Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 34 Betrayal (14)

Tian Xingjian couldn't wait any longer.

The three guides can’t wait any longer!

They have been nesting in a farm less than two kilometers away from the prison for twenty minutes. The reconnaissance team dispatched still cannot get accurate information. They only know that in the direction of the fighting field, the Special Security Force of the Investigation Bureau, Gacharin Army, Shinhwa Legions, prison guards and a group of unknown mercenaries are fighting together.

However, it was quiet in and around the prison building, and it was impossible to determine whether there was an ambush in a short period of time.

Just when the leader was anxious, news finally came from Tanvir. The news came not from the raiding team ambushing in the city, but from the transport ship carrying [Logic] using the Albert cipher machine.

The message is very brief: the electronic battalion has successfully deceived the space control system, the transport ship has set off and will land at the scheduled time, Gacharin's coup!

It was those last five words that explained everything.

The battle between airdrop troops, mercenaries, prison cells and fighting arenas is all a matter of course!

Fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage is an heirloom skill that Tian Xingjian learned from the Freedom Front after arriving in Mozic. There is no need to wait any longer!

Sanjala quickly ordered that Oberto and Yalic each lead a regiment of troops to attack the prison in two groups. As for himself, he led the main force to storm the main entrance of the prison, inserted from the side between the fighting arena and the prison building, and established a blocking formation to isolate a safety belt for the rear troops to control the prison building and the watchtower.

The freedom fighters who had already suppressed their energy were like tigers emerging from the cage. Led by dozens of mechas, they quickly destroyed the dense isolation and power grids around the prison like an avalanche, and surged towards the prison building like a tide.

When the freedom fighters killed the few patrolling Investigation Bureau soldiers outside the prison, occupied the watchtowers on the west and north without any hindrance, and advanced to the prison building, with a violent explosion, the rectangular prison building exploded. A big hole was blown. Immediately, a group of disgraced prisoners howled out.

*************************************************** ***

Leonardo and other cannon fodder had no idea that they had been deceived by the fat man. The long-term prison life had made these nobles suffocated, especially the young nobles, who had the spirit of death rather than freedom. , this is the best and last chance in their desperate lives!

Just a few hours ago, they had no hope of escaping. The fat man who was sent really couldn't create a sense of trust. However, when they saw the fat man who had been cowering in prison suddenly launched an attack, murdering the prison's most vicious thug Goster in one fell swoop, and then easily eliminated almost all the prison guards in full view of the public. At this time, they were completely shocked!

It turns out that jailbreaking can be played like this!

Now, the super wretched but powerful fat man said that the support team has arrived, so what are you afraid of? rush!

Seeing the nobles screaming and rushing out of the prison cell, Tian Xingjian nervously strangled Sidney's neck. His eyes kept blinking on his honest face, and he tilted his head and pointed his ears to listen carefully and seriously. He couldn't help but pray in his heart, hoping that there were no traps outside, otherwise, if the nobles died, the fat man wouldn't be able to jump around for long. After all, no matter how thick the fat is, it can't be used as an energy shield.

As soon as they ran out of the blasted hole, the noble team let out a burst of joyful cheers. The expected gunshots did not sound. Then, several freedom fighters sent by Elliot turned back and reported excitedly: "The Freedom Front has successfully controlled the North District of the prison!" Upon hearing this, the fat man immediately let go of Sidney, and solemnly returned the salute to the soldier who reported the report. He snorted coldly and gave Sidney a look of contempt. Walk towards the blasted hole.

Sidney looked at Tian Xingjian's majestic and tall soldier's figure, feeling ashamed and ashamed. I forgot that people risked their lives by going deep into the prison to rescue me. Moreover, despite his appearance, he must be disguised. Look at him now, he is a standard iron-blooded soldier! He actually suspected that such a steel warrior would deceive him and let his son be cannon fodder. He was really judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

But why did that guy threaten me just now?

