Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 12 Breakthrough

It was early one morning, and the sun in the Petite Pyrenees dyed the horizon with morning glow, but the jungle was still shrouded in milky white mist, faintly visible.

The broken [Warcraft] was running, its huge mechanical feet stepping on a shallow stream, making a gurgling sound and splashing water. At the end of the creek is a waterfall more than ten meters high. There is another waterfall above the waterfall. Sparse water curtains hung on it, making a gurgling sound, and the surrounding valley rocks were covered with green moss.

[The beast] jumped up to the first waterfall with a slight leap. Then, without hesitation, it climbed onto the rock at the top of the second waterfall. However, it did not turn over. Instead, it turned around and jumped across a shallow depression. After the shallow pool, he stuck his butt out and crawled into the jungle on the left. The color of the mecha also turned into an indistinguishable jungle camouflage.

More than ten minutes later, a golden Apollo appeared at the edge of the small pool between the two waterfalls. It didn't even look at the obvious signs of climbing on the second waterfall. It turned around and ducked in. In the jungle on the left.

After another ten minutes, the rapid roar and explosion of energy cannons came from the jungle, as well as an angry yell.

The outbreak of space war has plunged human society into apocalyptic chaos.

In the war zone, every city was trembling under artillery fire, and countless civilians were displaced. Their homes and property they had worked hard to save their whole life were turned into billowing smoke in the flames of war.

Troops from different camps attack each other. Charge infantry, self-propelled artillery covered with dense firepower, and mechas as the core of the battle, land-based fighters and air-based fighters that carry out precise strikes and break through strongholds. These killers are entangled together, forming a battle of steel, blood and fire. The background is tragic.

Viewed from a high altitude, countless explosions of light appeared one after another on the vast land of the planet, turning the fields into scorched earth. Cities are reduced to ruins, and humans are destroying their own civilization with such splendor.

And all this is just the beginning, which makes everyone who longs for peace and tranquility despair. They don't know when. Misfortune will befall them and their loved ones, and they don't know when all this horror will end!

Humanity has accumulated too many weapons, troops, conspiracies and hatred for this war. Everyone knew from the beginning that once the war broke out, it would be a long and arduous process, and no party could easily win. . The final winner will definitely lose a lot. It was a miserable victory.

However, this battle still has to be fought. No one can stop the war that has started.

Especially, when it is 525 in 2062. When the Binart Empire and the Feyan Republic, the leaders of the two major military groups, unanimously sent troops to the Carlston Galaxy between the two countries, the war finally broke out in the terrifying confrontation between the two superpowers!

As of May 30, 2062, among more than 60 countries and more than 20 autonomous regions in human society, 48 countries and 16 regions have been involved in wars.

Big country, small country. Different joint front armies were formed in different star regions, and the state machinery was fully activated at this moment. Countless armies composed of thousands of soldiers were assembled, replenished with weapons and equipment and trained, waiting to go to the front line

On the front line, on planets filled with war, the two sides fought fiercely for every city, fought to the death at every military fortress, used steel armored troops to attack every enemy defense line, and massacred every non-friendly force in sight. Targets, lives disappeared in an instant, and unit numbers were canceled or merged.

Soldiers were dropped on the battlefield by armored personnel carriers or transport ships. They defended or attacked, and they strangled together. In the end, some people stayed on the position forever, while others were scattered and scattered on the plains. In the jungles or mountains, no one came to meet them. They could not find their own troops, friendly forces, or their way back. They could only trek alone.

Some people became prisoners, some were killed by the enemy, and some died in various accidents. The lucky ones returned to their own positions, and were then organized into another unit and sent to the battlefield again.

On the interstellar routes, countless fleets shuttle back and forth. There are transport ships transporting armies and supplies, there are newly built new ships, there are fleets assembled from the rear and ready to go to the front line, and there are also those retreating from the front line, carrying all their bodies with them. The scarred ship is slowly sailing. These fleets are covered in every route owned by mankind. They escort transport fleets. They assist the army in occupying planets. Their fleets are stationed in space and use space carriers to release countless ground-to-air-based fighters into the atmosphere to destroy everyone. A target that needs to be destroyed.

