Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 23 Betrayal (3)

Russell and Bernadotte, who had rushed back to the capital from the front line in Lucerne, looked at each other and said at the same time: "Here we come..."

After receiving the order jointly issued by the Supreme Command and the President's Office, Russell and Bernadotte conducted some discussions on possible situations. As a result, there were not many options. The President then asked the two frontline commanders to The return was naturally related to the conflict between the frontline war situation and the domestic political situation.

On this matter, Russell and Bernadotte had exchanged views with President Hamilton before the front line moved to Lucerne for front-line command. As the saying goes, kindness does not control the army. Casualties in war are just an indicator of the war situation. The most important thing is that the war must achieve the predetermined strategic goals and serve the political goals.

Take the planet Milok as an example. Even in post-war statistics, the number of casualties of the federal army was much higher than that of the Gacharin Imperial Army. But after all, the federal army completely drove the imperial army out of Milok. After taking back the main planet of Milok, At the same time as the huge base, it cut off the Gacharin Empire's jumping point to the Newton Galaxy, forcing the Gacharin Empire to fully retreat from the Newton Galaxy in order to preserve its strength.

The victory of the Milok Galaxy also symbolizes the transformation of the war situation between the Leray Federation and the Gacharin Empire from defensive to strategic counter-offensive. Whether it is domestic public sentiment, the economy or international public opinion, the trust between allies has also increased. The arrival of victory jumps to a new level. More importantly, the federal army has the experience of victory, preparation and confidence for victory. These things cannot be measured in terms of casualties.

Since the last time Russell and Bernadotte made a special report to the High Command and the President's Office on the Lucerne battle, Hamilton has indeed given unconditional support to all requests made by the front line, as he promised. The front line also responded to the expectations of the rear with victory after battle. This was originally a very harmonious and tacit cooperation. However, as several major Western countries proposed a peaceful solution at the Supreme Council of Mankind, all this is no longer that simple.

The Supreme Council of Mankind's plan for an immediate ceasefire between the two sides, and Gacharin's plan to withdraw troops from the Galileo system in three stages within three years under the supervision of the international community, became the opposition party's peace proposition and won the support of a considerable part of the people. , especially those families whose relatives died on the front line, hate the war deeply. They gathered together, hoping that through the rally, the ruling authorities would make appropriate corrections to the war route, instead of continuing the war as it is now.

The inevitable high casualties in the recent battle in Lucerne have made these people heartbroken. They are eager to return to their original lives so that no one from the Federation will die because of this war.

However, the people do not know that this war will not end peacefully, and now is not the end of the war. For the entire human society, this is just the beginning. The LeLei Federation is also unable to escape this fate, and the war sweeping the entire universe has reached the point where it is about to break out. Those big countries have not shown any signs of dialogue or restraint. On the contrary, they are fully preparing for war.

The peace that is easily available in front of you is actually just an illusion. When the war begins, this phantom will turn into a shadow and hang over the LeRay Federation again, causing greater pain to everyone. If a decisive victory cannot be achieved, sufficient political benefits will not be obtained, and the so-called peace reluctantly accepted will only bring greater consequences.

This absurd call for peace has begun to intensify. A series of recent proposals aimed at increasing military investment and frontline recruitment have been boycotted by opposition party lawmakers and only passed with a narrow margin. It can be passed now because the ruling Leray Republican Party has an overwhelming majority of seats in the parliament. However, there will be a parliamentary election in two months. If the current anti-war sentiment is allowed to become the mainstream voice, it is difficult to say whether the Republican Party will still have the seats it currently has in the election. If it suffers a disastrous defeat in the parliamentary election, everyone will feel shuddering if they imagine that the war is reaching a critical moment but the emergency resolution has been unable to be passed.

At that time, it means that the ruling Republican Party has lost the trust of the people. The only outcome for a president who cannot perform his duties is to resign.

Russell and Bernadotte were almost certain that the reason why Hamilton invited them back to the capital at this time was because this so-called peace proposal had become more and more popular. Hamilton, on the other hand, was no longer as firm as before regarding the subsequent political and war situation. The current situation is not that bad, but if the fighting on the front lines continues like this, it is hard to say what will happen in two months.

If the president pulled out the ladder, the war would become a farce criticized by future generations, which would be even more unacceptable to Russell, who was bent on using federal power to overthrow the rule of the Morton family. At this time, hearing Hamilton vaguely pick up the topic, Rasain smiled and said: "Yes, there will be no such thing in Gacharin, but..." He nodded to the presidential secretary who put down the coffee in front of him to express his gratitude. After the secretary walked out of the office and closed the door, he picked up the coffee and said with a smile, "This doesn't seem to be a good thing for that smart-aleck dictator."