The meeting with the Freedom Front almost made Fatty cry. He enthusiastically embraced the three leaders. After months of suffering, he finally saw the light of day. An Lei should have returned to Garipalan. After this mission is over, everything has nothing to do with her! Whoever wants to do such a life-threatening task can come, but I won’t go anyway!

The excitement and nervousness made the fat man with strong adrenaline secretion suddenly think of Milan and the wonderful feeling of living with his virgin on the last day. He felt unbearably hot and shivered all over.

Oberto, who was hugging the fat man passionately, felt goosebumps all over the floor. He pushed away the trembling fat man who was hugging him strangely. Looking at the fat man's innocent eyes, he couldn't help but trembled. He quickly changed his attention and said: "Messenger , we have received news about the liaison officer you asked about. She has not left Mozic yet, because the intelligence liaison system here will be changed after this operation, so she will not return to Garipalan until the operation is completed. .”

Like a basin of cold water, the fat man was poured with cold water. After a long time, An Lei was still here!

"In addition, a coup is taking place in Gacharin! We don't know the specific situation yet, but..." Oberto waved his hand in front of the absent-minded fat man and said: "The scouts in front observed that the special forces of the Royal Bureau of Investigation are There was also a group of mercenaries cooperating with them in the attack on the fighting arena. We initially suspected that it was Bruce and Stephen who launched the coup!"

"Oh?" Tian Xingjian's eyes lit up. This was a good opportunity to take revenge in troubled waters. It would be perfect if we could catch Bruce in one fell swoop, cut off his restless dick, and then capture James and Stephen and bring them back to the Federation. Got it! An Lei is safe, she is safe, the Federation has won, and the war is over! Long live the fat man!

However, it is really difficult to lead people to fish in troubled waters by yourself. After only hesitating for two seconds, the fat man made a decisive decision. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. As the saying goes, if you can't bear to let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf. The worst is, if you risk it again, they will be other people's children anyway!

The bitch ordered: "Release all the prisoners immediately and let them gather. I will give them a way to survive!"


George looked at the assembled mythical army and felt a little confused for a moment.

Is it worth doing this for the sake of the throne?

He could have prevented this from happening before his two brothers launched a coup. However, he finally obeyed Philip's arrangements and used this coup to reach the pinnacle of power in one fell swoop. .

After today, I will be alone, without a father or a brother. Is completing the transfer of rights amidst betrayal the final fate of the Morton family?

However, it is now too difficult to ride a tiger!

The six armored divisions and ten fully mechanized infantry divisions commanded by Stephen have completed strategic airdrops!

A perfect masterpiece!

If Liebgot was not involved in this airdrop, I am afraid that no one would believe it.

Even George himself, who had already known about the coup, was impressed by the suddenness and concealment of the airdrop.

A total of sixteen divisions of ground troops completed the assembly and covert retreat from various battlefields in Lucerne within three days, and boarded the transport ship returning to Mozic.

Until now, the battle reports from the front line still show that the Federation has not discovered that among the many imperial military formations in front of them, only 60% of the original strength is there. Their attention has been airdropped to Mount Amayo and Donggu. Attracted by the Imperial Army on the front lines of the city.

Liebgott used this technique to systematically maximize the defensive power of the front line. Not only did he deceive the LeRay Federation, he also deceived James! For three whole days, James could not find any abnormal signs from the battle reports.

As for Mozic, no one is more familiar with it than Stephen and Liebgot, who stay in the military department every day! Every military requirement, every unit, every base, including troop mobilization, logistical supplies, training, and so on, is in their hands. If they have to do something about these things, for them, It couldn't be easier!

The field training of several troops gave up the strategic locations where they were stationed. For other troops, either there was a problem with the energy supply of the mechas, or the quartermaster made a mistake in the supply quantities and specifications of weapons and ammunition. In addition, After several notices asking the army officers to attend meetings at designated points, Liebgot and Stephen maximized the effect of this airdrop!

Only the Royal Palace, the Royal Guards and the Mythical Legion have no chance of intervening!

This is also the part they focus on attacking!

