Counterfeit Hero

Volume 3 Chapter 23 ~ The Fourth Mixed Fleet ~

Admiral Bernadotte asked in a deep voice: "Distance!"

Lieutenant General Feowen replied: "Forty-three thousand kilometers."

"Number of enemy ships."

"A fleet with a total of 6,700 ships, combat effectiveness level B, including 700 battleships, one aircraft carrier, 4,000 cruisers, and 2,000 destroyers."

"The plan of Vice Admiral Brown, Commander of the Fourth Combined Fleet."

"Seduction, encirclement and annihilation!"

Admiral Bernadotte smiled, looked at Russell who nodded repeatedly, and said to Fei Erwen: "Inform him that the front finger will not provide guidance, and he can make his own decision."

Lieutenant General Feiwen stood at attention and said: "As ordered! No guidance from the front finger!" After the order was recited, Feiwen was about to turn around when General Bernadotte suddenly said: "Wait! Tell Lieutenant General Brown that Russell and I The general wishes him success in his first battle!"


Fatty looked at the interstellar map and the icons representing the space fleet. He felt a little incredible. Before, he had no idea what it was like to command from the rear when he was on the front line. He was constantly being sent here and there, one after another. Escape for your life from the rout. On the way to escape, when I looked at the sky, I would wonder if there were a few pairs of eyes looking at me, and I was just a chess piece that could almost be ignored.

Then we arrived at the staff headquarters, where the soldiers in the war became a series of cold data. Behind these numbers were lives and deaths. But in the staff department, you can no longer feel the tragic atmosphere on the battlefield. Interns like Karl will treat these cold data very calmly.

The most ridiculous thing is that sitting here now, I have become one of those pairs of eyes in the sky! What I saw and heard were not complicated commands and emotional declarations, but just a few simple words. These few words determine the outcome of a battle and the outcome.

The fleet in space may have begun a fierce battle, and all the officers and soldiers are like dice placed in a dice clock in the hands of a gambler. In the fierce collision, waiting for the moment when the final result is revealed.

This is a manipulative force. The fat man who originally wanted to leave as an excuse suddenly didn't want to leave at all. He wanted to take a look here. Like a gambler who places a bet. Eagerly looking forward to the outcome of the battle.

Naturally, the battle will not end quickly, but everyone knows the outcome. As a super mixed fleet composed of three new battleship formations, the Fourth Fleet shoulders the role of a vanguard. They must cause trouble in the Galileo galaxy and constantly harass the planets and the Imperial fleet stationed at the entrance to the Newton space jump point. In this situation. Not to mention being defeated by a medium-sized second-rate fleet, even if it cannot be completely defeated. It will also make all the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Fleet unable to raise their heads to see others!

Russell glanced at the fat man with sweat on his forehead and smiled: "In terms of calmness, you are not as good as me. But when I was your age, I never had the opportunity to be exposed to such a military command scene. You go to my office first and take a look. , I have already put some battle examples in my computer. You need to calm down and think clearly about what you are going to get from this battle!"

The fat man obediently went to the office to look at the case. When he calmed down, he realized that he was an ordinary soldier who didn't like war. A lieutenant who just stood behind the general to study, but when standing on the command platform overlooking the entire battle situation, he would be immersed in the sense of power to control all living beings. How ridiculous this is! How shocking! Recalling the calmness of Russell and Bernadotte, Yukiken Toda couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.


The Fourth Fleet received the secret message from the front finger. The commander, Lieutenant General Brown, stood on the bridge, smiled slightly, and said to the deputy captain of the flagship: "Open the fleet channel. I want to speak to all officers and soldiers."

All the ships in the mixed fleet received the communication signal at the same time, and every officer and soldier on the ship could hear Lieutenant General Brown's voice coming from the radio. The Federation's best fleet commander, who was in the same class as First Fleet Commander Lieutenant General Snyder, was delivering the first speech in his life.

"To all the officers and men of the Fourth Fleet, I am the Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant General Brown!"

Several cooks who were cooking in a battleship turned off the stove. They wanted to hear about this man who had received seven severe warnings for fighting at the Capital Military Academy but was still not expelled. Then he ranked first with Lieutenant General Snyder. What did Lieutenant General Brown, who graduated with grades and was known as the bastard commander, say.

"I am honored to tell you that we are about to usher in the first battle of the fourth rookie fleet."

"We will be able to have a big fight soon. To tell you the truth, boys from the Leray Federation, I can't wait!"

Several maintenance soldiers who were inspecting the backup energy system smiled at each other. Brown's words sounded exactly like his nickname.

"This is the first thing we have to do when we drill into the Galileo System."

"Then we have to do the second and third things. We only have one job! Fight!"

Some people are laughing, and more people are listening carefully.

Lieutenant General Brown's voice continued to come over the radio.

"Do you still remember the local fleet of the Newton Galaxy? The second-rate fleet that was the first to rush through Newton's jumping point. In the second battle, the fleet held back a powerful enemy equipped with six aircraft carriers for several hours!"

All the officers and soldiers were silent. Of course they knew about this heroic fleet.

"Yes, now the Newton Local Fleet is the first fleet in the LeRay Federation to be awarded the flag of the Federal Guards! They have entered the ranks of the first-class fleet, and their record is: Newton Galaxy!"

"And we! Came here! To complete our own mission! The performance of the Fourth Fleet is definitely... the Galileo Galaxy!!"

All the officers and soldiers of the mixed fleet tried their best to keep quiet, listening to Vice Admiral Brown's voice continue to ring in every corner of the battleship.

"I'll bring you here to destroy anything that dares to stop us! I'll bring you here to regain this place. I'll bring you here to join the ace fleet from here!"

Brown's voice became more and more sonorous and powerful, getting louder and louder.

"I promise! I will eventually take you back! Go back with the dignity of the Lelei people! Go back with a fearless and iron-clad fleet! Go back with your glory and pride!"

"Use our record to tell all enemies that the Leray Federation is not easy to bully. We will eventually get back what we owe us! We will become Gacharin's nightmare. We are the most vicious and brutal avengers! Let us tell Everyone, long live the great Leray Federation!"

The officers and soldiers could no longer suppress their aroused enthusiasm, and burst into a shout that resounded throughout the sky: "Long live the Leray Federation!"

"Boys, follow me! Don't fall behind!"

The Fourth Fleet was like an eight-clawed octopus, spraying out its ink in the dark night sky. .

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