They will also be like a pack of wolves, wandering in the vast space, hiding in nebulae, behind a certain planet or in a meteorite belt. When prey appears on the route, they will pounce on it and kill it. The prey is swallowed in one gulp and then quickly disappears into the vast space.

Whether they are soldiers or generals, whether they are civilians or emperors, everyone's life has been completely changed. The theme of life is war, and everyone is struggling to survive in constant panic. People produced all war-related products, turning metal into weapons and cloth into uniforms.

On the streets of the city, mechas and groups of soldiers passed by silently and quickly. The clean streets were full of mud and water. The prosperity of the past has turned into tattered neon lights on the streets. The most lively place is the people. A place where people line up to buy food according to government rations.

Due to lack of energy, many flying cars have been parked in parking lots or on the roadside, gathering dust. Only some speculators with great powers can continue to enjoy fine wine and cigars, and can sit in flying cars and go to a place hidden deep in the world. Hundreds of meters underground, a nightclub converted from an almost indestructible air defense facility is used for fun.

In addition to the nobles of the imperial country, these people also have some bold businessmen who rely on some unstable

Hops or a secret route full of dangers, smuggling various substances, some with military backgrounds, smuggling weapons and even robbing merchant ships.

In addition to these occasional guest pirates, real pirates in the interstellar world are also becoming increasingly rampant. They attack every target with oil and water, and then spend as much as they want. Among these people, there are deserters, mercenaries, and criminals. They are in this troubled world. China is getting stronger day by day, and some powerful pirates can even fight against a small fleet composed of one or two destroyers. .

The southeastern part of the human world's interstellar plane became the focus in the early stages of the war. Even the fierce battle between the Binart Empire and the Feyan Republic in Carlston and the all-round confrontation between the Naga Federation and the Lane Republic did not take away people's interest in the war. Pay close attention to the southeast war situation.

The process of human beings conquering the universe is the process of discovering interstellar jumping points one after another. Countless explorers drive spaceships through unknown interstellar jumping points to explore the world on the other side. One galaxy after another is discovered, some of which are full of stars. There are public galaxies that are dangerous and have no function, and some are paradises with immigrant planets and resource planets.

So no matter who wants to conquer these galaxies, the first thing they need to conquer is the space jump point, the route, and the forward base where material supplies and troops are stationed.

Jump points and routes constitute the cosmic map of human society. Without these jump points and routes, even two galaxies that are only a few hundred light years apart on the map would not be able to break through the speed of light. It is also out of reach for humans who do not have a life span of hundreds of years.

Xiyo, from the beginning, wanted to take over the Lere Federation. This small and medium-sized country with only three star regions straddled the Binart Empire in the center, the Naga Federation, the Desik Empire in the south and the Jie in the east. Between the Peng Empire and the Sus Empire.

If we open up the passage between the Leray Atlantis Star Field, the Leray Central Star Field and the Hundred Screen Star Field. The West will be able to connect these countries into a "u" that runs from the center to the south and then to the southeast and finally ends in the east. By then, the Desik Empire will have territories as far away as Binart, Sousse, and as far away as To the support of the Naga Federation and Jepen, towards the center. Puditok and Tatania can be wiped out, and heading southeast, they can attack the Salga Federation and open up another interstellar route to attack the Chakna and Feyan Republics.

Because of the importance of the southeast battlefield, both sides invested a large amount of troops here. While the Sous Empire was in a serious military confrontation with the Chakna Republic, it formed a coalition with the Jeppon Empire in the eastern part of Western York and invaded the Lelei Baimu Star Region. The Desik Empire, with the support of Binart and the Naga Federation, attacked the Atlantis star field. Forming a pincer attack with the east.

The Fifa League fully understands that it is far from enough to rely on the two small and medium-sized countries Puditok and Tatania to attack Desik and the medium-sized country Salaga Federation to support the Baimu Star Territory. Therefore, the Feiyang Republic and the Chakna Republic immediately formed the Southeast Expeditionary Force. The Salega Federation supports the Lelei Baimu Star Region, and the Lane Republic also strengthens its offensive against the Naga Federation with the support of the Feiyang Central Front.