And he diverted the Mythical Legion away from their sight, and then relied on the Mythic Legion and the Royal Guards under his control to complete the Yellow Bird Operation. Can all this go as smoothly as imagined? Can the Mythical Legion play the role of the mainstay? Can the Royal Guard ensure the safety of the central nervous system of the palace before the situation is brought under control? Also, can Gordon, the former head of the military department who was tied aboard the ship, contact Hagley and control the Mozic garrison with their prestige?

Everything is unknown!

The only thing I can be sure of now is that I have no way out.

"What are you thinking about?"

George looked back and saw Reinhard standing behind him with a smile.

Reinhardt was wearing a dark gray general uniform. This uniform was the only one in the entire Gacharin. It was specially designed by the Gacharin royal family for the supreme commander of the Mythical Legion. Even the marshal was not qualified to wear it. Put on this military uniform.

The extremely well-tailored military uniform fully showed off Reinhardt's slender and straight figure. George felt that this person had hardly changed since he met Reinhardt as a child. He knows how to restrain himself very well and never indulges, so his figure and his spirit are always kept in the best condition.

He is always smiling, as warm as the spring breeze. He is gentle and polite, making everyone feel comfortable in his presence, and no one can deceive him. His wisdom and his vision beyond his years always made George feel that if Reinhardt were him, his two younger brothers would have given up the fight long ago!

He is the best mecha warrior and the most resourceful commander. His commanding ability, his affinity, every aspect of him is perfect! Such a person is truly God’s favorite!

"Oh, I was thinking about the situation in Tanveer!" After a brief absence, George quickly reacted. He felt that it was unbelievable that he and Reinhardt could work side by side and become comrades in the trenches. In George's subconscious, he is always comparing himself with the perfect Reinhardt. In the competition, they should be opponents, not friends.

"I'm surprised. This time, your two brothers seem to have lost their way." Reinhardt said calmly: "No one can launch a coup in front of the Mythical Legion, not now and not in the future!"

George was stunned and looked at the calm and calm Reinhard in front of him. He didn't know what kind of relationship he would have with this god's favorite after he became Emperor Gacharin. Can you control such a person?

"This time, fortunately, we were not caught off guard when we returned to Mozic because of the pursuit of the gang of federal spies who came and went without a trace. If we had not left Buick Blue until Tanvir was attacked, I'm afraid it would be too late!" Reinhardt looked at George with sharp eyes, and there was a panicked smile on the corner of his mouth, "Your Highness George, you really should reward your intelligence personnel, right?"

"Yes...well, yes!" George couldn't help but avoid Reinhard's bright eyes, and he felt his heart beating very fast.

"Your Highness, the ship is ready, it's time for us to take action." Reinhard looked at the transport ship in the distance nonchalantly, and said calmly: "I will go to the palace, and you will save His Majesty... Are you sure you want to do this? Arrangements?"

George smiled awkwardly and said: "To be honest, I know I should go to the palace. After all, I command the Royal Guards, and for you, rescuing my father is your biggest responsibility! But..." He His smile was a little stiff: "You know, when my two younger brothers betrayed my father, I hoped that he could still see a trustworthy son!"

Reinhardt took a deep look at George and said calmly: "Okay, I will obey your will."

A few minutes later, twenty medium-sized transport ships slowly left the military base, which was only 1,600 kilometers away from Tanvir. After an hour of space flight, they would re-enter the atmosphere and land in Tanvir.

Looking at the transport ship on which George, his Royal Guards, and Royal Intelligence Service agents were riding, Reinhardt, who was standing on the bridge of the escort battleship, smiled slightly: "Operation Oriole, interesting."

He personally locked George's transport ship on the console and coldly issued the order: "Shoot it down!".


When the electronic battalion of the Freedom Front launched an invasion of Gacharin's aviation surveillance system as planned, they were surprised to find that the entire space control system, and even the entire Skynet, had been completely messed up!

Instructions with different permissions are continuously sent throughout the system, covering each other. The instructions issued just one second ago are terminated by the opposite instructions with higher authority the next second. Then, instructions with higher authority appear in turn, and the entire Eighty percent of the Skynet system has been frozen.

