Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 18 The First Cooperation

Broken [Warcraft]! "

It has become clear who the driver of this infiltrated mecha is. "What does he want to do?" Nikolai asked in surprise.

"He asked to be connected to the communication channel and talk directly to the division commander. He said..." The combat staff officer blushed, murmured, and looked directly at Kruger.

"Say. Lu Zhe frowned and said: "Why are you hesitating! "

"Yes!" The military order was like a mountain, and the combat staff puffed up his chest and said loudly: "He said that he doesn't know how to rob. Did your division commander grow up chasing stars?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire temporary command center fell into dead silence. The muscles on the faces of all the officers present were twitching in strange shapes and they were stunned into silence. Chasing stars, this is enough to insult your intelligence.

"Hey." Kruger's face turned red and white, and he was so angry. I didn't expect that such a fart could come out of just one word! Counting from the military academy, he served for twenty-two years, accumulated military merit and was promoted to the rank of general and division commander, but now he was said to have grown up chasing stars. Why didn't this make him angry? de0325

However, being angry, Kruger also understood that the [Warcraft] could know the actions of the 91st Division and dared to sneak in alone and name him to talk to. This meant that the matter was not that this guy was full and had nothing to do. It's so easy to get beaten up.

Moreover, just thinking about the Feimeng behind this [Warcraft] is enough for Kruger to make plans for Gordon. Although the Leray Federation is blocked, there are still three small members of the Fei League in this star field, and the interstellar jumping points of these countries extend in a C shape, and there are also giants that are like giants to Gacharin. The Republic of Lane and the Republic of Feyon!

It's rare for someone from the Leray Federation to come to visit him, and he's still such a person. If we can build a relationship with the Fei Meng, it will be better than the current situation where we are not dependent on each other.

"Where are the people?" Kruger asked with a livid face. This time he was so embarrassed that he was easily touched three hundred meters away from the division headquarters. If he hadn't taken the initiative to show up, this large group of people would still be in the dark. I was thinking about how to sneak attack others.

The combat staff brought up the computer monitoring screen of the central console, pointed to one of the screens and said: "At the temporary inspection platform of the maintenance squadron, our people have surrounded him." de0325

On the screen, an almost shapeless and shabby [Warcraft] was standing in a group of more than thirty Gacharin [Holy Sword] 15-B mechas with neat and distinct appearance, as if it would fall apart at any moment. . The obvious contrast between the old and the new on both sides made the scene seem a bit ironic. de0325

"Connect the communication channel." Kruger looked at the time. There were still ten minutes before the attack was launched. While you're waiting for the handover from the base guards, you might as well listen to what this guy has to say. If someone is really malicious and sneaks in quietly, one mecha may not be able to take down a division!

The visual communication channel was quickly connected, and what appeared in front of the officers of the 91st Division was a fat man who looked innocent. He had an honest face and smiled apologetically before saying anything. It made people doubt that the combat staff officer just said In fact, he wanted to scold the teacher and put the blame on this innocent fat man.

"Mr. Kruger?" The fat man saw the major general standing at the front, nodded and asked.

"I am, do you have any advice?" Kruger raised his eyebrows.

The fat man on the screen had a look of sincerity and fear on his face, waving his hands repeatedly and saying: "Oh, don't you dare to take it seriously? I am qualified to teach you. Three years ago, in the conflict in the Doha area, I used one division to break through the defenses of two divisions and defeat them all." Annihilate General Kruse."

What the fat man said was the most proud achievement of Kruger and even the entire 91st Division. While everyone was feeling happy, they couldn't help but wonder why the fat man was so respectful in front and behind, and what he said in the report just now was completely different. no the same?

Some eyes strangely fell on the combat staff officer who had just reported. The poor staff officer couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and he felt aggrieved: "What's wrong with this damn fat man? Didn't he just drag him down like two hundred and fifty thousand?" How's that?"

"Haha." Kruger smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

"It's like this. I came today because I knew that your army would launch an attack at zero o'clock." As he said, the fat man passed over an electronic document, and then said: "I have some slightly different opinions about this operation. And some ideas, I wonder if the general is interested in hearing them."