The most important thing is that a coalition of the Feyon Republic and the Lane Republic has set off from the Lane Republic, detouring sixteen interstellar jump points, passing through the open airspace of two neutral areas and the outer star field of a small pro-Western country, and finally Arrive at Gacharin. To curb the Desik Empire's unbridled western attack on the Leray Federation. And led Gacharin, who still dare not act rashly, to carry out resistance actions in three small countries of the Fiji League.

all of these. Fatty didn't know, he just controlled [logic] and desperately escaped in the mountain jungle. This was already the third day. Although he got rid of the large army of the Mythical Legion, Reinhard was always with him behind him.

And all around, there are more and more enemies blocking the entire mountainous area. In the sky, fighter planes are constantly circling every minute.

The fat man felt like a rabbit being chased by a hunting dog. He could only run forward without stopping for a moment, until he finally collapsed. Along the way, he cried, begged, and scolded, but Reinhard never let him go, and instead pursued him even tighter.

In the past three days, the fat man had only eaten a few mouthfuls of dry food and slept for only two hours, and all of this was done with the help of the little kid! If there hadn't been the little kid calling the police and standing sentry, if there hadn't been the foresight of the Skynet system, and if there hadn't been Lingbo Weibu walking through the jungle without any hindrance, he might have been killed by Reinhardt long ago.

You know, although World of Warcraft is top-notch in some aspects, it does not mean that the ninth generation [Polo] can run faster!

[Polo] is not only faster than [Beast], but Reinhardt's hand speed is also higher than Fatty's. High hand speed means that Reinhardt can run with more comprehensive control. Every step of the mecha is more reasonable, the power of the engine and joints is more fully utilized, and the speed is faster.

Therefore, in order to get rid of Reinhardt, Fatty will have to use "Lingbo Microstep" to walk through the jungle along the way. Only this magical pace, which requires forty-two movements of hand speed, can make up for the gap between him and Reinhardt.

But now, the fat man didn't know how far he could run. He could hardly lift his hand. Both mentally and physically, he has reached his limit.

The [Apollo] behind me is tired.

Relying on Lingbo's micro-steps again to throw [Apollo] away, the broken [Warcraft]

The little kid looked at Tian Xingjian with some worry. There was an abnormal redness on the fat man's face, the blood vessels under his skin were beating, and the veins on his forehead and temples were twisting and popping up, looking a bit ferocious. On the control platform, his flying hands were trembling violently, as if they would stop at any time and would never be lifted again.

Forty-five movements per second, Fatty had been at his limit for three full days. He didn't understand why he, who had always been proud of his fast hands and clearly felt that he still had potential, could never break through this bottleneck.

This hand speed is from Galipalan

It has been more than a year since we arrived in the gravity chamber, and it was locked tightly like a big lock.

After a mad sprint, [Beast] suddenly lost its balance, and the mecha slammed into a big tree while dodging. The huge impact broke the trees, and the mecha fell straight to the ground. The protruding joints shoveled away the fallen leaves and soil accumulated on the ground, and slid for a long distance. After crushing several small trees one after another, it finally Finally stopped.

The fat man looked at his hands blankly.

The two hands with exposed veins rested quietly on the joystick and keyboard. Apart from a burst of pain and a strange numbness, there was no other feeling. It was as if I had lost contact with my body. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move.

Looking at the red dot on the radar that was approaching him, the fat man lost all hope.

[Polo] approached the target calmly. No one knew that in this mecha, which still looked dazzling on the surface, Reinhardt, who had always been calm, elegant and neatly dressed, was in extreme embarrassment. .

In the past three days, he had not had a moment's rest. If his hand speed of fifty-four movements per second had not allowed him to move faster than that shabby [Warcraft], he would have given up on this arduous pursuit long ago. While Fatty gritted his teeth and persisted, he also gritted his teeth and persisted. He really wanted to know how far this [Warcraft] that could drag him to this point could run and how long it could last. On the new ground tracker. The target has stopped.

