream. When descending to the halfway point. Suddenly he stood up, and his body miraculously borrowed strength from thin air to jump sideways up a gentle slope. Jump up and keep running.

"Is this still a human being?" No matter who it is, what is it doing at the moment. Everyone who saw this scene collapsed. Fatty's movements cannot be described as magical, they can only be called weird! Compared with the jungle march of ordinary special forces and Fat Man, it is like a child who has just learned to walk racing against the champion of the universe!

What a powerful special forces soldier. Compared with this special fat man, he would be so fucking ashamed and angry that he would die!

Who dares to jump off the cliff without even thinking? Who can twist his body in mid-air and fly sideways?

This fat man jumped once before in a mecha. This time I am addicted to jumping. With experience and skills, I can jump off the cliff casually! Moreover, this guy is full of weirdness, he can accomplish even the impossible things! Slow down the camera and take a closer look. When he stood up in the air and used force out of thin air, it was his dick that reached out first. Pull your body and follow it to the ground!

Everyone was fascinated and dizzy by the fat man in Skynet surveillance. More than one person had the idea of ​​dissecting the fat man in an instant. They couldn't figure out how Fatty could develop such cross-country skills.

After exclaiming, everyone held their breath again. Because, on the satellite map, after two hours of running, Fatty's route had left the more difficult mountainous area and entered the hilly area of ​​​​the outer war zone of Gacuo.

Unlike the inaccessible mountainous areas, the density of combat units here is truly terrifying. Even if Fatty just cuts diagonally through a corner of the war zone, the enemies and dangers he will encounter are far greater than climbing on a cliff.

Less than two kilometers in front of Fatty is an infantry defense line for the Stephen Group's escort supply channel! This line of defense has been destroyed by air raids and vanguard troops several times, but it still has dense trenches and fortifications. A fully mechanized infantry division is stationed on this line. Although it is not the main battlefield and the soldiers have not fully entered the position, it is undoubtedly more difficult to cross here without anyone noticing than to reach the sky.

Judging from the road analysis automatically provided by the electronic three-dimensional map, if you want to quickly reach Christels Base, it is the closest and most convenient way to cross here, enter the mountainous area on the left side of Resource Highway No. 6, and follow the Karasoni Canyon all the way to Zhaozhao. path of. Otherwise, the only option is to detour nearly 100 kilometers to the southeast, climb over the Saunsi Snow Mountain, which has an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, and then turn to the northeast.

The continuous snow-capped mountains of Thorns are really too steep. The climate and natural conditions are extremely harsh. The lazy fat man obviously didn't think about it at all. Without any hesitation, he quickly advanced in a straight line towards the enemy's infantry defense line.

On the Internet that day, when a group of soldiers from the Stephen Group appeared a few hundred meters in front of Fatty, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Everyone's hands were filled with sweat. Every step the fat man took made his heart beat faster, making people breathless.

Suddenly, the fat man stopped. He lay on the ground and listened carefully. While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that Fatty had discovered the enemy from such a long distance? A few seconds later, the fat man jumped up again and ran as fast as ever. Only this time, his footsteps were barely audible!

As the fat man changed directions and ran silently like a civet cat, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer. When Nia, who was the most impatient, couldn't help but scream, on the screen, the fat man finally lay down silently less than a hundred meters away from the enemy.

Disguising and lurking seemed to be the fat man's natural ability. When he stopped, his fat body twisted into grotesque shapes immediately blended seamlessly with the earthy bushes beside him.

There was an uproar in front of the virtual screen! Neither the headquarters, which was evacuating to the northeast, nor the regimental commanders who led their teams to detour towards the enemy could conceal their shock.

As laymen, Nia and several military staff were just surprised by the fat man's seamless disguise ability. Little did they know that what really shocked Bonnie and the group leaders was Fatty's seemingly random choice of lurking location! Because, even if these jungle warfare experts are bystanders and have Skynet's three-dimensional panoramic view of the terrain, they can't find a better lurking point! .

The location chosen by the fat man not only happened to avoid the patrol's route, but it was also the most secretive place with the widest view! At the same time, the dense bushes behind this slightly higher terrain are the best way to quickly escape the enemy's sight.


The so-called ignorance of the true face of Mount Lu is just because you are in this mountain. This in itself is the biggest limitation on the battlefield! It is not unusual to be able to make choices on the Skynet map. What is difficult is that Fatty can still find his position so accurately in the game. How much clear mind, how calm mind, how much experience and how keen intuition is needed to hide this casually? This is the essence of jungle combat!

What's even more frightening is that Fatty has been rushing to this place since he discovered the enemy. While running all the way, every place he passed did not give him the slightest hesitation! He knew from the beginning where he would arrive at what time and at what speed! And all of this is based on the fact that he knows the enemy's speed, route, and even the angle of sight very well!

Fatty gently stretched out his sniper rifle and watched patrol soldiers appear one after another in the only open area in the jungle, which was in front of Fatty. A chill ran down the backs of several regiment leaders. They can't help but imagine themselves as soldiers exposed to the gun. This feeling of being spied on and hunted makes everyone shudder!

The patrol team obviously did not find Fatty, and their route did not change at all. The three leading soldiers are distributed in a triangle shape in front of the team and on the left and right wings. In the middle, at the back, are seven soldiers advancing slowly. This infantry team, which moved slowly and stopped from time to time to listen to the surroundings and play with the portable radar, was obviously performing a routine logistics inspection. They do not have clear goals, walking speeds and movements, preferring to patrol freely. Judging from the direction, they came from a high ground stationed in the defense line one kilometer away.

"Do you think he can shoot?" Nia, who was nervous, seemed to have forgotten about her love rival. She unconsciously grabbed Bonnie's clothes tightly and asked.

"I don't know." Bonnie shook her head. This fat man always had different ideas from others, and no one could guess what he would do next. Putting herself in Bonnie's shoes, she would not be able to shoot. Even if the current sniper rifles are completely silent, if they cannot kill all the enemies in an instant, then any enemy's communicator, gunshot or call for help will Beacons will trigger large-scale sieges and searches.

Fat man, he probably can't shoot. .

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