No one can mobilize troops, supply logistics, and share intelligence through such a system. Communication, control, surveillance, defense and other systems are almost paralyzed. If there are electronic attack experts who can do this without using authority, the information engineers of the electronic attack battalion feel that they can commit suicide!

There is only one possibility for causing this situation! That means someone is using unrestricted permissions to damage the network! Permission plus attack is like a security guard opening the door to a heavily armed and powerful person and escorting him all the way!

The soldiers of the electronic battalion were drinking coffee while carrying out the scheduled attack. The tension before the action had completely disappeared. At this moment, Gacharin was undefended!

Soon, the attack on the aviation management system and air defense system was completed. Using the permissions obtained by the freedom fighters lurking inside Gacharin, the electronic battalion almost got the green light to obtain the system's recognition of the transport ship!

Stephen didn't know that someone had quietly taken advantage of him. In order for the airdrop to proceed smoothly and to block the connection between the prison and the entire Mozic garrison, he used his and Bruce's authority to organize the destruction of the entire Mozic Skynet system.

As a talented student at the Command Academy, he clearly understands what the Skynet system means to war!

In modern warfare, there is no communication, no firepower coordination, no troop deployment, no intelligence sharing, or even any combat data. Then, even the heavenly soldiers and generals will only have the fate of failure!

He has the highest authority of the military, while Bruce has the authority of the Bureau of Investigation and other security departments. These authorities were the highest before the coup. However, once the coup begins, as long as James finds a way to contact Skynet, he and Bruce will have the highest authority. Permissions will become a passing thing.

Therefore, the best way is to completely paralyze the entire Skynet and rely on the military local network brought back from the front line to win this battle!

The entire Skynet system has gradually been paralyzed. Stephen's transportation troops and his armored troops throughout Mozic have relied on their super mobility and local networks to form an advantage over the ground garrison!

He didn't know that a transport ship painted with the royal emblem had entered the prison in a swaggering manner.

Chapter 34 Betrayal (14)

Tian Xingjian couldn't wait any longer.

The three guides can’t wait any longer!

They have been nesting in a farm less than two kilometers away from the prison for twenty minutes. The reconnaissance team dispatched still cannot get accurate information. They only know that in the direction of the fighting field, the Special Security Force of the Investigation Bureau, Gacharin Army, Shinhwa Legions, prison guards and a group of unknown mercenaries are fighting together.

However, it was quiet in and around the prison building, and it was impossible to determine whether there was an ambush in a short period of time.

Just when the leader was anxious, news finally came from Tanvir. The news came not from the raiding team ambushing in the city, but from the transport ship carrying [Logic] using the Albert cipher machine.

The message is very brief: the electronic battalion has successfully deceived the space control system, the transport ship has set off and will land at the scheduled time, Gacharin's coup!

It was those last five words that explained everything.

The battle between airdrop troops, mercenaries, prison cells and fighting arenas is all a matter of course!

Fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage is an heirloom skill that Tian Xingjian learned from the Freedom Front after arriving in Mozic. There is no need to wait any longer!

Sanjala quickly ordered that Oberto and Yalic each lead a regiment of troops to attack the prison in two groups. As for himself, he led the main force to storm the main entrance of the prison, inserted from the side between the fighting arena and the prison building, and established a blocking formation to isolate a safety belt for the rear troops to control the prison building and the watchtower.

The freedom fighters who had already suppressed their energy were like tigers emerging from the cage. Led by dozens of mechas, they quickly destroyed the dense isolation and power grids around the prison like an avalanche, and surged towards the prison building like a tide.

When the freedom fighters killed the few patrolling Investigation Bureau soldiers outside the prison, occupied the watchtowers on the west and north without any hindrance, and advanced to the prison building, with a violent explosion, the rectangular prison building exploded. A big hole was blown. Immediately, a group of disgraced prisoners howled out.