"Presumably, the fat man is also very depressed. No matter what tricks he plays, no matter how his mecha interferes with radar and shields communications, he is caught up again and again." Reinhardt smiled coldly. If it weren't for the Binart Empire's new He really couldn't keep track of this tracker that could collect vibrations within a ten-kilometer range and analyze and locate it.

[Polo] jumped up a hillside and stopped, a hundred meters away. The tattered [Warcraft] lay quietly in the middle of the forest. A broken tree fell beside it, and its dense canopy covered half of its body.


[Polo] raised his hand without hesitation and fired. The olive-shaped energy cannonball passed through the woods and sank into the body of the tattered [Warcraft] blue energy shield. Exploded in the violent fluctuations of the energy shield. The crown of the tree lying on the ground was blown to pieces, and the [Warcraft] body swayed in the shock wave like a dead fish in the tide, and then stopped again.

"Playing is over!" The fat man stared blankly at the little kid, blinking his little eyes dim with tears. Thinking that he would no longer be able to see the world, he finally couldn't help crying.

The little kid was trembling all over. After thinking for a long time, he finally said timidly: "How about you open the cabin and go out to talk to him? Is it better to die one person than two people?"

"Boom!" Another energy cannonball hit the [Warcraft]. .u|Looking at the little kid's hateful face, the fat man felt angry rising from his heart. A wave of heat surged into his Dantian, and he slapped the little kid to the ground. He said angrily: "You are greedy for life and afraid of death, I am really ashamed of you!"

Seeing the little kid looking at him blankly, the fat man said angrily: "Am I wrong?"

"Idiot!" The little kid suddenly jumped up and yelled wildly: "You have the strength to slap me, but you don't have the strength to run away?!"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, looking at his hands that suddenly became more flexible, and he suddenly pulled the control lever as if he was just waking up from a dream. His right hand hit the command keyboard like a rainstorm, [Logic] amidst the roar of the engine. He stretched out his hands and jumped out almost at the same time as the third energy cannonball arrived.


In the explosion, the soil that was thrown into the sky crackled down, and the violent shock wave lifted the rolling and crawling tattered [Warcraft] out.

[Beast] turned over a few somersaults and finally dodged into the jungle. The red energy shield seemed like a thin piece of paper, and it could be torn to pieces with just one tap!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Energy cannonballs exploded rapidly in the jungle one after another. However, there was no gain at all. Reinhardt watched helplessly as the [Warcraft] disappeared behind another hillside. , almost broke his teeth!

[Polo] rushed down the hillside while pouring out artillery fire like crazy. Reinhardt swore that he would never give that damn fat man three more days. He would resolve the battle within ten minutes!

Reinhardt's hand speed was increased to the limit of fifty-four movements per second. [Apollo] was like a golden lightning, striking into the jungle, its ferocious thrust was terrifying.

However, ten minutes passed, and the [Apollo] that made a mad dash could no longer find the tattered [Beast]. Reinhardt stared blankly at the vibration collection signal on the new tracker, and found that no matter how hard he tried to speed up, Reinhardt , the signal is getting farther and farther away from itself.

[The beast] ran wildly, and the tears on Fatty's face were still overflowing. These were fucking tears of joy. There was nothing more climactic than escaping from death. At this moment, Fatty was in heaven.

The explosion of cannonballs was getting farther and farther away from [Logic], and Fatty was getting more and more excited. He didn't notice at all that the speed of [Edit] was much faster than before!

This tattered [Warcraft] mecha was like a strong wind in the jungle, and the trees seemed to have no effect on it at all. It just jumped and jumped all the way, rolling up countless dead leaves behind it.

On the mecha computer of [edit], a line of data was increasing crazily, 240030003100, 3200, and finally settled at 3350.

A hand speed of nearly 56 movements per second!

At this time, Tian Xingjian did not know that his body had undergone qualitative changes after undergoing martial arts training, and his hand speed finally exploded in his potential during three consecutive days of extreme exercise. , at the critical moment of life and death, he broke through his own limits. .

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