This sentence caused a burst of laughter. Everyone knew that Russell's subtext was that without democratic constraints, James would always make some stupid decisions.

Hamilton smiled and nodded: "Having said this, I have to express my admiration for Mr. James's strong perseverance. If I were Emperor Gacharin, haha..." The smile on his face had a hint of sarcasm, "Just like General Russell, your disciple said, I think it would be better for me to surrender as soon as possible."

After another burst of laughter, Hamilton picked up the coffee, straightened his face, and said cautiously: "Two generals, I believe that you have read the latest information from the Military Intelligence Bureau. Our neighbor does not seem to be reconciled to his Failure..." He frowned, not knowing whether it was because the coffee was too bitter or because the matter was difficult, "Gacharin's emissaries not only appeared frequently in the Binart Empire and the Naga Federation, but also attacked several of our neighbors. , and also strengthened diplomatic efforts. The recent military maneuvers of our largest neighbor, the Desik Empire, are very unusual. The Military Intelligence Agency has reason to believe that at the right time, the Desik Empire will intervene in this war. In this regard, I would like to hear the opinions of the two generals.".

This is today's theme. The military mobilization of the Desik Empire was almost with great fanfare, without the need for intelligence from the Military Intelligence Bureau. Almost everyone knew that the Desik Empire was making big moves. In the space age, countries with three-dimensional territories have completely overturned the border form of the earth age. It is not uncommon for several countries to border the same country through one or more public galaxies. The Desik Empire, as a medium-to-large country with four star regions, is a first-level power in this area on the edge of human society. Not only is its military strength strong, but its economic strength cannot be underestimated.

At this critical moment, if the Desik Empire, as a member of the Western Treaty, takes any action, it will inevitably arouse suspicion. For the Leray Federation, fighting on two fronts with the Gacharin Empire and the Desik Empire at the same time is simply suicide!

Bernadotte looked at Russell. The complicated situation now has revealed its clues. The battle situation in Lucerne is not a sure thing. What the Federation has is only a strategic advantage. Liebgot has not made many moves until now. The two sides are fighting almost according to a mechanized procedure, one attacking and one defending, all in a head-on confrontation.

If, Liebgott made a clever move and reversed the situation in one battle.

What if Emperor Gacharin plays his political tricks again and drags the entire human society into war?

If so, Desik brazenly sends troops to intervene.

What if the domestic political situation changes and the ruling party loses the parliamentary election.

Well, let alone Russell, even a god cannot win the final victory.

By that time, not to mention attacking Gacharin's homeland, even the conditions for taking back the Galileo system according to the peace plan proposed by the Western countries of the Supreme Council of Humanity will no longer be met. Coupled with the losses on the front line and the floating public sentiment, it would be strange if Hamilton, as the president of the Federation, was not in a hurry!

Russell's slender fingers traced the edges of the buttons on the cuffs of the general's uniform, his brows furrowed.

As an excellent military strategist, Russell himself knew that when it came to political skills, he was not even as good as his own student, the fat man who sat in prison and competed with others about how far he could pee. In previous teachings, I was often shocked by Fatty's sharp insights into the political situation. This was not only because Fatty was already very good at these intrigues, but also showed that playing politics was indeed his weakness.

I know enough about James, so why doesn't James know about me? This emperor who made his fortune by playing power and intrigues in betrayal and trust has been doing the same thing his whole life, which is playing politics!

The gap between me and him in this aspect is too obvious. Originally, scheming politicians like the Leray Federation were good at dealing with James. However, this country was too democratic. Anyone could jump out and point fingers, and the opposition could hold rallies at will to criticize current policies. If the time comes, the parliamentary elections will still have to be held as scheduled. Although this system has cultivated a large group of politicians as cunning as foxes, it has also tied their hands and feet.

The most frustrating thing is that the Philippine League does not have a unified and clear attitude.

The world situation has reached the current stage, and these democratic countries are still taking chances. They are constantly calling for peace and restraint at home, and some democrats from the opposition parties are even visiting hostile forces, intending to resolve a world war with their sharp words. Imperial countries have begun or even completed the transition to a wartime economy in a very short period of time, and war preparations are getting tighter day by day, while many democratic federal countries have not even been able to pass a military expansion proposal!