*************************************************** ***

Leonardo and other cannon fodder had no idea that they had been deceived by the fat man. The long-term prison life had made these nobles suffocated, especially the young nobles, who had the spirit of death rather than freedom. , this is the best and last chance in their desperate lives!

Just a few hours ago, they had no hope of escaping. The fat man who was sent really couldn't create a sense of trust. However, when they saw the fat man who had been cowering in prison suddenly launched an attack, murdering the prison's most vicious thug Goster in one fell swoop, and then easily eliminated almost all the prison guards in full view of the public. At this time, they were completely shocked!

It turns out that jailbreaking can be played like this!

Now, the super wretched but powerful fat man said that the support team has arrived, so what are you afraid of? rush!

Seeing the nobles screaming and rushing out of the prison cell, Tian Xingjian nervously strangled Sidney's neck. His eyes kept blinking on his honest face, and he tilted his head and pointed his ears to listen carefully and seriously. He couldn't help but pray in his heart, hoping that there were no traps outside, otherwise, if the nobles died, the fat man wouldn't be able to jump around for long. After all, no matter how thick the fat is, it can't be used as an energy shield.

As soon as they ran out of the blasted hole, the noble team let out a burst of joyful cheers. The expected gunshots did not sound. Then, several freedom fighters sent by Elliot turned back and reported excitedly: "The Freedom Front has successfully controlled the North District of the prison!" Upon hearing this, the fat man immediately let go of Sidney and solemnly returned the salute to the soldier who reported the report. He snorted coldly and gave Sidney a look of contempt. Walk towards the blasted hole.

Sidney looked at Tian Xingjian's majestic and tall soldier's figure, feeling ashamed and ashamed. I forgot that people risked their lives by going deep into the prison to rescue me. Moreover, despite his appearance, he must be disguised. Look at him now, he is a standard iron-blooded soldier! He actually suspected that such a steel warrior would deceive him and let his son be cannon fodder. He was really judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. .

But why did that guy threaten me just now?

The meeting with the Freedom Front almost made Fatty cry. He enthusiastically embraced the three leaders. After months of suffering, he finally saw the light of day. An Lei should have returned to Garipalan. After this mission is over, everything has nothing to do with her! Whoever wants to do such a life-threatening task can come, but I won’t go anyway!

The excitement and nervousness made the fat man with strong adrenaline secretion suddenly think of Milan and the wonderful feeling of living with his virgin on the last day. He felt unbearably hot and shivered all over.

Oberto, who was hugging the fat man passionately, felt goosebumps all over the floor. He pushed away the trembling fat man who was hugging him strangely. Looking at the fat man's innocent eyes, he couldn't help but trembled. He quickly changed his attention and said: "Messenger , we have received news about the liaison officer you asked about. She has not left Mozic yet, because the intelligence liaison system here will be changed after this operation, so she will not return to Garipalan until the operation is completed. .”

Like a basin of cold water, the fat man was poured with cold water. After a long time, An Lei was still here!

"In addition, a coup is taking place in Gacharin! We don't know the specific situation yet, but..." Oberto waved his hand in front of the absent-minded fat man and said: "The scouts in front observed that the special forces of the Royal Bureau of Investigation are There was also a group of mercenaries cooperating with them in the attack on the fighting arena. We initially suspected that it was Bruce and Stephen who launched the coup!"

"Oh?" Tian Xingjian's eyes lit up. This is a good opportunity to take revenge in troubled waters. It would be perfect if we could catch Bruce in one fell swoop, cut off his restless dick, and then capture James and Stephen and bring them back to the Federation. Got it! An Lei is safe, she is safe, the Federation has won, and the war is over! Long live the fat man!

However, it is really difficult to lead people to fish in troubled waters by yourself. After only hesitating for two seconds, the fat man made a decisive decision. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. As the saying goes, if you can't bear to let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf. The worst is, if you risk it again, they will be other people's children anyway!

The bitch ordered: "Release all the prisoners immediately and let them gather. I will give them a way to survive!"


George looked at the assembled mythical army and felt a little confused for a moment.

Is it worth doing this for the sake of the throne?