As the information in front of the information desk was opened, all the officers of the 91st Division were dumbfounded.

They were all too familiar with this information, which was based on the electronic map of the base. Although the format, size and symbols were somewhat different, everyone could recognize it at a glance. This was simply a copy of the attack operations of the 91st Division. plan. However, this plan and the 91st Division

In comparison, there are differences in some specific offensive routes and time markings, but they are almost the same.

When such a thing appeared in front of his eyes, Kruger could no longer remain calm.

Think about it, in such a dark night, you are leading the troops to prepare for a sneak attack, but every move and even the route plan that has not yet been put into action is clearly seen by the eyes behind you. This feeling is really shocking. shudder.

"I don't know how you got this plan." With the matter in front of him, Kruger didn't bother to hide it. He simply acquiesced to the authenticity of the plan and opened the skylight to speak out.

"It's simple." The fat man's honest face showed a look of surprise: "According to your army's deployment, it came out with a little push."

"Easy? A little push?" The understatement of this damn fat man was so irritating that all the officers in the 91st Division Operations Department went crazy. If you could really deduce other people's entire battle plans just by looking at deployment information, would there still be unwinnable battles?

"This plan is originally your army's business and has nothing to do with me, but..." Fatty smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed, and he said with a kind look on his face: "We are also somewhat interested in that base, and your army has taken the base. , we can’t take away so much material, so why don’t we add two to one and make five, and we can help solve some minor problems in this plan.”

"We?" Kruger keenly caught the word that the fat man deliberately revealed. It is certain that behind the 91st Division, there is another team that also has the same idea of ​​building a base!

It took almost only a few seconds for Kruger to confirm the sincerity of Fatty's cooperation and said immediately: "Okay, we really can't use the base materials. It would be great to have friends to help." He stretched out his hand and did it. An invitation: "If you don't mind being humble, can you come in and sit down?"

Between you and me, the two parties have actually reached a preliminary intention. Kruger's invitation is naturally irresistible. This is not only a test, but also the bottom line given by the 91st Division. Without saying a word, the fat man opened the mecha cockpit and walked out with Bonnie with a smile. .

When everyone saw clearly the appearance of the woman next to the fat man, and how docile the woman was following the fat man, they couldn't help but gasp. Bonnie, why did this most beautiful rose from Gacharin get stuck in this pile of cow dung? Where is the justice?

The most surprising thing was with Kruger. Although he was not familiar with Bonnie, he had dealt with Bonnie several times, and he had some understanding of her character and ability. He never expected that she would actually be with Fatty. At the same time, are all the rumors about the Mythical Legion true?

Seeing Fatty and Bonnie walking past dozens of mechas empty-handed, Kruger finally felt relieved. After shaking hands with the fat man, he looked at the time and frowned: "Our division has entered the scheduled attack area, and it is only two minutes before the zero o'clock shift change time. I don't know..."

The fat man smiled honestly and said: "General, time is pressing, so I won't be wordy." He stretched out his hand and pointed at six locations on the battle plan map on the central information console: " here... Judging from your division's current deployment and planned attack plan, I'm afraid it will suffer some losses... and..." He pointed to the location of a tower on the left side of the base and said: "I'm afraid a company cannot take this place!"

Seeing his fearless look, Kruger couldn't tell the truth of what he said for a moment. Anyway, he was in his own hands, so he was not afraid of any tricks he would play. He just nodded and said: "Then what do you mean, let's fight. Do not hit?"

"Fight!" Fatty said flatly: "I will send someone to assist you. Anyway, the general will witness the whole process one by one. This is a small gift from me to the general and Admiral Gordon. We may have many cooperations in the future. Opportunity."

"Division Commander..." A combat staff officer approached Kruger and whispered: "It's time!"

Everyone is waiting. The base guard handover time is only a few minutes. This is the most chaotic time. Many guard mechas will turn off their engines, and the electronic monitoring will be slow to respond for two minutes because the replacement personnel re-enter their own codes. . If this time is missed, the price paid by the offense will be much higher.

Kruger did not look back. He closed his eyes and looked back and forth between Bonnie and Fatty several times. He took a deep breath and ordered with a smile: "Hit!".

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