Regarding the so-called peace plan proposed by the Western Jordanian countries at the Supreme Parliament of Humanity, there are many members of the Fiyan Union who have the chance to remain silent or even foolishly applaud and cheer for peace. If the Fijan Republic had not sneered at the plan, humankind would have Parliament can even issue joint resolutions directly.

The one who played to this extent was the madman sitting in the Tanvir Palace, James! And I am completely sure that this dictator who likes to hide in his dark study room and plot is definitely more than just political skills on the surface. As long as he is given the right stimulation, he can make everyone crazy.

"Your Excellency, I want to say that the Desik Empire will not intervene in this war at will. But I know that such words will not help us. The people will not believe our judgment, and the international situation is changing, and no one knows What will happen in the next second. I can't guarantee anything." Russell stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the crowd gathered in the square outside the Presidential Palace, "And I can't make a hasty decision to drag the LeRay Federation into the quagmire of war. I know very well that if I am not careful, the Leray Federation will become the fuse of the cosmic war."

"But," Russell looked into Hamilton's eyes with piercing eyes, "we also cannot accept a hasty peace. Even a political idiot like me can see that West York's purpose is just to delay time. Once they do Once we are prepared, Gacharin's withdrawal plan will turn into an advance plan, and we will reap the consequences."

There was a trace of confusion in Hamilton's signature smile: "Well, General, your opinion is..."

"The Republican Party under your leadership is very united and achieved a brilliant victory after the war broke out." Russell's expression was relaxed and he didn't seem to be anxious about the current situation. He was even in the mood to joke, "Look, my enemy has surrendered. Come over. The people have a very high foundation of trust in the current government. So, I hope that before we make a decision, we might as well delay it!"


"Yes! Drag!" Russell's tone was very firm.

"We are not sure of the Desik Empire's intentions. In the absence of their clear indication of armed intervention, there is no need for us to disorganize ourselves and fight as we should! Gacharin's military power is declining. I understand that It is very clear that the battle in Lucerne must continue. The battle in Lavos Plains will affect the entire war situation. At this time, we cannot take the initiative to give Gacharin a chance to breathe. Even if we negotiate in the end, the advantage must be in our hands. In hand."

"Mr. President, I believe you understand better than I do that in times of war, being the leader of a country requires countless times more courage than in times of peace. You still have one year to be in power, which may be the best time in your life. The most glorious time. This war has cost the Leray Federation a lot, and in the near future, we will face a more dangerous predicament than now. I think what you should consider is how to lead the people to victory, Instead of succumbing to the illusion of peace."

A mysterious smile appeared on Russell's face: "The battle of this war is not only in Lucerne, but also in other places. James can play politics, but we can fight everywhere."

"Don't forget, I am the leader of the Freedom Front. In Gacharin's country, we still have such an armed force. Gacharin is not monolithic. As long as our plan is implemented smoothly, perhaps, James' political offensive It’s just a futile effort.”

"Besides... In Gacharin, we still have a variable. If he plays a role, at least the so-called peace plan will not give Gacharin too much breathing space. I hope to give us a month, We’ll make a decision in a month!”


The so-called Mr. Variable was turning the drill bit to make holes sleepily and boredly. As he drilled, the drill bit in his hand suddenly drilled in and it was clear!

Finally taking the first step to escape thousands of miles away, the fat man didn't feel excited at all. He hurriedly dismantled the artificial drill and hid it, covered the hole with a cardboard shell, and mixed the ash from the hole with water. After using camouflage techniques to look like a concrete interior with pits and peeling off the wall, he fell asleep.

It was too difficult and painful to drill such a hole in ten days. Near morning, the fat man in his sleep suddenly dreamed that he was moved to a different cell. He trembled all over and burst into tears.

The fat man woke up as soon as he cried. He sat up suddenly and stared blankly with his eyes open. His commotion only frightened Tou'er and others who had just woken up, crying and howling. In this tightly closed small room, the fat man began to sleepwalk. What a terrible thing it must be, not to mention crying and sleepwalking. I'm afraid that by the time the work starts, my brothers' bones will be reduced to slag.

After breakfast, all the prisoners in the prison did not go to work immediately as usual. The warden of the prison, William, stood in the patio downstairs of the rectangular prison building and announced with a microphone that in two weeks, there will be a meeting in the prison. Biennial fighting competition. He warned all the prisoners that during this period it was best to keep to themselves. Any behavior that did not comply with prison rules or any behavior that misunderstood the guards would only have one consequence, and that was to be shot dead on the spot! .

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