He could have prevented this from happening before his two brothers launched a coup. However, he finally obeyed Philip's arrangements and used this coup to reach the pinnacle of power in one fell swoop.

After today, I will be alone, without a father or a brother. Is completing the transfer of rights amidst betrayal the final fate of the Morton family?

However, it is now too difficult to ride a tiger!

The six armored divisions and ten fully mechanized infantry divisions commanded by Stephen have completed strategic airdrops!

A perfect masterpiece!

If Liebgot was not involved in this airdrop, I am afraid that no one would believe it.

Even George himself, who had already known about the coup, was impressed by the suddenness and concealment of the airdrop.

A total of sixteen divisions of ground troops completed the assembly and covert retreat from various battlefields in Lucerne within three days, and boarded the transport ship returning to Mozic.

Until now, the battle reports from the front line still show that the Federation has not discovered that among the many imperial military formations in front of them, only 60% of the original strength is there. Their attention has been airdropped to Mount Amayo and Donggu. Attracted by the Imperial Army on the front lines of the city.

Liebgott used this technique to systematically maximize the defensive power of the front line. Not only did he deceive the LeRay Federation, he also deceived James! For three whole days, James could not find any abnormal signs from the battle reports.

As for Mozic, no one is more familiar with it than Stephen and Liebgot, who stay in the military department every day! Every military requirement, every unit, every base, including troop mobilization, logistical supplies, training, and so on, is in their hands. If they have to do something about these things, for them, It couldn't be easier!

The field training of several troops gave up the strategic locations where they were stationed. For other troops, either there was a problem with the energy supply of the mechas, or the quartermaster made a mistake in the supply quantities and specifications of weapons and ammunition. In addition, After several notices asking the army officers to attend meetings at designated points, Liebgot and Stephen maximized the effect of this airdrop!

Only the Royal Palace, the Royal Guards and the Mythical Legion have no chance of intervening!

This is also the part they focus on attacking!

And he diverted the Mythical Legion away from their sight, and then relied on the Mythic Legion and the Royal Guards under his control to complete the Yellow Bird Operation. Can all this go as smoothly as imagined? Can the Mythical Legion play the role of the mainstay? Can the Royal Guard ensure the safety of the central nervous system of the palace before the situation is brought under control? Also, can Gordon, the former head of the military department who was tied aboard the ship, contact Hagley and control the Mozic garrison with their prestige?

Everything is unknown!

The only thing I can be sure of now is that I have no way out.

"What are you thinking about?"

George looked back and saw Reinhard standing behind him with a smile.

Reinhardt was wearing a dark gray general uniform. This uniform was the only one in the entire Gacharin. It was specially designed by the Gacharin royal family for the supreme commander of the Mythical Legion. Even the marshal was not qualified to wear it. Put on this military uniform.

The extremely well-tailored military uniform fully showed off Reinhardt's slender and straight figure. George felt that this person had hardly changed since he met Reinhardt as a child. He knows how to restrain himself very well and never indulges, so his figure and his spirit are always kept in the best condition.

He is always smiling, as warm as the spring breeze. He is gentle and polite, making everyone feel comfortable in his presence, and no one can deceive him. His wisdom and his vision beyond his years always made George feel that if Reinhardt were him, his two younger brothers would have given up the fight long ago!

He is the best mecha warrior and the most resourceful commander. His commanding ability, his affinity, every aspect of him is perfect! Such a person is truly God’s favorite! .

"Oh, I was thinking about the situation in Tanveer!" After a brief absence, George quickly reacted. He felt that it was unbelievable that he and Reinhardt could work side by side and become comrades in the trenches. In George's subconscious, he is always comparing himself with the perfect Reinhardt. In the competition, they should be opponents, not friends.

"I'm surprised. This time, your two brothers seem to have lost their way." Reinhardt said calmly: "No one can launch a coup in front of the Mythical Legion, not now and not in the future!"

George was stunned and looked at the calm and calm Reinhard in front of him. He didn't know what kind of relationship he would have with this god's favorite after he became Emperor Gacharin. Can you control such a person?

"This time, fortunately, we were not caught off guard when we returned to Mozic because of the pursuit of the gang of federal spies who came and went without a trace. If we had not left Buick Blue until Tanvir was attacked, I'm afraid it would be too late!" Reinhardt looked at George with sharp eyes, and there was a panicked smile on the corner of his mouth, "Your Highness George, you really should reward your intelligence personnel, right?"

"Yes...well, yes!" George couldn't help but avoid Reinhard's bright eyes, and he felt his heart beating very fast.

"Your Highness, the ship is ready, it's time for us to take action." Reinhard looked at the transport ship in the distance nonchalantly, and said calmly: "I will go to the palace, and you will save His Majesty... Are you sure you want to do this? Arrangements?"

George smiled awkwardly and said: "To be honest, I know I should go to the palace. After all, I command the Royal Guards, and for you, rescuing my father is your biggest responsibility! But..." He His smile was a little stiff: "You know, when my two younger brothers betrayed my father, I hoped that he could still see a trustworthy son!"

Reinhardt took a deep look at George and said calmly: "Okay, I will obey your will."

A few minutes later, twenty medium-sized transport ships slowly left the military base, which was only 1,600 kilometers away from Tanvir. After an hour of space flight, they would re-enter the atmosphere and land in Tanvir.

Looking at the transport ship on which George, his Royal Guards, and Royal Intelligence Service agents were riding, Reinhardt, who was standing on the bridge of the escort battleship, smiled slightly: "Operation Oriole, interesting."

He personally locked George's transport ship on the console and coldly issued the order: "Shoot it down!"


When the electronic battalion of the Freedom Front launched an invasion of Gacharin's aviation surveillance system as planned, they were surprised to find that the entire space control system, and even the entire Skynet, had been completely messed up!

Instructions with different permissions are continuously sent throughout the system, covering each other. The instructions issued one second ago are terminated by the opposite instructions with higher permissions the next second. Then, instructions with higher permissions appear in turn, and the entire Eighty percent of the Skynet system has been frozen.

No one can mobilize troops, supply logistics, and share intelligence through such a system. Communication, control, surveillance, defense and other systems are almost paralyzed. If there are electronic attack experts who can do this without using authority, the information engineers of the electronic attack battalion feel that they can commit suicide!

There is only one possibility for causing this situation! That means someone is using unrestricted permissions to damage the network! Permission plus attack is like a security guard opening the door to a heavily armed and powerful person and escorting him all the way!

The soldiers of the electronic battalion were drinking coffee while carrying out the scheduled attack. The tension before the action had completely disappeared. At this moment, Gacharin was undefended!

Soon, the attack on the aviation management system and air defense system was completed. Using the permissions obtained by the freedom fighters lurking inside Gacharin, the electronic battalion almost got the green light to obtain the system's recognition of the transport ship!

Stephen didn't know that someone had quietly taken advantage of him. In order for the airdrop to proceed smoothly and to block the connection between the prison and the entire Mozic garrison, he used his and Bruce's authority to organize the destruction of the entire Mozic Skynet system.

As a talented student at the Command Academy, he clearly understands what the Skynet system means to war!

In modern warfare, there is no communication, no firepower coordination, no troop deployment, no intelligence sharing, or even any combat data. Then, even the heavenly soldiers and generals will only have the fate of failure!

He has the highest authority of the military, while Bruce has the authority of the Bureau of Investigation and other security departments. These authorities were the highest before the coup. However, once the coup begins, as long as James finds a way to contact Skynet, he and Bruce will have the highest authority. Permissions will become a passing thing.

Therefore, the best way is to completely paralyze the entire Skynet and rely on the military local network brought back from the front line to win this battle!

The entire Skynet system has gradually been paralyzed. Stephen's transportation troops and his armored troops throughout Mozic have relied on their super mobility and local networks to form an advantage over the ground garrison!

He didn't know that a transport ship painted with the royal emblem had entered the prison in a swaggering manner. .

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